In Complex Dynamic Social Systems
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Needle Stick
A Role-play Simulation Transformative Learning in complex dynamic social systems
Designed, developed and moderated by Kate Fannon
Supervised Project 1 FET5660_2002S2 University of Southern Queensland
1 Content:
1. In search of engaging, transformative learning p. 3
2. How neuroscience informs learning design & implementation p. 5
3. Web-based role-play simulation as opposed to computer-based simulation p. 9
4. Games, role-play simulation and constructivism p.10
5. Needle Stick:
5.1 a social-process design p.13
5.1.1 Surface structures p.14
5.1.2 Deep structures p.17
5.1.3 Operationalising the role profiles p.18
5.1.4 Sub-culture in Street Talk: a dynamic forum p.23
5.1.5 Conferences in Fablusi™ p.26
5.1.6 Publishing the newspaper p.26
5.1.7 The role-play simulation outcomes p.31
5.2 Learning outcomes p.32
5.3 Induction p.34
5.4 Assessment p.36
5.5 Moderation p.37
5.6 Debriefing p.40
5.7 Evaluation p.46
6 References p.48
1. In search of engaging, transformative learning
2 There is significant tension in education between those who hold to traditional largely instructivist/behavioural views of learning and those who find themselves on the continuum of situated cognition and constructivism. There are, however, several factors which will lead tertiary educators to reassess instructional design and facilitation with more compulsion; these chiefly being the transition of the learner from the baby-boomer and X generation to the Y generation and the subsequent competition for such learners in an economic rationalist and global market. The educational rationale for the new learning is likely to be modelled on the findings of neuroscience and on appreciating the Y generation’s intolerance for static displays of text and slow-paced, predictable learning. Perhaps this gap between generational learners can be best expressed by Stephen Downes’ weblog commentary on a simulation on running Enron which was reviewed by David Becker:
Think You Can Run Enron? Play the Game Stephen Downes: Why create this simulation to promote learning? One of the best sentences I've seen this year explains it in a nutshell:
"We did a lot of surveys, and people over 35 merely disliked the e-learning content," he said. "The under-35 audience couldn't stand it." There's a lesson there:
"It's turned out to be somewhat of an age thing. The people under 35 get it pretty quickly. The ones over 35, especially if they're traditional training people, ask where the bullet points are." Review by David Becker, CNet, July 10, 2002
Educators will need to understand the motivations of the digital generation if learning is to engage and be effective. Sternberg (1998) reiterates what we know from brain science: Motivation drives metacognitive skills, which in turn activate learning and thinking skills, which then provide feedback to the metacognitive skills, enabling one’s level of expertise to increase.
Needle Stick was designed and developed in the Fablusi™ learning environment for an action learning research project in 2002 to investigate goal-based elearning in a role-play simulation which modelled a complex social system. It dealt with the issues surrounding the operation of a Needle Exchange Program in close proximity to a school in a provincial city. This learning strategy is highly immersive and engages the learners by placing them as agents of the activity rather than as reactors to content. Given a scenario, the goals of private and public agendas in each role-profile and the published public profiles of other roles, participants must negotiate solutions in collaboration with those they form alliances. They can also access information resources in the learning environment to back up their arguments. This immersion and co- creation of the community and the solutions is a relational experience and as such is a dynamic model of learning rather than a distanced critical analysis.
The focus of this role-play simulation was clearly on investigating whether learning outcomes could be achieved using this learning strategy. For this I facilitated the online induction of 14 VET (Vocational Education & Training) lecturers distributed over 4 States, moderated the simulation and then facilitated the debrief both online and through a 5 end-point video conference. From both a moderating viewpoint and participant evaluations, it was clear that both subject and soft skills could be developed by participants and measured from both
3 reflective discourse, and from the evidence of the conference postings and the emails sent privately to other roles in pursuit of their private goals.
Currently in Australia most role-play simulation work is being done by Higher Education, namely Macquarie University (Andrew Vincent & John Shepherd) and the University of Melbourne (Roni Linser) in the field of political science and foreign policy, and by the University of Technology, Sydney (Robert McLaughlan) with Charles Sturt University (Denise Kirkpatrick) in the field of groundwater management. The Departments of Political Science in both Macquarie and Melbourne universities run their simulations in collaboration with international universities to maximise political perspectives and motivation. VET, given its training imperatives, needs to investigate role-play simulation more rigorously as it is ideally suited to the soft skill development of a post industrial world where service industries dominate. However, the reality in HE and VET is that most elearning is a reflection of face-to-face learning: specifically lectures, readings, set assignments and tests of memory. The discussions about collaboration, problem or inquiry-based learning, situated learning and cognitive apprenticeships (Brown, Collins & DuGuid 1989) have not transformed what is delivered. Traditional learning is stressed by massification and economic rationalism but putting loads of content online in a lock step linear sequence contradicts the fundamental dynamics of a hyperlinked communication system, most of what we know about effective learning and brain science, and the performance requirements of the work world.
The world of work transforms quickly due to global pressures and the pace of technological change, with the result that the most valued and valuable employees will be those with flexibility in analysing and responding constructively to change: not regurgitating memorised information or out-of-date solutions. What is more disturbing about online offerings in VET is the disproportionate amount of assessment through quizzes and other click, drop and drag interactivity. Quizzes rarely evidence deep learning, strategic thinking or competency but they are popular because the technology exists and feedback is instant. The latter is attractive but such learning is at the lower levels of skill development in the cognitive and affective domains: namely memory recall of knowledge and comprehension rather than the higher areas of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of Bloom’s Taxonomy (1956). Needless to say, it does nothing for the development of important soft skills such as influencing, negotiation, accommodating and compromise. These interpersonal communication skills are the foundation of quality service industries and effective performance in management and work-based teams.
In addition, much online learning has high drop-out rates with learners giving up on reading vast tracts of information on eye-unfriendly screens. This will become even more pronounced as the Y generation moves through to tertiary education. This generation will not tolerate static, linear online learning. Independently of educators, many in this generation have developed a set of communication skills including simultaneous parallel processing while they text message, chat, download music and finish their homework all at the same time with help from their pals on their mobile phones. Their affinity with collaborative multi-tasking is really a response to the nature of the networked digital world in which they have grown up. Educators, particularly those of the baby-boomer generation, need to tap into this very social multi-tasking when they design learning. It is a matter of seeing education as Dewey did, as a social process but not limited to the lecture or tutorial modes where one-way, one at a time interaction dominates. Indeed, Vygotsky espoused that “full cognitive development requires social interaction”(1978). The Internet must be treated as more than a repository for information and education is much more than accessing information. Education is about the selection, analysis and manipulation of ideas to solve a problem, to create new questions, or create a product/service. The power of the
4 Internet is the networked communication which has vast collaborative learning potential. Well- designed learning can maximise both social and cognitive interaction. Designing and implementing role-play simulation is one method of creating a social world where participants collaborate to solve a problem. In the simulation, Contaminated Sites Management, (McLaughlan & Kirkpatrick 1999), the participants had to understand the principles of environmental decision making in order to resolve conflicts of the stakeholders. In Needle Stick (Fannon 2002), the participants had to understand the issues around a needle-exchange program in a regional city in order to resolve a number of stakeholder conflicts about whether the program should be closed, relocated, or left to operate in its current location but with a range of new management and drug education initiatives. Central to a satisfactory outcome in this simulation was success in interpersonal or soft skills as the issue was social and did not have a framework of decision making particular to a scientific field. Though in reality, once we move from the known parameters of a science, the decision making will be strongly determined by interpersonal factors in communication.
2. How Neuroscience Informs Learning Design and Implementation
The loading of content followed by testing also contradicts the research into brain science or neuroscience over the last decade. The research findings have initiated a discussion in education (Caine, R. & Caine, G. 1994; Marchese 1997) about how humans think and remember, and what that means for traditional teaching methodologies such as lecturing and the testing of information based on readings. Edgar Dale is known for his Cone of Learning (1969) which indicated the memory effectiveness of a range of learning methodologies after a 2 week period. The Learning Pyramid was based on Dale’s work and as we can see below in the Learning Pyramid, according to the research by the National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine (cited in Wong et al. 2001), traditional and mainstay teaching methodologies of tertiary education such as lecturing and giving out of readings are the least efficient in memory retention for learners:
Figure 1:
5 Figure 2:
Even the use of audio-visual materials with all their production costs have only 20% memory retention. While discussions in online courses give greater learner participation than in most face-to-face courses in higher education, this teaching strategy is still only enabling 50% memory retention and an interesting question for future research would be the effectiveness of discussion/reflection after the learners have done a practical activity in an authentic context or taught others. It is quite clear from this pyramid that situated learning such as apprenticeships, field trips, problem-based and collaborative learning, and role-play simulations are the most effective learning strategies in terms of long-term memory retention. These learning strategies are experiences where the learners must analyse and synthesise ideas for a context and put them into practice, must communicate with others in order to execute the task/s and must judge or evaluate what they do when they teach others. This is often called the ‘ah-ha’ factor when learners struggle mentally and come to form their own hypothesis or realisation. These learning actions (analyse, synthesise, judge) also operate at the higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy. The irony of human endeavour in education is that we are still struggling to devise meaningful and effective learning experiences for each new generation without moving far from the least effective teaching strategies. Indeed, while in 1956 Bloom estimated that over 95 % of the test questions in the USA required students to think only at the lowest possible level...the recall of information, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) asserted, “What we have to learn to do, we learn by doing” and Einstein (1879-1955) repeated, “The only source of knowledge is experience”. Pask (1928-1996) talked of ‘teach back’, the most effective on the Learning Pyramid.
Neuroscience or brain-based research has made a number of discoveries including the following: . Plasticity of the brain – its ability to realise new capacities, new rewiring across neurons in response to new experiences. So intelligence is not an innate capacity fixed a birth. It can change over a lifespan given enough challenge and safety. . The challenge should arouse but not threaten. There needs to be emotional safety. . The brain is social.
6 . Transformative learning occurs when the senses and emotions are engaged as well as the thinking capacities of the cortex. Learning is a whole person/ whole brain activity. . The brain establishes meaning through patterning and emotions are crucial to patterning. The cortex (centre of thinking) is synaptically tied to the limbic system (emotions). . Adequate time is needed for each phase of information processing. Learning is a process.
When we examine role-play simulation as a learning strategy, we can make a number of claims in relation to the above statements. . Firstly role-play simulation is strongly experiential which challenges learners both logically and emotionally. The situation is purposely messy or ill-defined; the problems and their answers buried within a range of personalities and their private agendas which have to be attended to before logical, well-informed solutions can be found. This mirrors more exactly the problematic situations that our learners will find themselves in when they join the work world. The plasticity of the brain to develop new capacities when challenged by experience is also proposed by Sternberg (1998) when he argued that learners’ abilities are capable of being modified over time, that they are not fixed and innate, and that expertise involves using both explicit and implicit knowledge within real world contexts. A reflection by a participant in Needle Stick restates how learners are challenged logically and emotionally as learning in a simulation is a whole brain activity: I tried practising being more assertive about ‘my’ opinions – and the learning outcome idea was to be able to handle the flak … without losing confidence! It didn’t work…though perhaps now after debriefing, I’ve shifted. . The comment above also illustrates that learner’s abilities are capable of being modified over time and that learning is a process. Soft skill learning outcomes will develop over a considerable time of working on them. . The challenge, however, is located in a relatively safe space where learners can rehearse their negotiation and decision making skills with the support of a moderator and peers with whom they have formed simulated alliances. They can do this before being placed in a real situation where the repercussions of poor negotiation are far greater. The power of role-play simulation is that it frees participants to be ‘other’ and to rehearse the skills of being ‘other’ without the pressure of known peers and their judgements about who they are. It effectively provides a mask and a relatively safe place to try out skills and organisational roles, and back up their arguments with evidence from research as they pursue their goals. A debriefing comment by one participant in Needle Stick emphasises how important safety is: Forming alliances worked well for me as it gave me a sense of security from which to launch out. . Role-play simulation is transformative because it engages both cognitive and affective domains equally within a whole reality. Each participant is proposing and defending agendas which are meshed in a personality outlined in their role and executed through the worldviews and communication capabilities of each individual participant. As a consequence of such strong emotional and mental involvement with the roles, many learners will experience a range of both positive and negative feelings as they would in a conflict situation in real life. Debriefing is essential to deal with these experiences and to enable learners to detach from their roles as well as to draw out the learning from the experience.
