Ainsworth: Christopher Allen Bartak (Long Pine), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Business
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Adams Central: Luann Lynn Jacobitz (Holstein), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Emilee Veronica Lonowski (Hastings), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Amelia Marie Oerter (Hastings), David, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, history; Brandon John Perry (Hastings), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering. Ainsworth: Christopher Allen Bartak (Long Pine), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Business Administration, actuarial science; Callin Bradley Cummings (Johnstown), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jennifer Ann Weiss, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry. Alliance: Martie Rosalie Burke, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Miles Alan Buskirk, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared-agricultural studies; Kyren Renee Conley, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Cory Daniel Cummings, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michelle Catherine Foster, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Camyla Madeline Sarah Joule, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Raul Del Real Sanchez, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Hannah Jo Steele, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Ashley Marie Thompson, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Michael James Todd, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Sara Mary Watson, David, Business Administration, management. Alma: Jonathan Bernard Fischer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, civil engineering; Julia Jean Platt, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agricultural economics; Chance Bennett Waggoner (Republican City), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education. Amherst: Hillary Renee Bentley (Miller), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre- elementary education. Anselmo-Merna: Jacob Thomas Kirkpatrick (Anselmo), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- physician's assistant; Lacy Jo Leibhart (Anselmo), Regents, Architecture, pre-architecture; Logan Taylor Mason (Anselmo), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy. Ansley: Andrew Allen Bundy, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre- criminal justice; Kyle A. Drake (Mason City), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Dustin Allen Hurt, Canfield, General Studies, pre-engineering. Arapahoe-Holbrook: Zachary Alan Henry (Arapahoe), David, General Studies, undeclared. Arcadia: Anthony Michael McClary, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine. Arlington: Caitlin Claire Cedfeldt, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, political science; Thomas Andrew Grove (Bennington), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Nathan John Korus, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Adam David Maas (Herman), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Bree Austin Opfer (Kennard), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Evan Lee Schulkey (Kennard), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Brittany Ann Stork, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-mathematics education. Arnold: Rebekah Lee Magill, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Ashland-Greenwood: Aaron Henry Adel (Ashland), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Jacob Joseph Crnkovich (Ashland), Regents, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Samuel William Fiene (Ashland), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, natural resource and environmental economics; Jennifer Lynn Jordan (Ashland), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua James Kingston (Ashland), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Kayce Lynn Kobs (Ashland), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Travis A. Laughlin (Ashland), David, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physics education; Kelsie Rose Nygren (Ashland), David, General Studies, undeclared; Mark Allen Powell Jr. (Greenwood), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, undeclared; Kellie Marie Wise (Ashland), Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine. Auburn: Ryan Joseph Allgood, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Justin Allen Lane, Regents, Engineering, computer engineering; Lyndsey Alana Markert (Peru), Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Alyssa Brooke Rogge, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry. Aurora: Matthew John Boehle (Phillips), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), General Studies, pre- engineering; Shelby Liane Clymer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Amanda Susan Davis, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Jamie Lee Dick, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Samuel Jacob Herman (Marquette), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Marcy Renae Jacobsen (Marquette), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Amy Michelle Jobman, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education; Tara Lea McDonald (Phillips), Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Katie Marie Nunnenkamp (Harvard), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Timothy W. Pawley, Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Collin Kenneth Sorensen (Phillips), Regents, Business Administration, agribusiness; Carter Keith Wasem, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Kendal Dawn Wofford, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Bancroft-Rosalie: Elizabeth Jo Cerny (Bancroft), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Banner County: Marianne Helen Griffiths (Gering), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering. Battle Creek: Brandon Duane Prauner, Canfield, General Studies, pre-engineering; Sarah Fayanne Taylor, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Regina Nicole Weber (Meadow Grove), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared. Bayard: Michelle Anna Miller, David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, horticulture. Beatrice: Jenna Leigh Busboom (Pickrell), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Emily Mae Dorf, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Dane Austin Fossler, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Randa Brianne Grof, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jason Paul Hellige, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Kara Lynn Hilton, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Katlin Jessie Karges, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Vernon Lauritsen, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Annette Marie Lytle, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Anthony Michael Mittan, Canfield, Business Administration, marketing; Erin Elizabeth Sorensen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Natasha KaLyn Trauernicht, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Kyle David Warneke, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Engineering, electrical engineering; Justin Michael Wiegand, Chancellor's Leadership, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Alan John Wiese Jr. (Filley), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, mechanized systems management. Bellevue East: Jessicca Marie Ackerman, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Julian Monico Andrade, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; LaTisha M. Banks, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Michael Stephen Beliveau, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Corrie Danielle Benton, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Stephanie Ann Boyett, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; James David Burton, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Ashley Nicole Carpenter, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Matthew David Cutter, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Thomas Dunkleman, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Kathryn Rose Eller, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Robin John Fife Griffith, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Sheena Yang Gastrock, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Dustin Grey Guericke, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Daniel Jenckes Gutierrez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), General Studies, undeclared; Joan Colette Halouska (Plattsmouth), David, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Allison Kay Henri, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Melissa Marie Holton, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Architecture, pre-architecture; Andrea Danielle Hvistendahl, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Megan Elizabeth Kolarik, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Donald Charles Kraft, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Taylor Marie Lowis, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Heather Leigh McIntosh, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Katherine Ann Monahan, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Crystal Leeanne Olson, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; RaSheema Julissa Pitt, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Katrina Deann Powell, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Scott Eugene Sivard, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Shawn Robin Smith, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sara Marie Sweet, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared. Bellevue West: Levi Jacob Baker, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Rachael Faye Barber, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Natalie K. Brazeal, Regents, Engineering, construction management; Catherine Ann Buennemeyer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Sarah Alexis Bustamante, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Jennifer Diane Clark, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Jacqueline Renee Clerc, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, undeclared; Benjamin Brian Comte (Papillion), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jennifer Leigh Daly (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Christopher Braxton Dilda, Regents, Business Administration, accounting; Emily Elizabeth Edwards, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Caitlin Elizabeth Ehlers, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Peter Moises Falcon, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Joseph Andrew Fripp, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Fine and Performing Arts, music; Susan Kimberly Giroux, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Joshua Edward Gleisberg, Canfield, Business Administration, management; James Martin Glover, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Tyler LaRue Goeringer, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Brett Arin Guster, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Fine and Performing Arts, music; Andrew Martin Hahn, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Sylvia Jasmine Hall, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Alissa Christine Hart, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Kathryn Ann Healey, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Bethany Nicole Hebert, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Alyssa Brianne Helming, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Megan Marie Horton, Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Gabrielle Miquela Humm (Papillion), Chancellor's Leadership, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Chelsea Nicole Joubert, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Joshua Ryan Klostermeyer, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jennifer Nicole Lutz, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Jennifer Nicole Lutz, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Stocha Alexandra Magnuson, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Lucas Aaron May, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Paul Curtis McCool, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre- criminal justice; Matthew Alexander Miller, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Jason Michael Moody, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Rhianna Alexis Needham, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, political science; Jeremy Michael Nicholson, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Micah S. Pischnotte, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Adrienne Marie Ramos, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Scot Andrew Rowe, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Corey Dean Schram, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Kallie Lynn Seager, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Meredith Marie Shuman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kurt Friedrich Smith, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kathlyn Jacey Steinhardt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Bryan Yong Watson, Promising Scholars Grant ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Jeffrey Wayne Wentz, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Maxine Kristina White, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Derek Jaeger Wilson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Bennington: Craig Matthew Jewell, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Christopher Daniel Lantz, David, General Studies, undeclared; Monica Lynn Marean, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Benjamin Scott Milliken, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Kyle Anthony O'Connell, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Andrew James Pokorny (Omaha), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Brandi Lynn Purdy, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Leigha Elizabeth Wichelt, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing. Bertrand: Brooke Marie Samuelson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Blair: Rachel Marie Barkley, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Laura Catherine Blaha, Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Emily Fay Bliss, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Brett Thomas Conyers, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Spencer Douglass Hunt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Matthew Edward Isham, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Brett Randy Jensen, David, Business Administration, accounting; Ryan David Jensen, Regents, Arts and Sciences, film studies; John Graham Johnson, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Thomas Arthur Johnson, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Caitlin Ann Moore (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Elizabeth Ruffer, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Olivia Jan Taylor, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Kara Nicole Teach, Regents, Arts and Sciences, anthropology; Devin Mary Tierney, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Clay Thomas Wakefield, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture. Bloomfield: Kurtis Allen Palu, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering. Blue Hill: Kylie Nicole Kinley (Bladen), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news- editorial; KaCee Allen Kremeier (Bladen), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, computer science; Benjamin Casey Wademan, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Boone Central: Shannon Marie Borer (Albion), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Laura Jean Brugger (Albion), Chancellor's Leadership, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Craig William Majerus (Albion), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Philip Anthony Niewohner (Albion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristen Kay Seda (St. Edward), Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Amanda Paulina Sorell (Albion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Erin Michelle Sullivan (Albion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Molly Kathleen Young (Albion), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial. Bridgeport: Tonya Michelle Blomenkamp (Broadwater), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Thomas Daniel Jacobson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cassandra Ann Lapaseotes, Canfield, Business Administration, agribusiness; Devor Howard O'Connor, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Katti Michelle Riggs, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Broken Bow: Tyler Jay Farmer, David, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Katie Kristin Farritor, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Shelby Jean Pomplun, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kraig Raymond Steckler, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Jared Ryan Williams, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Taylor Allan Woodward, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Taylor James Zlomke, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial. Bruning-Davenport: Katie Elizabeth Kerl (Bruning), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, chemistry. Burwell: Allison Noel Smith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English. Cambridge: Karinne Marie Deaver, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jenna Nicole Dietz, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Amanda Sheree Edgerton, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Cedar Bluffs: Taylor Dean Eiring, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Cedar Rapids: Nicole Marie Greger (Belgrade), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Maureen Marie Schuele, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration. Centennial: Caroline Lois Brauer (Utica), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Paul Morgan Heiden (Waco), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, diversified agricultural studies; Kristen Ann Pankoke (Beaver Crossing), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Abby Robyn Richter (Waco), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Randel James Scherer (Waco), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Central City: Chad James Benner, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Leah Aimee Benson (Grand Island), Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Molly Alyssa Lyons (Marquette), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dental hygiene; Michael John Sullivan, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Centura: Nicholas Dean Moss (Cairo), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Scott Albert Sorensen (Cairo), Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, fisheries and wildlife. Chadron: Austin Charles Butterfield, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, geology; Brittany LaRea Eitemiller, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Jay David Miller, Canfield, General Studies, pre- nursing; Thomas Merle Thornton, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering. Chambers: Valarie Jean Hoffman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; William Nathanial Falla (Enders), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Nicole Lynn Gaswick (Imperial), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Staci Rae Hogsett (Lamar), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Michael Scott Munger (Imperial), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Celeste Nicole Pankonin (Imperial), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Taylor Marcus Wentz (Imperial), David, Business Administration, accounting; Taylor Jordon Yaw (Imperial), Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Clarkson: Stephanie Dee Liekhus (Dodge), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Hollie Maire Vacha, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Clay Center: Christopher Michael Johnson, David, Arts and Sciences, physics; Nema Koohmaraie, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law. Clearwater: Megan Ann Kester, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art history and criticism. Coleridge: Jonathan James Sayler, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Columbus: Kelli Anne Augspurger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alexandra Jean Bartels, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-speech-language pathology; Magdalen Marie Bose, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Douglas Simon Fernaays, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Wade Bernard Fleischacker, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Kaylee Marie Griffiths, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristen Elizabeth Jacobson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Andrew Z. Lescelius, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Daniel John MacArthur, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Jordan Joseph Maly, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Giana Katherine Novotny, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Collin Christian Pietz, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kaitlynn Maureen Placzek, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Stephanie Christine Powell, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Chelsea Ann Rieckman, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Blake Ray Ritter, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Taylor Lee Sansoni, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lindsey Louise Shannon, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Jared Joseph Thomas, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Leslie Marie Walters, Regents, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Trevor Jon Wilke, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Max