School Enterprise Challenge Business Idea Template s6
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BUSINESS PLAN Chabota chiyanica,Edina Mwanza Wendy sitima Steven Mbewe Written by
1 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] CREATED AS PART OF THE SCHOOL ENTERPRISE CHALLENGE AWARDS PROGRAMME – SILVER LEVEL Section A: Our Business Details
Business Name Indeco divine hands Business Activity Gardens chickens, tailoring. Broilers chickens /vegetables. Main product / service No. of students involved in business planning Boys Girls Total activities (including writing this Business Plan) Financial Summary Our Local Currency is: US Dollars$ __kwacha____ Period of time budgeted for 1 year Total Income (Estimated) 270,000 30,000
Total Direct Costs (Estimated) 4,230.00 470 Gross Profit (Estimated) 265,770.00 29,530 Total Indirect Costs (Estimated) 143,120.00 15,902 Net Profit (Estimated) 126,880.00 14,097
Start-Up Costs (Estimated) 29,970.00 3,330 Section B:Market Research and Target Market Here is a description of the Market Research done by us, including how many people spoke were to. We had about 100 copies given to pupils who went flat out in schools lodges and communities to do the survey. Our products proved to have market and on demand. The fact that the business is for a good cause which is to support the running of the school and pupils are involved, Most of the people talked to were positive though were not too comfortable with pupils making some products like uniforms etc,but are read to see the business to grow. Here is the analysis of our market research according to results, our products are all on demand and we have good target market. We have also copied one of the uncompleted survey forms to this analysis.
2 INDECO COMMUNITY MARKET RESEARCH SURVEY DIVINE HANDS PROJECT. Indeco community is expanding its social enterprise and would love you to take your time and use just a few moments to complete this satisfaction survey.
What is your age What is your income. Gender. Which of the following products have you purchased in last 2 months tick ho mny times, 1. Chicken 1 2 3 4 5 6 s
2. Vegetabl 1 2 3 4 5 6 es.
3. Bags. 1 2 3 4 5 6
4. uniform 1 2 3 4 5 6 s How often would you want to use our products Daily Weekly. Monthly. Other. If the cost of our product is too high or low how much would you want it to cost. product Reduced to Increased to Selling price Order price Chickens k60 K50 Bags. k50 K45 Vegetables. k5 per kg K4 uniforms k65 K60
Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements Ratings Strongly disagree agree Strongly disagree agree Score 1 2 3 4 Our products are of good quality.
3 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] Our products are priced fairly Would you recommend a friend. Does it bother you that our products are made by pupils
EMAIL [email protected]. + 260977700981
These are the results of our Market Research, including who is going to buy our product/service and why they will buy it.
PRODUCTS WHO WILL BUY WHY service PRICE CHICKENS Lodges, schools Chicken readily Usually have good Price proved to be local communities Available all year and free from fair and afford by round chemicals all BAGS Tourists, lodges Most of the good Fair and and local lodges would buy affordable individuals. and sell to their clients. How are tourists and very interested in African prints. VEGETABLES Hotels and local They have big good Good affordable communities daily intake UNIFORMS schools All schools need good Fair and uniform. Support affordable for all for OVcs both the rich and poor are taken care of.
4 Section C: Competitors and Competitive Advantage These are our main competitors and their strengths and weaknesses.
Competitor Name What basis will we be Strengths Weaknesses competing with them on? Price, quality, location? BIG SUPPER PRICE Our prices are much MARKETS/SHOPRITE AND lower and we are We are based in a SPAR based right in the community school community where our service are needed and within reach. market places quality Our chickens and Our location and vegetables are free means of from chemicals. transportation
our community location We are based within non the communities. customers may not need transport to reach us schools price location and quality. We deliver to schools. We have an incentive transportation where we give some of our customers like teachers on credit, We have the best quality. We have a good credit plan.
4. Our competitive advantage – This is why we are going to be better than our competitors:
Section D: SWOT Analysis 5. This is our SWOT Analysis.
Strengths – What are our business’ strengths? Weaknesses – What are our business’ weaknesses?
