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Project acronym: EPOMM-PLUS Project title: Partners Learning Urban Sustainability
Mobility Management Monitors Slovenia 2009 Date of preparation: Sept.-Nov. 2009
Start date of project: 2. June 2009 Duration: 36 month
Version: 1 Prepared by: Barbara Ropoša Checked by: Verified by: Status: Dissemination level:
Page 2 of 15 Table of Contents
1 Basic information...... 7
1.1 Your contact information...... 7
1.2 General information on your country...... 7
1.3 Gouvernance infrastructure for transport and mobility in your country...... 8
2 Governance of Mobility management...... 9
2.1 Does the definition of MM as endorsed by EPOMM * reflect how MM is defined in your country? If not, what are major differences?...... 9 2.2 Short history of Mobility Management (20 lines max)...... 9
2.3 What are the major strategies for promoting and implementing MM at different governance levels in your country *?...... 9 2.4 Are there any policies or legislative measures that (indirectly) counteract the promotion of MM*?...... 11
3 Implementation of Mobility Managament...... 12
3.1 How advanced is your country in Mobility Management ?...... 12
3.2 How advanced is your country in the following fields of Mobility Management?...... 12
3.3 Are MM concerns integrated into other major policies/programmes in particular in investments in transport infrastructures, road pricing schemes, traffic management schemes*? (20 lines max)...... 13 3.4 How far is MM an objective or an outcome of the land use planning system*?...... 14
3.5 Are the European Structural Funds * used to fund MM measures in your country?...... 14
3.6 Which other European funding programmes are used in your country to fund MM? Who is using them *? 14
4 Trends and further developments...... 15
4.1 What is effective in you country in the field of MM? Why ?(15 lines max)...... 15
4.2 General outlook on the development of MM (15 lines max)...... 15
5 Knowledge infrastructure of MM...... 16
5.1 List networks, organisation and associations active in MM *...... 16
5.2 Key MM experts and policymakers *...... 16
5.3 Key websites...... 16
5.4 Key documents...... 17
6 Next steps for the Mobility Management Monitors...... 18
6.1 Suggestions on the use of MMMs for further dissemination *...... 18
6.2 Improvement of this template for next years *...... 18
Page 3 of 15 1 Basic information
1.1 Your contact information
- Name: RA SINERGIJA - Organisation: DEVELOPMENT AGENCY - Tel: 00386 2 538 13 50 - Email: [email protected]
1.2 General information on your country
- Area: 20.273 km2 ** - Population: 2.022.629 ** - GDP per capita: 17.162,42 *** - Motorisation (514cars/1 000 inhabitants (2008), bikes/1 000 inhabitants *)** - Road fatalities : 214 in year 2008, 10.5/100.000 inhabitants** - Modal split * 1.0 Modal Share City Profile – Detailed modes LJUBLJANA 2003 265.881 Car 57 % Motorcycle 0,50% Taxi+other 0,50%
Public Transport - all 13 %
Cycling 10 % Walking 19 % Other please state % Comments on data Modal split of PT and private trips in the city on an average weekday (one trip = one boarding); Data’s from the surveys of the housekeeping in Ljubljana If data available – please also % indicate % Car – Single occupancy vehicle MARIBOR 2002 110.668 Car 65 % Motorcycle 4,10% Taxi+other 1,70%
Public Transport - all 13 %
Cycling 5,50 % Walking 10,70 % Other please state % Comments on data Data’s from the statistical database- population census
If data available – please also % indicate % Car – Single occupancy vehicle
* the star refers to detailed instructions available in the guidelines (document attached)
Page 4 of 15 ** Slovenija v številkah 2009 Statistični urad RS (Slovenia in figures 2009, Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia) *** Datas from Poročilo o bruto nacionalnem dohodku, Statistični urad RS (Report of GNI, 19.September 2008, Statistical office of the Republic of Slovenia)
1.3 Gouvernance infrastructure for transport and mobility in your country
Policy making * Policy delivery * Financing *
National In Slovenia the Ministry of Transport is in charge for these fields. The Environment agency defined by the Ministry of Finance is in charge for Ministry of the Environment and Ministry of the Environment and supporting major infrastructure Spatial Planning, Ministry of the Spatial Planning and Transport investment on behalf of the State Interior is also connected with MM. agency defined by the Ministry of (railways, harbour, public transport Transport are in charge of and roads). It is financed from The role of the Ministries is to implementing the policies. national budget. decide about relevant policies and to supervise them. They are Operational Programme responsible for defining tools (laws, Environmental and Transport regulations, etc.) to implement those Infrastructure development 2007– policies. 2013) will be financed from the Cohesion fund and to a leaser extent of the European Regional Development Fund.
