Player’s Name ______Primary Address ______Town and Zip Code ______Phone # (_____)______Father’s Name ______Cell # (_____)______Mother’s Name ______Cell # (_____)______E-Mail Address ______Player’s Age as of Jan. 1, 2017______Date of Birth ______TBC Leagues (Please Choose One)

O Softball Girls Ages 8 & Under $50.00 (Fee includes hat, shirt, and a trophy) O Softball Girls Ages 10 & Under$100.00 (Fee includes hat, shirt, belt and pants) O O Softball Girls Ages 12 & Under $100.00 O Softball Girls Ages 14 & Under $100.00 (Fee includes hat, shirt, belt and pants)

A family discount of $20.00 will be applied for families with 2 children. Families with 3 or more Children will receive a $50.00 discount to be deducted at registration.

______Please make checks payable to: T.B.C. Thank you!

TOTAL DUE: ______

Volunteer Participation O Coaching O Field I understand and agree that any insurance provided O Asst. Maintena by the T.B.C. organization will be in excess of my Coaching nce own personal insurance. O Umpiring O Fund (3 Raising ______Games) Committ _ O Equipme ee Signature of Parent/Guardian nt O Board Maintena Member nce O Spring O Snack Clean-Up Bar Detail & Manager Snack Bar coverage for home games is expected of all parents. Refunds requests must be submitted in writing and will be reviewed by the Board of Directors) Registrations will be closed on January 2, 2016 at 4 pm. Media Release: The TBC uses a website, Facebook, & other forms of social media to promote, communicate and share information with its members and others. Through those mediums photos are often posted and shared. By signing this form, you grant the use of your child’s photo for digital and printed communications on the TBC website, Facebook page, and other social media outlets.

______Signature of Parent/Guardian