5 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] As a school it becomes very difficult for us We are a community school and the to forecast on our business full time as we community is really happy to have a school have to follow the Ministry of Education working on the school enterprise. regulations. We are greatly supported by the parents as We have a challenge to complete most of they appreciate the social enterprise for our tasks as we have limited resources to lessening their burdens’ on paying school pay many people, this includes teachers. fees. We don’t own the building we are using. Our product is a basic need every Some customers feel our products are not household/ child or pupils needs food and durable because they are made by pupils. uniforms. Some competitors are well established. We have a blog to talk about what we do. Lack of quality time and well paid ,qualified We have technical support of volunteers personnel to work on our business on full when things get tough. time basis We are near the main road to town and The name of the school is a challenge as most schools, and get most of our supplies most people think nothing good can come within 10 minutes walk distance. from a school for orphans and vulnerable We have won support from our suppliers children. and are able to get all our stocks at a reduced rate, We are also able to get stocks on credit basis. We have a self motivated team. We have more technical and capacity building training from teach a man to fish. We are on chat program and are able to get advice from other schools. We won the social enterprise price twice giving our business a good name.
Opportunities – What opportunities do we have for Threats – Do we face any threats to our business? our business? More organisations willing to support our project. Schools have new enrolments every year. More small scale tailors coming up in the More volunteers putting in their expertise. community. Readily available markets. Name of our school being connected to Free human resource. vulnerability. Minimal expense on human resource. Most School coming up with their own uniform fund raising projects. Team work. Trainings and resources from teach a man to fish available. Opportunity to get advice from well qualified mentors. 6 On hands practising. Opportunity to lobby for more support as we attend conferences and links with other schools. Qualified and available mentors watsup
Section E: Operational Plan 6. These are the one-off tasks we will need to do to actually start up/develop our business:
OUR business is ongoing and has a long term vision and our aim is to raise our business standards. We hope to raise our profits so that we can improve on our machinery, buy new garden equipment. Increase the poultry section and also start a processing unity on sausage and polony making .raise teachers allowances to an acceptable standard. We also hope to shift our tailoring shop to a central place. Work on acquiring more land for farming. involves expects for advice on agriculture products and management. Improve on the status of the school so us to give us a good name that would also help in lifting our business name and reputation. With this in mind we shall do the following tasks: 1. Fellow up our customers to make sure we are still in business with them. 2. Make good adverts. 3. Do a market survey. 4. Improve on our school environment so as to attract customers. 5. Hold mini social enterprise competition so as to raise more awareness. 6. Award some pupils to motivate them and encourage hard work.
These are the daily, weekly and monthly tasks we need to do to actually run our business:
Task How long does it take? How often? Who? Daily/Weekly/Monthly Who will be responsible 2 weeks once Social enterprise Market research team(teachers pupils and parents) Feasibility plan once Social enterprise 1 weeks team(teachers pupils and 7 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] parents) Submission of 1 day once Lead teacher business idea On going daily Social enterprise implementation team(teachers pupils and parents) 1 week once Social enterprise Making Budgeting team(teachers pupils and plan/implementation parents) plan
Implementation. 1 week clearing of land. -planting. Daily. Twice. Upper primary grades. -watering. On going On going Purchase of stocks. Social enterprise team(teachers pupils and parents) advertising On going On going Social enterprise team(teachers pupils and parents) Social enterprise team Marketing. On going. On going. (teacher’s pupils and Selling. On going. Daily. parents). Monitoring On going. Weekly. Reports Weekly,monthly,quartely On going
8. Our business team structure – Here are the names and positions of the business team members with a reference if they are teachers/students and our organ gram. 1. Kalaluka litebele; lead teacher. Program manager/Secretary 2. Maggie Nguni teacher Events manager 3. Steven Mbewe. teacher pupils coordinator/ 4. Peter Muhongo. Communication teacher. Finance manager. 5. Chabota Chiyanika. student, Production manager//purchasing 6. Edina Mwanza student. Chicken project manager 7. Wendy Shitima. Student. Manager/bookkeeper 8. Japheth Mungoni. student Gardens manager 9. Gertrude Siachibi. sudentt Advertising manager 10. Faith Kumoyo. student In charge e project 11. Martha kalimanshila student pupil events manager, 12. Muletambo sichechani student Communication leader.
