New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council
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New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council January 13, 2006 Meeting Notes
Present: Everett Bailey; Gregory Carson; Ina Castagna; Michael Castagna; Dean Christon; Jen Czysz; Edith DesMarais; Anne Duncan Cooley; Ben Frost; Bob Grenier; David Haney; Dick Ingram; Barbara Kravitz; Mike LaFontaine; Jane Law; Beverly Mason; Susan Newcomer; Gloria Paradise; Kevin Peterson; Ray Peterson; Lara Rice; Bryan Wyatt; Martha Yager
Dean informed the Council that Ben Frost (formerly from the Office of Energy and Planning) has been hired as the new Housing Awareness Project Coordinator. He will support the work of emerging work groups, the Council, and regional coalitions. This position was proposed to the Authority’s Board of Directors and approved. Ben will officially begin his new position on January 17, 2006.
The full Council will continue to have an open structure and will hold three to four meetings a year. Dave Haney mentioned that he would like to try to stagger some of the meeting locations so the group can get a feel for the housing issues in different regions of the state. The Steering Committee will also meet periodically to define priorities and will then report back to the group. They will frame out the work plan for Council activities and get guidance for priorities that the group should work on.
Dave Haney mentioned that even though the Council is based at New Hampshire Housing, the mission of the Council remains the same. If people begin to feel that the Authority mission is starting to bleed into the Council’s work, they should let him know.
Council members reviewed the list of projects/initiatives. Due to time constraints all items were not touched upon at great length. Dean requested that individuals review the list and submit any comments to him so the items can be prioritized in terms of importance and need.
Faces of Affordable Housing: Dean stated that the Authority is doing this project. It would be regionally diverse and not just profile specific individuals; instead it would portray home ownership and rental characteristics of occupants, as well as what types of jobs and incomes these individuals have. It’s not yet decided whether this will be in printed form, on CD, or electronic. Members suggested that a tri-fold board be produced and it can be displayed at events. Greg Carson offered to provide a sample used by HUD. Anyone interested in volunteering on this project should contact Jane or Ben. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 2
Age Restricted Housing Survey: Members were asked if they felt this was an important issue. There were mixed emotions. Jen Czysz mentioned that the Central Regional Planning Commission has data on every community, which includes unit-specific data that may be helpful with this listed item.
Condominium Conversion Study: Members were asked to think about potential implications, relevant issues, and whether or not doing a study would be helpful in our mission.
General Principles of Jen Czysz informed the Council of an inclusionary model that Affordable Housing her shop is developing. It is a two-year project that is still in Ordinances: draft mode. The purpose of the model is to provide a clear definition of ordinances. It will also incorporate case studies, which would provide examples of where it has been used along with examples of when ordinances should be used. The model defines 18 different topics. By the end of January, the first draft will be completed and DES will receive the final version in May. Official release of the model will be this fall. The second phase of this project involves Regional Planning Commissions presenting the tool kits to municipalities and explaining how they can be used and implemented in their communities.
Events/Trainings: Council members agreed to keep the format simple – possibly do a list of bullet points. Also, trainings should be held on-site so people don’t have to travel.
Anne Duncan Cooley, Upper Valley Housing Coalition
On January 12, 2006, a training was held in which 21 law students from Vermont participated. The students then contacted area business boards of directors and inquired about what types of challenges their businesses are facing, as well as what types of materials they would be interested in obtaining from the Coalition that may be useful to their organization. Also, the students informed their contacts of the Coalition and mentioned that members are available to come out and speak about its mission. Besides law students, the Coalition is recruiting other individuals to approach Boards. Furthermore, the Vermont Land Use Institute is a supporter of the Coalition. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 3
An HR survey of local employers is being conducted to try to determine what types of employees are staffing companies, as well as what issues employers are interested in.
An annual appeal will be conducted that will enable the public to be informed of the Coalition’s efforts.
The Coalition is compiling a Spectrum Booklet which will define workforce and affordable housing, as well as the different efforts being taken among agencies and related groups to address the housing issue.
This summer the housing video will be updated to include successes.
Twin Pines is looking for a new Executive Director. The Gile Tract is moving ahead at full steam and Anne will be devoting much of her time to support this effort.
Two new applications for design review have been received.
Susan Newcomer, Heading for Home, Greater Keene Chamber of Commerce
The Coalition has been in existence for one year, but she is finding it difficult to keep the Board of Directors’ momentum going. Most of the individuals have multiple agendas and can’t focus enough energy with the group. Susan is hoping Ben can provide some ideas to get members motivated again.
The part-time staff member has resigned.
The Board of Directors will be holding a Legislative Breakfast to learn more about the housing issue. There is a 24-member delegation that will provide more knowledge about the difference between workforce housing vs. community housing. Susan also reminded the Council that issues being discussed and policies that are written need to be done so in “simple terms” in order for individuals outside of the “housing world” to understand the context.
Susan went to a Planning Board Meeting in Harrisville in December. It opened some interesting dialogue.
The Coalition is reconstituting their marketing group and has produced additional materials detailing the efforts and goals of the group.
A new entity, “Friends of Center City”, has emerged. They are looking to do a forecast of downtown Keene 20 years from now. The mind mapping process has been completed and eight committees have been formed. They are all actively working and there is also a lot of business representation. Martha informed Susan that the UNH Co-op does community forecasting also. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 4
Furthermore, Susan suggested that the Council obtain minutes from other groups who are addressing housing issues (Homebuilders, BIA, Conservation and Development Roundtable) so that we can get an idea of what issues they focusing on.