7 . Role-play simulation is in essence a social experience: it cannot happen without a group of people interacting within a social context to solve a problem. They form a virtual community, sometimes termed a “parallel universe”. . The power of a role-play simulation compared to face-to-face role-play is that it does not have the time/sessional boundaries of f2f role-play but is run over several weeks. The extended timeframe of virtual communities more closely recreates the complexities of real-life negotiations and changing agendas over time and between meetings where not all players are cognisant of all the discussions or new agendas. This is so as different roles/players have access to different ‘rooms’ with different levels of rights for reading, writing and editing, and players are privately forming alliances through sim mail (email internal to the simulation environment). The opportunities for reflection and mental processing inherent in an extended time-frame provides adequate time for information processing as new mental models are formed. This was commented on by a participant in the debriefing phase of Needle Stick: I appreciated the headspace between postings that allowed me to formulate my ideas and work through other participant’s postings. This isn’t really available to the same degree in f2f. The phases of implementing a role-play simulation start from induction, proceed to the simulation and then debriefing. The immersion in the simulation followed by debriefing accords with Kolb’s work on experiential learning cycles where immersion in the experiential task is followed by reflecting on what has been experienced, interpreting the events, understanding the relationships and considering what action should be taken next time (if the scenario was in the real world or the social context was modified).
Marchese (1997) talks of “grudging compliance and sullen disengagement” when students are forced into high stress, competitive learning. He is referring to American classrooms but this applies equally in Australia where the vast majority disengage before year 12 and those who continue face very high levels of competitive and memorisation stress. A significant factor in this stress is that learners are trying to understand knowledge abstracted from the situations in which it is used by experts or practitioners. This brings us back to the argument for cognitive apprenticeships by Brown et al. (1989). Though role-play simulation is not situated directly in the concrete work world as per the apprentice or trainee, it does simulate a real world scenario. Here the learners must propose and negotiate within a social context just as the expert practitioner in the work world not only uses domain specific knowledge, but continually tests and refines the product or service as it is negotiated with clients and customers. In essence, role- play simulations are collaborative anchored rehearsals for later practitioner contexts and take the learners along the path of Sternberg’s developing expertise. Bransford et al. (1989) stress that the problems of these practitioner contexts need to be challenging and interesting. When we consider how role-play simulations are used by some universities to develop not only understanding of political science issues but also how the communications operate in this context, then we have indeed challenging learning. Vincent and Shepherd (1998) run role-play simulations in the Department of Political Science at Macquarie University and in an interview by Robyn Maher, ‘Politics come to life – Simulating the Art of the Possible’ (in, Vincent comments on both the nature of effective learning where students practice or ‘discover themselves’, and of its relevance and quality in terms of the expert practitioners in the Australian Foreign Affairs Department: I see learning as more than extracting information from books. It's a process of self- discovery and learning about yourself and how an individual interacts with the world around them. Simulations have a number of advantages as a learning method where the aim is to gain an appreciation of processes or complex dynamic social systems. Things
8 students discover themselves, they never forget. In a very practical sense, I believe participating in the simulations has given our students an advantage in the job market. For example, a number of our undergraduate students have been placed in the Australian Foreign Affairs Department.
The range of practitioner contexts is as wide as there are practitioner fields. The participants in Needle Stick came from a variety of vocational areas and after experiencing a role-play simulation, three participants had the following suggestions: In my vocational area (Child Care) you could use it for a variety of different situations, especially OH&S, attitudes and beliefs of students about different family structures and parenting styles, and also difficult situations involving ethical dilemmas. I am planning to use Fablusi with Human Services lectures assessing skills in observation and client contact…as a strategy I think it’s applicable to almost any area of soft skills learning. It would work extremely well in Industrial Relations, Manage Employee Relations Change and Employee Separation, Performance Management, HR Policy, HR Consultancy and Work Teams to name a few.
3. Web-based role-play simulation as opposed to computer-based simulation
There is considerable confusion between these two types of simulation. Simulation is commonly understood as the artificial creation of a real world system so as to teach us how it functions. This may be mechanical as in a flight simulator or trying to model human systems for business, military strategies or the youth leisure market of SimCity where the needs of animated people must be met through the building of a house, managing transport and their daily physical needs such as sleep and toileting! Most of these simulations of human behaviour are rule-based – either heuristic or algorithmic and as such are incapable of capturing the number and range of variables possible in the complexity of human interaction that is also often ill-defined. The result is that these rule-based simulations create very limited realities which can be counter productive as they oversimplify and approximate what can happen in any situation. The learner cannot create or enter any other variables. Even if the player is given up to 3 or 4 choices in each response, that is but a small fraction of the number possible. Prensky (2002) in Why NOT simulation? cites Jaron Lanier, an artificial intelligence researcher as arguing: is folly and arrogant to even try to simulate humans because we will never get there – people are too unpredictable and surprising. Classifying people into, for example one of six (or 20, or 100) character types for purposes of simulation, as many behavioural models do, may be useful for some purposes, but may not buy you very much in terms of achieving “real world” accuracy.
Educators should be devising learning where learners are engaged in a process of interpreting each individual’s thinking and decision-making within a social context, and then respond effectively – but that response will also be framed by each learner’s very individual cognitive and affective mental models. We need to remember here that the mind is a unique configuration of brain cell connections in response to experience. If we consider again the Maher article on the role-play simulations run by Vincent and Shepherd, the title is very telling. Maher talks of ‘simulating the art of the possible’. Here we come to the core of what makes role-play simulations so different from computer-based simulations. While the latter are very limited in what is possible in human responses because they are rule-based, role-play simulations are
9 unbounded – they have no limitations on the participants’ responses or initiatives. This kind of simulation is web-based within a learning environment that calls for participants to analyse a scenario within the perspective of a role, comprehend the perspectives and goals of other roles and then use common communication tools such as email and conferences to resolve a conflict. The structure and nature of this learning is not bounded by preset rules: it is created specifically by the participants and they must accept responsibility for what, how and where they lead themselves – as in the real world. As they must also collaborate to form alliances to achieve their goals, role-play simulation in learning environments like Fablusi™ are ideally suited to soft skill development.
Having no metaphorical context or animated characters as in rule-based simulations and games, gives role-play simulation freedom from the mental limitations of reality once it is visually defined. The most visual and creative ‘place’ is the human mind, and role-play simulations can build on this dynamic as the interactions are ‘disembodied’ and hence each learner fills in the visual context from their world knowledge. This also accords with cognitive flexibility theory whereby pre-existing knowledge is retrieved to ‘adaptively fit the needs of a new situation’ (Spiro et al. 1991). This is preferable to the cartoon-like animations of rule-based simulations which dumb down the practitioner’s context. It is also preferable to design learning that starts where the learners are and to be informed in design by the knowledge from brain science which states that we only learn new concepts when we can meaningfully place them in the existing mental models of our uniquely wired, uniquely organised brains. This brain-based research also supports the learning theories of situated learning and constructivism of which Reeves (1994) states: Instead of an empty vessel, the learner is regarded as an individual replete with pre-existing knowledge, aptitudes, motivations.
4. Games, role-play simulation and constructivism
It is important also to distinguish between games and role-play simulation. Games are bounded or rule-based like computer-based simulations. Though Prensky has little regard for simulations, and is an enthusiastic advocate of digital game-based learning, there are similar problems with games being able to present to education anything more than rule-based simulations. The majority of games in Prensky’s games2train website such as Knowledge Tournament, Battle of the Brains, The Sexual Harassment Certifier seem to be only testing memory of information just as in a quiz; set within time scoring, and with the player/s pitted against the PC. This is the digitised comprehension exercise or multiple choice testing memory retention. Some of the commercial games do model environments for team and strategic thinking but the future of gaming for education will be when a variety of decisions by learners are acceptable rather than one or even a few ‘right’ programmed answers. Not to do so will be to produce very simplified thinking, maybe at Prensky’s ‘twitchspeed’ but it will not produce the necessary understanding of and appropriate responses to the complexities of human interaction in problem solving. Indeed, perhaps artificial intelligence will never be able to match the unpredictability of humans and we will need to accept games and computer-based simulations as learning strategies for the instructivist phase in learning domain specific information.
While wanting to tap into the younger generations’ single-minded engagement in games, usually of combat and alien invasion, most efforts so far to take games technologies into education have been a failure. However, a partnership between Microsoft and MIT for their Games to Teach Project started on maths, science and engineering education in 2001 and will extend to the more
10 difficult areas of the humanities and social sciences. They show promise in developing collaborative design for problem-solving skills within domain specific fields and have been promoted as having been designed within a constructivist framework.
Rule-based simulations and games are behaviourist and as such adhere to the idea that learning must be error-less. In so many commercial games, the player must indeed select the right pre- determined response or get metaphorically punished eg. lower scores or fall in a hole, lose yet another body part or be eliminated! The same is true of instructivist learning where the learners are progressed through a series of correct models or steps and then tested for accuracy. In TAFE SA a few years ago, there was a literacy program called PALS (Principles of the Alphabet Learning System) which tried to arrange the learning so there would be no errors. The learners could not type in an error as the program would not allow it. The program was lock- step and boring.
In contrast, constructivist learning theories rely on cognitive disequilibrium as the learners construct their meanings from a range of resources and in the process must reconstruct their existing schema and cognitive structures. This is indeed transformative learning. As a constructivist learning strategy, a role-play simulation allows each participant to make their own decisions and also be confronted with negative responses from others and negative outcomes in terms of their goals. This is often the fulcrum of learning, as it is the disequilibrium or what one participant, Amy, in Needle Stick called ‘difficult feelings’. Remembering that the primary learning outcomes for this role-play simulation were soft skills, the participant playing ‘Amy’ had targeted maintaining self-esteem in the face of opposition to her opinions. The following are parts of her reflection in the debriefing (names have been replaced by X, Z & M to preserve confidentiality):
Message no. 445 posted by X (s000101) on Thu Sep 12, 2002 08:54 Subject Difficult feelings Maybe Amy came across as a bit of a prig? Still, I wasn't prepared for how I was going to feel about some of the responses to her!
And in a later posting: Message no. 454 [Branch from no. 451] posted by X (s000101) on Fri Sep 13, 2002 09:26 Subject Re: Public v Private personas Z asks "What made the role play more difficult to hold public and private spirit together?" and that is exactly the question that's been bugging me. The only answer I've come up with is embarrassing to admit!
Amy had a conservative role and I like to see myself as a bit more open, tolerant etc. I wanted to be with all you cool guys who were out there supporting the drug users; instead I sounded like some moralistic stay-at-home-mum from the 50's! Yet the more I had to write as Amy, the more I came to think she was dead right!!!
So, had I been more comfortable with the conservative in me, i'd probably been more able to laugh off the responses.
Another participant responds to ‘Amy’ with some interesting reflections on the disequilibrium she experienced in the process of relating to Amy during the role-play over the arguments to relocate the NEP (Needle Exchange Program), and what that meant for her in real life:
Message no. 461 [Branch from no. 454] posted by M (gs0004) on Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:53 Subject Re: Public v Private personas
11 actually X ..I reckon you did a top job as Amy..even though (or especially because?) you/she really got up my shiraz slurping, leftie nose ! and by the end I have to sneakily confess that I could really see the strength in Amy's argument about moving the NEP..but I wasn't game enough to admit it ..her well argued case didn't impact on me nearly as much as what I felt as her irritating usurping of the moral high there was learning for me and my character (Cyn) there..separate the argument from the 'arguer'..something I still have trouble with in real life Cheers M
Whatever the difficulties, the final participant evaluations from the role-play simulation were positive about the value of this learning strategy, recognising how engaging it was as they were immersed in a role and another community which they created. Because the learners control the direction and final outcomes, the learners ultimately control the design – every time a particular role-play simulation is rerun, the directions and outcomes will be different as it will mirror the sum of the participants involved with all their individual capacities and biases. In the constructivist paradigm, each learner interprets or construes the world according to their existing metaphors and then attempts to construct within that internal reality - but parallel to this, the conflicting world views and metaphors of other roles/participants will create disequilibrium and consequently a modification of the worldview and the decision making. We can see this in the participant’s reflection below. Not only did ‘Y’ have to defend her views in the face of strong opposition in the community, she had to resolve internal conflicts between a surface view of disliking being in a socially conservative role and realising that her deeper values supported this role’s view – not what in theory she thought she supported. Once she recognised this, she could make compromises to achieve her goal:
Message no. 466 [Branch from no. 454] posted by Y (s000197) on Tue Sep 17, 2002 08:57 Subject Re: Public v Private personas Reading X's message really made sense - I like her had a conservative role which I didn't agree with but was able to live with more and more as the role-play went on - in fact by the end although I totally supported the NEP in theory, I was convinced in my real self that to have put it so near the school in the first place was ridiculous and asking for trouble. I think what made the whole thing possible for me was when I realised I could stop campaigning for the closure of the NEP and instead jump on the relocation bandwagon at the same time as supporting the education, fence etc.
This level of engagement and ownership of learning direction goes far beyond drop and drag exercises even if in response to comprehending audio or video! In that kind of interactivity, the learner is reacting to content rather than co-constructing the content or learning event. In instructivist learning there is no scope for the deep learning displayed by ‘X’ and ‘M’ or ‘Y’ in the debriefing quotations above where they were actually engaged in analysing their own internal processes, making judgements very openly, and starting a process of synthesising or integrating the new understandings. At this point, it is worth citing again the views of Andrew Vincent from earlier in this text: I see learning as more than extracting information from books. It's a process of self-discovery and learning about yourself and how an individual interacts with the world around them. Simulations have a number of advantages as a learning method where the aim is to gain an appreciation of processes or complex dynamic social systems.
