Professional Experience s3

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Professional Experience s3

Frédéric MEGRET Faculty of Law, McGill University frederic.megret 3661 Peel Street Montreal Canada, H3A 1W9 Tel.: (514) 398-5962


01/2006- McGill University, Faculty of Law, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Associate-Professor (Assistant-Professor until 07/2011), Canada Research Chair in the Law of Human Rights and Legal Pluralism. Teaching international criminal law, international human rights law, public international law, and Canadian criminal law. As of 01/09/2012, Associate-Dean Research.

09/2011-08/2012 Academic sabbatical. Université Paul Cézanne (Aix Marseille), Centre d’études et de recherches internationales et communautaires (CERIC), visiting scholar.

05/2010 Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Guest Professor. Course on the constitutionalization of Canadian criminal law.

08/2004-12/2005 University of Toronto, Faculty of Law, Assistant-Professor.

09/2003-07/2004 McGill University, Faculty of Law, Boulton fellow.

09/2001-06/2002 European University Institute (Florence), Law Department, research associate.

03-12/1999 International Committee of the Red Cross, consultant on the United Nations Millennium celebrations, humanitarian and human rights segment. Missions in Rome, New York and Addis Ababa, representing the ICRC.

08/1998- International Committee of the Red Cross, International Organizations Division, 03/1999 attaché. Helped conceive and write a book on the implementation of international humanitarian law, published in partnership with the Inter-parliamentary Union (since translated in English, Spanish, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese and Japanese).

07/1998 Rome Conference on the Creation of an International Criminal Court, French diplomatic delegation, attaché

Internships in law firms:

07-08/1997 Jeantet et associés (Paris). Member of the defense team of one of the leading 1 accused before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. In charge of all background research.

07-08/1994 Gide, Loyrette, Nouel (Paris). Research in business, banking and financial law.

08/1993 Watson, Farley & Williams (London). Research in sea and maritime law.

07-08/1992 Windels, Marx, Davies & Ives (New-York). Research assistant.

Editorial responsibilities: editorial advisor, London Journal of International Law (since 2012); member of the board of editors, Canadian Yearbook of International Law (since 2011); member of the editorial committee, Criminal Law Forum (since 2011); member of the editorial committee, Journal européen des droits de l’homme; book review editor European Journal of International Law (2000-2007).

Summer school teaching: Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights Summer Course, McGill University/Hebrew University Summer Program in Human Rights, Oxford University/George Washington University International Human Rights Law Summer School.

Occasional peer reviewer for: Oxford University Press; Routledge; Revue québécoise de droit international; International Theory; European Journal of International Law; Millennium; Netherlands Yearbook of International Law; Melbourne Journal of International Law; Military Law and the Law of War Review; Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice; Canadian Yearbook of International Law; McGill Law Review; Law, Text, Culture; Ottawa Law Review.

Occasional consultant to: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (on the rights of older persons), Department of Justice Canada (on ICC victim reparations), High Commissioner for Human Rights (on transitional justice), Dyncorp (on human rights vetting procedures for military recruitment), defense counsels before international criminal tribunals, Canadian Red Cross (on international humanitarian law), Humain avant tout (on genocide prevention), Avocats sans frontiers (on victim rights before the ICC).

Memberships: European Society of International Law (member of steering committee, 2002-2005), Société française de droit international, American Society of International Law (program committee member, 2009), Canadian Council on International Law (Member and chair, John Humphrey human rights fellowship committee, 2008-2009).


1998-2005 Graduate Institute of International Studies (University of Geneva) / Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris I), Ph D. "L’articulation entre tribunaux pénaux internationaux et juridictions nationales dans la répression des crimes de droit international : centralité et ambiguïté dans l’ordre juridique international”. Obtained 2 with « mention très honorable, félicitations du jury et recommandation de publication ».

1996-98 Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris ("Sciences Po"), international section, international relations major. Lauréat avec les félicitations du jury (suma cum laude). Three months Erasmus exchange in Leiden University, faculty of law.

Université Panthéon-Sorbonne. Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in international public law and international organizations law, mention bien (cum laude, graduated first out of 30). Thesis on the International Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR).

1990-94 King's College London, School of Law (90-92) / Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (92- 94), LlB in English and French law/ Maîtrise en droit privé anglais et français, mention assez bien.

Alumnus of: the Hague Academy of International Law Research Center (2002), the Scuola Napolitana del diritto dei popoli (2002), the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs Faculty Development Seminars (US Naval Academy, Annapolis, 1999), the Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights (Helsinki, 1999), the Strasbourg International Institute of Human Rights (1998), and the Thessaloniki Institute of International Law and International Relations (1998). 21 st Century Trust Fellow (Cambridge).

Member of university team for: Concours Jean Pictet de droit international humanitaire (Malta, 1998), Concours Charles Rousseau de procès simulé en droit international (Lille/Sherbrooke, 1994; first individual prize at the national level. Paris/Tunis, 1998, team coach. Geneva, 1999, organizing committee), III Harvard World Model United Nations (Luxembourg, 1994), XIV World Universities Debating Championships (Melbourne, 1993), XXVI Jessup International law Mooting Competition (Washington, 1993).


1996 Sabbatical: backpacking for 8 months in South America and Asia.

07-12/1995 UNPROFOR, Sarajevo (Frenchbat V). Sharp-shooter, anti-sniping team. Humanitarian, protection, intelligence, information work.

10/1994- Military service: Sergeant with the Eurocorps in Germany (19ème battaillon de 07/1995 chasseurs). Armored carrier commander.

1990-1992 President of the King’s College London debating society.


Books, edited collections, major reports

3 1. (as co-editor with Philip Alston) The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, Oxford, Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2012).

2. (as co-editor with Florian Hoffmann) Dignidade: Un Foco Especial sobre Grupos Vulneraveis (2009)

3. Le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda, Paris, Pedone (2002).

Articles in peer-reviewed journals:

1. « Trois paradigmes de la justice pénale internationale », Observateur des Nations Unies (2012).

2. “ Continuous Human Rights Violations and the Problem of Expropriated Armenian Properties,” International Criminal Law Review (2012).

3. « Droit international et esclavage : pour une réévaluation », Annuaire Africain de droit international (2012, forthcoming).

