Contact Person: Vicki Swett Student Government Advisor s1

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Contact Person: Vicki Swett Student Government Advisor s1

Contact Person: Student Government Office Manager 348 Memorial Union (530) 752 – 3632


I. Call to Order

Meeting is called to order at 6:12 PM

II. Quorum Roll Call

Absent: Chatham, Juarez (arrived late), Shaikh (Jessica Jaswal as substitute), Smith, Hartstein (arrived late), Raridon

III. Presentations

IV. Appointments/Confirmation

A. Outreach Assembly—Jacob Hendrix, Gaurev Kumar, Justin Chu

Yani: OA receives coordination grants in the budget; what plans do you have to allow clubs and organizations to know about these grants and what criteria would you use to decide who gets the money?

Hendrix: Ask them one-on-one, create a report, and present it to the committee.

Kumar: We have meetings within the assembly regarding who gets grants, so that would be the best way.

Chu: Identify the issue first, for why people don’t know about the grants. I realize that publicity is pretty low here.

Rombi: Can you talk a little bit about your experience and what makes you qualified for your position?

Hendrix: Since I’m a freshman, I have yet to be involved a lot on the Davis campus, but in high school, I did mock trial, Key Club, and I was a section leader in band. I’ve learned how to communicate well with large groups. I also took many AP classes.

Kumar: As the current politics member I think I am the best person for the job.

Chu: I’m currently the marketing manager of an organization. I’ve also been involved in clubs that have received $3,000 in grants from the university.

No objections to confirmation.

B. Ethnic and Cultural Affairs—Dominic Jacquemin

Castillo-Ruiz: He had a lot of experience, and I’ve worked with him in the SRRC in a support program. I urge a speedy confirmation.

Rombi: Can you tell us a little about your experience that makes you qualified for your position? Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

Jacquemin: I’ve worked in the CCC, volunteered for Bridge; I’ve gone to the REACH retreat, and the Native American retreat. I’ve done a lot of volunteer work, and I have a lot of political passion.

No objections to confirmation.

C. Academic Affairs Commission—Jackie Limón

Jaswal: Jackie is highly qualified to be on AAC; she has a lot of great ideas. It was a pleasure having her as chair, and it’ll be great to have her as a commissioner.

Taylor: There’s only really one right answer to this question: who’s your favorite senator?

Limón: My answer is that I don’t have a favorite senator; I love you all.

No objections to confirmation.

IV. Status of Legislation Previously Passed

All legislation previously passed has been signed by the President.

V. Introduction of New Legislation

Authored by: Gold Introduced by: Gold

Referred to: Internal Affairs Commission Business and Finance Commission

An ASUCD senate bill to enact bylaw 603 B that assures ASUCD money will be used to enhance the quality of a member of the association’s university experience.

AUTHOR: Justin Gold INTRODUCED BY: Justin Gold

Referred to: Business and Finance Commission

An ASUCD Senate Resolution defining what a good student to dollar ratio is for spending bills and commission allocations.

Authored by: GIBSON Introduced by: Rombi

Referred to: External Affairs Commission

An ASUCD resolution in support of the new tower for KDVS

Authored by: YANI Co-authored by: Chen Introduced by: Witana

Referred to: Internal Affairs Commission Business and Finance Commission

An ASUCD Senate Bill to enact Section 1000F (2) to allow greater ease in passing the ASUCD annual budget. Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

Authored by: WITANA Co-authored by: Ho Introduced by: Witana

Referred to: Business and Finance Commission

An ASUCD Senate Bill to allocate $2,825 from Capital Reserves to purchase a screen, blower, a blue ray player, cables, a switcher, and tie-downs for the Entertainment Council.

Authored by: Yani Co-authored by: Chen, Gold Introduced by: Gold

Referred to: Internal Affairs Commission Business and Finance Commission

An ASUCD Senate Bill to avoid overlapping funding to outside organizations.

VI. Public Discussion

VII. Public Announcements

Student Alumni Center Speaker:

We’re going to be having an event next week that is free for everyone. We are going to be hearing a talk from a professor who just received a $75 million grant to research the transference of disease between animals to humans.

VIII. Approval of Past Meeting’s Minutes

No objections to approving the past meeting’s minutes.

IX. Unit Director Reports

X. Ex-Officio Reports

A. Commission Chairs

Williams: Monday I held office hours, and I wrote a Senate Bill. Tuesday at our meeting we talked about Senate Bill #34 and I authored another bill. Wednesday I audited the bike barn and hosted a chair dinner.

