Minutes from V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee Meeting

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Minutes from V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee Meeting

Minutes from V/STOL Aircraft Systems Technical Committee Meeting Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gaylord Resort, Grapevine, Texas AHS Forum 65

V/STOL TC Website: http://www.aiaa.org/portal/index.cfm?GetComm=102&tc=tc

Attendees: Name Company/Phone/Email Paul Bevilaqua Lockheed Martin Aero, (661) 572-6920, [email protected] Eric Charlton Lockheed Martin, 817-935-1125, [email protected] David Grebel TCU, [email protected] David W. Hall* DHC Engineering, [email protected] Craig Hange* NASA Ames, 650-604-1398, [email protected] Mike Hirschberg CENTRA Technology, Inc., (571) 218-4417, [email protected] Kelly Londenberg* AVID LLC, [email protected] Joon Lim Army, NASA Ames, (650) 604-5891, [email protected] (filling in for Roger Strawn) Rick Mange Lockheed Martin, (817) 777-6103, [email protected] Tim Naumowicz NASA Ames, (650) 604-6674, [email protected] Matt Peperak* CENTRA Technology Inc., (703) 475-6288, [email protected] Jack Sokhey* Rolls-Royce Liberty Works, (317) 230-6470, [email protected] John Sprague Consultant, (772) 283-6888, [email protected] Doug Wardwell* NASA Ames, (650) 604-6566, [email protected] Tom Wendel* Boeing, (314) 233-1524, [email protected] Bob Wood Naval PG School, (831) 655-0559, [email protected]

* Participated via telecon

Page 1 AIAA TC meeting called to order at 3:30pm CST by John Sprague.

Minutes from that last TC meeting are approved as is.

See attachment 1 for this meetings agenda.

John Sprague brought 72 coffee mugs with the new V/STOL TC logo on the front and the date and location of the TCU short course on the reverse. These were handed out to the instructors and students attending the course.

V/STOL TC Financial Report: Balance as of 7/24/09 $39,783.85 Procured 72 Coffee Mugs with TC Logo ($582.62) Shipping of Mugs to TCU ($165.86) ------.---- Current Balance $39,035.37

Future expenses/Income

ASH Forum 65 Conf. Opening Social ($2,500.00) 72 TC Logo Mugs (additional) ($600.00) estimate Income from April 2009 short course $20,000.00 estimate

Estimated Balance $55,935.37

Spent $2,500 as a sponsor of the AHS social at the Forum. The social was well attended— approximately 200 people. There were signs about our sponsorship as one entered the social. We also received a letter of thanks from Rhett Flater.

John Sprague is also going to order 72 more mugs. He will also add the charter wording to the mug.

Mange: can we get the TAC folks to give us some money for this? They have some budget to support the TC’s. Action: J. Sprague

V/STOL Short Course:  We are still waiting for final numbers for the short course concerning costs. The costs are less than originally thought and the TC should make around $20K. This will put us over $50K in the TC account.  Emails are currently being sent out for evaluations. There was some issue with the website on being able to have all the participants evaluate the course—someone is looking into this.  Had a website set up with the presentations that the participants could download. This was a much better way to disseminate the information and it reduced the handout costs.

Page 2  There were 58 participants, with 45-48 from Lockheed Martin—thank you Lockheed Martin.  Many presenters cancelled at the last minute and Paul Bevilaqua had to scramble to get replacements—successfully of course.  Being able to reduce presentation material overlap is hard. Tim Naumowicz was mostly successful with the STOVL Jet Effects sections. This time the course structure was such that the overlap was not back-to-back, so it was not as much of an issue.  Some JSF pit testing was presented, but not much—possibly add more in the future.  We saved some travel costs since not all folks from England were able to support—Kevin Knowles made the extra presentations.  Bob Wood did a similar course to the short course though the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monterey. The course was given at the end of May using most (or all) of the same lecturers as our short course. This was a twelve week course with 36 hours of lecture.  How to do the NPS course with emphasis on engineering?—NPS wants to teach the course twice a year.  Can we combine the NPS course with the AIAA to offer this course in the NPS area? Wood: NPS would offer honoraria to pay for instructors. Aero work was moved to Pax River.  For now, the TC has agreed to work these two items (V/STOL short course & NPS course) independently of one another.  When/where for the next short course? Pax River, Wright Patterson AFB, Edwards?  Try to get Pax River for the next short course  There might be STOVL aircraft at Pax River around the January time frame.  Maybe next Feb/March timeframe for the next course offering? We need to hold the course before Pax gets busy with JSF flight test.  Supposedly John McKuen is the person to talk to at Pax concerning the short course Action: Paul Bevilaqua to contact John McKuen to find out how we can get Pax to put up training dollars and/or contacts for putting on this course at Pax.  Action: Bob Wood will also pursue the Pax angle for the V/STOL short course.