4. « ‘Who’s in and who’s out?’; A propos de la protection juridique internationale du monopole de l’exercice légitime de la force et de quelques autres attributs des monstres froids”, Revue québécoise de droit international (2012, forthcoming).

5. “The Legacy of the ICTY as Seen Through Some of its Actors and Observers”, Goettingen Journal of International Law (2012).

6. “ Offences against Future Generations: A Sympathetic but Sceptical View of Jodoin and Saito’s Proposal”, The McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law (2012).

7. “ The Role of International Law in Shaping Canada’s Response to Terrorism”, Review of Constitutional Studies (2012).

8. “ICC, R2P, and the International Community’s Evolving Interventionist Toolkit,” Finnish Yearbook of International Law (2012).

9. “ Is There Ever a ‘Right to One’s Own Law’? An Exploration of Possible Rights Foundations for Legal Pluralism”, Israel Law Review (2011).

10. “International Judges and Experts’ Impartiality and the Problem of Past Declarations”, 10 The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals (2011) 1-36.

11. « A quoi sert la justice pénale internationale? », Annuaire français de relations internationales (2011).

12. “ The Human Rights of Older Persons: A Growing Challenge”, 11 Human Rights Law Review (2011).

13. “ Civil Disobedience and International Law: Sketch for a Theoretical Argument”, 47 Canadian Yearbook of International Law (2010).

4 14. “ Beyond the ‘Salvation Paradigm’: Responsibility to Protect (Others) v. the Power of Protecting Oneself”, 40 Security Dialogue (2009).

15. « Grandeur et déclin de l’idée de résistance à l’occupation: Réflexions à propos de la légitimité des 'insurgés' », Revue belge de droit international (2009).

16. « La Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des personnes handicapées: un espoir de progrès », 18 Développement humain, handicap et changement social (2009).

17. “ The International Criminal Court and the Failure to Mention Symbolic Reparations”, 16 International Review of Victimology 2 (2009).

18. « Le droit international peut-il être un droit de résistance? Dix conditions pour un renouveau de l’ambition normative internationale », XXXIX Etudes internationales 39 (2008).

19. “ A Special Tribunal for Lebanon: The Council and the Emancipation of International Criminal Justice”, 21 Leiden Journal of International Law 485 (2008).

20. “ The Disabilities Convention: Disability Rights or Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities?”, 30 Human Rights Quarterly 494 (2008).

21. “ The Disabilities Convention: Towards a Holistic Concept of Rights”, 12 International Journal of Human Rights 261 (2008).

22. “ A Sacred Trust of Civilization”, 1 Journal of International Law and International Relations 105 (2005).

23. (with Florian Hoffmann), “Fostering Accountability: An Ombudsperson for the United Nations?”, 11 Global Governance 43 (2005).

24. « Qu’est ce qu’une juridiction « incapable » ou « manquant de volonté » au sens de l’article 17 du Traité de Rome ? Quelques enseignements tirés des théories du déni de justice en droit international », Revue québécoise de droit international (2005).

25. (with Florian Hoffmann), “The UN as a Human Rights Violator? Some Reflections on the UN’s Changing Human Rights Responsibilities”, 25 Human Rights Quarterly 314 (2003).

26. “Justice in Times of Violence”, 14 European Journal of International Law 327 (2003).

27. (with Fred Pinto), “Prisoners’ Dilemmas: The Potemkin Villages of International Law?”, 16 Leiden Journal of International Law 467 (2003).

28. “Krieg? Völkerrechtssemantik und der Kampf gegen den Terrorismus”, 2 Kritische Justiz 157 (2002).

29. “ Three Dangers for the International Criminal Court: A Critical Look at a Consensual Project”, Finnish Yearbook of International Law 207 (2002).

5 30. “ ‘ War’? Legal Semantics and the Move to Violence”, 15 European Journal of International Law 361 (2002).

31. “The Politics of International Criminal Justice”, 13 European Journal of International Law 1261 (2002).

32. “ Epilogue to an Endless Debate: ICC ‘third-party’ jurisdiction and the Looming Revolution of International Law”, 11 European Journal of International Law 247 (2001).

Articles in US law journals:

1. “War and the Vanishing Battlefield”, Loyola University Chicago International Law Review (2011).

2. “The Problem of an International Criminal Law of the Environment”, Columbia Journal of Environmental Law (2011).

3. “ Justifying Compensation by the International Criminal Court’s Victims Trust Fund: Lessons from Domestic Compensation Schemes”, Brooklyn Journal of International Law (2010).

4. “Beyond ‘Fairness’: Understanding the Determinants of International Criminal Procedure,” 14 UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs (2010).

5. “ Of Shrines, Memorials and Museums: Using the International Criminal Court's Victim Reparation and Assistance Regime to Promote Transitional Justice,” Buffalo Human Rights Law Review (2009).

6. “ In defence of Hybridity: Towards a Representational Theory of International Criminal Justice,” 38 Cornell Journal of International Law (2005).

Contributions and chapters to edited collections

1. “ The Bordeaux Trial. Prosecuting Oradour-sur-Glane,” in Kevin Jon Heller & Gerry Simpson (eds.), Untold Stories: Hidden Histories of War Crimes Trials, OUP (2012).

2. “ The Rise and Fall of ‘International Man’”, in Prabhakar Singh & Vik Kanwar (eds.), Critical International Law: Post-Realism, Post-Colonialism and Transnational Law, OUP (2012).

3. “What Is International Impartiality?,” in Vesselin Popovski (ed.), Ethical Supports for the International Rule of Law, UNU Press (2012).

4. “Where Does the Critique of International Human Rights Law Stand? An Exploration in 18 Vignettes,” in David Kennedy & José María Beneyto (eds), New Approaches to International Law: lessons from the European experience, T.M.C. Asser Press (2012).

6 5. “ Vertical/Horizontal/Diagonal: Towards a Typology of International Criminal Tribunals’ relationship to domestic courts”, in Robert Kolb (ed.) Droit international penal/International Criminal Law, OUP (2nd ed., 2012).

6. « L’assistance internationale aux populations en danger: de quelques fondements possibles », in Joseph-Yvon Thériault (ed.), Crise humanitaire : de l’impératif moral à l’exigence politique (2012).

7. “ Joinder, Fairness and the Goals of International Criminal Justice”, in Timothy William Waters (ed.), The Milosevic Trial- An Autopsy, Oxford University Press (2012).