12 5. Needle Stick 5.1 a social-process design
Needle Stick is what Gredler (1999) would call a “social-process simulation” as the participants take on individual roles in a virtual or ‘simulated’ social group with the aim of experiencing the complexity of negotiating particular goals and managing successful decision making. Gredler also describes three other major forms of experiential simulations: data management, diagnostic and crisis management.
There is a strong tendency in tertiary education for anything in the arena of role-play and games to be considered a bit of warm-up fun to be got out of the way so the serious business of imparting hard information can be accomplished in the tight time lines of curriculum delivery. However, in the explosion of information in every field, we need to rethink what skills and understandings an educated person will need to possess in order to function professionally in the following decades. They will need skills in prioritising and manipulating the new waves of information, in rethinking the application and validity of established theories in particular practitioner contexts, ability to analyse ill-structured situations before problem solving, and most important of all, they will need to be able to work effectively in the human social systems so as to implement any of their ideas. It is interesting that Laurillard (1996) in The Changing University, asks the reader to consider the value of academic knowledge in the current world. She reiterates Vygotsky’s emphasis on the social aspect of learning, and Dewey’s emphasis on integrating theory with practice, which was later reinforced by the research done by the National Training Laboratories, Bethel, Maine and represented in their Learning Pyramid. Laurillard goes on to talk of: …the many studies now that document the difficulties students have in maintaining the links between theory and practice, and in matching the academic theory to the world around them, in knowing how to position themselves in this world of strange languages, specialist symbolisms, and all those well-articulated and strongly-held points of view. These concerns have also been taken up by cognitive flexibility theorists who pose that the simplistic reductionist and linear instruction that dominates tertiary fields actually fails the learners who cannot deal with real world complexity and the ill-structured scenarios they will need to problem-solve. These failures are called ‘failures of transfer’ (Spiro et al. 1991). Role- play simulations, however, have the potential if well designed and well moderated to become a major learning strategy in enabling learners to operationalise theory in both professional and social contexts and to develop the strategies and communication skills involved in the process, particularly when challenged, as will be the case in the work world. As such, role-play simulations are models of cognitive complexity and are more dynamic scenarios that the case- based instruction proposed by Spiro, et. al. (1991). Their cognitive flexibility theory revamped constructivism for advanced knowledge acquisition so that “prior knowledge that is brought to bear is itself reconstructed, rather than retrieved intact from memory, on a case-by-case basis (as required by the across-case variability of ill-structured domains)”.
A weakness in this theory is that while it is espoused as an integrated theory of learning, it does not consider the emotional (limbic) component of thinking nor does it attempt to take the conceptual knowledge of specific knowledge domains into the practical social systems where skills such as negotiation are the translators and implementers of a practitioner’s world. It is in the practitioner’s world where the most variability occurs. This means rethinking problem- solving as comprising more than objective and external factors. The ill-structured problem needs to include its implementation and that entails conflicting stakeholder perspectives. If the brain is social, then learning needs to connect social and emotional intelligence with logical
13 processing. Advanced learning instruction also needs to situate itself in specific social systems and begin the process of equipping learners with the generic communication and social system skills that an effective practitioner requires in a knowledge economy. As one of the participants in the Needle Stick action learning reflected: I think the hardest thing with a lot of the soft skills is that we all know the theory. I very rarely have a class who tell me things totally off the track, however they don't always demonstrate the attitudes and beliefs that they can clearly talk about.
Role-play simulation can deliver this whole learning as all three dimensions of the human brain are simultaneously engaged in solving a range of problems set within a scenario. However, the focus on soft skill acquisition is not easily quantifiable as it is both person and domain context dependent. By person context dependent, it is meant that the process of skill acquisition is referenced to each person’s unique schema of social and emotional intelligence as well as the logical understanding of the skill itself. This complex interdependency in the brain and the unique wiring in each person is underscored by neuroscience.
To maximise learning outcomes, educationalists need to proceed from simple to complex, provide a range of perspectives including conflicting ones, and engage the whole person – emotional and logical. In some fields there will also be a major kinaesthetic component. The operation of soft skills is also highly dependent on the real world context in which the practitioners find themselves. Here there will be a range of variables such as culture (including sub-cultures), economics and enterprise goals which will constantly shift. It is no small feat to attempt both individual and organisational change by being cognisant of all these changeable external factors as well as those operating in the schema of the individuals attempting to develop the soft skills. The process is ill-structured, subject to many perspectives and possible solutions which are then not easy to implement.
5.1.1 Surface Structures
When looking at the design features of a role-play simulation, there are both surface and deep structure characteristics as described by Gredler (1999) in ‘Educational Games and Simulations: a Technology in Search of a (Research) Paradigm’. The surface characteristics of Needle Stick include: . the visual feel of the simulated reality including the initial incident. . the scenario . the resource centre . the initial role profiles . publish public profile . the communication tools and spaces
The visual feel is very important in creating a texture and sense of another world that the participants enter every time they log in. The operational environment for Needle Stick was Fablusi™ which has its own characteristics and which as a closed system with all its own communication tools, creates a very strong sense of entering another world. In Needle Stick the visual feel has been executed with an uncluttered design but in strong colours, and with a graphic which is a montage of the many stakeholder interests in the community. As one participant evaluated: I think you did a good job of the actual home page design ..much better website than any of the samples we looked at…clearer and less cluttered.
14 Once they are logged in, they also have access to a map of part of Tretley, their provincial city. It details the public institutions and private stakeholders in the issue: the hospital, the primary school, the council park and residential houses nearby.
It is very important to consider the design of maps or organisational trees, depending on the role-play simulation being developed.
The map gave a spatial reality to the problem of the Needle Exchange being located in the hospital right behind the school and next to a public park. It also supported the visualisation of the scenario, including the later discussions about removing the disused railway, extending the parkland – even the reality of Samantha Flood complaining of finding disused sharps in her rose garden at the front of her house.
The language is also vital in creating the surface structure and the example below clearly sets the tone of a local newspaper report on an incident that will set off the bigger issue to be resolved: Child Suffers Needle Stick Injury!
Tretley Weekly Bullet Headline: Distraught parents, Ralf Higgins and his wife, Isabelle, have broken off their holiday and rushed back home to Sydney. What was to be a break from the stresses of fast city life in the quiet unspoilt beauty of Tretley has turned sour...very sour.
Their 6 year old daughter, Chrissie, suffered a needle stick injury when she picked up a used syringe during a leisurely picnic in the park.
It is obvious measures will have to be taken by this community to ……
When the participants have chosen their role preferences and roles have been allocated along with log ins, there is a sequel which finally impels them to read the scenario and to take the first step in a simulation where they have to take functional responsibility:
15 Child Suffers Needle Stick Injury!
Hhmmmmmm.....ahhhhHH .... eyes are cast around and names are mentioned!
Angry residents are determined to flush out the guilty! Others are searching for solutions .... and protection.
Will tourism take a dive in Tretley once this gets out across Australia?
How many more of our children will fall victim?
What can you do about this? This is the incident you have dreaded!
Whatever your stance, you've got a role to play. Start the ball rolling by reading the Scenario and taking the appropriate first step.
The scenario is integral to setting up the social framework, all the issues and background to the most recent incident that sets this role-play in action. It must also create a sense of immediacy (even by setting the date in the scenario to coincide with the first day of the role-play) and create the need to act. The scenario must also relate the personas/roles to the issues by identifying the stakeholders and some proposed solutions (eg erecting a high fence). This does not preclude the participants from proposing and developing other solutions and this is what the participants in the first run of the role-play did. In fact the scenario unfolds or evolves as a direct result of the participants’ actions. The scenario also positioned the Tretley Weekly as a central instrument of public discussion, which it strongly became, as the participants playing Cynthia (the editor) and Kristine (freelance journalist) published an edition every Thursday for three weeks. They surveyed everybody in Tretley and published their views, published ongoing issues and the agenda for the final public meeting.
The Resource Centre as it operates in Fablusi™ is a hyperlinked file which the designer creates to cover a range of resources available to the participants during the role-play simulation. In Needle Stick they included an article on Harm Minimisation from the Hep C Council of NSW, the National Drug Policy 2000, articles from newspapers, councils and schools on cutting needle-stick risk, a Hansard speech on retractable needles and guidelines for police relations with Needle Exchange Programs. The participants could of course access any other information they wanted. The designer needs to chart the range of information files necessary for the scenario and the roles’ agendas. It was interesting in the first run of Needle Stick how quickly participants used the information on retractable needles as a solution and how ‘Simmo’, the Drug and Alcohol worker, could use the information in the guidelines for police relations document to counter calls from within Tretley to increase police presence around the Needle Exchange. Below ‘Simmo’ privately emails ‘Robyn Torres’, the council administrator:
Message: Original message: Date: 22-08-2002 From:Robyn Torres To:Mark Simpson
16 Subject:Re:Re:Forum
Robyn I hear on the grape vine that you are suggesting more police patrolling. I think you'd be interested in recent police policies advising against this. I suggest we float the idea that we support a DAT [Drug Action Team]. These are very successful in Adelaide and each region are setting one up. Here is something about them: Drug Action Teams (DATs) are locally based intersectoral committees that attempt to reduce the impact and harm associated with licit and illicit drug use in the local community. They are an initiative of SA Police and funding has been made available for the establishment of a DAT in each of 13 Police Local Services Areas (LSAs) around South Australia.
Each DAT comprises representatives from agencies and organisations in the local community that have a role and interest in addressing drug related issues. This includes government services (police, education, health, welfare, housing, corrections etc), local government, local business, non-government and community organisations. The DAT is coordinated and supported by a police sergeant who is employed full-time as the DAT Team Leader. DATs use a combination of local problem solving and community development approaches.
The Drug & Alcohol Services Council (DASC) supports the DATs through the participation of its community-based workers at the local level and through its representation on regional and state-wide bodies that oversee the program. DASC has also assisted with other resources where it is able.
I reckon this is a great way to go hand in hand with the community ed prog we are planning to run. Simmo
5.1.2 Deep Structures This takes us to an examination of Gredler’s deep structures which she refers to as ‘psychological mechanisms’ operating between each participant and their goals or tasks and the interactions between the participants as they take on responsible roles. Gredler also talks of role-play simulations where the participants take on professional tasks. This is evident in the management of site contamination in the McLaughlan & Kirkpatrick (1999) simulation. Needle Stick is a role-play simulation where the participants take on responsible roles such as school principal, teachers, members of parents and citizens, drug and alcohol workers, council administrator, local newspaper editor, member of State parliament, hospital administrator, local businessman. The participant playing ‘Simmo’ is operating responsibly in a role as drug and alcohol worker and uses as many forums as possible, including the local newspaper, to educate the Tretley power-brokers about harm minimalisation and other drug education initiatives. To do so ‘Simmo’ is effective in interacting with both task and with other participants. If we look at the language used, it aims to not only be clear and to take the lead in suggesting a DAT program and that greater police surveillance was contrary to police policy, but also in leaving enough room for the participant playing the council administrator to run with the idea (I suggest we float the idea that we support a DAT). Looking at the message below to the editor of Tretley Bullet, we can see how the participant in Simmo’s role negotiates an advertisement for the Drug and Alcohol Services in the newspaper. There is appropriate command of private and public voice. This advertisement is published in the second edition:
17 Subject: [no subject] Date: 8/26/02 9:19:00 PM By: Mark Simpson : Hi there Cyn Sandra and I would like to place this ad in this week's Bullet. Send the account to the Hospital D&A dept. We think we should provide a support service to the folk who may be freaking out about the recent needle episode. There is so much crap being sprouted. People need to be well informed.
Ta - see you Wed. Simmo
***************************************************************************** Are you worried about the recent needle incident in Tretley?
Do you have unanswered ???????? Ring 1800 347 6502* - Sat and Sun- 8.00am to 8.00pm each day.
This is a free information and help line service provided by the Drug and Alcohol Services of Tretley. Your call will be handled confidentially by skilled staff.
5.1.3 Operationalising the role profiles The key component of a role-play simulation is that once the participants know their role profiles there are no constraints as in rule-based simulations. This hands over control of the evolution of the scenario, of the roles themselves and how the issues are managed to the participants. As such this sets up a dynamic for high levels of ownership of the learning by the learners and facilitates a deeper level of cognitive change or transformation. When we look at the role profiles of Needle Stick, there are fourteen roles divided between the Needle Exchange Program, the hospital, school, newspaper, a private business man and the State member of parliament. Each profile will give information on personal characteristics, social status in the simulated community, circumstances the role is in at the start of the simulation, public and private agendas. Below is an example of one role profile, that of the school principal, ‘Bernard Knowles’:
18 Bernard Knowles
Your role Principal of Tretley Primary School
Personal characteristics: A good listener and easy going. You find it somewhat difficult to rock the boat with the Department of Education and at the same time make everyone happy on the staff. Follow through is not your strong point.