Hartstein: Monday: Held Office Hours from 1-2:00pm. IAC Meeting: saw and passed SB#33 by Dietrich; informally discussed a bill written by a Commissioner regarding Controller terms.

Wednesday: Attended the Executive and Senate debates, neither of which really made an impression. Attended the Court Hearing for an hour and a half; there were seven IAC Commissioners there! Went to the Chair dinner, which was really fun. We will have to do it again soon at a time when everyone can come.

Thursday: Held Office Hours from 2-3 and 5-6pm. Wrote my bio for Singles Awareness Night.

IAC will have interviews tomorrow for alternates. Thanks to Jeff, Bree, and Don for volunteering to sit on them. I’m getting auctioned off tonight, so please bid on me! Andre’s limit is $100, so there is no reason Cal Aggie Camp should get less than that. This quarter’s legislation writing clinic is going to be the Monday after the new Senators are seated (March 1st). Our meeting next week has been rescheduled to Tuesday at 6:10 in the Fielder Room on the 2nd floor of the Memorial Union. I will be posting the position of IAC Chair next Wednesday, and it will be up for two weeks. Please encourage Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

any qualified candidates that you know to apply. I’m also writing the Long-Range Plan for Creative Media and expect to have a rough draft completed in the next few days.

Moosavi: This week has been quite a hectic one for me. Unfortunately, due to my Senate run, EPPC has not been my number one priority this week as I have been on the campaign trail for most of my time. However, a lot was accomplished nevertheless. On Monday and Tuesday I held office hours. Also, Monday night I held another supplementary Waste Audit meeting at which EPPC came up with the final waste audit forms. EPPC will be contacting Unit Directors and Senators about waste audits starting now and continuing into the next few weeks. EPPC also held a Dorm Recycling Improvement meeting during which we decided to come up with concrete labeling solutions to present to Student Housing. During the EPPC Meeting on Tuesday night, we evaluated Chapter 17 of the By-Laws once more and have finally made all necessary changes. It should be submitted as a Bill in the near future. Wednesday I unfortunately was not able to attend the Chair Dinner due to a midterm I had today that I had to cram for since my Senate Campaign hadn’t allowed me to do so until last night.

Percoco: Monday: Went to Music on the Green Meeting. We will not be able to do it on a Wednesday night because of the farmer's market. So, we are looking at either doing it on a Friday late afternoon, Saturday afternoon/ night, or Sunday afternoon. Justin Patrizio is trying to set up a poll on myucdavis to see what the student body would prefer. We are planning on having environmental groups, a family craft area, and musical acts along with spoken word. We are still looking for musical acts so if anyone has any ideas they can send them to me.

Tuesday: Held my meeting. We are getting $500 from safe boats. Have a fund raiser planned for Greek Awards Night and are looking for another one. The wristbands are in and we are going to table and sell them in the quad. Another commissioner brought up the idea of trying to get more art on campus so we are looking at how to do this.

Wednesday: Went to the Student Police Relations Committee meeting. We are planning one program for April 13th. It will be a facilitated discussion involving people of different communities and police officers. We want to get a sociology professor to be the facilitator. The purpose of this event is to acknowledge how different communities feel about the police. We are hoping that this program will make all communities feel comfortable and welcome at the police meet and greet. That following Thursday on April 15th we will be having the police meet and greet. We will be using drunk goggles, have cop cars, police k-9s, and police offers.

Also I need nominations for Hottie Hot Hot Award Held my Office Hours Went to the executive ticket and senate debates. Went to the chair dinner I'm getting auctioned off tonight!


 Monday

o Office Hours 5-7pm. o Reserved a room for 39 2.0- Wellman 2 o Commission chalked for Pass/ No Pass o Held meeting at 7:10 . Had a good discussion on Course Materials Fee Caps . Matt from Academic Senate spoke with us . Preliminary discussions on Awards Ceremony  Wednesday o Office Hours 2-4pm o in the process of making banner for AAC and reserving Griffin for Last Lecture Series (hopefully) o Spoke with Eli about line-item budget stuff. Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

o Spoke with Senatorial Candidate Raj Kumar about potential improvements to ICC Website and directory. o Went to Chair dinner!!!  AAC is STILL hiring alternates! Last day to apply is 2/17. B. Outreach Assembly Speaker