How to spend some of our funds?  John Sprague reiterated the following suggestions previously suggested:

o Plaques for John Zuk and Hal Andrews. — Action: All, go look at previous TC Minutes for additional suggestions. — Where might a plaque for Zuk go? Not a natural place at Ames to put. — Maybe support a museum in Zuk’s name? Hiller, etc. — $1,000 each for Zuk and Andrews. — Andrews—at the Air & Space Museum (Udvar-Hazy Center near the Dulles Airport). Maybe look into this for Zuk also. Action: Hirschberg will send out information concerning this option. o Social Event(s) at a conference to have fun and draw in new members. — Maybe at the ATIO, Sept 23-24, 2009, Hiltonhead, SC. — Action: John Sprague to talk to Betty Guille (AIAA staff) about costs.

Page 3 — Maybe even a student reception—probably in conjunction with others. — Craig Hange suggested that we program managers to get young professionals sent to conferences (get them to write papers and/or joing TC’s). — Action: Sprague?, contact AIAA (Elizabeth Connor) concerning conf attendees to see if we can pre-sort and then send an invite. — Action: All to send Matt Peperak ideas or people to invite. o Awards—maybe V/STOL best paper, etc. — Action: Paul Bevilaqua to look into it—talk to Carroll. — Carroll Stewart was pushing back on awards to make sure they are worthy and not to give out an award, just because. — Action: Matt Peperak to re-look into AIAA rules.  We should spend some funds on John Zuk’s and Hal Andrew’s plagues.  $1,000 each at Udvar-Hazey Museum.  John Sprague would like to do more, but this is OK if nothing else is appropriate.  Look into Hiller Museum options for Zuk: Action: Tim Naumowicz to look into the Hiller Museum option and report back.  Action: Bob Wood to check with the Navy on a plaque & location for Hal Andrew’s and report back.  Paul Bevilaqua: add $1,000 cash award to the Newbold award. Action: Matt Peperak to talk to AIAA (Carol) about this.

Subcommittee Reports:

Awards: (Matt Peperak)  We have only one roll-over nomination for the F.E. Newbold award (Bill Lewis). We will need at least four more for the next time. Please get any nominations in ASAP so we do not have to scramble at the end. Let’s get them in before the beginning of 2010.  How about giving the Newbold to the JSF team? Newbold not really a team award.  Action: All. Can we at least have people provide names so we can see who we might go after for Newbold nominations?  Action: Matt Peperak to send out an email on award info, due date, etc.  For the Historic Site nominations, we are waiting for the plaque wording to be finalized for the Getafe presentation this summer.  The Vertiflight magazine has a color article on the Historic Site nominations.  Next nominations might be: NASA Langley (already awarded), Philadelphia, France (1st helicopter), Germany (helicopter related).

Conferences:  ATIO. We are not sponsoring a session because we could not get enough papers. We thought about doing a social at the ATIO conference (~$2K for a small gathering). John Sprague talked to the ATIO folks about this and they thought that not too many folks at the conference would have a V/STOL interest. So maybe no social at this time.

Page 4  Action: Matt Peperak is trying to get a list of AIAA members, with V/STOL backgrounds in case we want to send invitations to a social, and report back to us.

Membership:  Sprague: Jonathan Keith is not interested as he is getting an MBA degree. John Sprague also sent Robb Greg from Boeing an email, but no response.  Craig Hange spoke with Mark Moore and asked him to go to the website and register. Apparently he has yet to do so.

Education:  We are not in the loop this time around for the AIAA Student Design Competition. What about next time?  Need someone to champion an RFP.  The next slot would be for 2011/2012. Need to be ready with an RFP submittal by this fall. The RFP selection is done around January. May/June for final RFP approval, then release around August. The Student Activities Committee Approves the RFP and the Aircraft Design TC runs the competition/evaluation.  This TC supports fixed-wing concepts, not rotorcraft.  Action: All. Does anyone wish to champion an RFP for the AIAA Student Design Competition?

Liaison:  Applied Aero TC (Liaison—Eric Charlton): The next big meeting is the Applied Aero Conference in San Antonio, Texas at the End of June. Trying to stand up a working group.  Action: Rick Mange to look into supporting the Joint Propulsion Conference (JPC) in the future.

Website: (Kelly Londenberg)  AIAA wants to migrate to a new Microsoft system. However, Kelly does not have Microsft machines (i.e. PC’s), just Mac’s. Kelly is working with AIAA to resolve.  The new link will be active next week, but so far nothing is there since Kelly cannot access.  If you have material for Kelly, please send him the material and he will do his best to get it on the website. Please edit out things you do not wish to be (or should not be) published on the website (such as personal information).