Social Status in the simulation: As the principal you are respected in the community but staff are often frustrated with you.
Circumstances that this role is in at the start of this simulation: The staff are constantly talking in the staff room about the problem of sharps discarded in the school grounds. There is a Needle Exchange Program in the hospital located behind the school. You are very aware of this as it has become your job to pick the syringes with metal tongs and a sharps bin specially supplied by the Department of Education. You would not ask your staff to do this because of the health risk and the Department will not fund anyone to do the task. The Department’s only suggestion has been to erect a high fence around the school out of the school budget – this is not possible as you have done a bit of research and have found the cost of erecting a fence is beyond the school’s means. You have also contacted your State member, Cheryl Brookes, regarding the safety issues this raises for your school.
Public agenda in simulation: (What are the goals of this role in the simulation? This public agenda will be available to other roles.)
To facilitate the debate in the school community and find suitable solutions.
Private Agenda: (What are the goals of this role in this simulation unknown to other roles?)
You find the whole issue to be repugnant especially as you have to pick up dirty, used syringes. You want the Needle Exchange Program moved far away from the school. To lobby the hospital and council to contribute to the cost of erecting a fence and to even lobby prominent business owners to sponsor the cost of the fence.
The design process for roles is quite considerable in terms of making the links to other roles within the recent history of the community. It is necessary to give some lead for working with others and the formation of alliances. All the role profiles need to be consistent in these links or the power in the relationships will not reflect reality. So for example, if ‘Simmo’ is told that Geoff Vale is one of his clients at the Needle Exchange, then the role profile for Geoff Vale must indicate that only ‘Simmo’ and ‘Sandra Hopkins’ at the Needle Exchange know of his drug habit. In this manner there will be different levels of understanding between different subgroups in the community which will develop during the simulation to add to the complexity and
19 richness of the community. For the participants it will also lead to a greater understanding of the complexity of sub-texts or agendas in any multi-stakeholder decision making. The participants only see their own role profiles and will rely on the published profiles to work out the public agendas of the other roles as well as get a feel for the personality and how they might approach them. When participants in a Fablusi environment click the ‘Write & Publish Role Profile’, they open up a page where they can embellish their role and make it their own. This process must happen in the first few days of the role-play simulation so as not to delay the start and hinder other roles. A role-play simulation is collaborative and as such depends on all roles playing an active part. After publishing the profiles, the participants can access all the roles’ public profiles as they are put up by clicking a ‘Read Profiles’ button. This brings up a screen as below:
When the mouse moves over each of the links, a pop-up description of the roles appears. This reminds the participants who is in the community before clicking on the book icons to read their embellished profiles. Below is the public profile of the participant in the role of Bernard Knowles. It is interesting how the participant has created a strong personal voice from the information given in the role profile. The whole person can be sensed and this gives the other participants a good indication of the dynamics starting to ‘operationalise’ in the community:
What Makes A Good Principal
Bernard Knowles
What is a 'good' principal? One who is 'there' for his staff and students. A good principal needs to be able to listen and make decisions that contribute to the greater good. That's what I strive to do!
I am the kind of guy who is respected far and wide within the community. I've been the Principal of Tretley Primary School for a number of years now and take my job very seriously. The welfare of the staff and students is my primary concern. I feel that as a leader
20 in the community I need to set an example to all. I believe in looking after my staff, even to the point of doing jobs that I don't think that they should have to do, like the morning syringe patrol.
I'm currently investigating ways of ensuring the staff and students of Tretley are safe within the Department of Education guidelines. This all sounds a little starchy, the realities are that I'm fairly easy going and a great listener.
I will always advocate for what I believe in and will do what ever I can within my power to ensure that the staff and students at Tretley are safe.
The participant playing Bernard Knowles had a difficult private agenda as Bernard Knowles did not want to be ‘offside’ with his counterparts; Ron Ridge, the Hospital Administrator, and Cheryl Brookes, the State Member of Parliament, but he wanted the Needle Exchange Program moved far away from the school. Private Agenda: (What are the goals of this role in this simulation unknown to other roles?) You find the whole issue to be repugnant especially as you have to pick up dirty, used syringes. You want the Needle Exchange Program moved far away from the school. To lobby the hospital and council to contribute to the cost of erecting a fence and to even lobby prominent business owners to sponsor the cost of the fence.
However, he was at this point expressing his frustration (in a private email) in no uncertain terms: Date: 01-09-2002 From:Bernard Knowles To:Cheryl Brookes, Mr Ron Ridge Subject:Trying to get some answers
Ron and Cheryl,
I'm extremely concerned that my previous questions and requests for information and help have not been responded to. I am at the moment having to deal with a mass of near hysterical concerned parents and teachers. Just walking down the street I'm overhearing phrases like 'red necked bible bashers' etc. The hospital and the government need to not only be providing active leadership but ensuring they are communicating effectively with all the stakeholders. You are both very aware of the close proximity of the hospital to the school.
This week I had to pick up over 20 syringes in the 5 days. Now the realities are that I can't be at the school 7 days. What happens if some child comes past and decides to play on the school grounds on the weekends and suffers from a needle stick injury? Who will be held accountable?
My job description says very clearly that I'm responsible for managing the OH & S procedures in my work place. But the realities are that without outside support this cannot effectively happen. It is not the principal’s job to pick up and dispose of syringes. It's actually disgraceful that this situation has been allowed to go on for so long. I know that I have to take some of the blame here as I went along with it. But I'm almost at the point of having to take some very radical actions if I do not get any support from other departmental bodies.
21 The embellishment of the public agenda and persona for the Weekly Bullet editor is as follows:
Firm and Fair - Editor of 'The Weekly Bullet'
Cynthia Burgess
Journalism is in my genes. Maybe that's why I can't help really loving my work! As editor of 'The Weekly Bullet' it's my job to ensure that everyone's views and concerns get a fair and accurate airing.
So far, the feed back I've been getting with my after work gin and tonic at the pub on Fridays tells me that the locals are pretty satisfied with the "Bullet"..they like its professional coverage of the hot topics and the way it promotes our region as a great place to visit. I'm confident that anyone who thought the paper wasn't doing a good job would feel able to let me know
Publishing a quality newspaper doesn't leave a lot of time for anything else..but I like to keep fit for the endurance job of editing by running five or six kms a day and doing yoga to stay physically (and mentally) flexible
Of course, its important to balance yoga and running with the odd guilt free creamy pasta and glass or two of good wine..then there's my obligatory journo'sDrug coffee & addiction Alcohol Worker in the Needle Exchange Program in Tretley firm and fair..that's my editor's personally?..make that firm and dark..I'm a short, fast talkingSandra brunette Hopkins with a penchant for wild earrings and pink linen suits. I have been working in the area of drug & alcohol counselling & rehabilitation for the Privatepast Agenda: 10 years. (What I have are a the Graduate goals of Degreethis role in in Social this simulation Work & unknownCounselling to other & am roles?)currently enrolled in a Masters Degree of Public Health. As part of my career, I spent To proveseveral to the years communities working overseas in the region in Britain that you & arethe every Netherlands bit as good where an editor I saw as how your fathersuccessful was. needleTo balance exchange the pressure programs to release could stories work. thatI have sell been with workingethical concerns with the about needle notexchange by publishing program information in Tretley that for would the pastdestroy 2 years individuals and I amwho committed must live in to a making small it community. work within the community.
The participant playing ‘Cynthia’ reflected in debriefing: While I am a strong supporter of the concept and practice of drug rehabilitation, it is a Fablusi and being Cynthia really worked for me because the role was based on and operated out factof mythat own there will always I really be ahad percentage to 'own' the of learning committed and couldn't users fordismiss whom or escaperehabilitation the yucky is difficultnot going bits toby be thinking…'so an option. what So, ..thatone of wasn't the ways me anyway' the government ..this is really (& important community) I reckon can and supportsomething these that people really needsis to establish emphasis awith safe participants & secure in environment the induction. where they can use drugs & dispose of the waste in a safe manner. The participant taking up the role of ‘Cynthia’ understands exactly that her decision making cameThis from recent her incident persona is andof course that theextremely consequences unfortunate of the but interactions I believe some with business others in& the simulation,community even members the ‘yucky are difficultover reacting. bits’ were The the needle points exchange of learning. program This is illustrates there to helpexactly thedrug deep users structure & indeed learning protect of social-process the community simulations. from open Gredler drug use(1999) in the talks streets. about Perhaps”the ways one’sthe communitybeliefs, assumptions, needs to reflectgoals andon the actions possibility may bethat questioned, if it were not hindered for the or needle supported in exchange program there may indeed be more rather than less incidents such as this. 22 However, I have an open door policy and am happy to discuss this issue with individuals & groups within the community and my recent visit to the drug summit has been very informative This is a partnership that needs to work & we must make it interactions with others” and we can see that in Bernard Knowles’ frustrations when the other roles/participants do not respond to him as he would have liked with the consequence that he threatened to take action beyond them. We have already seen how the participant as ‘Amy’ confronted very difficult emotions because of her opposition to the Needle Exchange Program when in debriefing she stated: Maybe Amy came across as a bit of a prig? Still, I wasn't prepared for how I was going to feel about some of the responses to her. One of these responses was from Cynthia Burgess, the editor: Subject: Wow Amy! Date: 9/2/02 4:44:20 PM By: Cynthia Burgess : Phew..that certainly touched a nerve..actually I wasn't referring to anyone specifically..just commenting in general and positive terms about how the high level of community debate on this which you are participating..belies the widely held view of small rural communities as red necked and bible bashing..perhaps it doesn't pay to evesdrop :-) or if you are going to do so least catch the entire conversation.
5.1.4 Sub-culture in Street Talk: a dynamic forum There was also support and collaborative planning in this role-play simulation, not just difficult challenges. The most developed sub-group in the community met in a conference forum called Off the Record in Street Talk, which became a lively meeting place almost belying that it was virtual! The small section below of the very long Street Talk transcript makes extremely interesting reading for how a virtual community developed pretty much organically as the participants created the dynamic of people dropping in and catching up with others. The actual reality of the roles being separated by time and place did not manifest itself in the conversations. They developed as if the roles were actually present in real time; spontaneous and temporal in their awareness of the physicality of people coming and going, discussing, eating and calling others over to share a wine or a pizza:
Subject: Pizza? Date: 8/26/02 7:20:02 PM By: Sergei Polotov : [ musing , mumbling , ambling...... god, it feels like so long since I’ve come down the to remember to get out of the house more...get a life beyond school and kids clubs...... now ....I know what I want ...Pizza ...from where else but Galore Pizza, Mm Mmmm.... now wouldnt it be nice if someone came in to join me...sometimes I still feel as though Im a new comer with a weird name.]
Subject: How ya going mate... Date: 8/26/02 9:00:50 PM By: Mark Simpson : Sergio eating alone?...... mind if I join you?...... thanks..... Hey we're looking for a fill-in this week for our Tretley Tenpinners...... yeah we are on a winning streak. Could you help us out?...... Think about it and let me know by Tues pm. There seems to be a lot of upset folks around at the moment.. what do you think about this petition thing?
23 Subject: all the better.... Date: 8/27/02 4:05:01 PM By: Sergei Polotov : Hi Simmo, great timing the Pizza is about to let me guess...hmmm...vegetarian supreme? yep the petition....frankly Im worried things will get out of hand, and the needle exchange will be closed down in a fit short term thinking....this is a big issue for me, as you know We’ve got to get some of the facts, the research out into the community. As you know Simmo, needle exchanges in fact reduce crime and improve the health of the whole community, through the reduction in HepC and HIV. I know you know all that....but heres what im thinking ...what about enlarging the capacity of the needle exchange to include supervised needle use, an injecting room? Now I know its controversial, but it directly addresses the issue of syringes being disposed of in the park. What do you think? ...actually I see Kristine over there...perhaps she'll come and join us... hey Kristine!
Subject: Vegetarian Pizza Date: 8/27/02 5:03:37 PM By: Kristine Robertson : Hi Sergei, Hi Simmo! where have you been hiding Segei!! You know I'd do anything for Veggie Pizza!! Having the new comer blues are you - well join the club!!
As for the supervised injecting rooms, I'm for it; you know how strongly I feel about their effectiveness in reducing the rates of HIV and Hep C. It is going to take quite a bit of canvassing to get the supervised rooms. Samantha'll have fits!!!! may leave town!! Seriously first we need a toilet put up in the park - it is disgraceful not to have one and if it was equipped with a sharps disposal bin I am confident we'll cut down drastically on syringes lying around!!
Subject: disposals Date: 8/27/02 10:28:01 PM By: Mark Simpson : Well I just wish Council will hurry up and put them into the toilets. I understand that it was passed at the last Council meeting.
As for injecting rooms.....well it is still illegal here so you'll have to pressure old Brookesy to introduce a bill! Like to see her face when you approach her!.... Where's that pizza.....