Local The municipalities are in charge of Many municipalities have prepared Preparation and implementation of the transport and environment Local energy concepts, which include those concepts and plans are planning in their respective also sustainable mobility and financed by the municipalities and municipality area. environment topics. indirectly by the Ministries. Municipalities are also in charge of Some of municipalities (Murska the campaign against polluted air. Sobota) have also prepared the Plan On the field of public transport, public of sustainable mobility. transporters local tendering companies have to publish timetable and regarding the transported kilometres, they get from the State, actually from the Ministry of Transport / Slovene Road Agency the compensation (the difference between costs and profit). The problem is that this sum is max limited.
Page 5 of 15 2 Governance of Mobility management
2.1 Does the definition of MM as endorsed by EPOMM * reflect how MM is defined in your country? If not, what are major differences?
In Slovenia is more stress made on the hard measures and lack of soft measures. MAJOR DIFFERENCES are: - unawareness of possibilities offered by soft measures to solve transport problems, most participants in the planning process lack education, awareness and information about MM - no confidence expressed in the effectiveness of MM measures introduced as separate measures, - MM measures considered as an occasion to moderate predicted transport problems at new location - For participants an important element of soft measures seamed to be the possibility of their prompt implementation, which would slow down aggravation of problems
2.2 Short history of Mobility Management (20 lines max)
Because of more and more traffic with every year the burdening of environment is more intensive and also there is a big damage for people’s health in Slovenia. The public awareness of the environment importance for people’s health was rising in last few years. In the past there was a big lack of awareness on this field. Mobility policy of RS includes the objectives of sustainable transport system, but it is in the beginning phase. NGO-s has strived in 2006 for the public transport regulation (transport policy 2006). Resolution on Transport Policy on the Transport Policy of the Republic of Slovenia 2006 is first try of RS for strategic mobility.
From detailed insight in the policy we can note that Slovenian policy is still quite oriented in development of road infrastructure. A shift to sustainable mobility and management is needed.
The Slovenian Government begins with so-called Sustainable mobility project within its Resolution on national development projects for 2007-2013. The aim of the project is to establish conditions for development of competitive economy and long-term assurance of quality living environment with assurance of sustainable mobility.
»Sustainable development« project incorporates inter alia construction of intelligent transport systems and one-year-pass in public transport. The concept should have direct implications on regional mobility, efficiency and availability of public transport.
2.3 What are the major strategies for promoting and implementing MM at different governance levels in your country *?
Policies * Action programmes * Legislative measures Promotion & (incl. taxes)* awareness* National Ministry of National development - Road Transport act Environment and program, - Road Transport Booklets Spatial Planning Operational Contract acts Awareness
Page 6 of 15 Programme, - Road Traffic Safety act Environmental and - Resolution of campaigns within Ministry of Transport Transport Policy of RS the transport mobility Transport Infrastructure projects: development 2007– - Regulation about Slovene Road 2013) minimal conditions for - Round Agency (mobility parking spaces and tables, policy) Preparation Program of trailers, spaces and - workshops, Strategy for Spatial maintenance of it. Regional Development of - conference Environment Slovenia (ACT) Regarding to the CO2 s…. Center for Central emission it is planned to and Eastern Resolution on pay higher tax. Europe - Slovenia Transport Policy on the Transport policy of Institute for Economics Republic of Slovenia and Urban Planning of 2006 Murska Sobota is preparing a Spatial For the optimization of Planning projects on the the road infrastructure basis of the preparation capacities, higher program of strategy for safety in road spatial development of transport, decrease of negative effect on the Slovenia. environment and At the national level stimulation of the there is Regulation harmonized and about Spatial order of contemporary Slovenia (articles): development and - settlement introduction of planning intelligent transport systems on Trans- regulations, European Network is - settlements the reestablishment of renovation system scheme - road (architecture) in the infrastructure phase of preparation, planning in the which will be the basis for introduction of settlement national centre of - planning of control, management cycling and walking and informing about road-networks traffic at the state roads - public transport (NCUP), preparation of planning investment and - planning areas technical documentation and for stationary traffic concrete introduction of NCUP/PIKC. Preparation of this project-architecture ITS, which will be the basis for the NCUP plan and actually for the further documents for the implementation (PGD/PZR/PZI) and preparation of investment documents are included in the project Sustainable mobility, which is one of the 35 development investment projects in the frame of Resolution
Page 7 of 15 of National Development projects of RS 2007-2023.
