Membership Council Minutes

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Membership Council Minutes

Membership Council – Minutes Monday, April 21st, 2014 2:30 – 4:00 pm

Attendance: Carlos Rivera, Darilynn Cardona-Beiler, Lisa Garcia, Veronica Neville, Mitchell Gibbs, Christy Moffett, Jo Kathryn Quinn, Kameron Fowler, Kathy Ridings; Joseph Boatman; Niki Paul, Tina Griego, Sharon Lowe, Christine Banks, Juan Wah, Ann Howard, Richard Dodson; Marti Bier; Blythe Plunkett; Charles Walker; Ben King

2:30-WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS Carlos Rivera, Chair Welcome Veronica Neville, New ECHO HMIS Director 2:40-APPROVAL OF MINUTES Carlos Rivera, Chair  JK Quinn move to accept minutes  Minutes Accepted

2:43-HUD NOFA Ann Howard, Exec. Dir.

 Celebrate: Reviewed 21 CoC HUD Contracts Renewed from Tier 1 = $5,221,534 Tier 2 Contract Announcement yet to come:

A.1.1. CoC Planning $69,723

A.1.2. ATCIC Safe Haven Reallocation to PSH: $354,636

 ACTION: Modify ranking of programs by establishing an order by which all programs of a like type will be ranked in accordance with HUD rankings (Held from last month. See Attached.) o Clarify this would apply for new and renewal funding-yes o Brief review of ranking procedures and proposed . Christine Banks make motion to approve changes. Blythe Plunkett Second Motion. 4 approve. 0 oppose. 8 ineligible voters to be recused. 1 abstention. . Christy Moffett to note HMIS ranking as #8 . Comment: Kathy Ridings-“tread carefully” on transitional housing . Niki Paul to send out policies in advance for Membership Council to review.

 REVIEW: Draft plan for ECHO Policies and Procedures o Reviewed Charter o Reviewed sample CoC Table of Contents o Propose to review policies on monthly basis (aim for 2-3)

New Funding Opportunities Niki Paul, Operations Mgr.  Update on community meetings hosted by ECHO  Darilynn reviewed new partnership with ATCIC and Foundation Communities to provide behavioral health case management service for the new FC housing project (Capital Studios). 30 Units identified.  DSHS also applying for new funding for state ECHO Work Plan including Coordinated Assessment Kameron Fowler, Strategic Initiatives  Reviewed Coordinated Assessment Tool Pilot - using SPDAT, April 1 – April 30 o Participating agencies to check in with their staff on status o Extensions will not be available o Once pilot is completed, tool will be selected within the first week of May o Staff are currently consumed by local RFA  Common Definitions – HF PSH, PSH, Rapid Rehousing, Case Management o Housing Work Group is currently focused on developing definitions o Definitions to be put forth for CoC wide definitions  New ROI coming soon – goal to be broad enough to include collaborative discussion to assist client in securing housing resources o Currently working with pro-bono attorney on developing ROI o Hoping to share among community providers  Staffing made possible with Healthy Community Collaborative grant (DSHS + private funds) o Hired Strategic Initiatives Project Manager starting on May 1st o Posting Coordinated Assessment Implementation Specialist-working within the agencies to see how the process is going to work and increase capacities within o Both positions funded by Healthy Communities Collaborative

Executive Director Report Ann Howard, Exec. Dir.  Housing First Permanent Supportive Housing – Austin Initiative idea o ECHO working towards developing Housing First resources . Bond funds . DSHS Match o Looking towards targeting 3 PSH projects over 5 years for Affordable Bond Funds o Focusing on collaborative projects and providing support o Feedback: . Experts in overall development . Potentially put together strategic plan for 5 year outlook . Affordable Housing Policy in development for the Travis County through CDBG office  To be developed  Decision to have City focus on housing and homelessness; Travis County to be focused on HHS  CDBG focused outside of city limits  TCHA has proposed 192 unit complex 60% MFI, NIMBY issues-time to have the affordable housing policy in the court o Traditionally focus on infrastructure o Possibility to discuss Bond funding from County to be utilized towards housing o TC also looking at how to bond land values . Focus on NHCD definitions on 350 goal  Council Resolution to reduce income discrimination in paying rents o Passed. August 1st Deadline. Need to define what the ordinance is to look like. . HACA to hold stakeholder meetings and efficiency issues (looking to expedite) . Current criteria-  Inspection scheduling  Check payment schedule 2-4 weeks . Looking to see criteria for smaller landlords . Benefit-2-3x income to save up for move in . Affordability is still a factor o Any discussion on transportation requirements . Requiring any investment of affordable housing bond to be within a half mile of a Capital Metro bus stop . Mutual obligation?-Collaborative effort? . Need clarification

Workgroup Updates All  Education and Outreach Work Group (Blythe Plunkett) o Increasing participating and Poverty Simulation-quarterly o Speakers Bureau planning o Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week planning  Housing Work Group o Veterans Work Group has put together landlord outreach brochure. Looking to take that model on a broader scale landlord outreach o Housing Specialist/Landlord Outreach . Working with Tenants Council to reach out to owners . Increased momentum in outreach to locate units . 5-6% Un-utilized rate-this year 8% (mostly criminal record and rental history issues vs. locating units)  Prevention Committee o Focusing on Coordinated Assessment-Diversion o Transition planning for re-entry  Employment and Income   Data Work Group-April Meeting Cancelled  CoC Work Group o Planning on next HUD funding requirements o AHAR and PIT Report focus

Motion to Adjourn- Move-Susan McDonnell; Second. Sharon Lowe.

Next Meeting: Monday, May 19, 2:30pm-4pm, ECHO Offices, 100 N. IH35, Ste, 1003

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