EDU5TLV Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Environment

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EDU5TLV Teaching and Learning in a Virtual Environment

Teachers Guide

This unit has been designed to be carried out of seven weeks with 2 x 50 minute periods and 1 100 minute period per week. The timeline is there to be used as a guide and can be changed around if you need to. The lessons include introduction, reading and answering questions, a case study, as well a four folio tasks requiring different levels of investigation by the students. It is suggested that these be completed and introduced in the order that they are numbered as students become more familiar with the topic the folio tasks require more input. It is designed to be delivered as a blend of face to face and also with the use of e learning and various tools. Students will also participate in a field trip to meet the requirements of the unit.

This guide will take you through the steps that you need to do prior to and throughout the unit as you. At times you will need to ensure that tasks have been organised prior to the class so that the students are able to complete set work satisfactorily. Here you are able to identify what the required resources are for each class and in particularly each folio task.

As this is a VET course, the teacher’s main role is to facilitate the students learning and guide them through the unit. Students are able to access tasks and information primarily through the unit wiki. Although there is a timeline, students are also encouraged to work independently and at their own pace. As you will see those students moving more quickly through the unit will have the opportunity to contribute to things such as photos to the home page, contribute to the voice thread as well as contribute information to the ‘industry update’ page.

This unit is a core unit for Certificate II in Hospitality Operations.

Unit Code SITHIND001A Unit Title Develop and Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge Description Elements This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to 1. Seek information on the tourism industry develop and update knowledge of the tourism industry, including the role of different industry sectors and key 2. Source and apply information on legal legislation. This knowledge underpins effective performance and ethical issues which impact on the in all sectors and applies to all people working in the tourism tourism industry industry. In-depth knowledge is therefore not required. 3. Update tourism industry knowledge The use of a Wiki

What is a wiki?

A wiki is a page or collection of Web pages designed to enable anyone who accesses it to contribute or modify content (excluding blocked users), using a simplified markup language.[1][2] Wikis are often used to create collaborative websites and to power community websites. The collaborative encyclopedia Wikipedia is one of the best- known wikis.[2] Wikis are used in business to provide intranet and knowledge management systems. Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software, WikiWikiWeb, originally described it as "the simplest online database that could possibly work".[3] Reference:

It is expected that the students are introduced to the unit face to face and shown the unit wiki which can be found at the following link

Username: sjbanks Password: sevens

What is a wiki and how do I use it? You can go to the following link to read about wikis and see how you go about getting your own:

This links provides you with short tutorials on how to sign up for your own wikispace.

The following links provide further tutorials in the use of wikis

 Personalise your space  File and pictures  Notifications and RSS  Personal settings


Within the wiki is an optional tool for use, a voice thread. The following link provides information on setting up your own voicethread. Getting started with VoiceThreads tutorials can be found at the following link Lesson 1: Introducing the unit and wiki Prior to commencing the first lesson it is a good idea to invite the students to the unit wiki using their school emails. Once in the classroom ensure that all students are able to access the unit, and it works.

1. Begin the lesson by going through the unit outline with the students which is posted on the wiki. Highlight things such as the length of the unit, the elements for the unit and the types of tasks that they are required to complete in order to be competent in this unit. Answer any questions that the students may have about the unit at this point 2. Next navigate through the wiki with the students. Discuss in detail each page on the wiki. Carefully go through the student timeline and the four folio tasks that contribute to the assessment of this unit. a. Advise students that they will use the wiki as the basis for their work in this unit. b. Inform students that they will access information from the wiki in relation to their assessment and coursework as well as have the opportunity to post to the wiki. c. It is assumed that students undertaking this unit have basic computer skills and know their way around a computer. Students are also aware of the expectations and rules when using a computer in the classroom.

Lesson 2 – Folio Tasks In this lesson the teacher focuses specifically on the four folio tasks and introduces the first one for students to start. Due Unit Week Element Assessment Task FOLIO part 1 Melbourne CBD Hotels, Clubs, 3 SITHIND001A 1,2,3 Apartments FOLIO part 2 The Road to Hospitality Questions. 6 SITHIND001A 1,3 Chapter1 FOLIO part 3 Current Trends in Hospitality Assignment 5 SITHIND001A 1,3 FOLIO part 4 Excursion questions 7 SITHIND001A 1,2,3  Folio Task ONE: In this task, students are required to access the wiki page: Folio Task ONE. Here students will find a map that they need to print and a question page. Students are to access the yellow pages (this can be done online) Using the yellow pages students are to answer the questions by marking information on their map of Melbourne’s CBD. Students will be required to submit this task week #3.

