UBC Curriculum Proposal Form

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UBC Curriculum Proposal Form


UBC Curriculum Proposal Form Change to Course or Program Category:1 Faculty: Science & Graduate Studies Date: February 9, 2009 Department: Physics and Astronomy Contact Person: Lia Merminga, Janis McKenna or Rob Kiefl

Phone: 604-222-7682 (Merminga) or 2-4337 (McKenna) 2-3037 (Kiefl) Email:[email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Effective Session 09W Proposed Calendar Entry: URL: (none)

PHYS 560 (3) Physics and Engineering Present Calendar Entry: (none) of Particle Accelerators. Injectors, radio frequency acceleration, Type of Action: superconducting acceleration elements, Add new graduate course beam dynamics and applications of electron accelerators. Rationale: Accelerator Physics has long been offered [3-0-0] as an area of research for graduate students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, but course offerings have typically been once every few years, offered as a Directed Studies special topic course (it is currently offered as PHYS 555B 207). With the recent expansion of TRIUMF’s Accelerator Physics research program, and plans to construct a superconducting electron accelerator, a graduate course in Accelerator Physics should be formalized.


Supporting documentation:

Course Learning Objectives: This 3-credit graduate level course, which is offered in collaboration with TRIUMF, starts with a general introduction of various types of particle accelerators and applications and the fundamentals of accelerator physics. The course then focuses on electron accelerators, including principles and technologies associated with the generation and acceleration of electron beams, beam dynamics, and applications of electron accelerators in high energy and nuclear physics and as synchrotron radiation sources.

The course will be of interest to any student with a suitable background in Physics, Engineering Physics, or Electrical Engineering and who is interested in use of particle beams for basic research or applications.

Brief outline of topics: Course Outline ( as offered in Term 2, 08W)

Introduction to Particle Accelerators – Mike Craddock (UBC/TRIUMF)

1. Accelerator Survey: dc, linac, cyclotron, microtron, betatron, synchrocyclotron, sychrotron (including weak focusing, betatron oscillations, emittance). 2. Thomas cyclotron, edge focusing, radial-sector cyclotron, strong focusing, spiral- sector cyclotron, AG synchrotron, separated-function design, storage rings, colliders, light sources. 3. Linear optics: thin lenses, dipoles (+gradient, +edges), quadrupoles, solenoids, accelerating gaps, einzel lenses. 4. Periodic lattices: beta-functions, matrix properties, F0D0, etc. 5. Longitudinal dynamics; off-momentum orbits in synchrotrons, acceleration, phase stability. 6. Phase stability in linacs, microtrons, SCs and FFAGs; gymnastics, bunching.

Electron Injectors – Yu Chao and Friedhelm Ames (TRIUMF)

7. The physics of space-charge dominated beams, emittance compensation, injector designs. 8. Technology of electron sources: thermionic, photoinjectors, DC, RF, SRF guns

RF Acceleration and Beam Loading – Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF)

9. RF cavities for acceleration, pill-box cavity, accelerating voltage, peak surface fields; Figures of merit: power dissipation and quality factor, shunt impedance

10. Mode excitation: Fundamental theorem of beam loading, monopole mode excitation by a bunch and by a train of bunches, cryogenic losses, dipole mode excitation.


11. Coupling power to the beam: the equivalent circuit, beam loading, resonant operation, non-synchronous operation, circuit model with beam loading

Superconducting RF – Bob Laxdal (TRIUMF)

12. Superconductivity fundamentals: the free electron model, classical and quantum mechanical descriptions, superconductivity; electrical properties, DC and RF resistance. 13. Electrodynamics of normal and superconductors: skin depth and surface resistance of normal conductors; anomalous skin effect, perfect conductors; Meissner effect; surface impedance of superconductors in the two-fluid model; BCS treatment of surface resistance. 14. Multipacting, thermal breakdown, field emission, the quest for high gradient. 15. RF control and frequency issues: microphonics, Lorentz force detuning and ponderomotive oscillations, tuners, RF phase and amplitude stability requirements, RF control and feedback, Qext optimization in SRF cavities.

Beam Dynamics – Lia Merminga (TRIUMF)

16. Wake fields and impedances. 17. Instabilities in linacs: Beam energy spread, beam breakup. 18. Instabilities in storage rings: Longitudinal and transverse instabilities of unbunched beams, single bunch, and multiple bunches. 19. Instabilities in recirculating linacs: Multi-bunch, multipass beam breakup. 20. The Vlasov treatment. 21. Radiation from relativistic electrons; undulators.

