Attendance for Board Members Was Taken, with the Results As Follows
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A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Nashoba Youth Football and Cheer, Inc., a Massachusetts corporation (the “Company”), was held at 7:02 pm on August 29, 2013 at Florence Sawyer School, 100 Mechanic Street, Bolton, Massachusetts.
Attendance for Board members was taken, with the results as follows:
Title Name Present for Meeting (Yes/No) President Constantine Stamos No Vice President James Childs Yes Treasurer Lynn White Yes Secretary Sheila Milioto Yes Director of Football Joseph McLaughlin No Director of Cheer Kathy Elliott Yes League Representative Mark Hennigan Yes Concessions Director Bruce Slater No Apparel Director Janet Kelly Yes Webmaster Michael Thornton Yes Dir. of Scholastics Susan McGillicuddy Yes Equipment Manager AnnaMarie DaSilva Yes
Treasurers Report: Lynn White Balance as of 8/28/13 is $42,680.95 (checking total $34,532.51 and savings total $8,148.44). Paid in full are all cheer and football uniforms only items to be paid going forward are the operating costs (i.e. field, lights, reconditioning helmets, EMT, referees, etc.) Motion to approve Treasurer’s report-KE Motion Seconded-MT Voted: Unanimously Approved
NRHS Football Program Book: Every year the NYF&C paid for a $300 full page add in the high school football program. This year a donation was never made in error. The program has already been sent to the printers. Interested in keeping with tradition and a donation would still be given. Maybe an insert ad can be put in each program. Motion to hand delivery a $500 check to Jamie Tucker-KE Motion Seconded-MT Voted: Unanimously Approved
Equipment and Operating Cost: Annamarie DaSilva has volunteered to step in to vacant Equipment Manager Position. Motion to approve Annamarie DaSilva as Equipment Manager - Motion Seconded Voted: Unanimously Approved
Practice Lights: Frank Chiodo Page 1 of 3 Equipment for Rent contacted to obtain the cost for 3 practice lights – $2,864 (2 months rental including delivery). Sunbelt Rentals contacted and there cost would be twice the amount for the same time (approximately $5,400). Last year cost for lights was $4,300 due to playoffs extended the season Equipment Rental will deliver lights on Tuesday, September 3rd.
Footballs: Annamarie DaSilva After inventory was taken there is a shortage of footballs. Annamarie will contact Dick’s and other stores to see if 6 balls can be donated or purchased at a reduced rate.
Super Bowl: Tania Rich notified NYF&C the field cost for the Super Bowl is not included in the original quoted $4,500 charge. Super Bowl broken down costs: $910 additional charge Turf Cost - $45/hr. x 8 = $360 Custodial Cost - $35/hr. x 10 = $350 Building Use Fee (Concessions/Bathrooms) - $25 x 8/hr. = $200 It is believed that CMYFCC keeps the gate funds and we keep the concessions and any kick back from vendors. Kathy to find out if CMYFCC keeps all the gate funds o 2013 Field charge went up again this year to $4,500 ($500 increase) History of Field Use Charges 2012 - $4,000 2011 - $3,500 2010 - $3,500 Jim Childs will see if he can talk to someone to see if a reduction can be agreed upon.
Concessions: Amy Keough, past Concession Director, went over what worked in the past years and what items were available. Tricia Belsanti and Kim Gesualdi will open the concessions and run for half the day. Still need to find two volunteers to run the concession for the last half of the day to close. Sheila Drugotch has prepared a chart of home game volunteers needed (concession sellers, gate monitoring, chains, announcers, etc.) Team moms will be asked to help find volunteers for each home game.
Website: Lynn White still has no access to the registration system – Mike to look into this Mike to post online new game schedule Football rosters, 6th and 7th grade rosters are corrected. Mike to correct remaining rosters and players registrations and give Jim the final paperwork to get the remaining players and teams certified. CMYFCC requires all 25 leagues to use Sport Signup registration system, which was not done. The registration software costs $2.00/player registration.
Start of the Season Updates: Final roster deadline is September 19th. Raffle Tickets: Kathy to email all team managers and cheer coaches regarding all raffle tickets need to be returned on Wednesday, September 4th. Any raffle tickets not returned we will assume the tickets were donated back in NYF&C name. Jim Elliott will coordinate raffle tickets and drawings.
Pictures: Kathy Elliott
Page 2 of 3 Photo Group in Leominster will be hired to take pictures for this season. For every package NYF&C will received $2.00. Since there is no home game which all teams are present the picture day will be on Saturday, October 5th from 9 to 12. Pictures to be taken on the turf field in the end zone. Each team will be sent an email as to the time slot for pictures. Turnaround time for pictures is 2 weeks.
Miscellaneous Items: Last meeting minutes reviewed and open items reviewed. Outstanding items: 2013 Field charge went up again this year to $4,500 ($500 increase) History of Field Use Charges 2012 - $4,000 2011 - $3,500 2010 - $3,500 Jim Childs will see if he can talk to someone to see if a reduction can be agreed upon.
Eric Bachtell asked to address the Board members present. He is concerned with the where NYF&C is headed. The resent suspension and fines imposed by CMYFCC, the lack of communication and attention to details, oversight of NRHS Program Book, and the financial position the league is in. o Very important to keep communication open and to respond to individuals. o Nashoba Youth Football & Cheer reputation has been damaged and things need to change to avoid any more damage. o Helmets are a big concern. All Revolution helmets need to be taken out of service at the end of this season. The remaining helmets will need to be recertified which costs $2,000 to $4,500. Finally due to the Revolution helmets a number of new helmets will need to be purchased to replace the out of service helmets. o Option to having to purchase all new helmets is to have Riddell or Xenith come in and have the players/parents that are interested buy their own helmet. The company will come in and the player will be fitted with a helmet that is just for their use. The league will make sure each year the helmet has enough air and fits well to protect the child as well as will pay to recondition on their personal helmet. o Finally grants are available and Eric will be happy to complete paperwork. The League is missing out on a ton of money (sponsors, grants, etc.) Attention to missed funds needs to be addressed.
Jim Child’s requested all Board members to review the Hearing Letter on Dino’s Suspension and fines. There will be a mandatory meeting to address the problems and come-up with recommendations. Will have Dino attend the first 15 minutes so he can address the board.
There being no further business to come before the Board, a motion to close the meeting was made and approved unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 pm.
NYF&C Board of Directors Meeting Minutes, August 28, 2013
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila Milioto Secretary
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