8. “The Case for an International Crime Against the Environment”, in Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger, Maja Goëpel and Sébastien Jodoin (eds.), Securing the Rights of Future Generations: Sustainable Development and the International Criminal Law Regime in Practice, Cambridge University Press, (2012).

9. “The Economic and Social Council”, in Philip Alston & Frédéric Mégret (eds.), The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal, Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2012).

10. “Accountability and Ethics”, in Stephan Parmentier, Luc Reydams & Jan Wouters (eds.), International Prosecutors, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2012).

11. “The Security Council”, in Philip Alston & Frédéric Mégret (eds.), The United Nations and Human Rights: A Critical Appraisal , Oxford University Press (forthcoming in 2012).

12. “International Human Rights and Legal Pluralism”, in René Provost & Colleen Sheppard (eds.) Human Rights and Legal Pluralism, Springer Verlag (2012).

13. « Une justice pénale internationalisée pour juger le terrorisme : l’exemple du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban », in Jean Marc Sorel (ed.), Vers une internationalisation du jugement des actes de terrorisme, Pedone (2011).

14. “ Not ‘Lambs to the Slaughter’: A Program for Resistance to ‘Genocidal Law’”, in René Provost and Payam Akhavan (eds.), Confronting Genocide, Springer Verlag (2011).

15. « Handicap, droits humains et Canada : quels objectifs après la ratification de la Convention des Nations Unies ? », in Le Tribunal des droits de la personne et le Barreau du Québec (eds.), Race, femme, enfant, handicap: Les conventions internationales et le droit interne à la lumière des enjeux pratiques du droit à l’égalité, Cowansville, Editions Yvon Blais (2010).

16. « La diversification des acteurs impliqués dans les conflits armés : vers un dépassement de la ‘participation directe aux hostilités’ ? », in Jean Marc Sorel (ed.) Le rôle des tiers aux conflits armés dans la protection des populations civiles, Pedone (2010).

17. “ Too Much of a Good Thing? Implementation and the Uses of Complementarity,” in Carsten Stahn & Mohamed El Zeidy, The International Criminal Court and Complementarity; From Theory to Practice, Cambridge University Press (2010).

7 18. “ In Search of the ‘Vertical’: An Exploration of What Makes International Criminal Tribunals Different (and Why)”, in Carsten Stahn & Larissa van den Herik (eds.), Future Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, TMC Asser/Cambridge University Press (2010).

19. “ Causes Worth Fighting For: Is There a Non-State Jus Ad Bellum?”, in Aristotle Constantinides (ed.), The Diversity of International Law, Essays in Honour of Professor Kalliopi K. Koufa, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (2009).

20. “The Liberation of Nelson Mandela. Anatomy of a ‘Happy Event’ in International Law”, in Sundhya Pahuja, Fleur Johns and Richard Joyce, Events: The Force of International Law, Routledge-Cavendish (2009).

21. “ ‘Asi se Baila…’ Codes des milongas porte ñ as et ‘droit du quotidien’”, in France Joyal (ed.), Tango : corps à corps culturel, Presses de l’Université du Québec (2009).

22. “Os idosos”, in Frédéric Mégret & Florian Hoffmann (eds.), Dignidade: Un Foco Especial sobre Grupos Vulneraveis (2009)

23. “ La notion de crime d’Etat devant la Cour interaméricaine des droits de l’homme”, in Ludovic Hennebel et Hélène Tigroudja (eds.), La Cour inter-américaine des droits de l’homme: entre particularisme et universalisme, Paris, Pedone (2009)

24. “ A Cautionary Tale from the Crusades? War and Prisoners in Conditions of Incommensurability”, in Sibylle Scheipers (ed.), Prisoners in War, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2009).

25. « Le Canada à la pointe du progrès ? L’accommodement raisonnable à l’aune du droit international des droits de la personne », in Jean-François Gaudreault-DesBiens (ed.), Le droit, la religion et le « raisonnable » - Le fait religieux entre monisme étatique et pluralisme juridique, Montréal, Editions Thémis (2009).

26. « Le droit à un recours effectif en matière de discrimination: panorama du droit international et application au cas québécois », in Le Tribunal des droits de la personne et le Barreau du Québec (eds.), L’accès direct à un tribunal spécialisé en matière de droit à l’égalité: l’urgence d’agir au Québec? / Access to a Specialized Human Rights Tribunal : an Urgent Need to Act in Quebec ?, Cowansville, Editions Yvon Blais (2008).

27. “ The Vicarious Responsibility of the United Nations for ‘Unintended Consequences’ of Peacekeeping Operations”, in Chiyuki Aoi, Cedric de Cooning and Ramesh Thakur (eds.), The “Unintended” Consequences of Peace Operations, Tokyo, United Nations University Press (2007).

28. « L’éthique de non-intervention du droit international », in Jean-François Rioux (ed.), L’intervention armée peut-elle être juste ? Aspects moraux et éthiques des petites guerres contre le terrorisme et les génocides, Montréal, Fides (2007).

29. “ From ‘Savages’ to ‘Unlawful Combatants’: A Post-Colonial Look at International Humanitarian Law's ‘Other' ”, in Anne Orford (ed.), International Law and its “Others”, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2006).

8 30. “The International Criminal Court and State Sovereignty: the ‘Problem of an International Criminal Law’ Re-examined”, in John Carey, John Pritchard & Bill Dunlap (eds.), International Humanitarian Law: Prospects, New York, Transnational Publishers (2006), vol. III, 150 pp.

31. “ The ICTY and Domestic Courts: What Interaction?”, in Humanitarian Law Centre, Strategy for Transitional Justice in the former Yugoslavia (2005), pp. 225-240.

32. “ Why Would States Want to Join the International Criminal Court? An Explanation Through a Theoretical Exploration of the Nature of Complementarity", in Jann Kleffner and Gerben Kor (eds.), Complementary Views on Complementarity Proceedings of the International Roundtable on the Complementary Nature of the International Criminal Court, Amsterdam 25/26 June 2004,The Hague/Cambridge, T. M. C. Asser Press/Cambridge University Press (2005).

33. “Crimes de guerre”, in Gaetano Carlizzi, Gabriele Della Morte, Siliana Laurenti, & Antonio Marchesi (a cura di), La Corte Penale Internazionale problemi e prospettive, Napoli, Edizioni Vivarium (2003), pp. 119-158.