Voyce: I held my office hours on Friday and Wednesday from 4:30 – 6:30 at the Senate Office. This week I set up interviews and hired for three positions: Academics and Honors, Politics, and Social/Sports and Recreation. Looking forward to them being confirmed at the Senate Meeting Feb 11th. I got in contact with CEVS to address a predicament of having multiple rooms; it was cleared up. Outreach Assembly does not have the same room every week. Winter quarter it is either at Garrison or Mee. Spring Quarter it either at Fielder or Moss. Check Mu electronic board for details. On Friday I met with Joe Chatham, Tamera Melvin, Andre Lee, and Justin Gold to discuss timelines and goals for Outreach Assembly. One project is to have all of the ASUCD units give a short presentation. So stay tuned for that, I’d love to have each of the commissions come on Wednesday the 17th. Got in contact with the webmaster, Ryan Meyerhoff, and the OA grant application and process is now available on the OA website As well, he has updated our roaster to reflect the current assembly. He responded and updated the site very quickly. I met with Sabrina Dias (Freshman Outreach) and Jessica Martin (Campus Department) to talk about long-term project goals. Sabrina is working on several events that will require officials from ASUCD. In March there will be a “Get to know your ASUCD” event. In spring quarter there will be one or more “Freshman Meet N’ Greets.” Stay tuned. I joined 4 of my fellow ex-officio members for dinner Wednesday night. I’d like to thank for Joe Chatham attending my Assembly meeting to give a short presentation about the executive office. His presences was also helpful in making a connection for Alexandra Peitryzk (Environment) who visited California Student Sustainability Coalition who is interested in Lobbying in Sacramento for sustainability issues. She will report to them to let them know how Lobby Corp can help train them, or help them pass a resolution on the issues so that Lobby Corp can also lobby on specific issues.

C. ASUCD Controller

I went to Media Board last Thursday. I also attended the executive debates yesterday. I met with city- county affairs yesterday to talk about Housing Day. Sequoia still has not paid us for Housing Day. I wrote two pieces of legislation, and just today I posted the controller position online.

XI. Elected Officer Reports

A. President

B. Vice President

Dietrich: This week I:

· Had a very productive meeting with some people in ASUCD about the future of Outreach Assembly. · Had two meetings to discuss Student Evaluations of Courses and Instructors. · Had a meeting with the City-UCD Student Liaison Commission.

C. ASUCD Senators

Castillo-Ruiz: I Held Office Hours this week on Monday but forgot to call in, so held them again on Wednesday. Unfortunately, I forgot to call in that day too. I couldn't focus on much this week because of two midterms. I was contacted by The Aggie for an upcoming article on Sodexo and the CIW. I attended Business and Finance Commission Meeting on Tuesday. I am in the process of drafting a letter for a meeting with the Dean of the Humanities, Jesse Owens.

Clemente: I held my office hours on Monday and Wednesday, and I met with Shawdee for a brief Senate project consultation. I also met briefly with Culture Days, and I attended the APCW meeting, Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

the election debates, and the EPPC meeting. I will meet with the Asian Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus tomorrow. I did not submit my reports online; I was not sure which feature to submit on SmartSite. I met with university budgeting officials last Friday to discuss the university allocating process. I will attend the Ethnic Studies town hall meeting with Faculty and student activists tomorrow to discuss the privatization of the university. I will be attending the Vagina Monologues tomorrow, and I will be raffled-off for the Aggie Relief concert. In case you didn’t know, my office hours are Monday and Wednesday from 12:00-2:00 PM in the CCC.

Gold: On Friday, I met with Chris, Joe, Andre, and Quinten to talk about the future of OA. On Monday, I wrote one piece of legislation. On Tuesday, I wrote another piece of legislation, and I met with Eli. On Wednesday, I wrote another piece of legislation and I attended the debates and met with the Senate candidates.

Ho: I met with Tim Kerbavaz today to co author a bill regarding the purchase of a blower and screen. Other than that, I held my office hours. This week has been full of midterms therefore I took it pretty easy this week.

Juarez: Office Hours: Monday 12-2 pm, Thursday 11-12 pm, Thursday 5-6 pm. Commissions Attended: Academic Affairs Commission on Monday and External Affairs Commission on Tuesday. Report: This week was the Financial Aid Awareness Week and it was a complete success! I was able to attend the majority of the week’s events and all the programs had great attendance. Today’s program alone had about 80 students and King Lounge was packed. The FAFSA workshop on Tuesday was also very well attended and we were able to help a lot of students, and some parents, file their forms for the next academic year. There is another FAFSA workshop tonight in Tercero and one last workshop tomorrow at noon. Overall, the week was a great success and I've been hearing a lot of positive feedback from the groups and people that helped with the planning as well as from students that attended the workshops throughout the week.