Local Municipalities are Mobility plans of the Local energy concept is including the municipalities: all mandatory for Leaflets, brochures. mobility plans modes of transport are municipalities, which concerned to includes the actual Biggest cities in Regional encourage less cars situation and proposals Slovenia organise Environmental and more cycling- for the decrease of CO2 actions during the centre for Central cycling paths, more emissions and use of Mobility week: and Eastern walking and using RES and RUE. workshops, Europe - Slovenia public transport. concerts, round – support by Cycle paths tables,… environmental constructions, public problems, by transport. In the collaboration of municipality Murska groups on different Sobota in the first year levels (national, of implementation of local), this mobility plan they establishment of initiated a free city bus free movement of within the town. information and motivation of public to participate on it.
2.4 Are there any policies or legislative measures that (indirectly) counteract the promotion of MM*?
At the local level there is lack in the municipal law by the definition of the cycle parking spaces, accessibility, safety and protection of the parking spaces and protecting of weather. There is only proposal, but it should be obligatory. The same is with the programmes, strategies, laws, etc. in Slovenia… There are proposals and what should or could be done, but as long as it will not be obligatory, its hard to get somewhere on the MM. It is important to include stakeholders and politicians.
Page 8 of 15 3 Implementation of Mobility Managament
3.1 How advanced is your country in Mobility Management ?
Please tick the right box
Level 0 Totally nothing happens in the field of MM Level 1 The first initiatives are being started x Level 2 Some successes, but MM is quite unfamiliar Level 3 MM is obtaining a solid position and structural funding
3.2 How advanced is your country in the following fields of Mobility Management?
Level 0 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Mobility centres x Intermodal & multimodal mobility x MM in companies (mobility x consultancy, travel plans) MM in public administrations x MM in schools x MM for events & in tourism x Awareness campaigns x Carsharing & Carpooling x MM and land use planning x
Please provide an example of best practice from three different fields among the above mentioned in which public authorities have a specific role: (15 lines max) If there are external evaluation reports of these best practice examples, please provide us with the reports
1 Field: Is this example already available in the ELTIS/EPOMM format ? (Y/N)
Implementation of the European mobility week in the cities (Ljubljana, Maribor, Murska Sobota, Nova Gorica). During the mobility week the cities’ downtowns are closed for the traffic. The municipalities’ actions are on promotion of sustainable transport modes on International celebrated days, e.g. Earth day, Environmental day and European mobility week. On these days citizens and key stakeholders are invited to co-operate on round tables, trips, competitions and other activities.
2 Field Is this example already available in the ELTIS/EPOMM format ? (Y/N)
Implementation of the mobility projects, implemented by the agencies, faculties, institutes,… CIVITAS MOBILIS (Municipality Ljubljana) – testing local produced biodiesel in the local public transport
Page 9 of 15 vehicles and determination of best biodiesel mix and demonstration and evaluation of different technologies of clean vehicles in public transport PRO.MOTION (RA Sinergija) - aim is to facilitate energy efficient transport forms in the joint field of housing and mobility and to reduce the need for transport by providing services and facilities, which replace transport services. ADD HOME (University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Centre for Mobility research) – sustainable mobility- obstacles and options, implementation of best practices in Slovenia MAX (Urbanistični inštitut RS (Urban planning Institute of the RS) - preparation and presentation of possible integration of MM into planning process of a new University Complex in Ljubljana, best MM measures for university building of EU were selected and their transferability were discussed
3 Field: Is this example already available in the ELTIS/EPOMM format ? (Y/N) MM for events and tourism:
Some municipalities are fostering cycling with construction of cycle paths in their area. This is very positive, because in the past there were no cycle paths at all. Slovenian cycle network was also established as wellas cycle associations in regions and cities. These network and associations are active on fostering cycling, what is sustainable mobility mode and good for health.