Thomas Wohlgemuth, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Nicholas James Wohlgemuth, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, undeclared. Columbus Lakeview: Natalie Marie Becher (Platte Center), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Crystana Karen Dornish, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Spencer David Luckey, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Brandon Michael Lundborg, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Jeffrey Kenneth Skiles, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Emily Nicole Wemhoff (Creston), Canfield, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Jordan L. Went (Creston), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics. Columbus Scotus: Brenton Gerald Albracht, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Kelsey Louise Beiermann, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Thomas James Beller, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Kristin Ann Ostdiek, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Lance Steven Schmidt (Monroe), Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Katelyn Marie Schueth, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Lauren M. Schumacher, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Mark William Siegel, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Stephani Michele Spies, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Daniel Robert Zach, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture. Conestoga: Ashley April Anderson (Murray), Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre- speech and English education; Kimberly Patricia Clawson (Plattsmouth), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Karmen Leigh DeLancey (Murray), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Justin Earl Nolte (Nehawka), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Brianna Michelle Pinquoch (Plattsmouth), Regents, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Leslie Rae Poston (Plattsmouth), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Andrew Don Schlichtemeier (Murray), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Pepsi, Engineering, biological systems engineering. Cozad: Gretchen Lindsey Clark, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Joy Lynn Evertson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Edward Raymond Jasso, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Keely Kathryn Montgomery, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Kayla Sue Steffensmeier, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Tessa Jasmine Terry, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture. Crawford: Joseph Ordell Dirks, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Erica Jean Jankovits, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jocelyn Rhianne Limbach, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Creek Valley: Samuel Douglas Rose (Big Springs), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; McKenzie Lynn Steger (Chappell), Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Creighton: Alison Jo Laflan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Shane William Strope (Orchard), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agricultural economics. Crete: Samantha Kay Bohl (Martell), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Ryan Gregory Hier, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture. Crofton: Andrew Joseph Goeden, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Scott Oltmanns (Yankton, S.D.), Regents, Pepsi, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Eric Jacob Peitz, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Cross County: Janna Joy Dravitzki (Stromsburg), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rachelle Elizabeth Hanson (Benedict), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Brent David Jameson (Stromsburg), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kyra Lorraine Rodene (Stromsburg), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. David City: Kyle M. Clymer, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Brent Richard Griffiths, Canfield, Business Administration, management; Brody J. Stara (Rising City), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Steven James Svoboda (Rising City), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. David City Aquinas: Lynsey Ann Kreikemeier (Bellwood), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Jake Thomas Miriovsky, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Ashley Lyn Truksa, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Deshler: April Ann Christensen (Hardy), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Rebecca Jane Dornbierer (Davenport), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, veterinary science; Pavel E. Patino, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Engineering, computer engineering. Diller-Odell: Mikaela Jo Bolejack (Diller), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Jenna Marie Rickstrew (Diller), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Dexter Reed Spitsnogle (Odell), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Anessa Ravae Weers (Diller), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Kimberly Catherine Zarybnicky (Odell), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, accounting. Doniphan-Trumbull: Christopher John Michener (Doniphan), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, actuarial science; Sarah Michelle Rainforth (Doniphan), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law. Dorchester: Katelyn Jae Sokolik, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Brandon Dean Vyhnalek, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Douglas County West: Karla Anne Bertelsen (Waterloo), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Alison Lynn McKie (Waterloo), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jake Ryan Skinner (Valley), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Amanda Marie Sladek (Valley), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared. Dundy County: Christopher Michael Rosenfelt (Benkelman), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, international business; Suzanne Marie Wilson (Benkelman), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. East Butler: Andrea Michelle Aerts (David City), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Colton James Bailey (Brainard), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Megan Elizabeth Krenk (Dwight), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Wesley Alan Niemann (Bee), David, Engineering, mechanical engineering. Elba: Joanne Christine Kaslon (Ashton), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry. Elgin: Ben Walker Beckman, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, grassland ecology and management; Dana Marie Uhrenholdt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Elgin Pope John XXIII: Luke Norbert Beckman, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared-agricultural studies; Andrew John Childers, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholars, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Matthew Paul Dwyer (Bartlett), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Melissa J. Schindler, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Kristine Marie Seier (Petersburg), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), General Studies, undeclared; Anthony Robert Selting, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, biological systems engineering. Elkhorn: Taylor Nicole Arehart, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Jessica Lynn Blanford (Omaha), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Jeffrey James Brabec, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Jordan Alan Brocaille, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Lisa Marie Busacker (Omaha), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Samuel Kenneth Davis, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, physics; Curtis Lee DiMartino (Bennington), Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Michael Peter Emerson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jillian Susan Endebrock, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Matthew Jud Farnham, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Eric Michael Fasse, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Rachael Altschuler Fithian, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Jessica Erin Fostvedt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Lyndsey Rae Frolio, Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Alexander Charles Gandrow (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amanda Kay Graham, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Engineering, electrical engineering; Brenton Eugene Hankins, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Tyler Joe Hayes (Omaha), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Noah Paul Hoffman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-chiropractic; Lindsay Alyse Jakopovic, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Michelle Leigh-Anne Johnson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kevin Joseph Lant, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Mallory Ann Larsen, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Stephen John Lerner, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Jonathan Alan McKinley, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Alexander Richard Metschke, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jon Alexander Morton (Omaha), Regents, Business Administration, accounting; Kyle Douglas Nodgaard (Omaha), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Ellen Ann Paasch (Valley), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Sarah Jean Paasch, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Austin Michael Quint, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alysia Elizabeth Radicia, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Hilary Thea Riggle, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Eric Anthony Ritter (Omaha), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Rachel Catherine Simmelink (Waterloo), Canfield, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Jessica Renee Simpson, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; McKaela Vonne Simpson (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Natalie Helen Willer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Taylor Beth Workman, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Elkhorn Mount Michael: Thomas Patrick Frederick (Omaha), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Nick Samuel Hall (Omaha), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Paul Augustine Hotovy (Omaha), David, General Studies, undeclared; Thomas Russell Kenny (Eagle), Regents, Arts and Sciences, physics; John William Pritchard Jr. (Omaha), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Aaron Bradley Wiese (Omaha), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Elkhorn Valley: Karolyn Frances Fox (Tilden), Regents, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Kelli Miranda Means (Meadow Grove), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Elm Creek: Erin E. Hays (Kearney), David, Business Administration, business administration; Amber Jean Spotanski, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Elmwood-Murdock: Jessica Noelle Mumford (Elmwood), David, General Studies, undeclared; Scott Ryan Ronhovde (Eagle), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Madison Marie Stephen (Elmwood), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Sean Thomas Stille (Elmwood), David, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice. Elwood: Stephen John Schutz, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Britney Sue Zeller, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Emerson-Hubbard: Alex David Gutzmann (Emerson), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Levi J. Teager (Jackson), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Eustis-Farnam: Amanda Jayne Buehner (Eustis), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, undeclared; Lisa Marie Cochrane (Eustis), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brennon David Malcom (Eustis), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, political science; Tyler John Pieper (Farnam), Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Eric James Vickers (Farnam), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Exeter-Milligan: Danielle Deena Erdkamp (Exeter), David, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Sage Elizabeth Jensen (Exeter), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, professional golf management; Allee Jeanne Kuska (Exeter), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Rachel Hayes Manning (Fairmont), David, Business Administration, business administration; Lindsey Beth Moore (Exeter), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Architecture, pre-architecture; Jenna Sue Rhodes (Exeter), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyler Thomas Sharp (Milligan), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science. Fairbury: Kimberly Jill Behrends (Jansen), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Stephanie Ann Ebke (Daykin), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Allison Lea Grummert (Jansen), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Trey Randal Simpson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Casey Albert Welsch, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting. Falls City: Kaylie Melissa Frederick, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Nicholas Frank Kraft, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Chelsea Elyse Lewis, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Hayley Marie Milam, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Brian Daniel Niedfeldt, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Lindsay Elizabeth Sickel (Rulo), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Jay Michael Steinman, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kaitlin Elizabeth Thompson (Salem), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Elizabeth Marie Wilhelm, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Falls City Sacred Heart: Joshua Michael Santo, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, communication studies. Fillmore Central: Alyssa Alice Hayse (Geneva), David, General Studies, undeclared. Fort Calhoun: Allison Marie Busch, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua David DeBoer, Canfield, Pepsi, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Christine Lorraine Freyer (Omaha), Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Emma Ann Frost- Briley (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jill Allison Grabow, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Julie Katherine Grabow, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Theresa Ellen Macdissi, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Tara Lea Meador (Omaha), Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Jacob Thomas Sutherland, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Franklin: Alyssa Renee Dreher, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Lucas Tyler Siel, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Justin David Weaver (Riverton), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting. Freeman: Stacie Nicole Goracke (Adams), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Jaycie Lynne Vanderbeek (Adams), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Fremont: Breanna Jo Bloom, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Andrea Marie Brandt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Stacey Erin Bristol, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Caleb Christian Chvatal (Colon), Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Joel Eugene Clements, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Joy Elizabeth Clements, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-English education; Gates Cyle Cook, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; John Pollack George, David, Engineering, undeclared; Brad Allen Gilligan, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Justin James Grassmeyer, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Blake Michael Helget, David, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Tyler James Hitchler, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-chiropractic; Joshua Jerald Honeywell, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Curt Christian Iossi, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Ainslee Nicole Kardisco, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Wesley Samuel Morrison-Sloat, Regents, Arts and Sciences, English; Kevin Michael Mussman, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Shana Marie Perry, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Anna Elise Peterson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Liz Farnham Pimper, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jonathan Paul Rohloff, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Ryan Allen Roumph, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Jane Marie Cook Schiermeyer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Bryan James Sindelar, Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Sarah Suzanne Smith, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Lindsey Marie Snyder, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Steven Patrick Speicher, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Amanda Cathryn Voss, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Lindsey Lea Zentic, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Fremont Bergan: Collin Matthew Kneifl, Regents, Business Administration, finance; Joseph Arthur Losee (Blair), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Bernard James Nicola, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Friend: Kathleen Anna Rohrig, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art; David Sage (Beaver Crossing), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science. Fullerton: Haley Marie Jensen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Jonathan Shay Santin, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared;Brianne Marie Wetovick, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-occupational therapy. Garden County: Bricelyn Morgan Jones (Oshkosh), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies. Gering: Todd Michael Anderson, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Nathan Robert Blaylock, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Frances JoAnn Hauck, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physician's assistant; Jordan Paul Holthus, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Teresa Renee Moreno, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Bradley P. Peters, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Theresa Ann Tatten, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kaiya Marie West, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Gibbon: Ali Nicole Clevenger, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Chelsey Anne Hartman, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Blake Edward Hendrickson (Kearney), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brandi Jo Horacek, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jack Reed Hyde, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Lauren Bernice Jader, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Gayle Maurine Smallcomb, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, German; Barbara Alicia Wilson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-occupational therapy. Giltner: Lydia Ann Samuelson (Doniphan-Trumbull), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- optometry. Gordon-Rushville: Nicholas Drew Goranson (Gordon), Canfield, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Steele Lewis Ostrander (Gordon), Regents, Engineering, computer engineering. Gothenburg: Amber Jo Atkinson, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Kimberly Dorine Bartruff, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brady Vaughn Britten, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; David M. Jobman, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, mechanized systems management; Tyler James Landen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Jessica Ann Lawless, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Leigh Morgan McPheeters, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Brett Alan Rudolph, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness. Grand Island: Simone Assaad, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Breann Danielle Baker, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Clifford Russell Blowers, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Angela Margaret Broers, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Kathryn Elizabeth Brozek, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Kaitlin Sarah Campbell, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brody David Emery, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Heidi Leigh Foland, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Aaron Joseph Follmer, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, business education/cooperative education; Mackenzie Lynn Frei, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, film studies; Andrew Thomas Gallagher, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alicia Marie Griesman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Stephanie Michelle Grupe, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Katie J. Harvey, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- physician's assistant; Hilary Nicole Hopkins, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Reuben Emory Houser, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Kirby Aaron Killion, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Matthew Tyler Larson, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Laura Louise Leisinger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mallory