In the next couple of weeks, Rachel de los Reyes, from the Financial Aid Office, and myself plan to compile a resource binder with flyers and information from the week's events. We’re hoping that this binder will facilitate people to continue this week in years to come and eventually become institutionalized as an annual event.

In addition to attending the Financial Aid Awareness Week events I was able to go to the film screening of Precious, put on by ASUCD’s Gender and Sexualities Commission this last Tuesday. The event was phenomenal and a great success, so congrats to GASC for making this happen!

I plan to change my office hours from Thursdays to Tuesdays from 4-6 pm. I'll be contacting SGAO tomorrow to make this known on the ASUCD website.

Lee: On Monday, I met with Heather Gestellum and spoke to Campus Unions about holding the Senate Meeting next week, 2/18, at Griffin Lounge. On Monday, I attended ECAC meeting and discussed a possible resolution supporting a diversity fund for faculty and graduate students in collaboration with Professor Haynes in the Sociology Department. On Wednesday, I met with Dominick Carlson regarding a presentation on ASUCD involvement and job opportunities for Freshmen. It will take place in mid- March at Regan Main. On Wednesday, I sat in on Outreach Assembly member interviews. On Thursday, I met with Brett Burns, Paul Cody, Will Klein, and others regarding picnic day sustainability.

Massoudi: Held office hours Tues/Wed/Thurs. I met with Pres. Chatham to discuss video podcasting in classrooms. I consulted with Thongxy of EC, to move forward on plans to host EC shows in the Arc. I was not able to attend commissions as I had scheduling conflicts, but will make up for it next week.

Menovske: *Hired three senate interns * Gave individual assignments to each of the interns based on which one of my platform issues they wanted to work on. * Held Office Hours on Tuesday 2/9 and Thursday 2/11 * Sent in my bio to Entertainment Council for Singles Awareness Night. * Made progress with Campus Grounds * Granted a lot of land to plant trees in as long as I dealt with the upkeep. Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

* Worked with CALPIRG's forests campaign and got them to make it a CALPIRG commitment to be in charge of the upkeep of the trees. * Planned a fundraiser with CALPIRG to help raise money to purchase the trees. * Held an interview with the Aggie about upcoming hiring of councilors for Cal Aggie Camp. * In the process of meeting with the Financial Aid office * Met with one of the book store representatives and pitched the Chegg Books rental program proposal to them. * Declared my majors : Political Science and English * Bought my ticket to D.C. to participate in a nation wide lobby day at the capitol building.

Rombi: On Friday, I held my office hours from 10-12. I also received the applicants from my interns. I received three and Trevor Taylor had the best application. On Monday I held my office hours from 1-2. Tuesday I met with my intern Trevor Fleshman to discuss my platform goals and his ideas. I also attended EAC, B&F, and EPPC. I introduced a bill at B&F, and helped edit the Chapter 17 bylaws. On Wednesday I went to the Presidential and Senate Debates and held my office hours from 4-5. I also attended the Student Police Relations meeting at 5. They will be holding two events to meet, talk, and discuss stories with the police. They will be held April 13 and April 15. On Thursday I met with my other intern. I also attended a tour of the Academic Technology Services to take a look at new services in the classroom dealing with podcasting and vodcasting.

Rouhafza: I held office hours, attended EAC, and gave presentations regarding the multicultural dance. I attended the executive debates, and I met with Joemar regarding one of my platform issues. I attended the Lobby Corps executive meeting, and I will be attending the date auction tonight!

Taylor: This week I attended the External Affairs Commission Meeting, and held my office hours on Tuesday from 430pm to 6pm, and Wednesday from 4-6pm in the ASUCD Senate office. I attended this months meeting of Media Board where we discussed revisions to the Aggies’ budget, placement of a new tower for KDVS, and the “rise of the girly men” column controversy. I attended Greek Life Advisory Board, and Interfraternity Council to speak about funding for safe boats. I briefly attended the ASUCD elections debate, and will be auctioned of tonight at the ASUCD Singles Awareness Night.