Contributions to encyclopedias, reference works and textbooks

1. “The Universality and Customary Character of the Geneva Conventions,” in Paola Gaetta, Marco Sassoli & Andrew Clapham (eds.), The 1949 Conventions – A Commentary (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2013).

2. « Les institutions judiciaires internationales », in Ryoa Chung et Jean-Baptiste Jeangène- Vilmer (eds.), Ethique des relations internationales, Paris, PUF (2012).

3. “ International Law as ‘Law’,” in Martti Koskenniemi and James Crawford (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to International Law, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press (2011).

4. “ La Cour pénale internationale: objet politique,” in Julian Fernandez & Xavier Pacreau (eds.), Commentaire du Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale, Paris, Pedone (2012, forthcoming).

5. “The Elderly,” in Thomas Cushman (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Human Rights, Routledge (2010).

6. “International Human Rights Law,” in Alexander Orakhelashvili (ed.), Research Handbook on the Theory and History of International Law, Elgar Publishing (2011).

7. “ The Declaration on the Prohibition of Military, Political or Economic Coercion in the Conclusion of Treaties,” in Olivier Corten and Pierre Klein (eds.), The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2010).

9 8. “ The Nature of Human Rights Obligations,” in Daniel Moeckli, Sandesh Sivakumaran, Sangeeta Shah, and David Harris (eds.), International Human Rights Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2010)

9. “International Criminal Law”, in Jennifer Beard and Andrew Mitchell (eds.), International Law , Melbourne, Pyrmont, Thomson Legal and Regulatory (2009).

10. “ Globalization”, in Rüdiger Wolfrum (ed.), Max Planck Encyclopaedia of International Law, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2009).

11. “ The European Union and Human Rights”, in David Forsythe (ed.), Encyclopaedia of Human Rights, Oxford, Oxford University Press (2008). Winner of the 2010 Dartmouth medal.

Significant web based contributions:

1. “Reparations Before the ICC: The Need for Pragmatism and Creativity,” UCLA School of Law Forum

2. (with Alexandra Harrington), “The Rise and Fall of Eunomia”, parts 1, 2, and 3, EJILTalk! (ran twice in 2011)

3. “Hobbling the Monitors: Should U.N. Human Rights Monitors be Accountable? A Response to Philip Alston”, Opinio Juris/Harvard International Law Journal (2011)


Keynotes, inaugural speeches:

1. “Dignity, Dignitas, Dignified” Panel on Human Dignity, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights (19/12/2011).

2. “A few things I wish I’d known when I started teaching” McGill University, Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS), and Teaching & Learning Services (TLS), Learning to Teach: A Professional Development Workshop for Graduate Students, 7th March 2010.

3. « La reconnaissance universelle des droits des personnes handicapées: pourquoi est-ce important, que cela peut-il changer? » Association québécoise inter-universitaire des conseillers aux étudiants ayant des besoins spéciaux, Colloque biannuel, McGill University (20-22/05/2009).

4. “What Makes Spectacular Legal Research?” Faculty of Law, McGill University, McGill Graduate Law Students Conference (03/04/2009).

5. « Intentions et motivations en droit international : ‘responsable mais pas (si) coupable’ ? » Centre de recherches en éthique de l’Université de Montreal (CREUM), Intentions and Motivations in International Relations (23/05/2008)

6. “ Competing Narratives of International Law: Internationalist Sensitivity and the ‘forces vives’ of Resistance” The Toronto Group for the Study of International, Transnational, and Comparative Law, Faculty of Law, University of Toronto, First Annual Graduate Student Conference, Mapping Emergent Terrains, Contesting Rigidified Tradition (11-13/01/2008)

7. “International Criminal Justice v. Transitional Justice? Some Thoughts on Rome + 10” Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Marie Curie Top Summer School (01/07/2008).

Guest lectures:

1. “ ‘Who’s in and who’s out?’ A propos de la protection juridique internationale du monopole de l’exercice légitime de la force et quelques autres attributs des monstres froids” CEDIM (UQAM), séminaires « A quoi sert le droit international ? » (26/01/2011)

2. “The rise and fall of ‘cosmopolitan man’: nationalism, citoyens du monde and the idea of a universal standpoint” Institucion Fernando el Catolico (Zaragoza), III Foro Internacional, Civilizaciones, Nacionalismos y Derecho Internacional (10/12/2010)

3. “Some Little Discussed Issues Surrounding Aggression as an International Crime: A Few Post-Kampala Thoughts”

11 University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law (26/11/2010)

4. “International Human Rights and Legal Pluralism: A Research Agenda” University of Manitoba, Law and Society Research Cluster Distinguished Visitor Lecture Series (25/09/09).

5. “The Case of the Iraq War Deserter: What Should Canada’s Legal Response Be?” Ottawa University, Faculty of Law, International Law Speaker Series Lecture (7/01/2009).

6. “War, Sports and the Law: The Laws of War as ‘Rules of the Game’” Georgetown University Law School, International Legal Theory Colloquium (24/11/2008).

7. “The UN Disability Convention: Why Now, What For, What Next?” Komenského University of Bratislava, Excelentna Univerzita (04/06/2008).

Paper presentations:

1. “Prospects for a Security Council Human Rights Ombudsperson” Strengthening the Rule of Law Through the Security Council, Australian National University Centre for International Governance and Justice/Australian Civil-Military Centre, Canberra (17-18/09/2012).

2. “Repentance” The Passions of International Law, Melbourne Law School Symposium (13-15/09/2012).

3. « La civilianisation de la guerre : comment est-ce que la distinction entre les civils et les militaires a évolué ces cent dernières années ? Un atelier interdisciplinaire » UQAM (8/09/2012).

4. “Should Insurgents Be Amnestied?” Jus Post Bellum, Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag) (30/05/2012- 01/06/2012).

5. « Les obligations en matière de réparation : un régime réaliste au regard des difficultés financières éprouvées par nombre d’organisations internationales ? » Table ronde sur la responsabilité des organisations internationales, CERIC (Université Paul Cézanne)/Centre de Droit International (Université de Bruxelles), Aix-en-Provence ().

6. “The Problematic Legitimacy of International Adjudication” High Level Policy Seminar: Courts, Social Change and Judicial Independence, Robert Schuman Centre, Global Governance Program, European University Institute, Florence (16- 17/03/2012).