Lynn Manolidis, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mallory Lynn Marsh, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Maude McConnell, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Sara Ann McMillan, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Morgan Kathryn Merrick, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Elizabeth Ann Meyer, David, Architecture, pre- architecture; Bryan Michael Mizner, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Destiny Danielle Mostek, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Katie Lynn Nabower, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brenda Esmeralda Perez, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Kane Michael Ramsey, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Micah Randall Rhodes, David, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Santiago Rozo, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, mechanical engineering; Andrew Michael Schneider, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Kelsey Ann Sheen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Kassandra Kaye Shultz, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-social work; Chelsie Rae Sinsel, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-middle grades education Education; Elizabeth Jayne Stehlik, David, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Caroline Ann Swift, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Quinn Richard Tell, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Taylor Jordan Whipple, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Laura Ann Wieczorek, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences pre-language arts education; Kipp Joshua Williams, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Timothy Mark Zach, David, Engineering, civil engineering. Grand Island Central Catholic: Elise Marie Brown-Olsen, Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Andrew John Chalupa, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Joel Roger Frandsen, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Aaron Joseph Galvan, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Jill Kathryn Wagoner, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. Grand Island Northwest: Paige Marie Amundson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Patricia Lynne Anderson, Canfield, Business Administration, marketing; Glenn Charles Bills, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Cole Michael Boyle, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Kasey Alicen Grim, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, chemical engineering; Micah John Hesterman, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Eric Kenneth Jensen (St. Libory), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Daniel Abram Leiser, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Nicholas Grant Linke, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Business Administration, accounting; Cody Joe Musilek, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Nathan Lucas Myers, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Travis Alan Niemoth, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michaela Louise Shotkoski (Marquette), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kristin Lee Swenson, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Brian Michael Trump, David, Arts and Sciences, history; Aaron Joseph White (St. Libory), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Phillip A. Wieck, Regents, Business Administration, business administration. Greeley-Wolbach: Autumn Lea Dugan (Greeley), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-speech-language pathology; Randy Robert Dutcher (Greeley), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Adam Lee Stromp (Greeley), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Gretna: Nicholas Scott Blasnitz (Boys Town), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Zachary Taylor Bock, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, film studies; Kirstie Marie Bowley, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Katrina Lynn Fischman, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Natalie Marie Fleming, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Alyssa Kristine Harriman, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Keely Elizabeth O'Neill, David, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Vaughn Russell Pierce, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Lucas Jay Sieburg, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Angelica Marie Smith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Stefanie Dawn Stedman (Omaha), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Nicole Kristine Stiles, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Carolyn Rae Wolt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Jonathan Charles Zegers, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering. Hampton: Shawn Michael Hutsell, Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness. Hartington: Amanda Katherine Dendinger, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Aaron Edward Fuelberth, David, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Kari Ann Loecker (Fordyce), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dental hygiene; Kayla Marie Lounsbery, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English. Hartington Cedar Catholic: Marcus Gerald Heithold, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Heidi Marie Kleinschmit (Fordyce), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, veterinary technologist; Christopher Gary Kruse, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Robert Patrick Steffen (Fordyce), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Brittany Sue Sturek, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Kyle Kevin Uhing, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, agricultural engineering. Hastings: Jill Marie Ablott (Inland), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Patrick Douglas Lebsack, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Caytlyn J. Lugenbeel, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Allan D. Masters, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Abby Rebecca McConnaughhay, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Caleb Roger Nabower, David, Education and Human Sciences, pre- elementary education; Brittany Jane Nelson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joel Riley Sheehy, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Lindsey Jo Stark, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Logan Matthew Stark, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Cally Ann Thompson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kirk Andrew Wiebe, Canfield, Engineering, pre-architectural engineering; Nicole Elizabeth Wojahn, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Hastings St. Cecilia: Brandon Alan Boesch, Regents, Arts and Sciences, Latin American studies; Alyssa Lynn Koch, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Daniel Dugan McMahon (Ayr), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Nicole Alexandra Osten (Fairfield), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Derek Gene Sekora, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; JohnMarc Joseph Skoch, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Michael Philip Werner, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Alexandra Leigh Zysset, David, General Studies, undeclared. Hay Springs: William Cody Ehrman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Angela Kay Heesacker, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Heartland: Rory Joseph Van Den Berg (Henderson), David, Engineering, construction management. Heartland Lutheran: Elizabeth Vallie Koch (Grand Island), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Hemingford: Melissa A. Cervantes, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. Hershey: Korey Elizabeth Huebner, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Justin Gary Petska, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Ryan Paul Stark, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. High Plains: Isaac Dean Samuelson (Polk), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Hitchcock County: Margaret Lee Forch (Stratton), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jacob Lee Keller (Trenton), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, mechanical engineering; Trisha Lynn McDonald (Stratton), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; David Scott Paprocki (Culbertson), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. Holdrege: Tiffany Ann Anderson (Funk), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Marie Brestel, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Blair Louis Englund, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Deborah Louise Epping (Funk), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news- editorial; Amanda Elizabeth Francis, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Adam Tyler Fulmer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; John Anthony Goodwin, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Jared David Hixson, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Michelle Nicole Leigh, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jenni Lenae Lindstrom, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-middle grades education Education; Christopher Daniel Owens, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, theatre. Homer: Katie Elizabeth Harris (Hubbard), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Haley Renee Schwartz, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. Home school: Patrick Joseph Buckley (Omaha), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jill Christine Coffman (Hickman), Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Elizabeth Jane Kalisch (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Abigail Mallory (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Daniel Enoch Menter (Lincoln), Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Zachary Miles Nuttleman (Lincoln), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Kaitlin Marie Ogborn (Bennington), Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Michael Christopher Patras (Sargent), David, Engineering, chemical engineering; Kelsey Lauren Quandt (Stromsburg), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, history; Jessie Rae Schmidt (Colon), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Jaron Alan Weidner (Culbertson), Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Jacob Carl Wilson (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Howells: Rachel Lucy Vogel (Clarkson), Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art. Humboldt/Table Rock-Steinauer: Christopher Charles Blecha (Humboldt), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Benjamin Stephen Clancy (Dawson), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kassandra Meghan Connell (Humboldt), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Lorain Laun (Pawnee City), David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Wesley Alan Schaardt (Steinauer), Canfield, Engineering, pre-architectural engineering; Laura Elizabeth Thames (Humboldt), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Michael Lloyd Volker (Humboldt), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Humphrey St. Francis: Janelle Marie Kosch, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brooke Joy Reichmuth, David, General Studies, undeclared. Johnson-Brock: Daniel Ross Alexander (Auburn), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Tara Rose Meyer (Johnson), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Kearney: Annalise Rae Anderson, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education; Amanda Lynn Applegate, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Matthew Hugo Baye, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; William Alan Bragg, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Audrey Nadine Dailey, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- optometry; Jacoby L. Drake, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Trista Lees Eichelberger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Katy Nicole Evans, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emmett James Gannon, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jamisen Lee Goodell, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Matthew Douglas Hansen, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Kelsey Lynne Horner, Canfield,, Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Kaia Sorenson Jerde, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, undeclared; Casey Jean Johnson, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Gregory Michael Johnston, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Ashley Anita Kuebler, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Marcus Lee Kuhl, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Alex Soren Larsen, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Kent D. Laue, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, theatre; Jamie Christine Mazankowski, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Ciera Raasch Neverve, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Allyson Dawn Nienhueser, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Peter Alan Oldfather, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Callie Jo Pratt (Riverdale), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Mahala Anne Ray, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Megan Lynn Schliefert, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Joshua Joel Smith, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Trenton James Smolik, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Rachel Anne Stevens, David, General Studies, undeclared; Briahna Chanelle Stofferson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Zach Ray Stromberg, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kevin Lee Stubbs, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Kristin Jordan Tripe, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Kaylee Marie Troyer, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Katelyn Anne Voigt, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Michael John Wedge, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Kearney Catholic: Craig Vech Baker, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Eric Michael Carranza, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Amy Nicole Jensen, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin David Owen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jaclyn Rae Reisinger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle John Steffensmeier, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Megan Rae Theesen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Keya Paha County: Jason Edward Arens (Springview), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Autumn DeLight Jerred (Springview), Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Dana Lynn Newtson (Sparks), David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine. Kimball County: Mary Margaret Baliman (Kimball), Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Ryan Douglas Lukassen (Kimball), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Brenden Christopher Rageth (Kimball), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, pre-architectural engineering. Laurel-Concord: Heather Cheyanne Bearnes (Laurel), David, General Studies, undeclared; Katlyn Antonia Dahlquist (Laurel), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-radiation science technology; Cody Andrew Hartman (Laurel), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, food science and technology; Rebecca Rae Hoesing (Laurel), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Ashley Renee Maxon (Laurel), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brian James Saunders (Laurel), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Lawrence-Nelson: Kayla Jo Hoelting (Lawrence), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Leigh: Brianne Adele Hake, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Andrea Elizabeth Hillen, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-mathematics education; Reed Jerry Janousek (Clarkson), Regents, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration; Blythe Patience McAfee, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agronomy; Lindsay Elizabeth McCutcheon, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Justine Marie McMullin, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, English; Rebecca Faye Rahtz, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- physician's assistant; Taylor Jay Went (Creston), Canfield, Engineering, industrial engineering. Lewiston: Kelly Nicole Flesner (Virginia), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Jack D. Schaffer (Crab Orchard), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Architecture, pre-architecture. Lexington: Kayla Kristine Anderson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jared David Humston Bennett, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Curt Thomas Casper, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre-social science education; Benjamin Michael Clements, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Austin James Edeal, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Isabel Shawna Ellis, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre- education; Amanda Rochelle Hansen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Erica Louise Heusinkvelt, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Caitlyn Noel Luther, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sandra Reyes, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-law; John Thomas Rodysill, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alexis Anna Schmidt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Erik Ryan Schmidt, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kathleen Jean Seberger, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Luis Fernando Sotelo, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, political science; Andrew Thomas Uden (Elwood), David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Lincoln Christian: Chelsea Nicholle Henslee, David, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Heidi Lee Holmes, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Nicole Eve Huffman, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Carolyn Marie Jones, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Andrew Richard Kavan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; David James McClintock, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Molly Jane Paulus, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Anna Marie Plambeck, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, pre- nursing; David Branton Tiller, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jacob Allen Tinkham, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared. Lincoln College View: Mitchell Ray Allen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; David Daniel Lopez, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Lincoln East: Sudha Kali Ayala, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Dana Marie Bell, Regents, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Benjamin Carl Bogner, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Alyssa Beth Bornman, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jared Steven Broening, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Haley Marie Carpenter, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Erin Elizabeth Carr, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, theatre; Xin Xing Chen, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Laura Jean Clouston, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; James Joseph Ebke, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Cameron Joel Freeman, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Drew Edward-Lowell Friedrich, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Maxwell Blaine Gade, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Paige Elizabeth Gade, David, Business Administration, business administration; Nicholas Tanner Genrich, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Mitchell John Gerrard, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Laila A. Gharzai, Regents, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Lindsay Anne Graef (Hickman), Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Laura Anne Hahn, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Tra-My Nu Hoang, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jennifer Lynn Hopkins, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Daniel James Jablonski, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Paige Justine Juhnke, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Amanda Lynn Kennedy, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Hans Martin Madsen, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Timothy Robert Marti, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Sarah Lynn McCallister, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Ashtyn Lynne Moehlenhoff, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Carrie Anne Mohlman, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Cara Marie Morgenson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Lauren Kathryn Mota, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Aaron Charles Nicholson, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kelsey Marie Nowka, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mitch Christian Paine, David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, natural resource and environmental economics; Bianca Ketan Patel, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jennifer Lynne Petersen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Ashley Jo Rathjen, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Rebecca Scout Richters, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Meghan Beth Rihanek, Regents, Business Administration, international business; Lauren