Subject: Incorrigible Date: 8/28/02 8:16:01 PM By: Cheryl Brookes : Simmo, Going to Canberra tomorrow to discuss a few of the issues you have raised - but I am not a one woman party you know. Cheryl
24 Subject: have another slice ... Date: 8/28/02 4:09:26 PM By: Sergei Polotov : Wow, 2 dinner guests, ive struck it big tonight :) yes I think your idea of priorities is good, though i have another to add... 1. toilets and syringe disposal constructed asap 2. develop a design that revitalises that area if the park with the old railway line, to include the toilets, (it will be better if its all thought of in one design) ...maybe a bike track...? 3. work towards including a supervised using room with the needle exchange program yum...all this talk is getting me for a large red with that pizza Kristine?
Simmo? wait on.....who’s that across the street…
The function of the conferences is also to create sub-communities of like-minded stakeholders who can state their ideas privately and build their position/s without other groups or individuals knowing. For those conferences open to everyone the function is to create truly public spaces where people can gossip or make public statements in order to influence.
Each time any particular role-play simulation is activated and the role-play is seen through, there will be different dynamics and different interactions in the conferences as the capacities of the particular group of participants will create a unique community with their own relationships. It was interesting how a set of the participants took to Street Talk with great enthusiasm while a few hated being there because they felt outnumbered by the pro-needle exchange program people who saw it as a ‘relaxed’ place to suss out others over pizza, red wine, lemon tarts, danishes and coffee while exchanging information on cars, bikes and tenpin bowling – and the latest on the Needle Exchange controversy.
In addition, one of the participants was from a non-English speaking background and in debriefing said how she learned to make small talk in English. It was not without anxiety at the beginning, and even in this debriefing we can see how important the mask of ‘Kristine’ was for the participant. Here is part of her reflection:
'Culturally inept' - Kristine I hope I'm not going to tie myself in knots here! Not having Kristine to bear the brunt of my words shakes my confidence but here goes. When I first started reading the profiles of the roles and then sneaked a look into street talk and realised that according to my role I had to be one of these ‘locals' I had a moment of panic. The language, the expressions, the humour, the ' pure Australianness' of it all put me on the back foot as I felt quite out of place - culturally.
Another participant replies to her online posting: you had me fooled (real name deleted) clever thing :-) ..I thought you created a really accurate complete Australian persona ..I pictured Kristine as a bit like the writer Helen Garner an urbane, calm, spiritually inclined, older woman who had spent most of her adult life in inner
25 city Sydney or Melbourne...very wise and generous spirited...and probably a frequenter of good cafes and book shops....
Below is one example of what the above participant was imagining and it shows how the participant in Kristine’s role was trying out informal language, including ‘goss’:
Subject: week end Date: 8/30/02 12:20:46 PM By: Kristine Robertson : Have a great week end every body!!! I'm off to the city to have myself some fun and rest for the mind and soul!! catch up on the goss' in the patisserie next week with my favourite danish.
5.1.5 Conferences in Fablusi™
On the left is the full listing of the conference rooms or public forums for Needle Stick.
Only some roles had access to Hospital Staff and Primary School – not having access means that participants without access to a room do not see it in their login environment. Only the moderator/s had access to the Control Room. Some forums appeared during the role-play. The Tretley Petition appeared at ‘Samantha Food’s request in week 2, the Public Meeting came up at the beginning of week 3 when the participants called for it.
The conferences in the Fablusi environment can be set by the designer so there is a range of access rights for read, write and edit. Not all participants will have equal rights. eg. Weekly Bullet – only ‘Cynthia Burgess’ could read, write and edit as the editor, Kristine Robertson as the freelance journalist could read and write but not edit, everyone else could write to the editor and read the editions.
eg. Council Phone – Everyone could write (ie they could talk to the council administrator, Robyn Torres) but only ‘Robyn Torres’ had read rights (translates as listening) as in reality we do not have a written script recording our telephone messages.
5.1.6 Publishing the Newspaper The following pages include the full script of the 2nd edition of the Weekly Bullet. This function of the simulation became a central driving force for the virtual community as the editor and the freelance journalist surveyed everyone for their opinions as letters to the editor, added articles from community members, editorials and apologies, even advertisements, amusing comments by the ‘Babbler’, as well as publishing the final agenda for the public meeting in the 3rd edition. Having experienced three previous simulations in Fablusi™ where the newspaper function didn’t work well, as designer and moderator of Needle Stick, I really wanted to find out if the newspaper function could work in a Fablusi simulation. This time it functioned at very high levels due to giving a model (an edition for the week prior the simulation), and also due to
26 allocating the editor role to a participant with lots of energy. The participant took control of the formatting of the newspaper and not only extended the model but created a distinctive voice for the paper. Reading this second edition will give a good idea of how much work there was behind the scenes as the participant in the role of the editor, Cynthia Burgess, had to maintain communicationFinally, it has with to be all said the that roles the in Needle order to Exchange know what Program was going has been on and in operationwhat could for give a good copyconsiderable as well as fulfillingperiod and her is privateconsidered agenda one to of be the fair more in representing successful Exchange all views: Programs in Australia. Many users have been helped and many deaths have been prevented by access to this facility. This distressing, accidental injury is the first of its nature ever in Tretley. Judging by the survey results, Thethe community Weekly is currently Bullet weighing up the issues carefully and considerately. What’s needling Tretley? Short Cuts
A selection of notable views and news from a variety of sources Adding Insult to Injury
Kristine Robertson reports on a survey of Tretley residents' views on the future of the Needle ExchangeDATS a ProgrammePossibility?
TheCould Bullet DATS is committed reduce community to providing concern a fair and beaccurate part of account the solution of the to reactions 'drug related and 'concerns problems of in theTretley? citizens of Tretley, not just to the incident but to the subsequent demand by some residents for theDrug closure Action of Teams the Needle (DATs), Exchange locally based,Program. intersectoral committees working to reduce the impact and harm associated with licit and illicit drug use in local communities. They are an initiative of SA InPolice response and fundingto a petition has beendemanding made availablethe closure for of the the establishment Program, the ofBullet a DAT conducted in each ofits 13 own Police surveyLocal Servicesof concerned Areas residents. (LSAs) around Their reposes South Australia. are detailed below: RobynEach DATTorres, comprises Council representativesAdministrator, and from well agencies known supporterand organisations and fund in raiser the local for a community, range of local 'goodincluding causes', government responded services with, (police, education, health, welfare, housing, corrections etc), local government, local business, non-government and community organisations. The DAT is "Mycoordinated view is that and the supported Needle exchange by a police program sergeant has who reduced is employed the number full-time of needlesas the DAT laying Team about.Leader...... I believe it should stay and other possibilities for reducing dangers should be followed up" Are you listening Minister Brookes? A prominent local identity who was not prepared to be identified at this stage of the debate, agreed toBrooking be quoted anonymouslyNo Opposition? as stating, "Getting rid of the programme will not stop incidents like this happening. In fact, it would probably Can our indefatigable MP win the fight for retractable needles and increased police patrols? work the other way and increase the possibilities of an incident such as this happening
again...... Stopping the Needle Exchange Programme is a simple and poorly MP Cheryl Brookes will be taking our community concerns to Cabinet later this week..stay tuned for thought out idea inspired by the angry minds of those who are quick to point the finger at the the outcome. nearest person and attribute blame".
WhileRobyn support Raises in the the survey Stakes was overwhelmingly in favour of keeping the Needle Exchange Programme open, even among those respondents who couldn't comment 'on the record' because ofCouncil a conflict livewire of interest and leading with their light professional Robyn Torres and gets public in position,on the action there are dissenting voices in our community. Amy Matthews, a parent of two children attending our primary school, states in a letter toRobyn the Bullet, Torres is throwing the Council's considerable weight behind moves to get public meetings and drug education programs happening in Tretley. Onya Robyn! for also offering to spearhead a 'Ifundraising fear for our campaign immediate to safety gather and resources do not see to address that a high the fenceproblem. around the school resolves anything. Moreover, I fear for the future of our community as growing numbers of drug addicts are attractedFloods to of our Concern neighbourhood in their search for free drugs. The real solution surely lies in relocating any drug addiction program well away from any school or residential community'. Anti Exchange Program campaigner Samantha Flood states her case for the Bullet.
Acting out of heartfelt concern for the moral fibre and property values in Tretley, Samantha Flood has launched a petition aimed at closing the needle exchange program. When asked whether she thought the closure of the program would solve the problem of drug addicts in our midst, she replied.
"I do not delude myself that just the closing of the Needle Exchange in itself will completely solve the problem. I feel that the Needle Exchange encourages drug addicts to come to Tretley when 27 they might otherwise shoot up elsewhere or at least in private places"
In the face of an apparent groundswell of community support for the programme Ms Flood was asked to comment on alternatives to closing it down to which she replied, 'Perhaps it would be possible to give the addicts a room where they can exchange needles but then have to use them immediately. I don't know exactly how this would work as it would have to be open 24 hours a day and would therefore be expensive. It would also be very difficult to enforce so the best option remains the abandoning of the program.'
On the subject of retractable needles being issued via the programme, she had this to say,
'retractable needles would be a marginally better option than the current situation. BUT it would not remove the fact that people of undesirable character and questionable morals are being attracted to Tretley to take advantage of the program, whether the needles are retractable or not.'
It seems Ms Flood's basic concern here, is with the influx of 'people of undesirable character and questionable morals' a definition which most of us would argue, is not solely or universally applicable to people with a drug problem.
Apology: The 'Bullet' apologises to Samantha Flood for an editorial oversight in publishing her letter anonymously last week. Ms Flood is concerned that her name be attached to her strong views opposing the continued operation of the Needle Exchange Program.
Once again this week's letters are dominated by the ramifications of the needle stick incident. Many of the letters have been abridged to allow for a representative selection of views to be published.
'lets have some common sense'
It seems to me that many people are being driven by fear. Fear drives people to irrational thoughts.
But why isn't there that same fear of car accidents in the town. Is it because everyone has a car?
I am only aware of one needle stick injury. I believe there have been several car accidents in town, some with resulting injuries far worse than a needle stick injury. But the needle stick injury comes with the fear of aids or hepatitis.
So lets have some common sense. Lets work out how we can get all drug users into the NEP and regularly exchanging needles instead of discarding them where they become dangerous to our community.
It's a health and safety issue not a 'lets get rid of the NEP problem' issue
Tom Russell
'Immediate action is needed' I agree totally with other community members such as Tom that people are being driven by fear. Ignorance too is a great driving factor. And we just cannot afford to add inaction to the list of problems.
While it is all very good to think of long term solutions to the problem these will take time to process and implement.
Immediate action is needed and I strongly urge the council to go ahead with the building of the toilet block in the park as well as equipping them with sharps disposal bins. This is such a simple 28 first step and I am sure it will greatly reduce the number of discarded syringes. Then let us continue with discussions if they are needed. For now, enough talking and lets act.
Kristine Robertson 'What about Summer Bay?'
What about Summer Bay? It's only a few kms - 10? - and they closed down their school last year. Why can't we relocate the Tretley Drug unit to their community health clinic? The users still get their needle exchange program, rehab re-education etc and Tretley gets to get its safe streets back...
Amy Matthews
'I would like to see the NEP closed down'
I make no bones about the fact that I would like to see the NEP closed down. I have 3 children, one who is attending Tretley Primary. I need say no more for you to understand my concern.
The fact is that in the current climate I think it unlikely that my wishes would be realised. I have recently been made aware of the potential for retractable needles to largely reduce the danger of needle stick injuries to the general public. I am very hopeful, and wait with anticipation for their general use.
In the meantime is it possible to apply for funding from the government's "Community Partnership Initiative" which as I understand it, funds communities who have specific needle stick related problems
For example we may be able to fund the council to employ staff to patrol the perimeter of the hospital and school much more regularly to remove used needles. We may be able to use funds to illuminate the area at night, and improve the environment of the area, thus making it an undesirable place for drug addicts to go.
Helena Searles
Are you worried about the recent needle incident in Tretley?
Do you have unanswered ????????
Ring 1800 347 6502* - Sat and Sun- 8.00am to 8.00pm each day.
This is a free information and help line service provided by the Drug and Alcohol Services of Tretley. Your call will be handled confidentially.
Babbler spotted hunched over a rapidly cooling earl grey tea at Pattis..scribbling furiously in a range of writing styles????
Guess which good looking, recent 'European import' to Tretley is now adding fire power to the 29 'pinners'?
Recently seen... nose pressed and salivating at the window of 'Ridiculously Big Bikes'...a well- known (and colourful) Tretley .business identity..BRRRRRRRUM BRRRRRRUM 5.1.7 The role-play simulation outcomes
30 These outcomes are those created by the roles in the simulated world of Tretley, rather than the learning outcomes for the learners. In this world, there were those who opposed both the existence and the location of the Needle Exchange Program in Tretley, especially in the hospital directly behind the primary school and next to a public park maintained by the council. Apart from the needle stick incident in the park involving the child of some tourists, there is concern about the number of sharps being found in the school grounds. The sharps are currently being picked up by the principal early every morning before school with a sharps disposal bin and metal tongs. Then there are others who for a variety of health and social reasons support the continuance of the Needle Exchange Program. Resolving this issue is the core activity of the role-play simulation.