7. “The European Court of Human Rights and the Armenian Genocide” The Armenian Genocide: From Recognition to Reparation, Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias (Beirut) (23-25/02/2012).

8. “The Abolition of Slavery and the Making of Africa’s Peripherality” International Law & the Periphery, American University in Cairo/Sidney Law School (17- 19/02/2012).

12 9. « Y a-t-il des limites en droit international à ce qu’un Etat peut privatiser ? » Séminaire mensuel de l’UMR 621, Université Paul Cézanne (06/01/12).

10. « Memorial monuments and transitional justice” Constructing Memories in the Wake of Crimes against Humanity: Artistic Interventions and the Politics of Memory, projet PIMPA (Politiques et initiatives mémorielles et pratiques artistiques), Geneva University of Art and Design (08-10/12/2011).

11. “Where is the Battlefield?” The Laws of War: International Conflict and the Global War on Terror, International Law Review Symposium, Loyola University of Chicago School of Law (25/02/2011).

12. “Where does the Critique of International Human Rights Stand?” New Approaches to International Law: lessons from the European experience, Fundacion Universitaria CEU San Pablo (Madrid) (11/12/2010).

13. “ICC and R2P: Might the two clash?” The International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect: Synergies and Tensions, Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights/ Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs (3-4/12/2010).

14. “Aggression, the Council and the Court” Road from Kampala, An Analysis of the First Review Conference of the Rome Statute, International Criminal Court Student Network, Duke Law School (29-30/11/2010).

15. “Pratique religieuse et pondération des droits: une perspective européenne » Association québécoise de droit constitutionnel, Cinquième Congrès (Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal), « La hiérarchie des droits fondamentaux et les accommodements religieux en droit constitutionnel québécois, canadien et comparé » (29/10/2010).

16. “The Pitfalls and Promise of International Institutionalization” Faculty of Law, McGill University, Echenberg Global Conference on Human Rights in Diverse Societies (09/10/2010).

17. “The Sources of International Criminal Law” Amsterdam University Centre for International Law/ Hague Institute for the Internationalisation of Law, International Criminal Procedure Expert Framework: Towards the Codification of General Rules and Principles (1-2/07/2010).

18. “Prospects for ‘Constitutional’ Human Rights Scrutiny of Substantive International Criminal Law by the ICC” Faculty of Law, University of Jerusalem, Public Law and Human Rights Workshop (26/05/2010).

19. “International Human Rights and Domestic Legal Pluralism: Does one Ever have the Right to One’s Own Law?” Minerva Center for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Toleration, equality, and segregation in the name of culture (25/05/2010).

13 20. « La contribution des tribunaux pénaux internationaux à la paix civile » Centre Thucyclide, Université Panthéon-Assas, Journée d’étude : la justice pénale internationale, bilan, défis et perspectives (21/05/2010).

21. « Désir de reconnaissance et tentation de l’irresponsabilité : le respect du droit international humanitaire par les acteurs non-étatiques en conflit armé » Université d’Artois, Faculté de droit de Douai, Journée d’étude Guerre et reconnaissance (6/05/2010).

22. « La ratification de la Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits de personnes handicapées par le Canada : quelles perspectives ? » Tribunal des droits de la personne du Québec/Barreau du Québec, Race, femme, enfant, handicap : Les conventions internationales et le droit interne à la lumière des enjeux pratiques du droit à l’égalité (26/03/2010).

23. “Child Soldiers: Victims, Criminals or Heroes?” The Institute for the Public Life of Arts and Ideas, McGill University, Imagining the Child/Imaginer l’enfant (10-11/03/2010).

24. « International Criminal Law in Canada » Faculty of Law, McGill University, Think Ahead- Une pensée d’avance, Continuing Legal Education series (16/2/2010).

25. “ The Slowly Changing Status of International Human Rights Law before International Criminal Tribunals: Towards a Constitutional Framework?” Vanderbilt University Law School, International Law Program Roundtable, Emerging Themes in International Law: Legal Theory, Human Rights, and Financial Regulation (Nashville, by video-link, 12/02/2010).

26. “Prospects for ‘Constitutional’ Human Rights Scrutiny of Substantive International Criminal Law by the ICC, With Special Emphasis On the General Part” Washington University School of Law, Whitney R. Harris World Law Institute, International Legal Scholars Workshop, Roundtable in Public International Law and Theory (Saint Louis, 4-6/2/2010).

27. “A dialética entre Dignidade Humana e Direitos Humanos” Conferência em Comemoração do Primeiro Aniversário do Lançamento da Agenda (São Paulo, 21/12/2009).

28. “That ‘Springbreak’ Feeling: Pragmatism, Irony and Belief in the Age of Human Rights” CERDIN (Faculté de droit Sorbonne) /Institute for International Law and the Humanities (University of Melbourne), Evaluating Critical Approaches to International Law (Paris, 11- 12/12/2009).

29. « Quelles obligations pour les Etats dans les conflits asymétriques ? » Ecole normale supérieure, Tables rondes sur l’éthique des relations internationales, Guerre, paix et justice entre les nations, Pour une éthique des monstres froids au 21e siècle (5/12/2009).

30. “The Canadian Anti-Terrorism Experience”

14 Magna Carta Institute (Bruxelles), Towards a Global Legal Counter-Terrorism Model: Transatlantic Perspectives (4/12/2009).

31. « L’enjeu de la distinction entre le génocide et les crimes de guerre » Programme paix et sécurité internationales, Université Laval, Colloque : la prévention du génocide et des atrocités de masse (23/11/2009).