Elizabeth Ripa, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Madeline Dianne Ripa, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Katlin Rae Roehrs, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kate Leah Rosenbaum, Regents, Business Administration, actuarial science; Allison Elaine Schorr, Regents, Pepsi, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Sam Thomas Scott, David, Business Administration, marketing; Kevin Christopher Shanahan, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Elena Elizabeth Shomos, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, French; Alyssa Meredith Shuster, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Shuqiao Christine Song, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Reed Strasheim, David, Business Administration, finance; Logan Will Suhr, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, physics; Shelbi Renae Svoboda, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jacob Robert Swanson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lauren Taylor Thompson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, English; Kari Michelle Tietjen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mary Catherine Tomlinson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Sydney RaNae Unzicker, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; William Joseph Valente, Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Srisindu Vellanki, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Salome Viljoen, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Kylie Anne Von Seggern, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Edwin Carter Weitz III, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Carrie Ann Wencel, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, environmental studies; Julie Hodges Wertz, Regents, Arts and Sciences, French; Katherine Anna White, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Fine and Performing Arts, music; Kaitlyn Maureen Williams, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, English; Whitney Leigh Yendra, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Brett Toshio Yoshioka, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Taylor Thomas Young, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared. Lincoln High: Malik Ahmic, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Sarah Jeanne Alloway, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew David Boring, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Stephanie Lynn Brumm, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Deborah Kay Brunk, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Hong Chau Dao, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Kieu Mai Thi Do, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Dylan Thomas Foss, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Lukas Eugene Franssen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joseph Albert Ghormley, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Steven Charles Humann, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jenna Avery Keller, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Shaina RaeAnne Klucas, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Kathryn Jo Lamb, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jeremy Andrew Lenz, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Matthew Victor Madcharo, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Craig Matthew Maly, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Business Administration, business administration; Aden Jon Marshall, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Nicole Martin, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Devin John McCauley, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Austin Jeffrey Mettetal, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Timothy Orren Moeller, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Erin Michelle Poor, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Christopher Andrew Richardson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brandon Douglas Riehl, David, Engineering, undeclared; Jennifer Lynne Ruppelt, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Elissa Renee Schultz, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Chelsey Denise Spevak, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Jessica Kay Thompson, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Lisa Marie Vuong, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Tyler Andrew Waters, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice. Lincoln Lutheran: Joshua James Codr, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news- editorial; Renee Ann Pflughaupt (Seward), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Jacob Timothy Tewes, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Lincoln Northeast: Brandon Scott Aksamit, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Ian Thomas Schneider Bargar, David, Engineering, undeclared; Keegan Josiah Borer, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jessica Leigh Butcher, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Spencer Addison Carnes, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000) Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Jaymes William Carter, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Emma Leigh DeLeon, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Shannon Lee Drake, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agricultural Education; Jeremy David Erickson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Thaddaeus William Harrington, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mark Thomas Hennings (Greenwood), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Brita Elise Higgins, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Brian Michael Hiskey, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Melia Kiliwia Horswill, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Ian Larsen, David, General Studies, undeclared; Hannah Marie Leitt, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education; Dustin Shane Lipskey, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Jessica Rian Michener, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Phuong Cam Nguyen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Matthew Adam Pedersen, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, horticulture; Jaime Lynn Pella, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Logan Ray Pfeiffer, David, Business Administration, accounting; Katelyn Marie Richter, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Karly Jo Robeson, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Nicole LuAnn Roseberry, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Benjamin Joseph Schiltz, Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, grassland ecology and management; Joseph Carl Schmiedeskamp, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Emily Marie Schwindt, David, General Studies, undeclared; Namarig Ismail Soumit, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Rebecca Lynn Suhr, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Xinrou Tan, Regents, Business Administration, actuarial science; Drake Andrew Thege, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Adam Edward Thorne, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Anthony Michael Vicente, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jillian Eve Watts, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Amanda Ashton Wesely, Regents, Pepsi, Business Administration, actuarial science. Lincoln North Star: Michelle Elizabeth Allen, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Megan Rene Arrigo, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Alyssa Marie Bolte, David, Education and Human Sciences, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management; Emily Ann Burbach, Regents, Arts and Sciences, English; Jordan Patrick Dau, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Zachariah Taylor Douglas, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Heidi Nadine Downs, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Kasey Renee Edwardson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Nick Scott Egan, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jonathan Joseph Emodi, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mandy Kay Etmund, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Brendan Michael Farley, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Sierra Cheyenne Frauen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Nhung Bao Hoang, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Aillie Yuandi Hu, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Sonya Mi Hua, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Victoria Sean Hunt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Chelsey Lynn Igo, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; David Wesley Klein, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Krista Lee Mangers, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle Kenneth Miller, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Randall Wade Miller, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Justine Odoy Mukisa, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Olivia Vy Vy Nguyen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Alanna Marie Nunn, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cassandra Renee Olson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Phillip Allen Pautz, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Beth Carolyn Rempfer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Mekita Nilani Rivas, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Kelsey Cathrine Satra, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Nathaniel Steven Schneider, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Crystal Joy Scholl, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brett Andrew Thompson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, French; Maren Mae Vik, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Hoang Anh Vo, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, pre-engineering. Lincoln Pius X: Samantha Ann Cajka, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Michael Timothy Carson, Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Michelle Jennifer Carson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amber Lauren Christensen, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Johnna Suzanne Clark, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Samuel Joseph Cunningham, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; James Donald Dawson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Danielle Elizabeth Effken, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Trevor Nelson Geary, Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Stephanie Mae Gonnerman, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, undeclared; Elizabeth Rose Butler Gruett, Regents, Architecture, pre-interior design; Megan Marie Haney, David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Caroline Amanda Haug, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Sarah Elizabeth Hilger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Anthony Joseph Jarecki, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Mary Alice Jaros, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Colleen Erin Kean (Denton), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Robert Koerner, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Candice Johanna Kortus, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Ashley Michela Kosmicki, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Elizabeth Ann LeDuc, Canfield, Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Sara Marjorie LeDuc, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-middle grades education Education; Amanda Tatchell Lee, Regents, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Kayla Marie Magstadt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amy Elizabeth Masek, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Sadie Loree Massey, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Markie Mae McConkey, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, industrial engineering; Richard Austin McDermott, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, physics; Molly P. Milana (Douglas), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Chelsey Gerie Neesen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Tony Ngoc Nguyen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Taylor John Noel, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mary Kathleen Obrist, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Allison Marie O'Neill, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, undeclared; Lindsay Marie Ottersberg, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Emily Rose Pohlen, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Tyler Paul Punteney, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Rachel Jean Sauvageau, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brittany Nicole Selig, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; William Thomas Steinbach, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brock John Sutton, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Dennis Emanuel Vaggalis, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Kathryn Marie Vestecka, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, pre- nursing; Laura Elizabeth Vinci, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Megan Annea Vossler, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Lucille Ann Waite, David, General Studies, undeclared; Macklin Stuart John Warrington (Adams), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Harrison Bohlke Wurster, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Lincoln Southeast: Ekseer Saeed Amoun, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Nathan Nye Bond, David, Engineering, civil engineering; Anne Elise Bradford, Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Stephanie Lauren Brady, Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Taylor Pansing Brooks, David, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Celeste Ann Case-Ruchala, David, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Jonathan James Cummings, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Claire Ione DeVall, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Alex Jay Dolson, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Katlin M. Geyer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Chelsea Ellen Greenwald, Regents, Arts and Sciences, French; Cassie O'Tillie Grenemeier, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Tu Ngoc Ha, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, computer engineering; Matthew David Harvey, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Nathan Andrew Henjes, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Christina Marie Hilger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lukas McClellan Hoover-Rathjen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Heather Megan Hottovy, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Melissa Jo Jakubowski, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Megen Kendra Jarvis, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Cassandra Lee Johansen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, chemical engineering; Tyler Dale Johnson, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; John Steven Kampfe, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Elizabeth A. Koehler, Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Ben Jospeh Kreimer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Jacob Edward Leuenberger, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Bailey Houghton McAllister, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Quinn Catherine McCreight, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, undeclared; Katrina Anne Mertz, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Kara Elizabeth Mieth, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Todd Alexander Mooring, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Kyle Ohs, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kristin Pederson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Nicholas Lee Porto, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Erik Joseph Prenosil, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, fisheries and wildlife; Peter Wightman Rowe, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Alexander Joseph Severn, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Lynn Shane, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Kelci Katherine Shipley, David, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Kevin James Shipley, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Holly Rachelle Simmons, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Simran Kaur Sohi, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Benjamin Robert Stokke, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Theodore Scott Stuckey, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, economics; Karli Rene Suarez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kelsey Marie Tarletsky, Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Seth Daniel Thacker-Lynn, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Ashley Nicole Thiessen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alexandra Toftul, Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Napoleon Edward Tupaz, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Emily Grace Vanous, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Samuel Theodore Volkmer, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Elizabeth Ruth Weishahn, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, political science; Casey Elizabeth Weiss, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Molly Jennifer Weiss, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Amanda Nicole Wekesser, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Kellyn Danae Wooten, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, music. Lincoln Southwest: Devon Ranae Allen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Sarah Hannan Arkebauer, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Kendall Patrick Bevers, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Martin Robert Bland, David, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Taylor Andrew Boney, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Stacie Renee Branting, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Austin Lloyd Cassidy, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Courtney Leigh Chambers, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Tyler Steven Christianson, Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; James Robert Cottrell, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, pre-architectural engineering; Jessica Marie Danson, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, political science; Erin Rose Dinges, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kristen N. Dinneen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Andrew Richard Dowd, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Ayla Renee Duba, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Kelsey K. Eide, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Thomas William Endres, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Kate Essay, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Architecture, pre-architecture; Nick Rowan Fernandez, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Tiffany Rae Forycki, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; David Lee Freese, Regents, Engineering, electrical engineering; Steven Garcia, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, chemical engineering; Gregory Robb Gettman (Walton), Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Austin Daniel Griffith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Abigail Jo Heiser, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Alexander L. Hogan, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Lindsay Rae Honnens, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Rachel Nicole Janssen, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Bryan Patrick Kelley, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science; Natalie Jean Kellough, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Carole Corinne Kerrey, David, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Glen LaGrange, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, environmental studies; Colin Kenneth Leroy Large (Bennet), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Reed William Lawson, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Katherine Elaine Lester, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mason Caleb Lien, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kirby Thornton Little, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Zachary Ross Lovell, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Courtney K. Lubach, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Shelby Corinne Luke, David, General Studies, undeclared; Kathryn Christine Madvig, Regents, Arts and Sciences, European studies; Zachary Preston Mapes, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-mathematics education; Laura Jane Marti, Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, environmental studies; Elyse Meryl Mae Marvin, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Jonathan Michael Mattson, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Adam Sean Mayhew, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Kari Anne Meyer (Pleasant Dale), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Jordan Lee Muller, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mai Truc Nguyen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Ismatt Reza Niazi, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Kaitlin Leanne Nissen, Canfield, General Studies, pre- nursing; Brandon Michael Olson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Daniel John Owen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, chemical engineering; Lauren Amanda Payne, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Andrew