Minutes, Week of November 13, 2001 s1
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The Board of Trustees met on Monday, May 1, 2017, at the Butler Township Government Center, 3780 Little York Road, Dayton, Ohio, at 4:00PM for a Workshop Session to transact the business of the township.
Joseph Flanagan, President, called the meeting to order.
DISCUSSION ON WELLNESS PROGRAM AND INCENTIVES Township Administrator, Erika Vogel provided information on a program aimed to improve the health and wellness of township employees. Also, in attendance for the meetings were, Rakel Sanchez and Ericka Johnson, representatives from Horan, the township’s insurance broker, who presented on health management and wellness incentives.
It was discussed that the township would like to see steps taken yearly by employees, so they can personally continue to monitor their health to lower premium costs overtime. Healthworks conduct the screenings and provide the township with comprehensive reports. It was indicated that the aggregate report will allow the township to see where additional wellness initiatives may be beneficial for the township. Staff provided examples of such programs as educational workshops for employees or as previously done health challenges such as the Fitbit challenge.
The Administrator has proposed that we provide incentives to participate in biometric screenings, Health Risk Assessments and wellness visits. The township would be paying only $10 per person for the HRA and the biometric screenings would be submitted through insurance. Staff explained that we have done this previously with an incentive of $500 for biometric screening with over 90% participation from employees. It was noted there was no requirement for spouses or for physicals at that time.
Staff indicated the original proposal was $500 for the Biometric Screenings, an additional $250 if your spouse participates in the screening, then another $250 if a form is submitted for an annual wellness physical. She noted that trustees have several options on how to proceed.
Staff also noted that currently, any employee who chooses to elect their spouses insurance receives $250 per month; if the spouse and the children go on the spouses plan and the employee elects individual coverage then that employee receives $150 per month. Staff indicated those incentives are already in place in the personnel policy but are not in any union contracts. Staff noted that the proposed resolution included a proposal to increase that amount, but at this time we would not be looking at this part of the proposal. This is something we could revisit at open enrollment, because it is saving the township money on premiums by employees waiving insurance. It was determined, by the Trustees, that the wellness incentives discussed would only be available to employees on the Healthcare Plan.
Kenneth Batz expressed his concerns pertaining to the collection of data and how it will be used. He explained that Montgomery County has a wellness programs and incentives available to employees. He expressed his concern with the amount of time employees are given out of their workday to meet the requirements of the plan. He also expressed his concern with privacy involving the data. He explained that he feels like it could go too far, basically telling employees what they can and cannot do. Rakel Sanchez, from Horan, went over the different options currently available. She indicated that the data provided from the employees help them determine the type of programs that would benefit the township now and for the upcoming years with the changes in health care occurring. She explained the procedures on the screenings and that the individual’s report would only be provided to the employee. It was noted that Healthworks is a third party vendor who would conduct the screenings and provide the township with comprehensive reports and that no individual’s data would be provided to the township in any fashion.
Rakel further explained that the aggregate report would allow the township to see where additional wellness initiatives may be beneficial for the employees. Rakel also provided additional information on how employers can start to be creative with the program, such as offering premiums discounts for employees, for meeting certain goals or having fewer metabolic conditions. Rakel recommended that if the township wants to do a wellness program, a 3-5 year plan should be implemented, in order to start developing base line data.
There was additional discussion amongst the Board involving the Township’s wellness plan. The trustees proposed that they would like to see all of the requirements met prior to employees receiving the $1,000.00 HSA contribution. This would include biometric screenings, HRAs and annual preventative exams. It was noted that the Trustee’s would support the same program for upcoming years of 2018 and 2019.
Resolution #17-18 was amended to include an incentive of $1,000 to each full-time employee on the township’s healthcare plan who, along with their spouse, participates in the biometric screenings, Health Risk Assessments (HRA) and preventative wellness exams in 2017 and provides documentation of completion.
Kenneth Betz made a motion to approve Resolution #17-18, authorizing the Township Administrator to Provide Healthcare and Wellness Incentives to Full-Time Employees, as noted to be revised, with Michael Lang seconding the motion.
Joseph Flanagan called the roll for a vote: Kenneth Betz – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes, Joseph Flanagan – Yes. Resolution #17-18 was approved, 3-0.
ADDITIONAL ITEMS OF DISCUSSION Township Administrator, Erika Vogel provided updates on the following items. Energy Aggregation is currently out for bid and the rates would be submitted by Trebel in mid-May to be reviewed by the May 22nd trustee meeting.
The current newsletter schedule is Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. It was briefly discussed and unanimously agreed upon to mail out the regular Fall/Winter edition in mid-September to include an insert regarding the Bicentennial Celebration or if that was no possible, we could proceed with a separate Bicentennial edition.
In regards to the Code Enforcement position she informed the board that she only had 4 applicants. She stated that she has checked other sources such as law enforcement and other departments for anyone that would be interested. It was discussed to possibility raise the rate per hour or contract with a neighboring jurisdiction. In regards to the tornado siren cooperative purchase, Ms. Vogel received clarification that the board still agreed to obtain 1 warning siren. The Trustees were in agreement.
Ms. Vogel also asked if Trustee Betz was ready to make his appointment to the Budget Commission. Ken said that he would like to make a motion to appoint Greg Stephens to the Budget Commission to replace him and finish out his term, with Michael Lang seconding the motion.
Joseph Flanagan called the roll for a vote: Kenneth Betz – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes, Joseph Flanagan – Yes. Motion was approved, 3-0.
A brief discussion was made by the board to try a new summer meeting schedule keeping the 2 meetings a month as a trial from June to August. It was noted that this would allow the 2nd Monday of the month to be designated as a workshop meeting at 5pm and the 4th Monday to remain as a regular meeting at 7pm, and amending Resolution #16-65 to reflect those changes. Michael Lang noted that the time for the workshop meetings should be at 5pm not 4pm so that people working can be available to attend.
Kenneth Betz made a motion to designate a new summer meeting schedule keeping the 2 meetings a month as trial from June to August, designating the 2nd Monday of the month to be a Workshop at 5pm and the 4th Monday of the month to remain as a Regular Meeting at 7pm, and amending Resolution #16- 65 to reflect those changes.
Joseph Flanagan called the roll for a vote: Kenneth Betz – Yes, Michael Lang – Yes, Joseph Flanagan – Yes. The motion was approved, 3-0.
ADJOURN Ken Betz made a motion for approval to adjourn the meeting at 5:30PM, with Michael Lang seconding and Joseph Flanagan approving the motion.