Name: Onuora Emmanuel Nwuneli, (Professor)

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Name: Onuora Emmanuel Nwuneli, (Professor)

Curriculum Vitae Name: Onuora Emmanuel Nwuneli, (Professor). Nationality: Nigerian Date of Birth: April 30th 1942 Marital Status: Married Number of Children: 4: 40yrs; 37yrs; 34yrs; 15yrs State of Origin: Anambra State Religion: Christianity

Education: 1971 - 1976: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA Ph.D. Communication Arts

1968 -1970: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin, USA M.A. Journalism

1964 - 1968: Texas Southern University, Houston, Texas, USA B.A Journalism

Areas of Specialization Behavior Change Communication Health Communication Strategies Advocacy communication Communication Strategy Design and Evaluation Qualitative & Quantitative socio-cultural Research International Communication and Public Diplomacy Print Journalism

Employment and Appointments

2013 – Present: Professor of Mass Communication, Covenant University, Canaan land, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria.

2005 – 2012: Professor of Mass Communication, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State. Taught postgraduate courses in Development Communication and Social Change; Communication Research Methodology; International Communication and Public Diplomacy; Global communication and the Social Media.

1999- 2004 Managing Consultant, Machi Communication Associates, Lagos. A private communication consulting firm specializing in communication support strategies, advocacy and behavior change communication, HIV/AIDS, health communication, poverty eradication and baseline and related socio-cultural studies.

1996-1999: Population Communication IEC Specialist with the Government of Botswana in a Swedish International Agency (SIDA) funded project. Designed and developed a multi-sectoral national communication intervention strategy for the

1 implementation of the National Population Policy and other national social development and health policies.

1993-1996: Professor of Mass Communication and Head of Department, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Administrative and academic head. Taught courses at the graduate and the undergraduate levels in communication for development; population and reproductive health communication; international political communication; advanced survey research methodology; and message design and development for population and HIV/AIDS.

1990-1993: UNESCO Chief Technical Adviser Population Communication, Kenya Institute of Mass Communication, Nairobi, Kenya. Designed and developed population communication curricula for a diploma and undergraduate programs for the Kenya Institute of Mass Communication; Conducted a series of workshops on information campaign strategies; Message design and development for population and STD-HIV/AIDS; Evaluation of campaign messages and audience reaction to messages.

1988-1990: Professor of Mass Communication and Head of Department, University of Lagos, Nigeria.. Administrative and academic head of the department. Taught courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in communication and cultural dependency; communication for development; African communication systems; international political communication; advanced survey research methodology.

1984-1986: Professor of Mass Communication, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Taught courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels in Introduction to mass communication; advanced news reporting; international news flow; communication research methods; communication and social change; and international political communication.

1981-1984: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Taught courses at graduate and undergraduate levels in Introduction to mass communication; communication theory; communication research; communication for development; survey research design and analysis; and international; political communication.

1980-1981: Visiting Research Fellow College of Journalism, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, U.S.A. Conducted UNESCO funded research in formal and informal channels of communication at the local level: The Nigerian case study.

1976-1980: Senior Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos, Nigeria. Taught undergraduate level courses in introduction to mass communication; communication theory; communication research; news writing and reporting; and communication for development.

1970-1976: Lecturer, Department of Mass Communication, University of Lagos, Nigeria.

2 Taught undergraduate and diploma level courses in introduction to journalism, newspaper layout and design, copy editing, feature writing, communication research and communication theory.

1968-1970: Project Assistant University of Wisconsin-Madison News Service, USA. Interviewed campus scientists and wrote releases on their latest scientific research, discoveries and inventions.

Political Appointments

1987-1988: Commissioner for Local Government, Rural Development and Chieftaincy Matters, Anambra State, Government of the Republic of Nigeria. As the Chief Executive of this Ministry, managed, supervised and administered 5000 staff members at policy, administrative and implementation levels; supervised the administration of 24 local government councils in the State.