After much private lobbying and public discussion in separate forums, a public meeting was called for (a new forum) in the 3rd week. The agenda and proposals for a public meeting were published in the 3rd edition of the Weekly Bullet. At this virtual public meeting they put up nine proposals, debated a last time and then voted:
The Proposals:
1. Plan and design - The council, in consultation and coordination with other relevant authorities, and consultation with community members, undertake a design reappraisal of the park, and that the redesign incorporate a toilet block, the removal of disused rail track, possible rose hedge along the school border and in general to include lighting and other enhancements to incorporate safety and increased usage for members of the community. 2. Toilet block be built in the park with sharps disposal, as soon as Council funds are available. 3. Only retractable needles be used in the Tretley NEP 4. That a rose and wire mesh garden be built around the school, by the community 5. That the Tretley community further investigate the possibility of relocating the NEP under the community Partnership Initiative (applying for government funding to relocate to a more suitable area) 6. A drug education program, designed for all levels and ages should be started as soon as possible in Tretley 7. Police presence is currently sufficient in Tretley 8. That a DAT team be set up in Tretley 9. That the member of parliament for Tretley be asked to lobby the government for an injecting room
The Voting:
The results from voting were tallied and posted by the participant as ‘Cheryl Brookes’, the State MP. What is most interesting is that the private agenda of Bernard Knowles to see the Needle Exchange program relocated away from the school remained to the end. He voted an affirmative for proposal 5 though he had not pushed that view in the public debate:
Date: 10-09-2002 15:44:35 From: Cheryl Brookes To: Cynthia Burgess, Geoff Vale, Robyn Torres, Kristine Robertson, Samantha Flood, Cheryl Brookes, Helena Searles, Tom Russell, Amy Matthews, Sergei Polotov, Bernard Knowles, Mark Simpson, Sandra Hopkins, Mr Ron Ridge
31 Subject: Results of voting Message: Results of the voting are as follows:
1. Plan and design area Yes 12 No 1 2. toilet block with disposal facilities Yes 9 No 3 3. retractable needles Yes 8 No 2 4. Rose and wire mesh garden Yes 8 No 3 5. relocation of NEP Yes 3 No 9 6. drug education program Yes 12 unanimous 7. police presence is sufficient Yes 8 No 3 8. DAT team needed Yes 9 No 1 9. injecting room Yes 11 No 1
In all, this group of participants did a lot of work in three weeks. They had to manage a new learning environment, assimilate their roles and publish a public profile, work out the other roles in relation to themselves and the issue, negotiate and influence, compromise and accommodate, publish three editions of the Tretley Weekly Bullet, get an agenda and proposals together for the public meeting and vote!
5.2 Learning Outcomes
We can go through any role-play simulation and at the end say we had a lot of fun....which is indeed a prerequisite for effective learning. In Needle Stick there were both subject and soft- skill outcomes. For learning subject or domain specific knowledge dynamically, role-play simulations can be used in the way problem-based learning approaches learning: outline a problematic, ill-structured scenario, supply lots of resources and get the learners to come up with solutions.
In Needle Stick the 'subject' outcomes are:
. understanding of the risks and risk management around needle exchange programs . understanding the evidence supporting needle exchange programs in reducing HIV and other transmittable diseases such as HEP C. . knowledge of the OHS in dealing with sharps and suspected needle stick . knowledge of strategies schools can adopt to deal with drug use in their schools and in the community at large.
For learning the 'soft skills' dynamically, role-plays (face-to-face or online) are often used as soft skills are hard skills to learn especially if the learners are not immersed in a practical or operational domain. Reading about soft skill development does not translate to being able to integrate these skills into the emotional and mental wiring of the brain. They are also not easily quantifiable in most educational assessment systems. However, companies are increasingly turning to role-play and role-play simulations to teach leadership and team skills, especially the ability to negotiate in difficult circumstances because of individual personalities and hidden agendas. Cross-cultural training is also very suited to simulation where we ‘bump into’ our assumptions and prejudices.
32 Schools of Business Studies/Management have historically conducted face-to-face role-plays to teach management skills. The advantage of online simulation is that it can mirror more accurately the extended timeline and behind the scenes lobbying that occurs between meetings and which quickly changes the situation you thought you understood yesterday!
In Needle Stick the 'soft skills' outcomes are:
Demonstrate ability in:
Personal Skills:
1. Self-esteem: maintain a positive and realistic self image, particularly when challenged. 2. Motivation and Goal Setting: translate a situation into an instrument for the development of self. 3. Adaptability: the ability to solve problems by bridging the gap between what is and what ought to be.
Working with others and in teams:
1. Relationship-building and teamwork skills, especially the ability of groups to pool human resources to pursue common goals. 2. Negotiation: overcome disagreements by compromising and accommodating. 3. Interpersonal skills: judge appropriate behaviour, to absorb stress, to share responsibility, to deal with ambiguity and diversity including cultural diversity.
Influencing Skills:
1. Communicate ideas and information clearly 2. Leadership: influence others to serve the strategic purposes of an organisation or community. 3. Organisational effectiveness: work productively in the context of explicit and implicit organisational cultures and subcultures.
The above soft skills were adapted from Carnevale's America and the New Economy (1991) cited in Kearns, P. Generic Skills for the New Economy, NCVER (2001).
In a role-play simulation the soft skills are achieved through the following mechanisms:
. present and maintain both public and private agendas . engage other roles to negotiate ones' agendas (this does not mean success...not always possible) and to comprehend their personal and community/organisational cultures/agendas. . develop one's persona in the public profile and through the communication tools/places such as in the conferences (meeting places), private emails and in chat (private meeting place). . argue one's case convincingly supported by evidence from the resources supplied or any other resources the learner chooses to access.
33 . form alliances and be supportive of other roles to realise outcomes for your particular community group or organisation and for resolving the problem/s embodied in the scenario. . do not retreat when challenged or made uncomfortable: work out a negotiation strategy (and communicate with the moderators if needed).
Further discussion of the achievement of these learning outcomes is under ‘Evaluation’.
5.3 Induction
The participants of this role-play simulation were all VET lecturers and they engaged in this action learning not only to experience a role-play simulation but to discover whether this learning strategy would deliver learning outcomes in the soft skills. As the participants of this role-play simulation were distributed over four States, the induction was done in another website in WebCT. WebCT also offered private discussion forums and there were pages to orient the participants to each other, to introduce them to some papers written on goal-based learning in role-play simulation, to the kinds of outcomes we were trying to achieve, and on the rules of playing and technical considerations of using a Fablusi learning environment. Most important in induction is the building of trust between participants, and between moderator and participants. Some participants will be anxious about role-play and only if they gain a sense of who else is involved and time to establish commonalities, will they trust enough to play with sufficient daring and care of each other. In Needle Stick, as we were geographically separated, it was important to create a ‘Who We are’ page online with photos and personal details and to follow this up with discussion forums that established common aims and queries.
A clear timeline was given for the induction and the role-play:
Length of Play and the natural stages:
Week 1 - Log in and select character. Research your role by looking through the Resources by clicking the Resource Centre link in the left margin/frame. Orientate yourself to the communication tools, the scenario and the other roles. Submit your public profile for others to read. Week 2 - playing hard to realise your (or your team's) agendas/strategies and work out others' agendas Week 3 - work for resolution/endings
As the participants commented in debriefing, it would be much more satisfactory for learners to have a face-to-face induction (and debriefing likewise) as in fact do the universities when they run political science role-play simulations as it can be done more comprehensively and participants can meet each other more fully than online.
One of the big issues in role-play is the popular perception from drama in schools is that we are pretending and it is not connected to who we are, and so it is all play and not really learning. This will need to addressed at some depth in induction and the following is one email from the moderator on the subject of ‘pretending’ as it came up:
34 One vital point: this simulation is not asking you to pretend - to the contrary, you are finding out how you would respond if you were placed in the position of a role - just as we use all our human interpersonal and knowledge skills when we are placed in different roles in life: parent, volunteer, a new or different role at work...... no doubt you can think of lots of different roles you have taken up over the years. Did you pretend or did you draw on who you were in the new environment/role? What if you decided to run for council - and succeeded? A new role, yes.... but it is you who is there in the role and you bring all your skills and flaws... (what do they call them...strengths and weaknesses!!!!) (In the Needle Stick simulation you will also need to access some resources (supplied) to extend your knowledge to find solutions - to realise your goals.)
The strength of a simulation is that you get to rehearse your soft skills in a simulated world / a pretty safe world in comparison to going straight out there in the real world and doing it. You get a chance to step back and consider as you go along and to debrief/reflect on the whole interaction with the others after the simulation.
It is somewhat like being offered a trial run!!!!! So it is important to consider the interactions as real in that what you decide, how you negotiate, accommodate and compromise - all these come from your real self. You are being offered the chance to try them out in a new scenario with a range of new 'people- roles'.
I wonder what you think of is sometimes difficult to break the cultural ideas around drama as equalling pretending which equals unreal. In educational theory, drama is seen as a process and improvisation is for the participants. It is theatre that concerns itself with a product for an audience. We have no audience here and we have no product: we are all involved in the process of creating the simulated world. There are no 'lines' to be delivered - together you will create solutions just as you endeavour in your daily life.
Freeman & Capper (1999) also address this misconception citing Biddle & Thomas (1966) in saying that role playing is not acting “but the adoption of a behavioural repertoire or social position. In the debriefing of Needle Stick one of the participants reflected on operating in the role from her own persona and why this was important in terms of ‘owning’ the learning:
Message no. 469 Branch from no. 463 Posted by M (gs0004) on Wed Sep 18, 2002 17:09 Fablusi and being Cynthia really worked for me because the role was based on and operated out of my own I really had to 'own' the learning and couldn't dismiss or escape the yucky difficult bits by thinking..'so what ..that wasn't me anyway' ..this is really important I reckon and something that really needs emphasis with participants in the induction.
In addition to the above issues, it is important to establish rules of behaviour in the simulation. The University of Melbourne when running their political simulations, only rule that a participant cannot ‘kill’ off a role. Given the high level of anxiety amongst many participants about what could happen to them and the characteristic online of people acting beyond their normal f2f constraints, it is important to discuss collaborative safety with participants. Collaborative safety is giving the responsibility to each participant to consider the impact of what they are communicating in the context of what they know about the recipient. There has to be a balance between this constraint and developing the personal skills to deal with challenge and disagreement. Some participants talked of being reluctant to open their emails fearing what
35 they will find. The following responses by participants in Needle Stick illustrates the psychological stress some people felt during the role-play:
. I wasn't prepared for how I was going to feel about some of the responses to her!(her own role)
. I experienced a wide range of emotions during the process, some positive and some pretty negative, so I know just what X means.... The fact that I was working in the same building as the moderator meant that I was able to talk to her f2f from time to time about my feelings, frustrations, etc and that helped a lot too - which also points to the fact that there needs to be a f2f component of the process and the opportunity for synchronous contact if necessary.
. I had fully expected to be the "hated" one in this role play as Cheryl, MP. I received a few e-mails which were in the vein of “you said, you didn't” etc, but laughed at them when I got them, because I had expected an avalanche! I admired you,(Amy) and also Samantha, and Helena too, because you stood up for what you believed in and stuck to your role.
5.4 Assessment
When discussing assessment in the action learning induction, several questions were posed:
Would we measure by:
getting the learners/participants to write a role summary as does the Uni of Melbourne? ask them to keep a reflective journal getting the learners/participants to select 5 emails and 5 conference postings that they thought evidenced the learning outcomes and write a critique of their goal realisation? getting the learners/participants to do one of the first two options above plus give an oral presentation on how they tried to achieve their goals (agendas)? assessing that they logged in everyday and sent emails or posted messages (how many?) something else?
One of the participants reflected on measurement in message 405 on Mon Aug 12, 2002 09:31, S (gs0041) writes: I think a reflective journal would be the way that I would go to show my understanding of the learning outcomes. As part of this I would probably include my postings and then reflect on how well I did, how they were responded to by the other participants and so on.
I think by actually looking and analysing your postings and others responses, you will actually be able to assess how effectively you have communicated and to what extent you have achieved the soft skills. I think the hardest thing with a lot of the soft skills is that we all know the theory. I very rarely have a class who tell me things totally off the track, however they don't always demonstrate the attitudes and beliefs that they can clearly talk about. I've also noticed the amount of stress or other distractions can make it much more difficult. By actually having to perform in the role play, while at the same time being under pressure from all the other roles and responsibilities, we all have will be much more of a true reflection of our
36 abilities. By each examining our interactions I feel we will be assess the learning outcomes. It would be much harder though for the moderator to assess this. There would need to be a very clear marking guide. For example is it enough to simply write 300 words each day or will it need to meet certain criteria.