8 Section F: Marketing and Sales Plan These are our 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place, Promotion) and an explanation of what is new/has changed (if needed).
a) Product – Our product/service is… Chickens.(Chicken products) Tomatoes. Green maize. Uniforms. dooormates
a) Price – We will sell it at this price: o 60,00.per chicken. By 1,000 o 250 per box of 200 o 100 by 50.Doormates o 1,000 by 1 green maize. o 100 by 25,00.uniforms
b) Place – We will sell our product/service at this place:
Lodges, markets, schools. Communities. Supper markets.
c) Promotion – We will promote our product/service by:
9 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] Making fliers. Organise social enterprise shows Offering incertives like credit facilities to teachers and some lodges. Discounts to good customers. Free delivery. Help to Promote some of our customers products like lodegs.
Section G: Risk Assessment 10. This is our Risk Assessment Table with the risks we identified that could affect our school business and how we will overcomethem.
Chance it Level of Person Risk happens Impact Ways to reduce this risk (High, (High, Medium, Responsible Medium, Low) Low) We plan to have our business right in the community. Hold functions sensitize communities the importance and the need to support the school business. Produce quality and offer at good prices. More small Follow customers within scale farmers their localities coming up in Marketing the community. medium medium manager Work on changing the face of the school. Give guarantees on all our Name of our products. school being Conduct open days to show connected to case our activities, so as to Communication vulnerability. convince our customers of and publicity medium medium our abilities. manager Other Schools We have decided to coming up with concentrate less on their own uniforms, and reduce the uniform fund production. raising projects. We have concentrated more on other products like the chickens and vegetable high high growing. Sales manager As a school it medium medium We have engaged former Communication becomes very students who were once at and publicity difficult for us to Indeco but now completed manager. forecast on our school and wishes to 10 volunteer at the school. Have raised the salaries and allowances. For staff to business full motivate them. time as we have Increase on production so to follow the as to raise our income. ministry of Employ more full time education employees. regulations. Involve more parents and guardian of the pupils.
Hold shows to show case and market our products.
Some customers Involve ministry of education to market on our feel our behalf. products are not Offer incentives like credit durable because facilities. they are made Give guarantee on our by pupils. products. medium medium
Appendix Section: Students in Action Please find in this space 3 pictures (when possible) that clearly show our involvement as students in our business planning activities.
11 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] PUPILS WORKING ON SOME IDEAS THAT COME UP IN THE BUSINESS RESEARCH
1. Income (estimated)
chickens 1000 60,00 60,000 Tomatoes 200 boxes 250,00 50,000
Off season green maize 1000 3,00 30,000
Handcrafts(doormats, , 50 50,00 25,000
Tablemates 100 5,00 5,000
African print bags, 100 25,00 50,000
uniforms 100 25,00 50.00 TOTAL SALES INCOME 270,000.00
2. Direct Costs (estimated)
12 Packaging materials 1000 1,000.00
Bulbs 10 10,000 100,00
TOTAL 1,100,00
2 GARDENS PROJECT Organic manure 20 bags 15,00 300,00
packaging 1 500,00 500,00
Tomato poles 300 5,00 1,500,00
3 TOILARING Machine oil 10 8,00 80.00
Servicing machine 5 150,00 750,00
830,00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 4,230,00
3. Gross Profit (estimated) Our Local Currency
TOTAL DIRECT COSTS 4,230.00 GROSS PROFIT 265,770.00 (Total Sales Income – Total Direct Costs)
4. Indirect Costs (estimated) 12
NAME OF ITEM QUANTITY COST PER ITEM TOTAL COSTS (Quantity x Cost per Item) 500 2,00.00 Printing Catalogue 1 250 250.00
Paper pattern 10 25,00 250.00
Communication 12 120,00 1,000.00
Power 10 150,00 1,500.00
Tailors payment 5by 12 500,00 30,000.00
Water bills 10 150,00 1,500.00
Transport 10 50 500,00
Advertising 3 400 120,00
Salaries teachers 8by12 1,000.00 96,000.00
13 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] Caretaker 1by12 500,00 6,000.00
Divine hands administrator 1by12 500,00 6,000.00 e TOTAL INDIRECT COSTS 143,120.00
5. Net Profit (estimated)
Our Local Currency
GROSS PROFIT 270,000.00
NET PROFIT 126,880.00 (Gross Profit – Total Indirect Costs)
6. Start-Up Budget (estimated) Our Start-Up Budget is the costs of the Equipment and Supplies that we will need to start/grow our business.