1986-1987: Commissioner for Information, Social Development, Anambra State, Government of the Republic of Nigeria. As chief executive of the Ministry, managed and administered over 2000 staff members at policy, administrative and implementation levels. Supervised Public media institutions funded by the Government of the State.

Selected Consultancies 2008: Consultant to UNICEF in collaboration with the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources and worked with other consultants in the sector to develop a communication strategy for the national Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) policy.

2006: Consultant to UNFPA—Ethiopia and prepared a census advocacy note in support of resource mobilization for the 2007 Population and Housing Census in Ethiopia

2005: Consultant to UNFPA Nigeria. To Coordinate the Census Awareness Attitude Survey (CAAS) with the assistant of a focal officer from the National Population Commission; pre-test and review the designed interview schedule; recruit and train the principal researchers from the six geopolitical zones in the use of the CAAS interview schedule; monitor data collection process in the field; coordinate the processing and analysis of collected data and produce the CAAS report.

2004: Consultant to UNFPA Ghana. As a member of a three-person team, evaluated a project supported by UNFPA under the Fourth Country Program. Rural Help Integrated implemented the project titled “Strengthening the implementation of innovative and culturally sensitive, integrated community-based reproductive health services” based in the Upper East Region of Ghana. The evaluation analyzed program progress/achievements, lessons learnt and challenges in terms of project objective, key strategies and related efforts towards results

3 2004: Consultant to UNFPA Nigeria. The mission was to assist the National Population Commission to: Develop a proposal for a baseline Census Awareness and Attitude Survey (CAAS), including the survey instruments; Review and update the existing Publicity and Advocacy component of the census strategy and implementation plan

2004: Consultant to Communication for Education and Development in Africa (COMED). Conducted a study on reporting of Education Issues in the Nigeria Media. It involved personal in-depth interviews with the media managers, questionnaire survey of education media editors and correspondents and content analysis of seven national circulating newspapers.

2004: Consultant to UNICEF Ghana. Undertook a comprehensive review of the design, methods and effectiveness of the implementation of the five-year health communication and social mobilization strategy on EPI, and propose strategy for improved community participation.

2003: Consultant to UNICEF Nigeria. Training and technical support initiatives to strengthen program communication capacity of program officers to promote behavior change among families and communities; provide orientation for program officers in the principles and models of communication for development and provide technical support to Program Officers/Clusters in each field office in adopting and adapting program communication strategies in thematic areas.

2002: Consultant to UNFPA—Liberia. Design and development of a comprehensive Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS IEC/Advocacy strategy document that addresses a wide target group, including the legislature, adolescents, and internally displaced persons, considering the prevailing socio-economic, demographic and political situation in Liberia

2002: Consultant to Communication for Education and Development in Africa (COMED). Training of journalists, education correspondents, and communication and information officers in the Ministry of Education, Monrovia, Liberia, in the identification of education issues and the development of media and communication strategies in support of education sector programs for development.

2002: Consultant to Communication for Education and Development in Africa (COMED). Training of journalists, education correspondents, and communication and information officers in the Ministry of Education, Nigeria, in the identification of education issues and the development of media and communication strategies in support of education programs for development.

2001: Consultant to UNFPA/CST Addis Ababa. Development of the Advocacy sub- program in population and Adolescent Reproductive Health issues and HIV/AIDS for the UNFPA 5th Country Program for Ethiopia

2001: Consultant to UNICEF Nigeria. Training the Trainers workshop for Mobilization of Town criers for the Eradication of Polio in Nigeria

4 2001: Consultant to Zambia Institute of Mass Communication (ZAMCOM). Design, and Development of Curricula on Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Issues for Schools of Communication and Journalism in East and Southern Africa

2001: Consultant to Nigeria National Planning Commission/World Bank. Design and development of Advocacy and Social Mobilization communication for the implementation of World Bank financed Community-Based Poverty Reduction Initiatives in Abia State, Nigeria.