 Folio Task TWO: For folio task two students are to read through chapter one of their text answer the specified questions along the way. Students can access these questions from the wiki link: Folio Task TWO. Ensure that students have a copy of the class text prior to commencement of the unit. Completing the first two tasks in ‘coursework’ will also allow students to answer these questions in more detail. The questions are set out to match the key elements of the unit as well as highlighting the topic areas relating to the unit.

 Folio Task THREE: Although this task is not due until week 5 of the unit it is important that it is introduced to students in the first week. Inform students that over a four to five week period that are to collect and analyse a range of articles in relation to the hospitality industry. Students are to complete a number of tasks for each article including glossary and brief summary. This folio task can be accessed on the wiki at ‘Folio Task THREE’. NOTE it is also important to inform students clearly that they should seek their articles from a variety of sources such as news paper, food magazine and the internet.

 Folio Task FOUR: For this task it is important that you plan in advance the date that you intend to do the field visit. You may need to inform other members of the school community that you will be out. You will also need to prepare a permission slip to inform parents / guardians of the field trip. Depending on your class size you may wish to take a school mini bus alternatively you could get public transport. Given that the two venues are located a 5 minute walk from Flinders street it is probably best you take public transport. For this task students will visitor the tourist information centre and also Federation Square. Students will collect information based on the handout in Folio Task FOUR found at the wikis page. On completion of the excursion it is suggested that students present information for assessment in a variety of ways which they have negotiated with their teacher.

Lessons 3 & 4 – Folio Tasks Students continue working on folio tasks one and two as well as contribute to class wiki pages homepage (photos) and industry update: add to voice thread and / or upload own findings and research based on the hospitality industry. The teacher is to act as a facilitator, and to encourage students to contribute to the class wiki. Teacher is to also facilitate class discussion about the unit and answer any questions that may arise. The students also spend some time accessing the chapter one powerpoint on the wiki to get an overview of the unit.

Lessons 5 – 8 Students are now into week two of the unit. This week students are working on folio tasks one and two as well as collecting articles for folio task three. Students continue to access and post information to the wiki. Students are also encouraged to complete work from the coursework page; media footage and questions. The teacher facilitates the students’ progress and leads class discussion on the unit. The teacher ensures that students are on task with folio one which is due next week. Lessons 9 – 12 The teacher takes up Folio Task ONE. Teacher also to ensure permission slips are given out for the field trip in week 4. Teacher to visit Folio Task FOUR in lesson 12 to go over what the student are required to do on the field trip, and also explains the expectations of the students while on the excursion. Teacher to make sure relevant people at the school have been notified of excursion. Students continue working on folio Tasks two and three. Students are also encouraged to post material to the wiki as well as begin to provide feedback about the unit.

Lessons 13 & 14– Field Trip Students take the train into Flinders Street station and gather information from the visitors centre and Federation Square for their Folio Task FOUR. Teacher to facilitate and ensure students are on task collecting information for folio. The teacher is to take class roll before leaving; on arrival, and on return to the college.

Lesson 15 In this lesson students will discuss and reflect on the field trip. The teacher is to facilitate and prompt questions and answers from students in relation to Folio task FOUR – Field Trip to CBD.

Lesson 16 & 17 Students continue working on Folio Tasks two and three. Teacher is to facilitate and encourage those students ahead to post to wiki industry update page. Teacher is to facilitate class discussion on unit so far and answer any questions that students may have.

Lesson 18 & 19 – Case Study Have students log onto the class wiki and access the case study on the coursework page. Students to complete the case study in this lesson. The teacher is to facilitate and answer questions that the student may have. Teacher may provide students with materials to create brochure / pamphlet. Some students may choose to use e learning tools to create. Teacher to ensure resources are available for students who require them to complete the task.

Lesson 20 & 21 Student to hand in Folio task THREE currents trends and teacher to facilitate discussion on folio; each student in class to present an 5 minute presentation on one of their articles to the rest of the class as a part of the folio task. Lesson 22 & 23 Students continue working on folio tasks two and four. Students hand in folio task TWO at the end of these two lessons. Teacher is to facilitate students’ completion of folio work and answer questions that the students may have. Students are encouraged contribute to wiki feedback page and industry update page.