32. “The Judge Who Talked Too Much: When Do Past Declarations Impugn Impartiality ? ” Institute for Ethics, Governance and Law/ Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) Waterloo/United Nations University (UNU)/ Australian Governance Research Network, International Workshop on ethical supports for the rule of law in international affair, “Ethical Supports For Strengthening The International Rule of Law” (19- 20/10/2009)

33. « Une justice pénale internationalisée pour juger le terrorisme : l’exemple du Tribunal spécial pour le Liban » Université Paris I, Centre d’étude et de recherche en droit international, Projet transatlantique, Vers une internationalisation du jugement des actes de terrorisme international? (3/07/2009)

34. « La diversification des acteurs impliqués dans les conflits armés : vers un dépassement de la ‘participation directe aux hostilités’ ? » Université Paris 1, Centre d’étude et de recherche en droit international, Projet Atlas, Le rôle des tiers aux conflits armés dans la protection des populations civiles (2/07/2009)

35. “Rehabilitation as A Neglected theme in Transitional Justice: From ‘Traitor’ to ‘Resisters’ after the Reich” University of Oxford, Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford Transitional Justice Research Group, Taking Stock of Transitional Justice (26-28/06/2009)

36. “The Role of Resistance in Preventing Atrocities” 21st Century Trust/Salzburg Global Seminar, Preventing Genocide and Mass Violence: What Can Be Learned From History? (12-14/06/2009)

37. « Cette étrange bête qu’est le Fond de compensation des victimes de la CPI: entre logique pénale et solidaire » Centre international de criminologie comparée, Université de Montréal, Soutenir, rapprocher et progresser: les droits des victimes dans le cas des crimes contre l'humanité et des crimes de guerre (30/04/2009)

38. « Les réparations devant la CPI : une logique hybride » CREUM/CRDP, Université de Montréal, Les enjeux contemporains de la justice pénale internationale : réparer l’irréparable (23/04/2009)

39. “Transitional Justice as Substantive Justice” (by videolink) Sturm College of Law, University of Denver, Conceptualizing Substantive Justice (17- 18/04/2009)

40. « Human rights and global warming »

15 Human Rights Working Group, Faculty of Law, McGill University, Climate Wars: Meeting the Challenge (30/03/2009)

41. « La volonté d’agir pour quoi ? L’importance de prêter assistance aux victimes et aux résistants » Humain avant tout/UQAM, Institut d’études internationales de Montreal, À travers les yeux des résistants et des sauveteurs : Saisir la volonté d'agir (2/04/2009)

42. “The Emergence of an International Criminal Procedure: Dynamic and Determinants” UCLA School of Law, UCLA Journal of International Law and Foreign Affairs 2009 Symposium, Trends and Tensions in International Criminal Procedure (20/02/2009)

43. “The Selection, Status and Role of Judges before International Criminal Tribunals” Bureau of Intelligence and Research, US Department of State & Central Intelligence Agency, Lessons Learned on International Tribunals for the New Administration (20- 21/11/2008).

44. “ The Changing Nature of Ad Hoc Tribunal’s Core Focus: From War Crimes to Crimes against Humanity” Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy/Université Paris II/American Society of International Law, Perspectives on International Criminal Justice, Boston (14-15/11/2008)

45. « ‘Parties civiles’: the French Experience » Canadian Centre for International Justice/University of Ottawa, Civil Litigation Workshop (7-8/11/2008)

46. « Une insurrection contre une occupation illégale est-elle légale en droit international? » International Peace and Security Interest Group, “Insurgency and International Law”, 3rd Biennial Conference of the European Society of International Law, International Law in a Heterogenous World, Heidelberg (4/09/2008)

47. “Civil Disobedience in Defense of International Values: A Common Culture of Resistance?” World International Studies Committee, 2 nd Global International Studies Conference, Lujbljana, What Keeps Us Apart, What Keeps Us Together? International Order, Justice, Values (23-23/07/2008)

48. “The Accountability and Ethics of International Prosecutors” University of Leuven, Faculty of Law, The International Prosecutor: Organization, Policy, and Legacy from Nuremberg to the ICC. Workshop 3, (27-28/05/2008)

49. « ‘Asi se baila’… Codes de la milonga et ‘droit du quotidien’ » ACFAS, Québec, 76ème Congrès, Couple, identité société : le tango argentin comme facteur de développement (06/05/2008)

50. « La Convention des Nations Unies sur les droits des personnes handicapées : inspiration, exigences, et implications » Réseau international sur le Processus de production du handicap (Québec), PPH, politiques sociales et droits humains (25/04/2008)

51. « Un chemin vers la liberté négligé? Rebellions d’esclave, théories de la résistance à l’oppression et réception par les tribunaux »

16 Université d’Ottawa, Faculté de droit, Les chemins de la liberté : réflexions à l’occasion du bicentenaire de l’abolition de l’esclavage (14-16/03/2008)

52. “The World Seen Through Humanitarianism: Some International Law Distortions” Finnish International Studies Association/Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Helsinki Workshop on Humanitarianism (14-15/12/2007)

53. “A Cautionary Tale from the Crusades? International Humanitarian Law and Prisoners in Conditions of Religious Incommensurability” University of Oxford, Leverhulme Programme on the Changing Character of War, Prisoners in War (10-12/12/2007)

54. University of 4, Faculty of Law, The International Prosecutor: Organization, Policy, and Legacy from Nuremberg to the ICC. Workshop 2, (8-10/11/2007)

55. “Non-Accountability in the Shadow of Colonization: Lessons learnt from the Mandate and Trusteeship Systems for “International Territorial Administrations” International Law Association (American Branch), New York, Towards a New Vision of International Law (25-27/10/2007)

56. “Civil Society and Resistance to Genocide: Beyond the ‘Rescue Paradigm’” Faculty of Law, McGill University, Echenberg Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide (12/10/2007)

57. “La notion d’accommodement raisonnable dans une perspective internationale” Université de Montréal, Faculté de droit, La Religion, le Droit et le « Raisonnable » (18/06/2007)

58. “ Las ocupaciones como forma de desobediencia civil indígena: practica, justificación, resultados” Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia, Encuentro Canadá-Venezuela sobre los derechos de los pueblos indígenas, Universidad Central de Venezuela (14/06/2007)

59. “Le rôle du droit international dans la légitimation de la résistance à l’oppression” Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, 75ème Congrès de l’ACFAS (08/05/2007)

60. “The UN and Online Child Exploitation” University of Toronto, Center for Innovation Law and Policy/ Microsoft, 2 nd International Symposium on Online Child Exploitation (07/05/2007).

61. “Le cadre juridique des opérations de maintien de la paix: vers une troisième génération?” Université du Québec à Montréal, Des casques bleus aux casques verts (04/04/2007).

62. “Civil Disobedience in Defence of International Law: Sketch for a Theoretical Argument” Oslo University, The New International Law (15-18/03 2007).

63. “The Constitutionalization of a Right to Resist Tyranny: a Comparative Analysis” McGill University, Faculty of Law, Young Scholars Conference (26/01/2007).