2000: Consultant to UNICEF (Nigeria). Training of 120 National and Zonal Social Mobilization Technical Committee Members in Integrated Communication Planning and Behavior Change Communication in support of health related programs such as Polio, HIV/AIDS, and Child and Women’s Rights.

---Training of 300 National, State and Local Government communication and health education officers in the use of UNICEF "communication Handbook for Polio Eradication and Routine EPI". The training was designed to facilitate and enhance the use of communication for development and the ACADA models and behavior change communication strategies to implement health related programs in Nigeria.

1995: Consultant to UNICEF (Nigeria). Training of Local Government Information Officers in community mobilization for the Rights of the Child and Safe Motherhood. The training was held in four health zones in Nigeria.

1994: Consultant to the Independent Media Commission of South Africa that monitored the fair and balanced performance of the mass media during the 1994 post Apartheid first democratic elections, Johannesburg, S.A.

1991: Consultant to UNFPA—Tanzania for an evaluation mission of the Population and Family Life Education program being implemented in six regions of Tanzania.

1989: Consultant to UNESCO for an evaluation mission to the project on integrating population communication issues into the activities of the National Council for Population and Development in Kenya.

1983: Consultant to UNESCO to organize and conduct a workshop on teaching the sociology of communication in Africa. Contonu, Republic of Benin.

1981: Consultant to the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Housing and Environment to conduct a workshop on Environmental Media Awareness for Working Journalist.

1978-1980: Consultant and Director of Research to a UNESCO/UNFPA funded project on population and family welfare in Nigeria with a multi-disciplinary team of experts. Developed and produced a dance drama titled Aiyetale with fertility and family planning message content derived from the earlier socio-cultural studies. The dance

5 drama was later reproduced by UNFPA (Nigeria) in a video version titled Broken Calabash.

1978: Consultant to UNESCO/International Federation of Home Economists (IFHE) Conducted a workshop on communication, the family and social change in Africa. Freetown, Sierra Leone.

1976: Temporary Adviser and consultant to UNESCO/WHO for a consultative meeting on family welfare, family planning and communication. Alexandria, Egypt.

1976: Consultant to the Nigerian Council for Arts and Culture to run a workshop on the future of the Film Industry and Development in Nigeria. The workshop was held in Lagos, Nigeria.

1976: UNESCO International Observer at a five-week workshop on integrated approach to family planning communication strategy in the Philippines.

1975: Consultant to UNESCO for workshop on West African family planning communication. Workshop was held in Lagos, Nigeria.

Membership in Professional Associations

Secretary General, African Council on Communication Education, (ACCE) 1981-83.

Founder President, Nigerian Mass Communication Association (NIMCA) 1981-87.

Member African Council on Communication Education 1981 to present

International Coordinator, 13th Biennial Conference of African Council for Communication Education, Abuja, Nigeria, 2003.

1965-1968: American Institute of International Education Development Fellow.

1966: Granted award for Baltimore Scholarship Fund Maryland.

1977: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization Study Philippines, India and South Korea

1994-1995 Chairman Center for Media Educational Technology. University of Lagos, Nigeria

Member International Program Advisory Committee for Partners in Population and Development ( PPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh

6 An associate editor for the International Communication Association's Communication Yearbook 34.

Publications Books

1979: Nwuneli, Onuora & Opubor, Alfred (ed.) The Development and Growth of Film Industry in Nigeria. Published for the Nigerian National Council for Arts and Culture, Lagos by the Third Press, New York.

1983: Nwuneli, Onuora & Opubor, Alfred (eds.) Environmental Awareness for Media Practitioners. Seagul Book Publishers. Lagos, Nigeria.

1985: Mass Communication in Nigeria: A Book of Readings. Fourth Dimension Publishers, Enugu, Nigeria.

1988: Communication and Human Needs in Africa. Published by African Communication Association/Blind Beggars Press Inc. New York.