Lesson 24 In this lesson the teacher facilitates the students accessing the class wiki. Students look at class posts and those students who have not had the opportunity to post or comment on the wiki can do so in this lesson.

Lesson 25 In this lesson students start to complete the final folio task. Teacher is to facilitate and answer any questions students have prior to finishing the final task.

Lesson 26 & 27 In these two lessons students complete and hand in the Folio Task FOUR. Students have a final opportunity to post to class and wiki and / or vice thread. The teacher is to facilitate students in a final look around the wiki and at the posts made by the class and lead discussion about what students have learnt from this unit.

Lesson 28 In this final lesson, students are asked to contribute their final thoughts and feedback about the unit. Students can do this by contributing to the wiki feedback page. Students are also encouraged to contribute any suggested activities that might be suitable for this unit.T

Once Students have been introduced to the unit and to the wiki and the teacher has spent some time going through the four folio tasks for assessment. The following teacher timeline is suggested in order to complete the unit successfully. WEEK Topic / Activities Assessment Teacher Unit Element / PC 1  Introduction to unit and wiki  Road to Hospitality  Introduce students to unit 1,2,3 Lesson questions  Introduce Folio tasks 1,2,3  Show students how to access 1 -4  Commence Folio Task unit wiki  Identify and access sources of information on the ONE: Melbourne CBD  facilitate discussion on the unit, hospitality industry, appropriately and correctly. hotels, Clubs & wiki and folios Apartments  Obtain information to assist effective work  Ensure students access performance within the industry, powerpoint on wiki  Different sectors of the hospitality industry, their inter- relationships and the services available in each sector.

2  relationships between the hospitality industry and  Road to Hospitality  Facilitate students working on 1, 2 Lesson other industries questions folio tasks one and two 5 – 8  industry working conditions environmental issues and  Continue work on folio  Ensure students look at media requirements Task ONE footage on wiki coursework page  Time to work on Assignments & Questions  Remind students to be collecting articles for folio task three 3  industry working conditions  Give students permission slip for 1,3 field trip  environmental issues and requirements  Road to Hospitality Lesson questions  Organise train tickets  industrial relations issues and major organizations 9 – 12  Facilitate students completing  career opportunities within the industry  Folio Task ONE due: Folio tasks two and three Melbourne CBD Hotels,  Have students complete case Clubs, Apartments study on wiki coursework page  Encourage students to post to industry update page  Collect folio task one 4  Field trip to CBD  Road to Hospitality  Field Trip to CBD visitors centre 1,3 questions and Federation Square – Folio  the work ethic required to work in the industry Lesson Task FOUR  industry expectations of staff 13 – 16  Field Trip – Folio Task  Facilitate student field trip  quality assurance. FOUR  Encourage students to post to  Access and update specific information on relevant industry update page sector(s) of work  Folio Task THREE

5  Use knowledge of the hospitality industry in the  Road to Hospitality  Collect folio task three 2,3 correct context to enhance quality of work questions  Facilitate students completing Lesson performance folio tasks two and four 17 – 20  Identify and use a range of opportunities to update  Folio Task THREE due:  Encourage students to provide general knowledge of the hospitality industry Current Trends feedback to wiki  Monitor current issues of concern to the industry  Encourage students to post to  Students working on folio wiki industry update page task four  Encourage students to post photos to home page of wiki 6  Share updated knowledge with colleagues and  Folio Task TWO due:  Collect folio task two 1,3 customers as appropriate and incorporate this Questions from text  Facilitate students providing knowledge into day to day work activities Lesson  Folio Task FOUR feedback to wiki on unit  Review module 21 – 24  Encourage students to continue  Time to work on Assignments & Questions to post to industry update page and post photos to home page 7  Review module  Folio Task FOUR due:  Collect folio task four 1 2 3  Time to work on Assignments & Questions Excursion Tour  Encourage students to provide Lesson  Student evaluation and feedback  Post to wiki and provide any further feedback on the unit 24 – 28 feedback on unit and post to wiki, voicethread and home pages  Correct assessment Learning resources  O’Shannessy V, and Minnett D, The Road to Hospitality (3rd Edition)  Hospitality and Food related articles, magazines, websites, books videos interviews sampling and tasting.  Class handouts  Details of any additional reading provided in class  Access to computer labs

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