Joel Pederson, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Emily Michelle Pflug (Walton), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Nicholas Timothy Powers, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Keenan Martin Price, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Sucharitha Rajendran, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Katherine Mary Schueths, Canfield, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, insect science; Tracy Ann Sieck, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Cale Joshua Stolle, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Brandon James Stromp, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Samantha Ione Strong Henninger, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Brett Scott Sundberg, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Paige Ann Vanicek, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Claire Patricia Velander (Bennet), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Danielle Alicia Virts (Roca), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Charles David Voigt, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Douglas Wagner, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Spencer William Wolfe, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Tiffany Ann Yanagida (Roca), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amy Joy Zachek, Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Logan View: Lisa Christine Bopp (Hooper), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Adam Carl Dallman (Fremont), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, computer science; LaShawna Nichole Gitt (Hooper), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, anthropology; Tyler Adam Jensen (Hooper), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Kayla Kristine Marfisi (Hooper), Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Ryon Sean Nemec (Hooper), Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Jenna Marie Peters (West Point), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, speech-language pathology and audiology. Loomis: Lance Alan Thorell, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Louisville: Timothy Carl Bishop, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua Matthew Hrabik, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, geography; Elizabeth V. Jones, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Colton Dakota Little (Cedar Creek), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Daralyn Alyssa Roberts (Plattsmouth), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, chemistry. Loup City: Nicholas Jay Eurek, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brett David Kuhn, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. Lynch: Wacey Lee Carson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Lyons-Decatur Northeast: Amber Edna Atkinson (Lyons), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Katy Ann Connealy (Decatur), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jeremy G. Lindgren (Lyons), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Ashley Lena Ueding (Lyons), Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education. Madison: Colby Lee Freudenburg, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Malcolm: Emily Ann Eucker, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Teresa Marie Lostroh (Lincoln), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial. Maxwell: Nathan Aaron Briscoe (North Platte), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Dustin Jay Meyer (North Platte), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Kali Kristene Roundy, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000) Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice. Maywood: Megan Leigh Bollish (Wellfleet), Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre- English education. McCook: Christi Ane Burrows, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Brett William Burton, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Aaron James Goodenberger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kaitlin Christine Haller, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Kevin Joseph Hock (Culbertson), David, Engineering, civil engineering; Brock Sidney John Hubert, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Austin Craig Korgan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, speech-language pathology and audiology; Jack Trent Latta, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Thomas Jefferson Power, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Hannah Elizabeth Putz, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Nicholas Jay Schilling, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Mead: Chelsea Leigh Bergman (Ithaca), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Medicine Valley: Georgia Marie Herman (Curtis), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Stephanie Jane Scharf (Curtis), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising. Millard North: Rose Elyse Almgren, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Jordan Scott Bartels, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Bryan Scott Bordenkecher, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Joshua David Branchaud, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Shari Anne Brockett, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lindsay Michelle Buske, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Lee Byers, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brandon Thomas Cave, David, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Joseph Thomas Champion, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Katherine Rebecca Cunningham, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science; Kathryn Ann Davis, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Natalie Kae Fech, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Kimberly Anne Fortson, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Troy Nicholas Ganow, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jordan Gregory Garmatter, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Kimberly Marie Garvey, Regents, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Amanda C. Gosch, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Robyn Marie Grate, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Alexandra Rae Grell, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Xin Guo, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Janee N. Hobbs, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jua Hong, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Collin Richard Horton, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kristen Nicole Jackson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Robert Michael Jacobberger, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Amy Meng Jia, Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Derek John Johansen (Waterloo), David, Engineering, undeclared; Lindsay Jo Johnson, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Deepa Subbi Joshi, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Sumit Kar, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Kaila Ann Krieser, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Erika Lauren Larkin, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Neraj Lulla, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Samantha Talia Mancuso, David, Architecture, pre-architecture; Craig David Mathis, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Alexander John McBride, David, Engineering, undeclared; James Anthony Monderine, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Elizabeth Ann Nelson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Nicholas Conner Olari, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jessica Lauren Pohl, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Sarah Lynn Quandahl, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Shobana Janelle Rajaratnam, Regents, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Daniel Miles Raznick, Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Valerie Ann Reeves, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, physics; Katherine Gaynelle Roberts, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Rachel Jean Rossiter, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Trevor Arthur Runge, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Taylor Jane Saalfeld, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Mark Tyler Schiffmann, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Amanda Rae Schlender, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Nicholas Briese Schroeder, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Christopher John Schumann, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Andrea Marie Schwartz, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Sarah Ellen Sparks, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; David Aaron Sukiennik, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Scott Alan Thorson, Canfield, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Chelsea Lynn Tomek, Regents, Engineering, industrial engineering; Natalie Esther Vanderveen, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Jenna Lynn Vittetoe, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Mitchell Rodney Warren, David, General Studies, undeclared; Amanda Rae Welch, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Jesse Steven Weyhrich, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Robert Wieseler, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Allison Jane Woolcott, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Sarah Lynne Zingerman, Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Millard South: Maida Avdic, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-occupational therapy; Alissa Marie Boukal, Regents, Pepsi, Architecture, pre-interior design; Ashley Nicole Broesch, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Beth Ann Brungardt, David, General Studies, undeclared; Sara Elizabeth Buelt, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Zachary Scott Burton, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Zachary Kenneth Cover, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Ashley Elizabeth Critser, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Jillian Faye Eisma, Regents, Arts and Sciences, geography; Andrew Allan Erickson (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Christopher Wade Fjelstad, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Mitchell Lee Fricke (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Daniel Grady Girmus, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Matthew Michael Gulizia, Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Todd Anthony Gulizia, David, Business Administration, international business; Alexander George Henry Habrock, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Casey Joe Hauptman, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; James Matthew Henderson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Christopher Thomas Hooker, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Haley Marie Jackson, Regents Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Kevin John Kloewer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Chad David Lawton, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Andrew Jordan Lempka, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Chelsea Alexandra Lopez, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Lia Charlene Lunn, Regents, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Richard Lee Luth Jr., David, Arts and Sciences, history; Jeffrey Richard Luther, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Brittany Nicole Mascio, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Kali Marie McElroy, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Seth Erikson McKenzie, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Valerie Diane Nicholson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Sylvia Christine Novo, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Ryan M. Osberg, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristin Rose Palik, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, English; Laura Elaine Peel, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jessica Loree Peters, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Ellina Sue Pisetsky, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Daley R. Porter, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, psychology; Autumn Dawn Pruitt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Ann Ransdell, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Alexandra Michaela Rivera, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Ryan Alan Robertson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Tyler Jeffrey Siegert, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Lindsay Kay Stodden, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Samantha Elisabeth Terry, David, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Kelsey Caitlin Thiem, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Stephanie Faye Vanicek, Regents, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Alex Anthony VanZee, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Bryan Edward Wagar, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management; Jacob Andrew Wagner, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Corinne Marie Wardian, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art history and criticism; Mark Allen Whitworth, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Jared Thomas Winkler, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jenna Elaine Wintersteen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, film studies. Millard West: Nikhila Balmoori, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Business Administration, accounting; Jamie Clare Bell, David, Arts and Sciences, film studies; Sarah Jo Ann Bender, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Grace Breeling (Waterloo), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Elaina Marie Broich, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Nathan Russell Burke, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Michael Ryan Carmody, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Cassandra Cristyne Cavanaugh, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Daniel Jacob Clauson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Andrew Jared Cuiffo, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Jessica Corine Danon, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Megan Cathleen Doerr, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Kaitlin Claire Foley, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Scott Charles Goodwin, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; James Paul Gregory Jr., Regents, Architecture, pre-architecture; Katherine Ruth Herman, David, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Nathanial Lee Hodgson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Danielle Patrice Hoechner, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, dance; Benjamin Carl Hoffman, David, Arts and Sciences, physics; Catherine Winyen Hsu, Canfield, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Abigail Lynne Hughes, Regents, Business Administration, accounting; Lindsay Jo Hutton (Bennington), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Gregory Malcolm Jameson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Brent Daniel Johnson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rohit H. Keshwani, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Matthew Alan Ketcham, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, German; Madhuri Vilas Kulkarni, Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Lauren Adele Kurfman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Dayna Leigh Langdon, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Alexandra Taylor Law, Regents, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration; Sarah Soeun Lee, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Emily Liao, David, General Studies, undeclared; Grace Nicole Llewellyn, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Andrew Baxter Lorraine, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Kathryn Elizabeth Lusk, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Matthew Donald Martz, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Bailey Catherine McIntosh, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Chelsea Nicole Meeker, David, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Iwata Miller, David, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Taelyr Jordan Miller, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Sammy Suhail Nabulsi, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Samantha Ness, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cindy Uyen Nguyen, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Joseph James Passarelli, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Danielle Marie Pearce, Regents, General Studies, pre-nursing; Eric Alexander Powell, Regents, Arts and Sciences, physics; Jordan Lindsay Rohlfing, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science; Michaela Anne Schenkelberg, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Katherine Michele Sindelar, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Ruth Sirotkin, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration; Stephanie Colleen Smith, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Zachary Edward Smith, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Elizabeth Marie Stahmer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Andrew Timothy Suiter, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Colin David Suiter, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brianne Leigh Sweeden, Regents, Business Administration, international business; Bethany Elise Trueblood, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Adam John Vrana, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Wynne Watson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kelsey Jo Weigel, David, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Katherine Marie Wertz, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Patrick Michael White, David, Business Administration, marketing; Jared Dwight Widseth, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua David Wooster, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Allison C. Young, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing. Minden: Caitlyn Ann Anderson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jaimie Sue Miller, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Shannon Lee Spors, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-social science education. Nebraska City: Barbara Paige Dixon, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Maggie Emma Lynn Ochsner, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Steven McKenzie Shank, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Nebraska City Lourdes: Emily Katherine Arkfeld (Dunbar), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Nicholas Eugene Kreifels, Regents, Business Administration, finance. Nebraska Evangelical Lutheran: Thomas Lee Schroeder (DeWitt), Regents, Business Administration, actuarial science; Kathryn Corena Spader (Waco), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared. Neligh-Oakdale: Allison Rae Bentley (Neligh), Regents, Arts and Sciences, actuarial science; Lauren Jai Novak (Neligh), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics. Nemaha Valley: Bret Allen Panko (Burr), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Laura Nanka Purcell (Cook), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, chemical engineering; Chelsea Jean Wellsandt (Cook), Canfield, Business Administration, agribusiness. Newman Grove: Laura Jo Johnson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry. Niobrara: Alison Anne Sage (Bloomfield), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Norfolk: Alicia Marie Blum, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kyle Arthur Booras, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Jesse Daniel Emerson, Canfield, General Studies, pre- engineering; Erin Darby Gesell, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Joshua Cole Hawkins, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Colby Allen Jenkins (Stanton), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Nicholas Michael Jensen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Nicole Lynn Johnson, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Brittany Jo Lauridsen, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Larissa Louise Lechner, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Ashley Marie Lutt, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Brendon Lee Mizner, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre- physical therapy; Andrew Joseph Pecka, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Emily A. Signor, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Nathan James Simpson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Lee Rachel Smith, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jason Marc Thomas, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jared Cole Uecker, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Joshua James Wilcox, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Bradley Thomas Wittler, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Norfolk Catholic: Lisa Joy Bellar, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Nicole Jean Bretschneider, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Whitney Lynn Clausen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Nelson LaCrosse, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Jessica Lynne Maguire, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; James Patrick Tobey, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology. Norfolk Lutheran High Northeast: Trent William Ellis, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Jordan Thomas Thies, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology. Norris: Kelsey Nicole Ankerson (Hickman), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Marissa