a) Equipment Start-up
NAME OF ITEM QUANTITY COST PER ITEM TOTAL COST (Quantity x Cost per Item) hosepipe 50m 500,00 500,00 Watering canes 10 50,00 500,00
Chicken cadge 1 150 150,00
Bulbs 15 10 150,00
b) Equipment we don’t need to buy as we own/have access to: 1. Building. 2. Feeders 3. Drinkers 4. Sewing Machines. 5. Ironing tables. 6. Irons. 7. Hoes. 8. Rakes.
14 c) Supplies & Expenses Start-up
NAME OF ITEM QUANTITY COST PER ITEM TOTAL COST (Quantity x Cost per Item) chicks 1000 5,00 5,000.00
feed 90 230 20,700.00
Nutrients 10 150 1,500.00
Maize seed 5kg 150,000 150,00
Tomato seed 1kg 100,00 100,00
Suiting materials 100m 15,00 1,500,00
cotton 10 12,00 120,00
African print 100 90 900.00
Equipment Start-up costs + Supplies & Expenses Start-up costs = Start-Up Budget costs
Our Local Currency Equipment Start-up 1,300.00
Supplies & Expenses Start-up 29,970.00
d) We will raise the Start-Up capital needed for our business by:
We already have a running business since 2011, and this is where our startup capital is raised from. Additional comments: the 1300 on start up materials was just top up on the already existing material we have.
Our Local Currency used : kwacha
Exchange rate to US Dollars: 1dollar to 9kwacha
15 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected] Your opinion matter to us and we want to make sure the Awards Programme works for you. Please ask your teacher to fill in the following section. ONLY SCHOOLS THAT COMPLETE THIS SECTION WILL BE ELEGIBLE FOR AN AWARD. Please choose ONE option in each row.
After going through the activities to develop the Business Idea and Plan do you feel your students...
Stayed Did not the Improved improve same 1. Are more confident speaking in front of other people (e.g. during market research) 3 2. Work better with people with different opinions to theirs 3 3. Have improved their team working ability, e.g. if other team members were struggling 3 they offered support to them 4. Are more confident analysing information 2 3 5. Are more able to use their ideas to organise and plan work in order to reach their goals 2 6. Are more able to look at different ways to solve a problem and are more confident in 3 selecting a solution
1. Through the school business planning process, which skills do you think students improved/gainedthe most (max 3):
2 Leadership 3 Communication 3 Aspiration 2 Confidence 2 Decision making Other – Please specify: 2 Problem solving 3 Team work
2. Do you feel the activities helped students improve their performance in other subjects at school? You can choose more than one option.
1 No 1 Yes, in Science 1 Yes, in Maths 3 Yes, Other – Please specify: 3 Yes, in Writing & Reading
16 3. Have the students used the skills learned through the school business planning outside school?
1 No 1 I don’t know 3 Yes – Please specify: some pupils have started small gardens in their homes. They also make their own doormats
CONGRATULATIONS on writing your Business Plan! You can now GET STARTED and put all your learning into action! Now is the time for you to actually run your business!
Remember to submit your completed business plan to the School Enterprise Challenge Awards Programme by logging in to your account at:
17 SILVER Business Plan Template 2017. ©Teach A Man To Fish [email protected]