Chapters in Books

1978: Press Freedom in Nigeria: Omission or Commission due to Ignorance. In Walter Ofonagoro et. al. (ed.). The Great Debate. Daily Times Press, Lagos, Nigeria.

1979: Nwuneli, Onuora et. al. The Film Industry in Nigeria: An Overview. In Nwuneli et. al. (ed.). Development and Growth of the Film Industry in Nigeria. Published by the Nigerian Council for Arts and Culture, The Third Press, New York.

1983: Awareness and Knowledge of the Environment among Media Men in Nigeria. In Nwuneli, Onuora and Alfred Opubor (eds.) Environmental Awareness of Media Practitioners. Seagul Book Publishers. Lagos, Nigeria.

1985: Strategy for Population Policies Communication in Nigeria. In Nwuneli, Onuora (ed.). Mass Communication in Nigeria: A Book of Readings. Fourth Dimension Publishers. pp. 181-191.

1985: The Invasion of Guinea and the Nigerian Press. In Nwuneli, Onuora (ed.). Mass Communication in Nigeria: A Book of Readings. Fourth Dimension Publishers, Enugu, pp. 45-59.

1987: Reporting Rural Information. Keynote Address at the Opening of the Anambra State Training of Rural Officers’ Information Corps. In Communicating Rural Change and Development in Anambra State. Ministry of Information and Social Development, Anambra State. Government Printers Enugu.

7 1989: Mass Media and Economic Reconstruction in Nigeria. In Yinka Orimolade (ed.). Mass Media and National Security in Nigeria. Nigerian Institute of Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Jos, Nigeria.

1989: National Communication Policy: Some Economic Implications. In Tony Nnaemeka et. al. (eds.). Philosophy and Dimensions of National Communication Policy Vol. 1. Published by Center for Black and African Arts and Civilization, Lagos, Nigeria. pp. 223-234.

2004: “Community and Traditional Based Media Approaches to Population IEC: Some Experiences in the African Region.” In Gumucio Dagron and Thomas Tufte (eds.) Communication for Social Change: An Anthology. New Jersey, USA


1979: Hounponu-Wusu, O.O. Tunde Agiri and Onuora Nwuneli. Family Planning Programmes Beliefs and Communication in Nigeria. African Family Planning Communication Series, Monograph Number 2. Third Press New York

1980: Nwuneli, Onuora and Frank Ugboajah Family Planning in South East Asia: Its Implications for Africa. African Family Planning Communication Series, Monograph 3.Third Press New York

1982: Nwuneli, Onuora, Benson Morah and Tunde Agiri Socio-Economic Profile, Communication Patterns and Family Size in a Rural Nigerian Community. African Family Communication Series. Monograph 4. Third Press New York

1982: Nwuneli, Onuora and Tunde Agiri Developing Family Planning Messages for the Rural Community in Africa. African Family Communication Series, Monograph Number 5. Third Press New York

1991: Knowledge, attitude, and behavior of students towards family planning in Kenya. (Population communication monographs 1: Kenya Institute of Mass Communication, Nairobi, Kenya)

1992: Impact assessment of the experimental video "Catch them young" among Kenyan youth (Population communication monographs 5: Kenya Institute of Mass Communication, Nairobi, Kenya)

2004: Nwuneli, Onuora and Lanre Idowu. Reporting of Education Issues in the Nigeria Media. Published by Communication for Education working group (COMED), Association for the Development of Education in Africa,(ADEA) Paris.

8 Book Review:

1974: Survey Research in Africa: Its Applications and Limits. William Barr, David Span and Mark Tessler (ed.). Review published in Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. XII : 3 September.


1973: A Study of the Audience of Listener's Choice Music on Nigerian Radio. In the Conference Proceedings of the African Studies Association. USA.