In discussions with the participants in the action learning, it was generally agreed that the strategies outlined by ‘S’ to measure the learning outcomes were effective and appropriate. Anything but a qualitative reflection would defeat the purpose of transformative soft skill development. The learning outcomes cannot be controlled quantitatively, separate to all the other variables operating concurrently with the role-play simulation. It is simply not possible to isolate the learners from the world while they undergo a role-play simulation including pre-test and post-test assessments to see if any changes have occurred. Even if it were, such a quantitative assessment would yield trivial data as it is also notoriously difficult to design and implement a test for emotional and cognitive interactions. How could we control the differences between individuals and the random open directions each role-play simulation takes in order to define consistent variables? Such data is not only unreliable but invalid as a measurement of what each individual has come to understand. The point of doing role-play simulation is not to create lists of the instances of a particular skill each participant demonstrated. For the learning to be meaningful, it must come from what the learners discover about themselves and how they communicate with others as they pursue their goals. As long as it is supported by examples of different soft skills in emails and forum postings, there is no problem with validity.
The debriefing reflections of a participant below illustrate the process of analysing one’s interactions with other roles in order to understand one’s self and empathise with others:
..and by the end I have to sneakily confess that I could really see the strength in Amy's argument about moving the NEP..but I wasn't game enough to admit it ..her well argued case didn't impact on me nearly as much as what I felt as her irritating usurping of the moral high there was learning for me and my character (Cyn) there..separate the argument from the 'arguer'..something I still have trouble with in real life Cheers M
Developing empathy for opposing positions was also observed by Vincent and Shepherd (1998) when the participants in a Middle East simulation had to pursue political agenda strongly opposed to their own.
5.5 Moderation
Moderating a role-play simulation takes the individual in that position totally outside of any previous experience they have had in moderating online learning whether it be in chat rooms or in discussion forums. Ip et. al. (2002) talk of moderating the space or ‘emptiness’ that is there between the roles, the scenario and the communication tools, which Master Yoshi would call the spokes: 12 spokes make a wheel but it is the space between them which makes it useful. A window is made of a frame but it is the empty space which makes it useful. What is dynamic about role-play simulation is that there is no final product presented for information transmission and testing. Each time a role-play simulation is run, a totally new configuration of learning will emerge in that space, and it emerges from the actions of the
37 particular combination of participants as they consider what goals can be realised and the kinds of strategies they try out.
The moderator in this pedagogy does not play a role, and so is outside the social world of the simulation and this world’s interactions. As Ip et. al. (2002) state, the role is institutional, organisational, and a pedagogical resource. Many educators are afraid of role-play because of a perceived lack of control over the progression of the role-play and also that it is high risk as the players can be made emotionally vulnerable or psychologically stressed because of the actions of other players. Control of the progression and pedagogical outcomes is certainly less than in teacher directed learning. However, the running of the role-play simulation is prefaced by induction which should prepare the participants so they are clear about the learning outcomes, about how to manage the new learning environment’s tools to realise their goals, and to be clear about their responsibility in dealing with other participants. They should also understand the role of the moderator, who has access to all the communications of the participants (except chat in Fablusi ™). Giving the learners’ freedom to act or construct their social world is to give them powerful learning opportunities. When acting as a learning resource, the moderator will answer participant queries. Here it is important to discuss the various possible actions a role might take and reflect on the consequences rather than give direction. In the final analysis, the participant takes responsibility for decisions made.
Ip et. al. (2002) highlight the role of the moderator/s to oversee the role-play as ‘guardian angels’ In this, moderators have a duty of care in that some participants may experience psychological triggers that stress them. An important strategy for managing this is to discuss the occurrence in induction and to monitor while moderating the separation of the role from the participant’s self. The moderator needs to be aware of any player displaying discomfort or distress, and to privately email individual participants to check how they are feeling about their personas and what is happening. While doing this, it is important that the participants talk to the moderator/s out of role to keep the persona within the role-play context. This needs to be set up in induction and to be modelled by the moderator in the role-play simulation. In some role-play simulations, the participants work in pairs or teams and this assists with emotional distance from the personas and there are always other participants with whom to do a reality check. In collaborating to discuss the role and the next strategies, there is intrinsically an objectification.
Kindley (2002) would call these learning opportunities, and even goes as far as encouraging the design of judiciously staged ‘failures’ whereby the learners meet head-on what they need to learn. While staging failure can have a deleterious effect and must be wisely managed by the moderator, experiences of discomfort from being challenged or disagreed with are part of real world negotiations, and as such the opportunity to rehearse them in a closed and safe simulated environment is important learning. What makes this all the more possible in role-play simulations rather then face-to-face role-plays is that the participants are anonymous. However, if a participant ends up with a persona/role that aligns too closely to who they are or touches deep personal issues, they should know that they can ask the moderator to change their role. This is best done at outset but we don't always know up front where the role will go in the context of the other roles. At that point the moderator can assist the participant by scaffolding an analysis of the role and by objectively planning some strategies. As the participant gains confidence the moderator can ‘fade’ the support. Fading is important otherwise the participant may become dependent on the moderator. In one sense then as Kindley (Sept.2002) explains, moderators are a kind of online mentor.
38 Ip also describe the moderator as a ‘manipulative devil’ where learning opportunities are created by setting up obstacles in the path to the goals of particular roles. These are set up in the scenarios or inserted during play. A new role can be created as a problem during play and this can be particularly effective in social-process role-play simulations. We can imagine real life situations in the work world where a new employee joins a work team and totally changes the dynamics in problematic ways. Obstacles can also be introduced during play as a new outside event that impinges on the whole social world or only on a sub-group of participants. The moderator as ‘manipulative devil’ may even on occasion leak information to a role’s opponent and this is really staging an extreme emotional event that participants must deal with - as they must in the real world of leaks. In Needle Stick, the moderator did this on one occasion as illustrated below:
Date: 24-08-2002 15:31:16 From: Moderator1 To: Mark Simpson, Sandra Hopkins Subject: Police Patrols
Message: Hi there!
You may be interested to know that Cheryl Brookes MP and Robyn Torres are pressing for the police to patrol the precincts of the Needle Exchange Program. Have a look at one of the files on policing in the Resource Centre...if police start patrolling, will you lose your clients?
The above message was sim-mail, or email internal to the simulation. These two recipients were running the Needle Exchange Program and also emailed the moderator.
The moderator is also an administrator. In a role-play simulation that means assigning roles, assisting participants to be at ease in the new environment, keeping them on track in terms of getting the role-profiles up so the role-play can proceed, deleting duplicated messages in the conferences, making sure the website is operating without technical faults everyday, creating new conference spaces in response to participants’ taking the role-play into new directions perhaps not conceived of in initial development. In Needle Stick this meant putting up a Petition Forum in week 2 and a Public Meeting Forum in Week 3. To ensure this the moderator must login three times a day: early morning to catch late night requests, midday to catch morning requests and evening to catch afternoon requests and set everything up for an often intense evening interaction. If the whole world technically collapses in the afternoon and the moderator does not check until the next morning there will be huge participant anxiety. Something like this happened in Needle Stick with participants losing their forum postings and even though the moderator logged in morning and early evening on that day, there were many anxious emails for assistance from participants as below within the space of an afternoon:
Things seem to be going a bit crazy at the forum with my postings. I wonder if it is just a network 'thing' at work. None of the recommendations I typed today seem to have gone through.
Shall try from home later.
Another important aspect of moderation is to ensure participation obligation. Unless all participants start the role-play simulation at the same time, get their role-profile embellishments up in the first week and continue to interact with the other roles, then the other roles will be
39 frustrated in realising their goals and the learning opportunities will be reduced. In addition, the moderator needs to clarify with participants that frequent, shorter participation is more useful than infrequent, longer participation. In the space of a day many changes occur in the simulated world and all participants need to be cognisant of these interactions and choose their responses. In Needle Stick, there was a pre-play agreement of a minimum of 30 minutes per day. In reality many participants were engaged for much longer every day. Sometimes a participant will be sick or unable to participate for part of the role-play simulation. In that event the moderator needs to be a creative ‘manipulative devil’. This may mean negotiating with the participant a plan of action and then emailing all participants that ‘the role that has not appeared or who has gone quiet’ has suddenly been called away for an important meeting or some other event that fits in with the scenario. In Needle Stick this happened with one of the Drug and Alcohol roles, Sandra Hopkins. The participant had not published her role profile at the end of the first week so an ‘announcement’ was made that she had been called away to a Drug Summit. This enabled the participant to enter legitimately and strategically after the role-play simulation had started.
Moderating a role-play simulation is an intense and time constrained learning event. Both participants and moderators must commit time and energy to the process if it is to be transformative. For any of it to work there must be trust, both between the moderator and the participants and between the participants. Trust must be built before the role-play simulation during the induction and the moderator must facilitate this. If moderators understand their new pedagogical function and if participants are well prepared so they realise the potentiality of the learning opportunity, then the experience will be transformative for all involved.
5.6 Debriefing
Debriefing is the stage where reflection on the process takes place and the facilitator needs to draw out the learning. This stage can be as long as the actual role-play, if not longer. In general, participation in a role-play, whether face-to-face or online will create a range of feelings in the players depending on the level of their participation, the difficulties they had in realising their goals in negotiating with the other players, the degree of personal identification with the role they were playing, and the degree to which they have got to know or 'fleshed' out the other roles or 'people' in the community or parallel world.
A whole range of feelings will be expressed: from triumph to frustration, clarity to confusion, relief in finding/forming allies, being irritated or angry at other roles, even feelings of being scared to open messages because of what they may find. In another role in the same role-play with a different group of people, the experience would be totally different.
It is vital that any trainer/teacher embarking on role-play also follow it up with debriefing so that people's experiences are addressed and for those who become very involved with their role, that they disengage. It can happen that the line between the role and the real person becomes blurred and the role carries over to the everyday world.
Optimum delivery is face-to-face but if the participants are distributed geographically (as they were in this role-play simulation) then there are the options of setting up tele or video conferencing in addition to an online discussion forum or even small groups doing chat. It may be necessary for the facilitator/moderator to ring and talk to individuals who experienced difficult emotions so there is resolution. This is particularly important when the learning
40 outcomes are soft skills but even role-plays that concentrate on subject learning outcomes will raise many interpersonal issues.
These were the questions we addressed:
1. How did you feel during the course of the role-play? It is important here to listen actively and non-judgementally. 2. What happened? Compare and contrast your recollections and draw general conclusions. 3. What did you learn?... in trying to realise your goals? ...about the subject? Could you self-assess your soft-skill learning? 4. How does this relate to the real world? Needle Stick is but a metaphor (or a simulated context) for real people to rehearse, to try out their strategies for obtaining goals. How well did it create a believable real world context and generate real-world relational activity?
Below are some of the threaded discussions which dealt with the topic, ‘Difficult Feelings’ and ‘Public versus Private Agendas’. This occurred after a video conference. You will note how the participant in the role of Amy took some time to find resolution with what was causing her discomfort but it raised lots of points of learning for the other participants. (The participants’ names have been taken out for confidentiality and replaced with X, Y, Z, M, W, J & moderator):
Message no. 445 posted by X (s000101) on Thu Sep 12, 2002 08:54 Subject Difficult feelings Maybe Amy came across as a bit of a prig? Still, I wasn't prepared for how I was going to feel about some of the responses to her! Separating myself from the role was really hard at times. . .So the question I'd like to explore here is how can participants be prepared for possible threatening situations and how can they be supported during and after?
Any ideas?
Message no. 447 [Branch from no. 445] posted by Y (s000197) on Thu Sep 12, 2002 14:08 Subject Re: Difficult feelings I experienced a wide range of emotions during the Fablusi process, some positive and some pretty negative, so I know just what X means. I think the fact that for us the entire process was online was a contributing factor to those feelings of alienation and isolation. If the induction had been done f2f I think it would have helped. I know that Melb uni students work in teams and that I think would go a fair way towards reducing the threatening feelings. I know there are then problems with sharing the workload etc but I still feel that the advantages would outweigh the disadvantages. The fact that I was working in the same building as (the moderator) meant that I was able to talk to her f2f from time to time about my feelings, frustrations, etc and that helped a lot too - which also points to the fact that there needs to be a f2f component of the process and the opportunity for synchronous contact if necessary. Maybe for people who are more accustomed to communicating online and facelessly, Fablusi would pose less threat but for me it is important to be able to talk f2f with someone in the simulation.
41 Message no. 450 [Branch from no. 447] posted by Z (gs0042) on Thu Sep 12, 2002 16:27 Subject Re: Difficult feelings I admired Samantha, Helena and Amy for sticking up for their ideas, and for playing their roles so well. My character, Cheryl MP kept saying she was talking about every issue under the sun, but not really committing, and so I got a few "nasty" e-mails, but nothing as much as I had expected when allocated the role. Helena had written to me that I hadn't answered her question and I laughed, because of course I hadn't and never would - I thought that politicians are excellent at dissembling.