Applications of Electron Accelerators - TBA

22. Linacs: TRIUMF e-linac, ILC, Linac-based Free Electron Lasers (FELs): LCLS and European X-FEL. 23. Storage rings: Canadian Light Source, B-Factories: PEP-II and KEKB. 24. Recirculating and Energy Recovery Linacs (ERLs): CEBAF, ERL-based FELs, ERL-based light source designs, electron-ion colliders: HERA, eRHIC, ELIC, LHeC.

Context : This course is intended for a broad range graduate students in any discipline who are using, or may want to use, accelerators in their research.

Instructors: The majority of the lectures will be delivered by TRIUMF Ph.D. Accelerator Physicists, who will or have co-supervised graduate students in the past. In the current offering of the course, the instructors of the various modules and their areas of expertise are as follows: Mike Craddock, UBC/TRIUMF, Beam dynamics, cyclotrons, FFAGs Yu Chao, TRIUMF, Beam dynamics, Beam optics, algorithms


Friedhelm Ames, TRIUMF, Electron and ion sources Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF, Stability of beam-loaded RF systems, RFQs, FFAGs Bob Laxdal, TRIUMF, SRF, Heavy-ion linacs, RFQs, cyclotrons, accelerator operation Lia Merminga, TRIUMF, SRF electron accelerators, ERLs, FELs

In addition to Mike Craddock, other UBC faculty may also give lectures in this course: Nigel Lockyer and Tom Mattison.

Instruction Materials: No single text covers all the material in this course. The instructors will post lecture notes on the web. Additional useful resources on the web include: US Particle Accelerator School: Material for several courses is listed at: http://uspas.fnal.gov/lect_note.html CERN Accelerator School: General Accelerator Physics, CERN-2005-004 http://documents.cern.ch/cgi-bin/setlink?base=cernrep&categ=Yellow_Report&id=2005- 004 More CAS volumes (including those on special topics) are listed at: http://cdsweb.cern.ch/search? cc=CERN+Yellow+Reports&ln=en&p=CERN+Accelerator+School&sc= 1 "Principles of Charged Particle Acceleration" by Stanley Humphries, Jr., originally published by Wiley but available on the Web at: http://www.fieldp.com/cpa/cpa.html For the introductory lectures: "High Intensity Circular Proton Accelerators", TRIUMF report TRI-87-2 (pp 1-35): http://trshare.triumf.ca/~craddock/TRI-87-2.pdf For the lectures on RF and SRF: “RF Superconductivity for Accelerators,” by H. Padamsee, T. Hays, J. Knobloch, published by Wiley Series. For the lectures on Beam Dynamics: “Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities in High Energy Accelerators,” by A. Chao, originally published by Wiley but available on the web at: http://www.slac.stanford.edu/~achao/wileybook.html

Grading Scheme: Grading scheme and breakdown of marks as follows: Homework assignments: 60% Midterm Exam: 20% Final Exam: 20% In subsequent offerings of the course, a combination of student projects, accompanied by a report and a presentation, and hands-on lab sessions at TRIUMF are planned. Exact breakdown of marks TBD.

Consultation: This course has evolved in consultation with the UBC Department of Physics and Astronomy, Engineering Physics, and TRIUMF. TRIUMF’s Director and the Accelerator Division leadership are keen on expanding graduate student research opportunities in

UBC Curriculum Proposal (v1/04) 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA accelerator physics at TRIUMF, which will enable UBC and TRIUMF to play an important role in training the next generation of accelerator scientists and engineers. Presently there are only a handful of universities in North America offering graduate courses and research opportunities in accelerator physics.

UBC graduate students would uniquely benefit from the research opportunities in accelerators offered by TRIUMF, utilizing the state-of-the-art infrastructure already in place and contributing to frontier research under the supervision of prominent accelerator scientists. Simultaneously, students would learn the fundamentals of accelerator physics and engineering in courses, such as the proposed PHYS 560, taught by TRIUMF scientists. The new research opportunities together with the formal course offerings will attract high caliber students to UBC.

TRIUMF’s Accelerator Division is committed to provide most of the instructors for this course. Furthermore, UBC graduate students in accelerator physics will be supervised or co-supervised by TRIUMF accelerator physicists, several of whom will be lecturing in this course.

UBC Curriculum Proposal (v1/04) 5

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