Kaeli Bamford (Roca), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Alexander Edward Baruth (Hickman), Canfield, General Studies, pre-engineering; Amy Kristine Bloomquist (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Trevis Austin Carmichael (Roca), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, environmental studies; Brooke Ellen DeBoer (Lincoln), Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Mindy Katherine Dymacek (Hickman), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-middle grades education Education; Evan Matthew Egger (Martell), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Callie Mae Evans (Firth), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Lindy LaNell Gushard (Lincoln), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Dustin Andrew Haefele (Hickman), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Jordan Gregory Hardin (Holland), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kelly Renee Knapp (Hickman), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Kassandra Lynn Koehn (Firth), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brandon Dean Lesoing (Hickman), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Ashton Rena Nieveen (Firth), Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Anna Marie Schmidt (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Melanie Jean Severin (Martell), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Kathleen Marie Sire (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Logan Ray Waite (Firth), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Gabriel Lee Williamson (Lincoln), Canfield, Business Administration, economics. North Bend Central: Laura Ann Baumert, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre- physical therapy; Lacey Lee Bunn (Scribner), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Tate Matthew Johnson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Betsy Katherine Minarick, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Elaine Paseka (Ames), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences. North Loup-Scotia: Jessica Nicole Krzycki (Elba), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Architecture, pre-architecture. North Platte: Nabila Nina Ayaba, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Byron Luther Barksdale Jr., Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Allison Elizabeth Bean, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Logan Michael Brei, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Chad Michael Briley, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Kelsie Victoria Bruner, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, actuarial science; Jeffrey James Bunker, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Kevin Chiang, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Christopher Stacy Driggs, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Cody Robert Eckert, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Samantha Kathleen Freeze, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Robert Lewis Lloyd, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Kayla Ann Morland, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Kristen Eileen Neal, Canfield, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Scott Michael Pueppka, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Abby Lynn Skiles, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Eldon James Summerson, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kathryn Margaret Tierney, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, environmental studies. North Platte St. Patrick: Joshua Evan Allison, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Alexandra Laurel Jones, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jordan Lee Ochs, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Oakland-Craig: Tracey Nicole Bixler (Oakland), Regents, General Studies, pre-nursing; Kurtis Arlan Charling (Oakland), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cally M. Frahm (Oakland), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, psychology; Laura Kathryn Hoden (Oakland), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Brent Allen Huber (Oakland), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Melissa Ann Nissen (Oakland), Canfield, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration; Brittany Renee Sznajder-Murray (Oakland), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education. Ogallala: Adam Edward Brown (Brule), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Zachariah Michael Hutchinson, David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, fisheries and wildlife. Omaha Benson: Nora Kay Baumgartner, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Joseph C. Bramer, Regents, Business Administration, actuarial science; Ashley Imani Eure, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Timothy Joseph Houston, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin James Leonard, Canfield, Engineering, industrial engineering; Cheryl Ann Ligon, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, environmental studies; Melinda Ann McMurphy, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Matthew David Moore, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Casandra Ellen Mourer, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management; Spencer Rutledge Rice, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Kayla Renae Sebastian, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Eric Allen Spomer, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Katie L. Thomas, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Youlawn Delynne Williams (Bellevue), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy. Omaha Brownell-Talbot: Alexander Joseph Drvol, Regents, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Emily French Kerr, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Miles Francis Loggie, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Omaha Bryan: Rae Jeanne Van Brosia Coran, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Noah Dominicque Correa (Bellevue), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Peter Daniel Hernandez, Regents, Architecture, pre- architecture; Andrew Edward Jones, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Song Qing Zheng (Papillion), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, international business. Omaha Burke: Mark Douglas Allison, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Nathan Todd Burkman, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, history; Jessica F. Chavez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Devin Marie Cox, David, General Studies, undeclared; Nicole Elisabeth Cox, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Chelsea Marie Forehead, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Stuart Gambrel, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Allison Lorraine Gill, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Ben Joseph Goodrich, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cara Michele Heacock, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Bryan Lee Hilt, Canfield, Business Administration, actuarial science; Joslyn Kristine Hopkins, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Travis Renner Husman, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; William Ross Joekel, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Marcia Ann Kennedy, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Aaron Patrick Kirby, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Grant Frazier Knicely (Elkhorn), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Spencer Scott Knicely (Elkhorn), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Ashley Ann Kunkle (Bennington), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Joshua Daniel Lee, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Nicole Ann Maass, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Architecture, pre- architecture; Chelsea Lyn Moehn, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle Matthew O'Doherty, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jocelyn Ann Olney, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Kelly Rose O'Loughlin, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua Cameron Ourada, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Marcy N. Pursell, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Kelsey Elizabeth Redding, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Andrew Joseph Rudeen, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Nolan John Stevens (Bennington), Canfield, Architecture, pre- architecture; Richard Kenneth Thompson III, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Nicole Marie Voelte, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Bryan Vukorepa, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Steven Daniel Warnock, Regents, Business Administration, business administration. Omaha Central: Robert Vincent Al-Greene, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Elaine Arrington, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Erin Leigh Bottger, Regents, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Samantha Ann Chesters (Bellevue), Regents, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Chardenay Alsina Davis, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Jared William Dittman, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Arielle Marie Donner, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Alyssa Rene Eledge, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Emily Brooke Harrison, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Fine and Performing Arts, art; Virginia Catherine Horrell, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, political science; Kevin Crippen Kennedy, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Scott Daniel Kielion, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Martina Kolobara, David, Business Administration, accounting; Brittany Nicole Krijan, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kara Michelle Lambrecht, Canfield, Business Administration, international business; Corey Nathaniel Lynch, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, sociology; John David Martinez, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, undeclared; Plamen Plamenov Petkov, Regents, Engineering, civil engineering; Jacquelyn Lora Pirtle, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sonya Marie Rhine, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Lucy Anne Schroeder, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Rashele Marie Sharkey, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Daniel James Smith, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Ann Leesha Widdershoven, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Adell Natalya Zdan, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Ciara Elizabeth Zimmer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine. Omaha Christian Academy: Caleb William Schulz, David, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Julia Dawn Warnke, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Stephen Alexander West, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law. Omaha Concordia: Anthony Steven Gedwillo III, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Caleb Ray Gronewold, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Neal Christopher Holmes, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared. Omaha Creighton Prep: Jacob David Arneson, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, environmental studies; Mark Daniel Asmussen, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Andrew Joseph Barone, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, pre-architectural engineering; Daniel Anthony Belatti, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Daniel Byron Biggs, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; David Robert Biggs, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Joseph Andrew Bradley, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Matthew Thomas Broghammer, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Aaron Robert Brown, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Keenan Samuel Brugh, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Tyler Thomas Dare, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Stephen Doran, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Austin Dean Dudzinski, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Michael Patrick Fahey, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Andrew Stephen Fischer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Pepsi, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Mark Vincent Hageman, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Cameron James Killen, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Joseph William Kotulak, Regents, Engineering, civil engineering; William Russell Larsen III, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Nicholas Donald Mandel, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kyle Robert McDermott, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jeffrey Scott Moore II, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Daniel Joseph Muelleman, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Jesse Austin Murphy, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Matthew John Neaderhiser, Chancellor's Leadership, David, Architecture, pre-architecture; John Paul Nebbia (Waterloo), Canfield, Engineering, industrial engineering; Stephen John Nogel Jr., Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Brett Michael Patterson, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Kyle Jeffrey Reeder (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Christopher Daniel Reyelts (Bennington), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jason Thomas Rueschhoff, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; James Andrew Shehan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jackson Edward Stokes, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Joseph Daly Thiele, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Jeffrey Joseph Tiedeman Jr., Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Omaha Duchesne: Kaitlin Louise Campbell, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Shannon Elizabeth Dickey, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, anthropology; Molly Elizabeth Doyle, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Amanda Nicole Johnson, Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Cayla Kim Kurtenbach, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Lauren Elizabeth Pohren, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Anna Claire Potter, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Erin Kathleen Ramelb, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Omaha Gross: Marianne Eileen Black (Papillion), Regents, General Studies, pre-nursing; Carolyn Rose Brown (Bellevue), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Irene Marcella Charbonneau (Offutt AFB), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Erin Marie Colasacco (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, hospitality, restaurant and tourism management; Scott Anthony Evans (LaVista), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Adam Joseph Gehringer (Papillion), Regents, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Ryan Lee Hotovy (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, physics; Samantha Kristine Kisicki (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Kelly Packard Kotlik (Bellevue), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Joseph Krupski, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sara Marie Leimbach (LaVista), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Laura Michelle Leuschen, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-industrial technology education; Tara Marie Missak (Bellevue), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Andrew John Montgomery, David, General Studies, undeclared; Colin Daniel Myers (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Elizabeth Kemmy Ryan (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Thomas Donald Ryck, David, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Michaella Marie Spenceri (Bellevue), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Daniel Benjamin Tracy (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Allison Wallinger (Bellevue), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, film studies; Jacob Francis Zimmerer (Papillion), Regents, Engineering, civil engineering. Omaha Marian: Sara Mae Brouillette, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Brooke Ann Buda, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Erin Elizabeth Clark, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Carolyn E. Corn, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Sarah Ann Coulter, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Amy Elizabeth Crooks, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Chelsea Meaghan Friel, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lauren Marie Greisch, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Laura Christine Hall, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Kiah Kanoelani Haslett (Bellevue), David, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Elizabeth Leigh Huerter, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Ashley Mae-Marie Johnson (Gretna), Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Marjorie Rose Kennedy, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Courtni Marie Kopietz, David, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Laura Eileen Kurtenbach, Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering; Sara Christine Lamoureux, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Elizabeth Ann Longo, David, General Studies, undeclared; Kara Kristen Maddox, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Megan Elizabeth McKillip, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, marketing; Amanda Jordan Monzingo, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Laura Elizabeth Murray, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Julia Rose Smith, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Gabriel Christine Woltemath, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Rachel Elizabeth Woods, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising. Omaha Mercy: Katherine Alice Adams, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Lisa Bowyer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, pre-nursing; Luci Anne Bowyer, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), General Studies, undeclared; Molly Marie Elston, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Anne Elizabeth Lavelle, Canfield, General Studies, pre- nursing; Ashley Lynn Rosonke (Papillion), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Ashley Ruth Staley, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lauren Marie Swadener, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering. Omaha North: Amber Breeann Bennett, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Kenyatta Denise Coffiel, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Justin Matthew Duster, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Levi Lee Epperson, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, undeclared; Allyson Gayle Felt, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Jason Lee Garder, Regents, Engineering, civil engineering; David Ross Guthmann, David, Engineering, undeclared; Lathan Richard Haug, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Lani Lor, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, accounting; Benjamin Patrick McGill, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, physics; Catherine Irene Miller (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cara D. Mitchell, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, marketing; Kari Ann Munk, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Chastinee Camille Nelson, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, pre-nursing; Eric Burton Norrgard, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, physics; Melissa Renae Peters, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Stephanie Lee Petersen, David, General Studies, undeclared; Philip John Prazan, Canfield, Pepsi, Architecture, pre-architecture; Conrad Espeland Remington, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Dustin George Schluter, David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Robert Harlan Swanson, Regents, Engineering, electrical engineering; Benjamin Miller Wagner, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, pre-architectural engineering; John M. Ward, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Brittany D. Ware, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Katrina Elizabeth West (Craig), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Omaha Northwest: Abby Lynn Byrd, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Calen Ellis Calero, David, Fine and Performing Arts, theatre; Ashlie Kristine Campbell, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Arianna Naloni Crum, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000) Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-social work; Michael Anthony Cutshall, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Jasmine Rene Douglas-Reese, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, psychology; Laura Christine Eberly, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Allison Lynn Euteneuer, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Samantha Elise Haggar, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; James David Herman, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Patrick Joseph Hunsicker, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Christina Michelle Jolls, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Deryk Edward Jones, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Engineering, chemical engineering; Katlin Ruth Leonard, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Joshua John Lund, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brittany Ann