In terms of solutions, the team concept seems to be a good backup strategy, or perhaps you could ask learners to ensure they have somebody who can do a reality check with them (actually see what is going on, what has been said) and remind them that it is a role, give positive feedback and assistance with the reply. This sounds like a big ask, but is something I do even with my(completely) online course that I am undertaking - ask a colleague to look at the reply that offends and get their perspective.
Message no. 453 [Branch from no. 447] posted by W (gs0036) on Fri Sep 13, 2002 08:52 Subject Re: Difficult feelings I agree that the teams approach, or even in pairs would have some advantages, specially if those involved could meet easily and regularly. This would enable people to consider and discuss the character, discuss strategies and make plans etc in an arms length a story character. I’d be comfortable working online with a team member in this way. As Y points out, its a good idea to get others to comment when you are in a tricky spot, though most of us dont ask till its too late!! how many of us have online students who do this all the time?
Message no. 462 [Branch from no. 449] posted by M (gs0004) on Mon Sep 16, 2002 12:52 Subject Re: Difficult feelings I think the paired option has merit for students..the 'team thing could be a be unwieldy..but having someone to bounce off, clear technical hitches with and generally share reality checks sounds good to me. In general fablusi terms..without compromising our roles.. J and I did this a fair bit and I felt it really helped me. interestingly..Samantha didn't push my buttons at all..I could unreservedly respect her stand..and she came across as a pretty well rounded, rose growing, community minded sort of a dame..I almost liked her.. now I'm fascinated by the kinds of connections we can make to different roles and why and how we make many cases my actual contact with some of the characters was pretty minimal..but I still formed instant, strong intuitive online impressions of them..just like I do in real life ..this would be interesting to look at with students to review those impressions among the group and track back and analyse where and when and why they were formed.. Message no. 463 [Branch from no. 462] posted by Moderator(ELS01A) on Mon Sep 16, 2002 15:53 Subject Re: Difficult feelings Hi M - nice to see you here!
You said: I remember receiving an pretty direct instruction from (the moderator) to play the role essentially from my own persona...
42 and I thought I might expand on this.
Considering we were trying to work out if role-play simulation could be used to achieve learning outcomes, specifically those of soft skill development, it was necessary to be making decisions, negotiating, compromising and accommodating from within our normal selves - our human skills and knowledge about human interactions. If we cut ourselves off from the reasoning behind negotiation etc I doubt if there will be any integrated soft skill development. I think - though you may be able to find some loops in here – it would be very difficult to sustain a role if it was not linked to our internal values and that the negotiation process would fall to bits..or not even really start.
So I think that is why Y was able to make her role (Samantha) work for her: Y understood the limitations of Samantha's world view as given in the first outline (by me as designer) but she fleshed the role out as she proceeded. The latter is important, and maybe I did not emphasise that enough - that the first lot of information about public and private agendas is but a few details on the skeleton. It is up to you to develop your role, starting from publishing the profile. You will notice that Y could make Samantha a thoroughly likeable role as she donated roses for the community fence project, etc but did not change her essential position on relocating the NEP.
My guess as to why you formed stronger relations with some than others depended on who ventured into the street and socialised - as well as your functional role which brought you into contact with 'Robyn' and 'Kristine'. You also surveyed the whole town so probably got a very good handle on where people were coming from.
What do you think?
Message no. 469 [Branch from no. 463] posted by M (gs0004) on Wed Sep 18, 2002 17:09 Subject Re: Difficult feelings Thanks for the feed back on as usual :-) ..Fablusi and being Cynthia really worked for me because the role was based on and operated out of my own I really had to 'own' the learning and couldn't dismiss or escape the yucky difficult bits by thinking..'so what ..that wasn't me anyway' ..this is really important I reckon and something that really needs emphasis with participants in the induction.
I thought we had a great induction and I can see how as moderator you get insights and gut feelings about who would be good in which role and that this would be a useful adjunct to sorting out roles based on people's preferences
I also agree about the socialising in 'Street Talk' as a way of making contact..I felt a bit inhibited about starting out in the street talk and then I thought 'bugger it ..just leap in' and it worked..with students I think I might need to do a bit of induction stuff around this to get it started.. Message no. 451 posted by Z (gs0042) on Thu Sep 12, 2002 16:39 Subject Public v Private personas I found it difficult to not go in, boots and all, and agree that Amy, Samantha and Bernard and Helena all had a good point about the relocation of the NEP. My usual fence-sitting, on the one hand but on the other, pragmatic nature almost got the better of the diplomatic Cheryl. Or at least, that is the role I thought I should play, after being immersed in the "It's Time" campaign at a very impressionable time!
43 At the video conference on Tuesday we touched on the difficulty of playing a role, which we can mould into our own character, but then having a private and public persona to contend with. This happens every day in real life. Is it easier to present a purely public image, or does the private agenda and persona always out? You can probably think of 100's of examples of this in real life - the man in the NT who was a gentle giant, or was he? The paedophile, the fraud, spouse basher, alcoholic. What made the role play more difficult to hold public and private spirit together?
Message no. 454 [Branch from no. 451] posted by X (s000101) on Fri Sep 13, 2002 09:26 Subject Re: Public v Private personas Z asks "What made the role play more difficult to hold public and private spirit together?" and that is exactly the question that's been bugging me. The only answer I've come up with is embarrassing to admit!
Amy had a conservative role and I like to see myself as a bit more open, tolerant etc. I wanted to be with all you cool guys who were out there supporting the drug users; instead I sounded like some moralistic stay-at-mum from the 50's! Yet the more I had to write as Amy, the more I came to think she was dead right!!!
So, had I been more comfortable with the conservative in me, i'd probably been more able to laugh off the responses.
Lastly, I agree that the idea of working in teams, or at least having a buddy, to do a reality check with when feeling not-OK sounds excellent.
Message no. 456 [Branch from no. 454] posted by Z (gs0042) on Fri Sep 13, 2002 09:58 Subject Re: Public v Private personas You have hit the nail right on the head their X! It is that little bit of something you would rather not be associated with that hurts the most. In my case my kids call me Danna Vale, our local MP, as I have ONE suit that makes me look like her (have only worn it to christenings, funerals and SOCOG training days!) Have I lost all the rebel in me because I hit 40? Have I become conservative and narrow-minded.
Sometimes I felt like arguing for the relocation, and as I said before your "side's" arguments were compelling, but then so were Kristine's, Sergei’s, etc! Remember too that in real life we are not constrained by what I saw as some artificial constraints, so I still sing in the corridor (stairwell has beautiful acoustics) even though some people perceive that I shouldn't.
Message no. 457 [Branch from no. 456] posted by X (s000101) on Fri Sep 13, 2002 11:33 Subject Re: Public v Private personas you make me smile Y - I had a year off TAFE in 1990 and went to art school...... and i remember if no-one was around, I used to tear off dancing down the corridor - was 40 and so happy!
Message no. 461 [Branch from no. 454] posted by M (gs0004) on Mon Sep 16, 2002 11:53 Subject Re: Public v Private personas Amy had a conservative role and I like to see myself as a bit more open, tolerant etc. I wanted to be with all you cool guys who were out there supporting the drug users; instead I sounded like some moralistic stay-at-mum from the 50's! Yet the more I had to write as Amy, the more I came to think she was dead right!!!
44 actually X ..I reckon you did a top job as Amy..even though (or especially because?) you/she really got up my shiraz slurping, leftie nose ! and by the end I have to sneakily confess that I could really see the strength in Amy's argument about moving the NEP..but I wasn't game enough to admit it ..her well argued case didn't impact on me nearly as much as what I felt as her irritating usurping of the moral high there was learning for me and my character (Cyn) there..separate the argument from the 'arguer'..something I still have trouble with in real life Cheers M
Message no. 466 [Branch from no. 454] posted by Y (s000197) on Tue Sep 17, 2002 08:57 Subject Re: Public v Private personas Reading X's message really made sense - I like her had a conservative role which I didn't agree with but was able to live with more and more as the role-play went on - in fact by the end although I totally supported the NEP in theory, I was convinced in my real self that to have put it so near the school in the first place was ridiculous and asking for trouble. I think what made the whole thing possible for me was when I realised I could stop campaigning for the closure of the NEP and instead jump on the relocation bandwagon at the same time as supporting the education, fence etc.
The key points reflected upon in the postings above are:
i. Role of induction and moderator in actually getting the participants/students started in the conference rooms. Some will be hesitant and wait. The role- play needs all to start at about the same time. ii. Importance of considering pairing or working in teams to provide support in strategising, reality checks and being capable of ‘laughing’ at the interactions, being able to separate from the role. iii. Owning the learning, that the soft skill interactions reflect your own self’s capacity. For example, M recognising she had not separated the arguer from the argument sufficiently as in real life, X recognising that “had I been more comfortable with the conservative in me, i'd probably been more able to laugh off the responses”. iv. Being able to work out a strategy that includes personal adaptability, compromise and accommodation as Y did – “I think what made the whole thing possible for me was when I realised I could stop campaigning for the closure of the NEP and instead jump on the relocation bandwagon at the same time as supporting the education, fence etc.” v. The importance of establishing trust so that the participants can be open in expressing what they think and feel. This also creates empathy and is evident in the above postings, particularly the conversations between X & Z where Z is able to make X laugh after having experienced and reflected on quite difficult feelings in her role as Amy. 5.7 Evaluation
There was an online evaluation which the participants did anonymously and submitted to the moderator. It comprised 27 questions, both open fields and Likert scales with radio buttons for quick responses. The questions covered role development, appropriacy of the scenario, usefulness of the resources, the technology of the learning environment, achievement of the roles’ goals and learning outcomes, effectiveness of the induction, debriefing and moderation.
45 The evaluation was useful for redesign purposes in adding some more roles for the school and to support the no case, and also to add resources which would support the no case. It was also very informative in regards to what needs to happen in debriefing. As VET lecturers from a number of fields all but two thought they could use role-play simulation as a learning strategy. The two who didn’t were hesitant because of the level of their ESL learners, though three other ESL lecturers thought that upper Intermediate and Advanced learners of English would practice a wide range of language functions if situated in a context relevant to their settlement needs. The remaining VET participants were highly committed to using role-play simulation as a learning strategy in their vocational fields to address attitudes and beliefs, cross-cultural and other ethical dilemmas, communication and negotiation skills, change management and performance improvement.
All participants thought that they had achieved some of their roles’ goals and some of the learning outcomes. This action learning had at its outset the aim of discovering whether soft skills could be achieved through role-play simulation. It is important, however, for moderators and participants to realise that soft skill development is a long process and as long as the participants are actively trying to realise the soft skill development of a role-play, then that is what is measured – not full accomplishment! Each participant will be challenged differently depending on their individual make-up, the particular role they have and the collective dynamic of the other participants.
I tried practising being more assertive about ‘my’ opinions – and the learning outcome idea was to be able to handle the flak! ..without losing confidence! It didn’t work… though perhaps now after debriefing, I’ve shifted.
While the learning is drawn out in the debriefing, the whole process of soft skill development is complex and occurs over a longer time scale. Every realisation and shift is a success. Below are three other self assessments:
. Self-esteem: was okay Motivation and Goal Setting: was working towards this and so successful Adaptability: usually good at this, but have lately become not so adept at adapting! The simulation helped me regain my solutions approach again. Negotiation: may have gone overboard in this Leadership: this would be easy to assess with this simulation as would Organisational Effectiveness
. I think I achieved most of the subject outcomes by exploring the resources…as far as the soft skills go, I think I did a competent job in the personal and influencing areas… it was relatively straight forward for me to do this from my role as editor of the Bullet. I feel I did a less competent job in the team area…which I am weak at in real life …my negotiation skills didn’t get too much of a run.
. Definitely. I especially see that I worked on the influencing skills. I really tried as part of my character to influence a wide number of people. Not sure if I did this, but I was working on them. I think I could show evidence for many of the others as well.
All participants agreed that the learning outcomes could be achieved and measured through this learning pedagogy, that assessment needed to be in the form of a reflective journal or reflective
46 account but with evidence of their performance submitted from their emails and conference room postings.
And what was best in the experience? Again this response reflected the individuality of the participants. Here are some of their comments:
Forming alliances worked well for me as it gave me a sense of security from which to launch out.
I appreciated the headspace between postings that allowed me to formulate my ideas, and work through other participant’s postings. This isn’t really available to the same degree in f2f.
It was well moderated and well set up .. clear instructions …good back up and a well constructed induction…a triumph on organisation which I intend to copy!
I enjoyed writing the profile and starting to visualise the whole physical scenario – my roses across the road from the school etc.
The whole idea and getting to “play” with what seemed to be (and was) a great learning activity for the online courses I write and facilitate.
The opportunity to try out role-play in a fairly anonymous situation that was relatively safe.
The interest in communication with this group of people and achieving a series of goals.
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