1973: Broadcast Regulations and the Politicians of the First Nigerian Republic. Pan African Journal. Vol. VI:I

1975: Expressive Communication in the African Developmental Administration: The Nigerian Example. Umoja, Journal of Afro-American Studies. Vol. 2:2, pp. 64-69

1977: Nwuneli, Onuora and Olatunji Dare. The Coverage of Angolan Crisis in the Nigerian Press. Unilag Communication Review. Vol. 1:1 pp. 20-23

1976/77: Nwuneli, Onuora and Olatunji Dare. The Nigerian Press and the Civil War in Angola. Bibliography of African Affairs. Vol. 9:4 pp. 302-316.

1979: Communication and Social Development in Africa. In the workshop proceedings of International Federation of Home Economics. Paris, France. April. pp. 13-15

1979: Development News and Broadcasting in Nigeria: An Overview. Nigerian Journal of Television. Lagos, Nigeria

1980: Socio-Economic Status and Mass Media Exposure in a Developing African Nation. Journal of Language Arts and Communication. Vol. 1:1. March. pp. 155-162.

1983: Conceptual Approach to Traditional Communication in Nigeria. Journal of Language Arts and Communication. Vol. 5 & 6.

1984: Nwuneli, Onuora and Effiong Udo. International News Coverage in Nigerian Newspapers. Gazette Vol.12

1984: Media Use and Leisure Among the Poor in Nigeria. African Communication Review. Vol 1& 2

1987: Content of the Town Crier's Messages in some Nigerian Villages. Journal of Black Studies.

1992: Nwuneli, Onuora et. al. Media Use, Knowledge of World Affairs and Image of Nations Among Nigerian Youths. African Media Review. Vol.7:1

1996: Communication and Empowerment of Civil Society. Africa Media Review. Vol.10:3. pp. 67-78.

9 Some Technical Reports.

2001: Curricula on Reproductive health and HIV/AIDS Issues for schools of Communication and Journalism in East and Southern African countries. UNAIDS/Zambia Institute of Mass Communication

2001: Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization for the implementation of World Bank financed community-based poverty reduction initiatives in Abia state, Nigeria. World Bank Nigeria/National Planning Commission.

2004: Nwuneli, Onuora and Nana Enyimayew. Project evaluation of strengthening the implementation of an innovative and culturally sensitive integrated community based RH service delivery in the Upper East Region of Ghana. UNFPA Ghana

2005: Nwuneli Onuora, Stella Okunna et al. Report on Nigeria 2005 Census Awareness and Attitude Survey (CAAS) for United Nations Population Fund Nigeria (UNFPA— Nigeria)/National Population Commission, Abuja, Nigeria.

2012: Nwuneli, Onuora, Kate Omenugha et al. Community Impact Assessment of Partnership Programs and Development Projects between Anambra State Government and some Development Partners, 2006 – 2011: Government of Anambra State, Awka,

Commissioned Papers

1976: Mass Communication Training for Family Planning and Family Health Programs in Nigeria. Commissioned by UNESCO/WHO for Expert Consultation in Egypt.

1976: Human Rights and Training for Mass Communication in Nigeria. In Human Rights and Communication Training: World Overview. IFTC/UNESCO, Paris.

1978: Opubor, Alfred and Onuora Nwuneli. Free and Balanced Flow of Information in Africa. Commissioned by UNESCO, Paris.

1981: Formal and Informal Channels of Communication at the Local Level: The Nigerian Case Study. Commissioned by UNESCO, Paris.

Some Conference Papers Presented

1975: Limitations of Social Research in Africa. Paper presented at the West Africa Mass Communication Research Conference, Lagos.

1979: Some Methodological Shortcomings to Social Research in Africa. Presented at the WAPOR Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.

1982: Methodological Problems in Traditional Media Research in Africa. Presented at the Workshop on Theories and Methodology in Mass Communication in Africa, Lagos, Nigeria.

10 1983: Mass Communication in Nigeria in the Eighties. Presented at the Social Science Council Conference, Lagos, Nigeria.

1988: Communication as a Management and Development Tool. Presented at the Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies. Kuru, Jos, Nigeria.