Mason, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Business Administration, business administration; Sherman McCain II, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, psychology; Justin Bogene Solomon, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Adam Nicholas Wacker, Canfield, Business Administration, marketing. Omaha Roncalli: Eric Alan Bohnenkamp, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Anthony Curtis Cabrera, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Zachary A. Labs, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Timothy Jacob Lehn, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Jeffrey O'Grady Roh, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Andrew Mark Schill, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Mark Thomas Schlueter, Canfield, Business Administration, management; Benjamin James Willett, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Omaha Skutt: Peter Joseph Andersen (Bennington), Regents, Arts and Sciences, economics; Justine September Baldwin, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Bridget Claire Berry, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Megan Lynn Boice, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration; Michael Robert Breault, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Kaitlyn Marie Brittan, Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Emily Marie Charvat, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Adam Philip Christiansen, Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Michael Joseph Crowe, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Luke Thomas Davis, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kathleen Marie Eberle, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Erika Marie Goldsmith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Molly Katherine Gottschalk, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Catherine Ann Haller, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Katherine Marie Homan, Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-social work; Daniel Seth Jensen, David, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Kaitlin Marie Keck, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jeffrey William Kolega, Regents, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Kyle Wayne Kreinbring, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Theodore Joseph Labedz, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Steven Michael Marsicek, Canfield, Pepsi, Engineering, industrial engineering; Matthew James Nelson, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-history education; Christopher Michael Pelletier, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brian Green Polodna, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Megan Elizabeth Roe, Regents, Business Administration, international business; Kelly Christine Samson, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Robert Conleth Thielen, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Bradley Christopher Vankat, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Benjamin John Vogel (Bennington), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Thomas J. Walz III, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jacob Kevin Zach, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering. Omaha South: Tyler James Bieterman, Canfield, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Courtney Jennie Karnish, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Grace Elizabeth Martinez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), General Studies, undeclared; Anne Nicole Rolfson (Plattsmouth), Regents, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Michael Eric Van Haitsma, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Leo Wieczorek III, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, actuarial science. Omaha Westside: Lauren Taylor Anderson, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kathryn Elizabeth Arnold, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science; Elizabeth Ann Ashby, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Laura Rose Badalucco, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mallory Elizabeth Baker, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Travis Ryan Barbour, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Philip Ray Bennett, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Karen Joy Berger, Regents, Business Administration, international business; Cortney Renee Blankenau, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Edson Lowell Bridges IV, Regents, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Elizabeth Kirby Bridges, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Claire Morgan Buddenberg, Regents, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Joseph I. Burke, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Lauren Crystal Cable, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Bin Cao, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Sally Rose Car, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, veterinary science; Gregg Marion Carver, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Khalisha Sinead Casey, Canfield, Architecture, pre- interior design; Kelvin Ronaldo Chin, Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Andrew Philip Daubman, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Haley Raelene DeWitt, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Brian Robert Fees, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Charles Paul Gade, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Caitlin Marie Gaule, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Neil Jordan Griess, Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Erika Ashlee Hepburn, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; John Bernard Hodson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, actuarial science; Andrew Koch Joyce, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Alison L. Kemp, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jahd Hussein Khalil, Regents, Arts and Sciences, economics; Ashley Nicole Kresl, Regents, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Anna Jourdan Loach, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Nicholas Felix Rena Lypaczewski, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Paige Elaine McArdle, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Patrick Charles McVea, Regents, Arts and Sciences, economics; Sally O'Shea Meginnis, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Elisa Amanda Mena-Bohlke, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lindsey Marie Mikkelsen, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Amber Marie Naylor, David, Fine and Performing Arts, theatre; Hannah Marie Novoa, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Olga B. Patkovsky, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre- law; Julia Grace Pearson, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Laura Anne Poots, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Jennifer Marie Reed, Regents, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Jacob Andrew Rehtmeyer, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Emily Rose Richter, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- physical therapy; Masey Denae Rost, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Julie Gamilla Sawan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Sara Kathryn Schenk, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Michaella A. Spaustat, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Justin James Stearns, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Maurissa Elizabeth Thiele, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Gregory Lowe Thompson, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Naomi Harada Thyden, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Michael Roubicek Turman, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jacob Michael Van Lent, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Matthew Logan Wells, Regents, Engineering, construction management; Christopher James Wengert, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Emily Jean Wichmann, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Anne Elizabeth Wilkinson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Sarah Alexis Williams, David, Business Administration, marketing; Justin Michael Zyla, Regents, Arts and Sciences, political science. O'Neill: Rachel Jean Johnson, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Brec Norman Kracl, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Kelsey Jane Kumm, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jason Michael Mann, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared-agricultural studies; Joseph Adam Schmitz, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Keith Thomas Stepp, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jordan Addison Wasco Whitney, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. O'Neill St. Mary's: Mary Faye Peetz, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine. Orchard: Adam Jeffrey Mosel, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Ord: Bailey Marie Andreesen, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Derek M. Dennis, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristin Renae Edghill, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Bruce Andrew Felt, David, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Carissa Joy Koelling, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education; John Robert Lange, Canfield, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Laura Michelle Novotny (Comstock), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-natural science education; Rachel Elizabeth Petska, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Osceola: Landon Robert Peterson, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Brock Steven Tonniges (Clarks), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Osmond: Ruth Alison Brugman, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Aaron Joseph Gutz, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Palmer: Mary Beth Christensen, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, textiles, clothing and design; Andrew Reginald Dobson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Dillon Marie Harrahill, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Adam John Pelican, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering. Palmyra: Jason Michael Cheney (Bennet), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Timothy William Edwards, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, chemical engineering; Jared Ellis Jones (Bennet), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Elizabeth Knutson, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agricultural Education; Abigail Louise Powers (Lincoln), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Angela Leigh Schroder (Bennet), Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education. Papillion-LaVista: Daniel F. Atz (Papillion), Regents, Business Administration, international business; Brandon Lane Bakke (Papillion), David, General Studies, undeclared; Christopher Hunter Baumert (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Ryan Scott Bigler (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Patrick Thomas Boyd (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Tyler Kane Buglewicz (Papillion), David, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Stephanie Elizabeth Burwell (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Spencer Laura Cox (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Patrick Clark Ernst (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Kyle John Fahey (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Daniel James Feldhacker (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Whitney Diane Garrison (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Jami Michelle Gauthier (Papillion), David, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Michael Edward Greve Jr. (LaVista), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Kari Lynne Haru (LaVista), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Ross Logan Janovec (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Shayla Ilene Kelly (Omaha), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Lauren Elizabeth Ketcham (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Kayla Jo Knopik (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Ryan Anthony Kupfer (LaVista), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Krista Marie Major (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Miles Gregory Matthias (Papillion), Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Laura Nicole McKay (Papillion), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Nathan Thomas McLaughlin (LaVista), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; Andrew Joseph Miller (LaVista), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Daniel Alan Nelson (LaVista), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Megan Christine Newcomb (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Catherine Jane Podany (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education; Tyler Jeffrey Ramaekers (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Andrew Allen Rashid (LaVista), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Alexander Joseph Rock (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; John Clifford Schreier (Omaha), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Martin Charles Sellers (LaVista), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew William Sommer (Papillion), David, Fine and Performing Arts, music; Scott Patrick Vonderharr (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jeremiah M. Weith (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Matthew Clyde Wynn (LaVista), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Papillion-LaVista South: Thomas Ryan Ambrose (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Kaitlyn Marie Arterburn (Papillion), Regents, Arts and Sciences, English; Daniel James Atwood (Papillion), Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Hali Jill Barber (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Lindsay Nicole Bertolino (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Rebecca Ann Bickal (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; John Robert Boardman (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, pre-engineering; Geoffrey Cameron Bolton (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Nicholas Adam Brainard (Papillion), David, Business Administration, accounting; Benjamin Joseph Cousino (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Deborah Elaine Cousler (Bellevue), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jessica Lillie Couture (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Robin Ashley Dahlke (Bellevue), Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, Spanish; Samantha Marie Elkjer (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Eric Micheal Fabian (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, political science; Keshia Marie Floyd (LaVista), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Gregory Coleman Friend II (Papillion), David, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Leda Sevil Frost (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-social science education; Derek Thomas Harmening (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Jessica Ann Harvey (Papillion), David, Arts and Sciences, history; Adam Thomas Haynes (Bellevue), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Michelle Lynn Johnson (LaVista), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre- education; Matthew Robert Kelly (Papillion) Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Robert Thomas Kopp (Bellevue), David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry; Patrick Killian Lear (Papillion), David, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Michael Robert McEniry (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Krista Elise Moore (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology; Benjamin Bryce Newcomb (Papillion), Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Zachary Bengtson Norwood (Bellevue), Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Kristopher Ian Pelletier (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology- climatology; Abigail Jo Schmid (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; William Patrick Schrack Jr. (Papillion), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Brian John Shockley (Papillion), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Alexis Ann Snide (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Jessica Leigh Sorensen (Papillion), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Danielle Marie Suponchick (Papillion), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Alexandria Raquel Torres (Papillion), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Jana Katherine Vogt (Papillion), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Holly Margaret Walts (Bellevue), Regents, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Hilary Michelle Winter (Papillion), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Jon Steven Wright (Bellevue), Nebraska Top Scholar, Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; John Patrick Wrobel (Papillion), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Anthony Wayne Zimmer (Omaha), Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering. Pawnee City: Tyler Marc Derby (DuBois), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alyssa Lynne Mach, Regents, Business Administration, finance; Laurel Lydia Sunneberg (DuBois), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Paxton: Joshua Franklin Dack, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering. Pender: Reed Michael Allen, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Trevor Scott Janke, REGENTS, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Jill Marie Lander, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Perkins County: Leah Irene Dahlkoetter (Grant), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Valerie Dawn Hanson (Elsie), David, Education and Human Sciences, pre-English as a second language education; Travis Alan Kroeker (Grant), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Dawnie Rae Ross (Grant), David, Arts and Sciences, undeclared; Lance Russell Wilson (Grant), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy. Pierce: Rachael Ann Arens, Canfield, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Todd Alan Herpy, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Kayla Renee Koepke (Hadar), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Brandi Beth Martinson, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Kala Sue Zautke, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Plainview: Bret Mychal Grof, David, Business Administration, business administration; J. Benjamin Klein, David, General Studies, undeclared; Luke Raymond Lingenfelter, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Platteview: James Francis Dalton (Omaha), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, undeclared; Jennifer Lynn Jaros (Springfield), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary and early childhood education; John Martin Kohlbek Jr. (Springfield), Regents Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-criminal justice; Sara Elizabeth Laimans (Springfield), Regents, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Kyle Alan Lane (Omaha), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Iseley Ann Marshall (Papillion), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Jennette Alicia Martin (Springfield), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Sarah Kristine McDonald (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Beck Alan Oiness (Omaha), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Christina Roseanne Powell (Bellevue), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Zachery Shane Sanford (Papillion), Regents, Fine and Performing Arts, art. Plattsmouth: Amanda Leahann Charles, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Georgia Ann Laughner, David, Business Administration, business administration; Brock Joseph Pohlmeier, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Dylan Wayne Reynolds, Regents, Engineering, civil engineering; Alicia Catherine VanWesten, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education. Pleasanton: Kaitlyn Louise Bauer (Amherst), Regents, Pepsi, Business Administration, business administration. Ponca: Justin John Curry, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Jacob Andrew Jensen (Jackson), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Anne Christine Langhorst (Jackson), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy. Potter-Dix: Ben Joseph Mathewson (Potter), Canfield, Business Administration, management; Kaley Karis Smith (Potter), Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry. Prague: Ashley Rose Paseka, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Rebecca Ann Storm, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Ralston: Jessica Jean Atha, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; John Michael Benes (Omaha), Regents, Engineering, computer engineering; Kayla Michelle Broadhurst (Omaha), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Brian Kyle Curtis (Omaha), Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Gregory Dean Garst (Omaha), Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Jared Richard Hanson (LaVista), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Katie Anne Kenealy (LaVista), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Abigail Preston Leeper, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-journalism and English education; Nicholas Alan McKay, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Benjamin Joseph Melingagio (Omaha), David, Business Administration, actuarial science; Kasey Lynn Peters (Omaha), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Jacqueline Renae Slack (Omaha), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Chase Matthew