Witana: On Friday: I met with Ward Steward The director of the LSC to discuss methods funding the center so that tutoring resources would not be compromised by the recent budget cuts Saturday I attended the basketball game where we lost to Santa Barbara. Sunday I went for the Aggie Editorials. Monday I held my office hours and attended IAC. Tue I attended GASC, B&F and dropped in on EPPC. Wed I participated in the executive debate and went to the basketball game where we triumphed over University of the Pacific. I also met with Tim of EC to draft a spending bill. Thursday I went on a tour of some new classroom technologies that Academic Technology Services, a division of Information Education Technology with Senator Rombi, Massoudi, and President Chatham. Here we learned about the possibility of Video podcasting, or vodcasting. I’m getting auctioned off tonight.

XII. New Student Court Cases/Prior Week’s Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

Dietrich: The court told me that they would be making a decision on their current case this week.

XIII. Consideration of Old Legislation

A. SB#30 Dietrich

Dietrich: I thought this would be a good clarification for the bylaws, because it doesn’t define what units the definition of “advocacy unit” applies to.

Hartstein: We saw this bill on Monday, talked about it, got a little off topic, but we liked this bill very much.

Senate Discussion:

Voyce: I just wanted to clarify; they all have the termination date of June 30th; how does that affect the hiring of the next chair or speaker? Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

Dietrich: That’s not actually part of what we’re changing in the bylaws.

Massoudi motions to call Senate Bill #30 to question.

No objections to passing Senate Bill #30.

B. SB#34 Witana

Witana: I wrote this bill because the current computers for KDVS are five years old; they can only run two programs simultaneously. The work that they do is pretty-graphic heavy, so these are definitely needed.

Rombi: They also mentioned that they use their computers for a large part of their fundraising, so I think that’s important.

Ho: Are these going to be Macs, once again?

Witana: Yes.

Taylor: Does a bill that buys technology have to go through INC?

Witana: Yes, it went through there.

Senate Discussion:

Taylor motions to call Senate Bill #34 to question.

No objections to passing Senate Bill #34.

XIV. Other Business

A. ASUCD-Aggie Pack Memorandum of Understanding

Dietrich: With clause one, we can either keep the original language or adopt the underlined language. Both have been agreed on by both parties.

Yani: I prefer to see that the Senate passes this with the underlined portion; it helps people understand that ASUCD should not be locked in to any financial obligation with any outside organization.

Taylor: All the concerns that I had were in the first section, and it pretty much spells it out as clear as day. I like that, and I like the entire document now.

Castillo-Ruiz: About the fifth clause, I think we talked about it a little before, but should the Senate be in there at all?

Yani: It says the Management team, because at the end of the day, they propose the budget. But the Senate decides how much money the budget allocates.

Castillo-Ruiz: Is there any way we can put the Senate in there, in section four?

Dietrich: Yeah, we can do that. I think I meant to type that anyway.

Gold motions to call the Memorandum of Understanding to question.

No objections to approving the Memorandum of Understanding.

XV. Public Discussion

Dietrich: I just wanted to talk about the new SmartSite. Under assignments, there’s a place for each Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

meeting’s report to be submitted. We were pretty successful this week, with 15 people submitting before the meeting. Does anybody have any questions about that?

Lee: First, I just wanted to thank Chris for setting that up; if you were here last week, you should know about the bylaw requirements. I did want to bring up one thing: did everybody get a chance to look at the office hours sheet that I passed around? We have solid hours from last week and this week, but there have been some problems. Starting next week, the bottom of the sheet that lists who did their office hours will be appended to the minutes. The whole idea is for us to have a good record for people to judge us by. I think this is a good way for us to be accountable.

Percoco: So you’re going to attach these to the minutes—are you going to check to see if they are right?

Lee: It will be your responsibility to check the minutes to see if the information is right. For the most part, I’m going to make sure that SGAO is doing a good job. Commission attendance is also on the sheet. We all are supposed to go to one commission meeting a week.

Dietrich: For your office hours, make sure SGAO has the right information from you, and that you’re sending your office hours to the right email address.

Gold: I just wanted to speak to a concern that I had about Andre’s public meeting; if we hold the meeting in Griffin Lounge, they are going to kick us out at 10:00.

Taylor: This past Friday was Media Board; Eli was there to talk about The Aggie budget. They are technically turning a profit as of now due to cutting their costs. They have a very good shot at staying sustainable this year, but they did have to cut half of their budget to do that. They cut a lot to get to this point. We had a great discussion about The Rise of the Girly Men article. There was no disciplinary action taken, but they have published an apology in one of their opinion columns. They are also going to hire a new column editor, a position they haven’t had in a long time. Their job is going to be to train columnists and make sure what they’re publishing is appropriate.