1988: Communication Policies and Strategies for Public Enlightenment. Presented at the Workshop for Journalist on Reporting and Environment, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

1988: Propaganda, Disinformation and Defence Reporting. Presented at the Nigeria Airforce (NAF) workshop for Senior Media Executives, Lagos.

1988: Television: The Medium and the Message. Presented at the Nigerian Television Authority's seminar on Involving a New Political Culture through Television. ASCON, Badagry, Nigeria.

1988: The Role of the Media in Governance. Presented at the Professors World Peace Academy, Lagos, Nigeria.

1988: Communicating Change to the Nigerian Populace> Presented at the Institute for Policy and Strategic Studies, Kuru, Jos, Nigeria.

1989: Information Dissemination in Depressed Economy. Presented at the Federal Ministry of Information Workshop, Lagos.

1989: Public Relations for Reconstruction and Grassroots Mobilization. Presented at a workshop for chairman and secretaries of Local Governments, held in Lagos, Jos and Benin, May-August.

1989: Role of Local Government Public Relations/Public Affairs in the Transition to Civil Rule in Nigeria. Presented at a workshop for Chairmen and Secretaries of Local Government held in Lagos, Jos and Benin.

1990: Impact of Culture on human Communication Processes in Nigeria. Presented at the National Workshop on Economic Recovery Program. Lagos.

1992: Nwuneli, Onuora and Onyekwere, E.C. National Communication Policies and Peoples Rights to Communicate in Africa. Presented at the Pre-Biennial Conference Seminar on the African Charter on Human Rights and Peoples Right and Its Impact on Communication Policy and Practice. Organized by ACCE, FES, WACC AND IAMCR, Cairo, Egypt.

1993: Communication as Development: International Perspectives. Presented at the Conference on Making the Media Work for Southern Africa's Development. Organized by Africa Information Afrique and Department of Journalism, Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa.

11 1993: Africanization of the Electronic Media in Africa. Presented at the Seminar on Africanization of the Media. Organized by the Committee on African Information, Federal Ministry of Information, Lagos.

1993: The News as Vehicle for Positive Image Making. Presented at a seminar organized by Federal Ministry of Information, Abuja, Nigeria.

1993: The Media and Challenges of population Communication in Nigeria. Presented at the Annual Day Population Lectures of National Council for population and Environment Activities, Lagos, Nigeria.

1994: Lamentations for Nigeria. Presented at the University of Ibadan Alumni Foundation Day Celebrations, Lagos, Nigeria.

1996: Communication and Empowerment of Civil Society. Biannual Conference of African Council on Communication Education. Cape Town, South Africa.

1998: Strategies and Tactics in Population Communication and Social Change in Sub- Saharan Africa.” A paper presented at the 21st Scientific Conference and General Assembly of IAMCR, Participatory Research Division, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland.

1998: “Communication Support for HIV/AIDS in Africa: Botswana.” A paper presented at a seminar at the UNAIDS Geneva.

2003: “Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Community Participation and Social Development in Rural Africa: Retrospective and Prospective.” Delivered at the ACCE 13th Biennial Conference, 10th – 13th August, Abuja, Nigeria

2011: Reporting Development: Overview of Development Communication And Development Journalism in Nigeria. A Keynote Address presented at the workshop for Journalists at Awka Anambra State.

Research in Progress Onuora Nwuneli and Chinyere Okunna. Social Media and Projection of Nigeria Soft Power Among Nations

Nwuneli et al.: Social Media Exposure among High School Youths in Lagos Metropolitan Area.

Selected External Examining Department of Mass Communication University of Nigeria Nsukka, Nigeria

Department Communication and Language Arts University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria

12 Department of Mass Communication University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana

Department of Mass Communication University of Nairobi, Nairobi, Kenya

References Prof. Idowu Sobowale Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State [email protected]

Prof. Popoola Email: Dejipopoola

Prof. Laz Ekwueme Email: [email protected]

Prof Stella Okunna Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State [email protected]


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