January 21, 2016

Dear Parents and Students,

This will be the last letter sent home before our trip to Wolf Ridge February 8th-12th, 2016. Please keep this letter where you can refer to it, as we get closer to departure.

Health Form Attached is a health form needed for overnight trips. Please fill it out and return it to the health office by Wednesday, February 3rd.

Departure and Pickup We will load the bus at 6:15 AM, Monday Feb. 8th, in the school parking lot, by the social hall entrance. The bus will leave the school at 6:30 AM. We will return to the school on Friday, Feb. 12th between 5:00 - 5:30 PM. Please arrange a ride for your child if you will be unable to pick him or her up at that time. We will all be very tired and happy to see our families.

Phone Calls If you need to call your child, call the “800” number below and give the ELC staff your message to give to us. There is a phone in the dorm commons area, but it will only allow outgoing calls. If you want your child to call you during the week give him/her directions for making collect calls or a phone card number. Cell phones are not allowed during the trip, except for communicating with parents between 9:00 and 10:00 pm. There is limited signal because we are so far away from any cell phone towers. During the day, phones will be kept in the chaperone’s dorm room. Cell phones can be turned back on and used on the bus ride home, so your child can call you as we get closer to school on Friday.

What to Bring Please consult the supply list for items needed (there is a copy of it on the Wolf Ridge website and Middle School Important Forms Page as well). Remember, that ELC does not supply bedding, towels, etc. We suggest you send a twin bed sheet or a mattress cover, a pillow, and a sleeping bag or blankets. Also, please help us follow the ELC rules. THERE ARE NO HAIR DRYERS, STRAIGHTENERS, RADIOS, portable DVD players or I-PODS. (Bus use is permitted... however once we arrive up at ELC they are not used at all during the week).

Warm clothing is a must, of course. Be sure to send boots and outerwear that will be waterproof. Hats and gloves/mittens are required every time we go out. We will not allow any child to go out without appropriate gear. A scarf to tie around the neck and face or a neck warmer is very helpful in below zero temps. Hand and toe warmers are suggested to carry in mittens and to tuck into boots. You can usually find them at stores like Target and Wal-Mart. There is a coin operated dryer available to use to dry hats/mittens/scarf’s, etc. Please send along quarters if needed.

Food Please try to stay away from junk food. Absolutely no pop is allowed!! Fruit, crackers, peanut butter, trail mix-all make good snack foods. Water, juice, crystal light to-go packets, etc. make good beverage choices. NO microwave food will be allowed. Everyone will be expected to go through the lunch line each meal and take desired items. We will be very limited to storage space in the dorm rooms so please take that into consideration. Please note: due to serious allergies, Wolf Ridge is completely peanut and nut free! Do not bring any item that has peanuts (or any other nut) in it.

Medications If your child is on PRESCRIBED MEDICATION, a doctor’s signature is required on the attached health forms. Please remember to mark your bottle of meds with your child’s name and dosage. Your child must inform their group chaperone of any medicine that they are taking, including ibuprofen. The only exceptions are inhalers or Epi-pens that must be kept on the person. A parent or teacher will supervise the meds so that any child on medication will be reminded to take the dosage at the appropriate time. Your child should give their meds to their group chaperone upon arrival. Over the counter pain relievers will be given upon the child’s request. We recommend that you send along a pain reliever your child can take just in case he or she may need it. We cannot be giving out someone else’s meds to another student.

Other Thoughts Cameras are a great thing to have along and highly encouraged. Wolf Ridge also has a store that will be open for us during the week if students would like to purchase something to remember the trip. The only other time students will need money is on our way back from Wolf Ridge. We will be stopping at McDonald’s in Two Harbors, so money will be needed for that stop.

We are all very excited about the trip and look forward to a great week together. Thanks to the adults who have taken a week of their vacation to spend with us. If anything has been forgotten, please call me (Ms. Gallagher) at school during the day or check out the ELC website (http://www.wolf-ridge.org) for more information. If you have any questions regarding the trip over the next week, please send us an email or call.


Ms. Gallagher Ms. Krenz

Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center 6282 Cranberry Road Finland, MN 55603 1-800-523-2733