Lee: The commission chairs, I passed the sheet around. We’re all a little behind on the meetings we need to attend.

Yani: What happens if they don’t attend that?

Lee: I think someone can actually bring a court case against them; but it will mostly be a matter of public record. Adam Thongsavat asked me to bring something up tonight. As you all know, with the court case going on, one of the justices may have acted unethically in choosing to accept a case. He asked us to discuss that.

Speaker: If we’re going to discuss a potential ethical problem with a justice, that might better be done in closed session where he can defend himself.

Taylor: Also, KDVS came and gave a report about the tower they want to build. To give you the short version, the Senate gave them a couple thousand dollars for a tower several years ago. They are now looking to move the tower to north Davis. They are hoping that within three to six months, they will have a new tower. It’s already been paid for through Senate actions. Last thing was AGTV. We brought up the possibility of putting AGTV under the guidance of Media Board. From what I saw, the majority of people on Media Board were pretty receptive to the idea. At the next meeting in March, they are going to continue discussing that possibility. As for the justice thing, I agree, he should be able to defend his actions. I think we can talk about it in a theoretical sense.

Massoudi: I don’t really feel comfortable talking about a case that hasn’t been decided yet.

Dietrich: According to Chapter 9 of the bylaws, before ASUCD can consider the removal of a justice, there has to be an Internal Affairs hearing.

Hartstein: From the best of my understanding, the way that it happened was that the justice was finding it frustrating that no one was submitting a court case about the issue that bothered them. Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

Apparently the person he was speaking was so moved by his speech to submit a court case about it. It didn’t seem like the petitioner was a puppet, but that was my take on the situation.

Lee: I think I agree with Kevin; we can probably discuss this after the verdict is announced. The next thing I wanted to ask about, which I discussed with Quinten, is that there have been some issues in the past with us being disconnected with OA. What we discussed was adding OA to the requirements for what senators need to attend each week.

Rouhafza: I don’t know if you’re aware of that, but it already is in the bylaws.

Voyce: Then I would love to see you guys at OA. It just seemed that was not explicit in the bylaws.

Lee: One more thing, the public meeting requirement; we have a schedule for next week. I guess my question is, it’s proved a little unfeasible and not meeting the purpose it was for. We are considering striking that requirement from the bylaws.

Dietrich: I wanted to talk a little about this. This is a requirement that was passed when I was a senator by Rebecca Schwartz. Every meeting is a public meeting, but this just has to take place out of the third floor of the MU. There was never a very large increase in attendance, and it does cost us money to rent out rooms to hold our meetings in. I originally supported it as a senator, but it doesn’t seem to be doing what it was intended to do.

Rombi: Where did you look into for a room for the public meeting?

Lee: It looks like the only real possibility was Griffin Lounge. I can look into the ARC.

Rouhafza: Given the last public meeting we had, If we were to go somewhere with a lot of members of the public, the acoustics will be a problem; being able to hear everyone is very hard.

Tim: Would a lecture hall or a classroom work?

Dietrich: I know we’ve done budget hearings in classrooms before; it was very cramped, but acoustically, it might work.

Massoudi: I understand about the public meeting being a time-waster. It seems like it’s something that’s important though. I don’t think this next meeting is going to be a real example of what a public meeting can be. I think it needs to be something that we spend more time publicizing. I think it’s more an issue of publicity than location.

Witana: I’ve talked with someone who has offered us Segundo and Tercero as possible places for a meeting.

Castillo-Ruiz: Isn’t there a big open room over the Silo?

Lee: I want to start off by just apologizing; I didn’t get enough input from you guys about the location. I think Segundo and Tercero is a really good option. I think what I’m going to do regardless is move it to a later date so we can decide how to better publicize it. What I want to debate about is why a Senate meeting like this wouldn’t necessarily be best for our business. What have your experiences been with the public meetings that you all have had?

Gold: I think the only successful public meeting was the farewells right after we were elected. I think that was really cool, and I think that would be a really good meeting to do publicly.

Yani: I don’t really like the idea of calling it a “public meeting” because all of our meetings are public. Also, I only support this if it’s going to be in Segundo or Tercero where we know freshmen will come. There’s no one who will want to come to our meeting on a Thursday night at 6:00 PM.

Menovske motions for a five-minute break at 7:36 PM.

Absent: Williams (returned late) Senate Meeting May 24th, 2007 Page 2

Gold motions to adjourn at 7:45 PM.

XVI. Any Other Business

XVII. Adjournment

Meeting is adjourned at 7:45 PM.

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