17 64. Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en SchoneKunsten van Belgie (Bruxelles), The International Prosecutor: Organization, Policy, and Legacy from Nuremberg to the ICC. Workshop 1, (7-9/12/2006).

65. “What Ever Happened to the Right to Resist Tyranny?” Birckbeck College, London, The Force of International Law (16/04/2006).

66. “La ‘responsabilité de protéger’ à l’épreuve des faits” Université du Québec à Montréal, Irak, Darfour, Haïti...La responsabilité de protéger: quel avenir ? (27/03/2006).

67. “Jus in bello as jus ad bellum and vice-versa” American Society for International Law, Centennial Conference, “A Just World Under Law” , Washington DC (23/03/2006).

68. “A Strong Defence of Hybridity” McGill University, Faculty of Law, Hybrid Courts in Context (17/02/2006).

69. “Le mécanisme de suivi de la Convention inter-américaine de lutte contre la corruption” Organization of American States/University of Ottawa, Annual International Law Workshop (25/10/2005).

70. “Une réforme encore plus fondamentale? L'ouverture des Nations Unies aux acteurs non- étatiques” Chaire Raoul-Dandurand en études stratégiques et diplomatiques, Institut d’Etudes Internationales, UQAM, Réformer ou reformer ? (06/10/2005).

71. “The Poverty of Customary International Humanitarian Law” McGill University, Faculty of Law, Customary International Humanitarian Law: Challenges, Practices and Debates (29/09/2005).

72. “The Optional Protocol to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography: Challenges Ahead” University of Toronto, Center for Innovation Law and Policy/ Microsoft, Symposium on Online Child Exploitation (2/05 2005).

73. “Some Comments on the French Tradition in International Law” Harvard Law School, Comparative Visions of Global Public Order (5-6/03 2005).

74. “Who Should We Try Milosevic and Hussein?” Cornell University (Ithaca), Faculty of Law, Milosevic and Hussein on Trial (25-26/02 2005).

75. “Peut-on parler de droit international humanitaire en termes de droits?” Canadian Council on International Law (Ottawa), annual conference (15/10 2004).

76. “Accountability for Human Rights Abuses at the UN” Incore/United Nations University, Cape Town, The Unintended Consequences of Peacekeeping (15-19/11/2004).

77. “The ICTY and Domestic Courts: What Interaction?”

18 International Humanitarian Law Centre, Belgrade, Dealing with the Past (22-23/10/2004).

78. “International Humanitarian Law and its ‘Others’: From Tribes to Terrorists” University of Melbourne Faculty of Law, International Law and its “Others”: Legal Theory Workshop (12-14/ 6/2004).

79. “ The Relevance of International Instruments on Racial Discrimination to Racial Discrimination Policy in Ontario” Ontario Human Rights Commission/Association for Canadian Studies, Race Policy Dialogue Conference (10/10 2004).

80. “Is the International Criminal Court ‘Political’?” The Minerva Center for Human Rights (Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem), The International Criminal Court and the Advent of International Criminal Justice (14-16/12/2003).

81. “L’éthique de non-intervention du droit international” Institut d’études internationales de Montréal/Chaire Raoul Dandurand, Montréal, A la recherche d’une éthique de l’intervention internationale (20-21/12/2003).

82. “The Dubious Progeny of a Deformalizing Agenda” Birkbeck College, London, The New International Law Program (12-14/06/2003)

83. “Who Should Judge the Terrorists?” University of Michigan Law School, Ann Arbor. ‘A War Against Terrorism’: What Role for International Law? – US and European Perspectives (18-19 /10/2002).

84. “Guantanamo’s Prisoners dilemma” European University Institute, Florence, ‘Le Droit … c’est moi?’ – International Law Under the New Empires (18-19/5/2002).

85. “Infinite Justice/Endless War” Foundation for New Research in International Law, Brussels, Infinite Justice? - Autumn Workshop on New Scholarship in International Public and Private Law (23-25/11/2001).

86. “Akayesu and the “Constructed” Concept of Groups under the Genocide Convention” Johann Wolfgang Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Third Workshop on New Scholarship in International Public and Private Law (19-20/04/2001)

87. “The ‘War on Terrorism’ and International Law” European University Institute, Florence, The Other Side of ‘War’ (3/12/2001).

Guest seminars:

1. “The Rise and Fall of ‘International Man’” Harvard Law School (18/10/2012)

2. “Thoughts on the Evolution of International Criminal Justice” American University in Cairo (22/02/2012).

19 3. « La protection internationale des minorités » Master 2 droit international et européen, Faculté libre de droit, Université catholique de Lille (14-16/12/2011)

4. “Le régime de réparations de la Cour pénale internationale” Hague Academy of International Law, Seminar for Advanced Studies, Challenges in International Criminal Law (23/01/2010).

5. “Victim Reparation and the ICC” Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Marie Curie Top Summer School 2009 (1/07/2009).

6. “Les réparations dues aux victimes dans le cadre de la Cour pénale internationale” Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Centre Bilingual Summer School on International Criminal Law (30/06/2009).

7. “ Prospects for ‘constitutional’ scrutiny of international criminal law through international human rights, with special emphasis on substantive law”. Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Marie Curie Research Course 2008-2009, The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law in a Global Society (16/03/2009).

8. “Verticalism v. Horizontalism in International Criminal Law” Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Marie Curie Research Course 2008-2009, The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law in a Global Society (30/06/2008).

9. “Going Hybrid: The Face of Sustainable International Criminal Justice to Come?” Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies (Den Haag), Marie Curie Top Summer School 2008-2009, The Diversification and Fragmentation of International Criminal Law in a Global Society (30/06/2008).

10. « Le cadre juridique des opérations humanitaires: droit international des droits de l’homme, droit international humanitaire et droit des réfugiés » UQAM/UNITAR/IEIM/Chaire Raoul-Dandurand, Séminaire d’approfondissement sur les opérations humanitaires (27/05/2008).

11. « Le cadre juridique des opérations de maintien de la paix » UQAM/UNITAR/CANADEM, Séminaire d’approfondissement des missions de paix des Nations Unies (07/05/2008).

12. “Positive and Negative Discrimination in the Disabilities Convention” McGill Institute for Health and Social Policy (04/04/2008).