Spencer (Omaha), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristine Marie Thoma, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Natalie Mae Zabrocki (Omaha), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-mathematics education. Randolph: Crystal D. Starkel, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Jared Dean Thompson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-radiation science technology; Emily A. Tunink, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law. Ravenna: Brentley LaVonne McKeon, Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing; Zachary Lee Poss, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Bryant Eugene Rice, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, chemistry. Raymond Central: Sarah Ann Brey (Raymond), Regents, Arts and Sciences, international studies; Danielle Marie Jambor (Raymond), Regents, Engineering, chemical engineering; Joseph Jerome Sercl (Valparaiso), Canfield, Engineering, industrial engineering; Sarah Fay Smith (Davey), Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, art history and criticism; Stacy Lynn Wolfe (Valparaiso), Canfield, General Studies, pre-nursing. Red Cloud: Andrew Clifford Barnes, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Amber SueAnn Potts, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration. Rising City: Christina Ann Doehling (Ulysses), David, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Amber Mary Kula, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; James Gregory Wightman (Columbus), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science. St. Edward: Kalie Ann Whidden, Canfield, Business Administration, marketing. St. Paul: Justin James Maddox, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jordan Christian Meyer, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Morgan Leigh Peters, Canfield, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared; Andrew Joseph Placke (St. Libory), David, Education and Human Sciences, athletic training; Melinda Lue Rathman (Farwell), Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared-agricultural studies; Charles Arthur Rice (St. Libory), Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Jacquelynn R. Thiele, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Sandhills: Seth Riley Barnes (Halsey), David, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared Sandy Creek: Clinton D. Felber (Deweese), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kole Patrick Kluver (Fairfield), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Mollie Jean Springer (Edgar), Chancellor's Leadership, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Tyler Lee Valentine (Glenvil), Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, actuarial science. Sargent: Reba Lynn Clamp (Ord), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jordan Kate Gibbens (Comstock), Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Chancellor's Leadership, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy; Drew Matthew Smith (Milburn), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-chiropractic. Schuyler: Tara Marie Heavican, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Paul Michael Knutson, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Erin Elizabeth Kracl, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, family and consumer sciences; Dora Angelica Lopez, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Scottsbluff: Julie Ann Adams (Morrill), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre- elementary and early childhood education; Tanner Scott Brandt (Gering), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, English; Katherine Angelica Briggs, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Journalism and Mass Communications, news-editorial; John Michael Cantril, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, professional golf management; Tonya Kay Carlson, Canfield, Pepsi, Architecture, pre-architecture; Brett Reed Castinado, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Brock Ryan Castinado, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, business administration; Erin Leann Chatterton, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Drew Thomas Clark, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Jason Scott Downey (Mitchell), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Scott Thomas Eastman (Mitchell), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Justin Harley Escamilla, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; Nicholas Alan Goodwin, Canfield, Business Administration, marketing; Hilary Nicole Hadden, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Roxanne Elizabeth Haslam, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Allison Gayle Lacey, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Andrew Jared Lacy, Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Benjamin Levi Price, Canfield, Engineering, chemical engineering; Hannah Jane Reinhardt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Cady Jo Rouzee, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Nathan M. Sindt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Phillip A. Sulu, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, psychology; Jordan Renee Wilberger, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Scribner-Snyder: Alicia Marie Koopman (Scribner), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Seward: Sarah Danea Broeker, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jessica Margaret Clowser (Milford), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Elizabeth Veronica Gabel (Bee), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Matthew L. Harmon, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Megan Heidemann, Canfield, Fine and Performing Arts, music education; Hanna Marie Hofer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physician's assistant; Katie Christine Hofer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Elizabeth Michelle Hubbard, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Laramie Grace Louis Kelley, Regents, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Jessica Marie Liekhus, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Michael Patrick Pfeiffer (Beaver Crossing), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Elizabeth Ann Thrailkill, Chancellor's Leadership, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Nathan Anthony Vanis, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Brandon Marcus Wachal (Pleasant Dale), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Shelby: Vance Ryan Christensen (Osceola), Canfield, Business Administration, finance; Matthew John Gillespie (Rising City), Canfield, Engineering, undeclared; Clair Elaine Vrbka, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, biochemistry. Shickley: Jessica Janis Dowdy (Carleton), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness. Sidney: Lacey Mae Bown, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Donald Dylan Douglas, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, computer engineering; Robin Danelle Easterly, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; David Anthony Gutierrez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Business Administration, business administration; Teresa Catherine Joyce, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Alexander Ray McAreavey, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Andrew James Mock, Regents, Arts and Sciences, chemistry; Erika Ashley Mohs, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical science education; Tyson Lee Narjes, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared- agricultural studies; Adam Timothey Peetz, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Cassandra Viola Person, David, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Kelsey Jean Schuessler, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Silver Lake: Rachel Renee Hall (Campbell), Regents, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mitchell Bradley Hansen (Roseland), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, athletic training. South Sioux City: Melanie Lee Allen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, communication studies; Austin Michael Bright, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Steven Andrew Cain (Dakota City), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Suet Lee Chan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Nicholas Brian Gangestad, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Jean Harlan, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Nicholas Aaron Horan, Regents, Engineering, undeclared; Daran Ray Rudnick, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jenney Sayavong-Hanson (Omaha), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre-veterinary medicine; Kylie Anne Stinger (Dakota City), Canfield, Pepsi, Education and Human Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Miguel Angel Suarez-Hernandez, Nebraska Achievement (tuition), Arts and Sciences, biological sciences; Evan Dale Swan, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, anthropology. Southern Valley: Blake Michael Holen (Oxford), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Matthew Benjamin Hoxmeier (Orleans), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Joshua Floyd Murdoch (Orleans), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Adam James Rawson (Oxford), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jennifer Renee Schoen (Oxford), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Daniel James Stoelting (Orleans), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, chemistry. Southwest: Miles David Morgan (McCook), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Spalding Academy: Michelle Lynn Bauer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, electrical engineering. Spencer-Naper: Marcus Allen Alford (Naper), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Danika Leigh Dahlberg (Bristow), David, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine. Stanton: Lindsay Nicole Klug, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine. Sterling: Katrina Johanna Keebler, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Mitchell Allen Trauernicht, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, General Studies, undeclared. Stuart: Ashley Ann Bouska, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Jamie Sue Myers, Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Amanda Rose Olson, David, Pepsi, General Studies, undeclared. Sumner-Eddyville-Miller: Robert Clarence Jones III (Sumner), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Geoffrey Robert Pierce (Sumner), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, undeclared-agricultural studies. Superior: Courtney Kay Aksamit, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Arts and Sciences, pre- physical therapy. Sutherland: Rebecca Ann Chevalier, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kinsey Lee VanSkiver, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, undeclared. Sutton: Wesley Charles Bottorf, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Amanda Ann Gasal, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Justin Lucas Green, Regents, Arts and Sciences, history; Brooke Marie Steinhauer, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education. Syracuse-Dunbar-Avoca: Tyler Dean Bassinger (Dunbar), David, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Chelsea Ann Block (Unadilla), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amber Lynn Fandrich (Dunbar), Regents, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, fisheries and wildlife; Joshua Glen Stubbendick (Avoca), Regents, Pepsi, Business Administration, actuarial science; Leslie A. Watermeier (Syracuse), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, advertising; Lisa Marie Watermeier (Burr), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Jamison Neil Wyatt (Syracuse), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared. Tecumseh: Brandon Wayne Beethe (Elk Creek), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Benjamin Robert Lester, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Michaela Marie Papp, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Ryan Patrick Weber, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, psychology. Tekamah-Herman: Crystal Marie Bromm (Tekamah), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Elizabeth Marie Goll (Tekamah), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle Michael Krause(Tekamah), Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; Jessica Ann Method (Decatur), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering. Tri County: Emily Elizabeth Cammack (DeWitt), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Spencer Lee Hagemeier (DeWitt), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Michelle Rae Hermesch (Plymouth), Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-physician's assistant; Ross Carl Wollenburg (Plymouth), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness. Valentine: Alena Louise Arendt, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Heather Marie Hoefs, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Samantha Lea Millard, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Joshua David Owen, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-chiropractic; Zachary Isaac Perrett, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, history; Kevin Cole Peterson (Kilgore), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Tayler Michael Schubauer, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, undeclared. Verdigre: Jared Michael Bartos, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-optometry; Ross Leonard Pierce, David, Business Administration, business administration. Wahoo: Janice Marie Thares, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science. Wahoo Neumann: Kaylei Marie Burke, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Julie Marie Couton, David, Arts and Sciences, mathematics; Adam Michael Dailey, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Erin Jane Gerdes, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Mitchell R. Klein, Canfield, Engineering, civil engineering; John Joseph Potter (Valparaiso), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jared Richard Speichinger (Malmo), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering. Wakefield: Evan Ross Bartels, Canfield, Engineering, construction management; Eric Joel Bodlak (Emerson), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Dexter Richard Driskell, Regents, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness; Emily Ann Henderson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Mark Daniel Schroeder (Allen), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Wallace: Andy Jerome Barner, Canfield, Engineering, electrical engineering; Philip Joseph Lempke, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Keegan Parr, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre- pharmacy. Waverly: Taylor Lee Buss, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Amy Dianne Catsinas, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Architecture, pre-architecture; Ryan Christopher Ebke (Lincoln), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Tyler James Engel, Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Alicia Leigh Fulton, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Derek Richard Homan, Regents, Arts and Sciences, computer science; Travis Tyler Jones (Lincoln), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Thomas Lanning King (Lincoln), Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Jay Henry Martin (Davey), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Nathan Charles Mertens, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kayla Mae Moore (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Elizabeth Irene Porath (Eagle), Regents, Business Administration, accounting; Rubin Vincent Sass (Lincoln), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle Jordan Versaw (Lincoln), Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering. Wayne: Corissa Ann Arickx, Canfield, Architecture, pre-architecture; Elizabeth Ann Baier, David, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, food science and technology; Alexander Knezevic, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Jacob Thomas Nissen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-law; Jonathan Michael Pieper, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Regan Ann Ruhl, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Kourtney Irene Schmale (Carroll), Canfield, Public Affairs and Community Service (UNO), pre-social work; Nathan Robert Summerfield, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-law. Weeping Water: Michaela Lynn Brinkman (Louisville), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Susan Rose Hammons, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, food science and technology; Sarah Michelle Thoms, Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agribusiness. West Holt: Zane Phillip Abner (Atkinson), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Adam Michael Fritz (Atkinson), Regents, Arts and Sciences, political science; Patricia Jan Hysell (Atkinson), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, meteorology-climatology; Jacob Christopher Peterson (Atkinson), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Micah Joel Wentworth (Emmet), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. West Point: Haeley Brooke Hansen, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-pharmacy; Daniel Joseph Heimann, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physical therapy; Emily Ann Kingsley, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Aaron Robert Moore, Canfield, Engineering, mechanical engineering; Bethany LeAnn Ridling (Beemer), Nebraska Top Scholar, Regents, Arts and Sciences, psychology. West Point Central Catholic: Katie Marie Hunke, Canfield, Business Administration, accounting; Kaylee Blair Johnson, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, biochemistry; Jenna Rae Kampschneider, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Elizabeth Ann Otte, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-radiation science technology; Teresa Marie Ulrich, Canfield, Pepsi, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Wheeler Central: Ann Marie Pelster (Bartlett), Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Fine and Performing Arts, art; Jaci Kay Swett (Ericson), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-education. Wilber-Clatonia: Paul Andrew Francis (Wilber), Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, Business Administration, business administration; Anthony Thomas Warta (Wilber), Canfield, Engineering, computer engineering. Wilcox-Hildreth: Zachary Peter Adam (Wilcox), David, Pepsi, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, animal science; Hailey Jean Artz (Wilcox), Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Amanda Lynne Bergstrom (Wilcox), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, pre- veterinary medicine; Jeffery Scott Brummer (Wilcox), Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), General Studies, undeclared; John Dirk Harms (Wilcox), Canfield, Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, agricultural Education; Alyssa Lynn Kruse (Hildreth), Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Sarah Jane Lush (Wilcox), Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, pre-elementary education; Leah Jordan Stratman (Hildreth), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared. Winnebago: Lynelle Leigh Freemont, Nebraska Achievement ($1,000), Business Administration, international business. Winside: Jared Paul Roberts (Carroll), Regents, General Studies, undeclared. Wisner-Pilger: Samuel Joseph Ausdemore (Wisner), Regents, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Alyssa Rachelle Dohmen (Wisner), Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Hannah Lee Feller (Wisner), Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-dentistry; Carl Aubrey Rogers (Wisner), Canfield, Business Administration, economics. Wood River: Mary Katherine Davis, Canfield, Chancellor's Leadership, General Studies, undeclared; Ethan Derr, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kristin Anna McCoun, Canfield, Architecture, pre-interior design; Michael Lynn Rickert, Regents, General Studies, undeclared; Sean Walker Smith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Shane M. Smith, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine. Wynot: Jamie Lee Kathol (Hartington), Canfield, Engineering, agricultural engineering; Wesley Alton Thoene (Hartington), David, Arts and Sciences, psychology. York: David J. Adams, Canfield, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Spencer Gregory Bergen, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Ameer Nidal Damanhoury, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Jason Michael Dunn, Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, undeclared; Jordan Lee Hansen, David, General Studies, undeclared; Kyle Joseph Harrison, David, Arts and Sciences, pre- medicine; Lauren Patricia Leif, Canfield, General Studies, undeclared; Kendall Marie Mauer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-physician's assistant; Kevin McKenna, David, General Studies, undeclared; Stephen Ray Postier, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Riley Thomas Sandall, Regents, Business Administration, business administration; Katie Kristine Taylor, Canfield, Education and Human Sciences, nutritional science and dietetics; Caryn Nicole Vincent, Regents, Arts and Sciences, pre-medicine; Lucas Cole Wiemer, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, undeclared. Yutan: Chelsey Marie Heldt (Ashland), Canfield, Business Administration, business administration; Sierra Lynn Peterson (Ashland), Canfield, Journalism and Mass Communications, broadcasting; Courtney Lynne Schroeder, Regents, Nebraska Top Scholar, Engineering, biological systems engineering; Hannah Kathryn Snyder, Canfield, Arts and Sciences, pre-occupational therapy.