Michael and Ina Castagna
Both reinforced the need to have developers on the Boards in order to become engaged in the housing issue since they are the ones doing everything. They also feel that the real issue is talking to zoning and planning boards because their mindsets need to change. With the cost of developing and zoning, developers can’t get density and then they won’t pursue the projects. We need to change zoning to get the proper regulatory issues addressed. It all starts with education. Regional issues are also important.
Jen Czysz, Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission
Southern New Hampshire Planning Commission will hold a housing forum at PSNH on February 3, 2006 to discuss the supply of affordable and workforce housing available in the state and address the challenges communities are facing. A second forum will take place in March to discuss current solutions available for municipalities.
Edith DesMarais, Eastern Lakes Region Housing Coalition
The first Board Meeting took place in December.
Their Coalition received a grant to provide community education, so three seminars were held last fall. Participation started out with 40 individuals and by the third seminar it was up to 80, with representation from planning Boards and conservation groups. They received coverage from local newspapers for all three events and the radio covered the third one. Television exposure was also provided.
Edie has been invited to do a PowerPoint presentation at an upcoming Rotary meeting.
Meetings have taken place with the Zoning and Planning Board, but they have put inclusionary housing issues on the back burner for now. A change in zoning has taken place, allowing double density, which would mean Wolfeboro can do up to 40 units a year; however the infrastructure needs to be upgraded. Another zoning change mirrors that of elderly housing and Coalition is hoping to increase it by 30%. Coalition members are working with Selectmen to try to get a portion of the 30% to be workforce housing.
Feedback is needed from the DES directing groups as to what steps need to be taken to improve infrastructure.
They are negotiating a Purchase and Sales Agreement in a working class area, which has the potential for 30 units. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 5
A Tuftonboro Association has approached them and wants work to be done in that area also.
Bryan Wyatt, Housing Partnership
The Housing Partnership has decided not to endorse projects; instead, they are focusing on advocacy for zoning and will focus on towns that are ready for change. Meetings have been scheduled in Stratham in January and Kensington in February. Lisa Fisher Henderson has agreed to volunteer and give presentations to the groups.
The Housing Partnership’s other goals are to focus on employers and get them engaged. Also, they would like to stay involved in the Workforce Housing Council and other related groups.
The Housing Partnership is working on refocusing its image as a greater seacoast coalition that will include areas up to York, Maine.
Portsmouth has its first workforce housing development. Atlantic Heights was built in 1910 and is being converted into 30 to 40 units of housing consisting of one half market and one half affordable townhouse-style homes.
Portsmouth’s City Council has seven new young business professionals onboard and Bryan is hopeful that the change will be beneficial to the community.
Lara Rice, Greater Nashua Workforce Housing Coalition
Lara introduced herself to the Council, as she is the new Coordinator for the Greater Nashua Workforce Housing Coalition. She informed members that they are looking to hire a part time staff person. Also, a “kick-off” event is scheduled for March 22, 2006 from 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. to launch the program.
Dean Christon, New Hampshire Housing
The Authority is drafting a model ordinance that provides a solution to the long-term restriction issue, as well as creates a reasonable approach to make housing units affordable and approachable.
Martha Yager, New Hampshire Housing Forum
In honor of Housing Awareness Week, a table will be set up in the basement lobby of the Legislative Office Building in Concord from January 31, 2006 to February 2, 2006. Martha requested that individuals from the Housing Forum and the Council commit a couple of hours to work the booth for one day. There should be representation in the lobby from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. each day. Materials are needed from different regions. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 6
Dave Juvet was scheduled to address the Council on the efforts of the BIA; however, he was unable to attend the meeting. Dean Christon updated the Council. He mentioned that over the last year the BIA has conducted surveys and held focus groups to discuss the workforce housing issue. They have identified the critical needs which include:
Finding workforce housing – employees wanted to know the effect this will have on New Hampshire’s economy.
Workforce housing availability (structurally) – legislative
Forming a business coalition for workforce housing. They are trying to get members to sign on and have grass roots legislation and get people to participate. Dean spoke to Dave Juvet about sponsoring educational forums to talk to communities about this effort. The goal is to change attitudes at the local level, thus changing policies.
Dave Haney remarked that we need to encourage the BIA’s efforts, but we also need to keep consistency. Martha Yager also commented that on the Housing Forum side of business, the people are really challenged by circumstance and we need to keep it in our sights and not forget about those folks. We don’t want to make matters worse for anyone else by promoting workforce housing.
BIA has listed their goals on their website if anyone is interested in reviewing them.
Council members received copies of legislative bills that the Authority is currently tracking. Dean summarized the bills.
SB 190: Establishes reasonable and realistic opportunities for workforce housing. The Study Committee is looking at exclusionary zoning. There is a hearing on January 18, 2006, which will probably pass. If it does pass the Senate we will need a lot of support when it reaches the House. If anyone is interested in receiving updates, they should let Dean or Jane know and they will be emailed to you.
SB 263: Amendment to SB 190. It’s a contingency provision – if SB 190 becomes law then this would also become law in January 2007, if passed. If SB 190 does not become law, nothing will happen. There is a hearing scheduled on February 8, 2006. HB 1117: Result of BIA commitment. It requires communities with a master plan to include workforce housing in the economic development section of the plan. New Hampshire Workforce Housing Council Meeting Notes 1/13/06 Page 7
Martha Yager also informed the group about SB 336 which, if passed, would allow landlords to charge two months rent as a security deposit. Rents are so high now and low-income individuals would not be able to afford this change. A hearing is scheduled for January 19, 2006. Martha will keep the group informed with further information by email.
A date has not yet been selected for the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:53 p.m.