13. “Civil Disobedience in Defense of International Law: What Should International Law Have to Say?” University of Georgia School of Law (28/03/2008)

14. “The Essence of Hybridity: are Hybrid Tribunals Different?” International Criminal Tribunal for the Former-Yugoslavia, ICTY Chambers Training

20 Presentations (25/02/2008).

15. “Resistance to Genocide” McGill University, International Young Leaders Forum, Global Conference on the Prevention of Genocide (09/10/2007).

16. “Treaties of a Humanitarian Nature” The Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Helsinki, The 21st Helsinki Summer Seminar on International Law: Tensions in the law of Treaties (22-23/08/2007).

17. “Understanding Human Rights Treaties” and “Civil disobedience in defense of international human rights” Institute for Human Rights, Äbo Akademi University, Advanced Course on the International Protection of Human Rights (13-16/08/2007).

18. « Le cadre juridique des opérations de maintien de la paix » UQAM/UNITAR/CANADEM, Séminaire d’approfondissement sur les opérations de maintien de la paix, (04/04/2007).

19. “ ‘Gays, the Holocaust and Ordinary Homophobia: the Continuity of Crime, Hate and Victimization” Saidye Bronfman Centre for the Arts (11/03/2007).

20. “The Security Council and Human Rights” New York University Law School (05/02/2007).

21. “El derecho de resistencia a la opresión en un contexto latino-americano y mundial” Universidad John Kennedy, Buenos Aires (07/07/2006).

22. « Quelques problèmes d’actualité en droit humanitaire » Cours francophone inter-africain de droit international humanitaire, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (Comité international de la Croix Rouge) (10-13/03 2006).

23. “International Humanitarian Law as an Attempt to Regulate the Absolutely Exceptional” Raoul Wallenberg Institute and the Institute for Human Rights, Åbo Akademi, Lund University, Nordic Human Rights Research Course: Human Rights and the Exceptional (31/05-4/06/2004).

24. “Is International Humanitarian Law a Sham?” The Erik Castren Institute of International Law and Human Rights (University of Helsinki) (4/3 2004).

25. “The International Criminal Court and the protection of human rights” Helsinki University, “The Mosaic”, 3rd Annual Helsinki Seminar on International Criminal Law, (05/03/2004).

26. “El impacto del 11 de septiembre sobre los derechos humanos” Institut drets humans de Catalunya, Barcelona (03/2003).

21 27. “The International Criminal Court” New York University Law School (10/2002).

Roundtables, commentator:

1. “Workshop: The Fabric of International Jurisprudence” Robert Schuman Centre, Global Governance Program, European University Institute, Florence (15-16/03/2012).

2. “International Law is Political: So What?” Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, Cambridge University (26-27/01/2012)

3. Book launch: Ruti Teitel, Humanity’s Law Académie de droit humanitaire, Genève (8/12/2011).

4. “Climate Change and the Arctic: What Role for Human Rights?” Canadian Council on International Law, Annual Conference (29/10/2010) (as chair).

5. “Challenges before the International Criminal Justice System” Hague Academy of International Law, Seminar for Advanced Studies, Challenges in International Criminal Law (23/01/2010).

6. “International Justice Across the Disciplines” International Studies Association, New York Annual Convention (16/01/2009).

7. “New Wars, New Laws? Humanitarian Law in the 21st Century” Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, University of Notre Dame (South Bend, Indiana), “Of War and Law” (13/01/2009).

8. The Newly Adopted International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Instrument of Change? McGill University, Centre for Human Rights and Legal Pluralism (13/02/2008) (as chair)

9. “How Does Contemporary International Law Accommodate Private Actors?” European Society of International Law, Geneva Research Forum on International Law (2005) (as chair)

10. Jena Bates, “Competing Expressions of Sovereignty: Revisiting the State Consent Issue in the Territorial Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over Nationals of Third States”

11. Canadian Council on International Law, Annual Conference, Ronald St. John Macdonald Young Scholars Award (30/10/2010)

12. Tyrone Kirchengast, “Integrating the Victim into the Adversarial Criminal Trial” Centre international de criminology Comparée, Université de Montréal, (1/12/2009).

13. « Justice et droits humains: entre principes et application / Justice and human rights: between principles and application” Les facettes du pouvoir/Facets of Power, McGill University (3/05/2007)

22 Interviews:

Newspaper: Headway (McGill) (on current work) The Hour, Three Dollar Bill (09/03/2007) Le délit (McGill) (genocide conference) La Presse Canadienne (International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda) Tribune, 07/02/2007


Radio Centre Ville (génocide rwandais, intervention humanitaire) Canadian Press, 02/11/2007 (Canadian arrested for paedophilia in Thailand) 940 Montreal, Drive with Duff, 24/10/2007 (security certificates) 940 Montreal, The Dennis Trudeau show, 08/04/2008 (Olympics) CBC Radio, All in a Weekend, 9/03/2007 (homophobia) CJAD, 23/02/2007 (security certificates) Radio Canada, Samedi et rien d’autre, 08/04/2007 (Munyaneza trial) Radio Canada, Mauricie chez nous, 05/02/2007 (accommodement raisonnable) CBC Radio News: World at Six, 10/01/2008 (Munyaneza trial) Radio Canada, Ouvert le samedi, 29/03/2008 (jeux olympiques) Radio Canada International, 22/07/2008 (Karadzic) CBC radio, 4/08/2008 (Olympics and social change) Radio Canada, 6/08/2008 (universal jurisdiction case in Spain) CBC Montréal, 16/03/2010 (reasonable accommodation)

TV :

CTV, News, 21/04/2007 (interview on Mohammed el-Attar) Radio Canada, Téléjournal, (interview on Charkaoui) Radio Canada, Téléjournal (interview on genocide conference) CBC news, 26/03/2008 (Olympics) CTV Newsnet, 25/03/2008 (Olympics) CTV Montreal, Mutsumi Takahashi, 25/03/2008 (Olympics) CTV Montreal, Mutsumi Takahashi, 8/04/2008 (International Criminal Court) CTV Newnet, 18/06/2008 (Taser report) RDI, 6/08/2008 (first Guantanamo verdict) TVA, news, 26/01/2011 (interview on Ben Ali relatives in Montréal) LCN, news, 27/01/2011 (interview on Ben Ali relatives in Montréal) Canal argent, infos, 27/01/2011 (interview on Ben Ali relatives in Montréal) TVA, news, 26/01/2011 (interview on Ben Ali relatives in Montréal)


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