Next AIAA V/STOL TC Committee Meetings: The next TC meeting will be at the end of September 2009 at the ATIO conference, Hilton Head, SC.

Page 5 Review of Previous Action Items: 1. Action: Craig Hange/Matt Peperak to update the TC concerning the AIAA Student Design Competition. Status: Closed. 2. Action: All, go look at previous TC Minutes for additional suggestions for using funds to recognizing John Zuk and Hal Andrews who have recently passed away. Status: Open. 3. Action: Hirschberg will send out information concerning the option of a plaque at the Udvar-Hazy Center near the Dulles Airport. Status: Closed. 4. Action: John Sprague to talk to Betty Guille (AIAA staff) about costs for social events in case we wish to do one. Status: Closed 5. Action: Sprague?, contact AIAA (Elizabeth Connor) concerning conf attendees to see if we can pre-sort and then send an invite for a V/STOL TC social event. Status: Closed— see new action item #8. 6. Action: All to send Matt Peperak ideas or people to invite for a V/STOL TC social event. Status: Closed—but still do if you have suggestions. 7. Action: Paul Bevilaqua to look into awards (such as best paper) at conferences—talk to Carroll. Status: Open. 8. Action: Matt Peperak to re-look into AIAA rules for giving out awards. Status: Closed —see new action #7. 9. Action: John Sprague to “light fires” with TCU to get advertisement out and get on contract to do. Rick Mange to help get TCU to put into a brochure. Status: Closed— event is over. 10. Action: Rick Mange to send Tim Naumowicz a CD from the last short course so he can help review content and to minimize duplication. Status: Closed. 11. Action: Paul Bevilaqua to send Roger Strawn V/STOL short course rotorcraft charts as a start—Roger may present this part. Status: Closed. 12. Action: John Sprague to send out comments from the last course to Tim Naumowicz. Status: Closed. 13. Action: John Sprague to set up a telecom in approx. 2 weeks, Thursday, Jan 22nd 9:00 am PST to discuss the short course. Status: Closed. 14. Action: ???? We should also have email announcement + website advertisement and maybe list in the AIAA courses on Website (who to do this?). Status: Closed—event is complete. 15. Action: Cale Zeune might be able to get a presentation or two for the 2009 ATIO conference. Status: Closed—we did not get enough for a session. 16. Action: All, need a volunteer to be the point person for our ATIO session later this year (2009). Status: Closed—we did not get enough for a session. 17. Action: Tim Naumowicz to hold monthly meetings concerning the next IPLC. Status: Closed meetings ongoing.. 18. Action: John Sprague to send and email to see if Robb Greg and Jonathan Keith still wish to join this TC. Status: Closed. 19. Action: V/STOL Short Course Organizers, get Kelly material for our TC website. Status: Closed—event is complete. 20. Action: Paul Bevilaqua to look at the intro to the short course for possibly making a web-ex type presentation that can be recorded. Status: Open.

Page 6 New Action Items from THIS TC Meeting: (Summary) 1. Action: John Sprague Can we get the TAC folks to give us some money for Mugs, etc? The TAC has some budget to support the TC’s. 2. Action: Paul Bevilaqua to contact John McKuen to find out how we can get Pax to put up training dollars and/or contacts for putting on the V/STOL short course at Pax. 3. Action: Bob Wood will also pursue the Pax angle for the V/STOL short course. 4. Action: Tim Naumowicz to look into putting a plaque for John Zuk in the Hiller Museum and report back. 5. Action: Bob Wood to check with the Navy on a plaque & location for Hal Andrew’s and report back. 6. Action: Matt Peperak to talk to AIAA (Carol) about adding a $1,000 cash award to the Newbold award. 7. Action: All Please provide names of potential nominees for the Newbold award. 8. Action: Matt Peperak to send out an email on award info, due date, etc.Status: Closed 9. Action: Matt Peperak is trying to get a list of AIAA members with a V/STOL background and report back to us. 10. Action: All. Does anyone wish to champion an RFP for the AIAA Student Design Competition? 11. Action: Rick Mange to look into supporting the Joint Propulsion Conference (JPC) in the future.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:02 pm CST.

********** Thanks to all those for attending and calling in ********

Page 7 Attachment 1 Meeting Agenda


AHS Forum 65

Thursday May 28, 2009–3:30 until 4:30 PM Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center-Grapevine Texas Austin 2&3 Room

AGENDA CALL TO ORDER SPRAGUE Approval of minutes from the 1-7-09 Meeting


V/STOL SHORT COURSE Bevilaqua Summary of Course





September 2009-ATIO-Hilton Head, SC


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