3.3 Are MM concerns integrated into other major policies/programmes in particular in investments in transport infrastructures, road pricing schemes, traffic management schemes*? (20 lines max)
At the national level there is a Regulation about spatial order of Slovenia (Official gazette RS): - settlement planning regulations and public passenger transport planning; it is obligatory to assure public transport station 5 min away from settlements - settlements and part of settlements renovation; in the urbanism basis the measures are defined for substitution of private motorised passenger transport, development and upgrading of cycle paths and pathways - road infrastructure planning in the settlement; it has to be consider the principle priority at following order: walker, cyclist, public passenger transport and other motorised transport - planning of cycling and walking road-networks; road has to be planned considering surfaces of stationary traffic and network of public passenger transport stations - public passenger transport planning; network plan considering the 30 min availability to the public passenger transport stations and also corresponding places for cycles - planning areas for stationary traffic, the closer is public transport, less parking spaces has to be available
Municipalities are developing and implementing mobility plans regarding the above mentioned regulation. In the municipalities also the cycle paths are under the construction.
3.4 How far is MM an objective or an outcome of the land use planning system*?
Page 10 of 15 Institute for Economics and Urban Planning of Murska Sobota is preparing spatial planning projects on the basis of this preparation program of strategy for spatial development of Slovenia. And also other architects and planners have to consider this program and act on mobility field.
Municipalities are also active by the land use planning and they are collaborating by the Mobility projects: - Municipality Beltinci and municipality Murska Sobota – project PRO.MOTION, - Municipality Ljubljana by the CIVITAS project - municipality Maribor,..
Agencies, institutes, faculties are trying during the implementation of mobility projects with different proposals, presentations of best practices to convince municipalities to include MM in the land use planning system. But it is difficult, they do, what is obligatory to do, otherwise it’s very difficult and the biggest problem is to convince the representatives of municipalities about MM and next problem is the budget of the municipalities. Some municipalities are preparing and some already implementing mobility plan, which also includes public transport, cycle paths, walking, the current situation and strategy for implementation of mobility plan in the municipality.
3.5 Are the European Structural Funds * used to fund MM measures in your country?
Operational Programme Environmental and Transport Infrastructure development 2007–2013 will be financed from the Cohesion fund and to a leaser extent of the European Regional Development Fund. 50% from Cohesion fund on aggregate level will be indented for the transport, another 50% for the environment and sustainable energy consumption. Main goal of the Operational Environmental and Transport Infrastructure Programme Development is with the higher reliability of transport system, higher economic efficiency, higher transport safety, further development of new transport possibilities to support and develop different mobility possibilities for the population and economic supply with stress at the sustainable mobility.
3.6 Which other European funding programmes are used in your country to fund MM? Who is using them *?
National Authorities Regional Local Authorities NGOs Other: … Authorities (please specify) CIVITAS X IEE x LIFE + x x INTERREG x x Other: (please specify)
Page 11 of 15 4 Trends and further developments
4.1 What is effective in your country in the field of MM? Why? (15 lines max)
In Slovenia the implementation of management mobility projects is active at the moment. Important are also awareness campaigns, cooperation with key local stakeholders and key actors in different fields; holding meeting with them to gain different points of view and find common points of interest; establishing info point(s) for interested stakeholders, holding workshops, participating and active involvement in events where fair scope of interested groups can be targeted, publication, promotion. It would be more effective, if some measures on the sustainable mobility would be obligatory and not just like could be done. At the national level some laws, rules should be prepared, which would including the deadlines for municipalities till when they have to prepare some mobility plans, then should be done the evaluation, if it is implemented and how. Also it would be sanctions in case the municipalities do not consider this law or rule. By the public transport is problem for the suburban areas. Because of low density the regular line of public transport is not economical and not qualitative enough for the user.
4.2 General outlook on the development of MM (15 lines max)
Mobility policy of RS includes the objects of sustainable transport system, but it is in the beginning phase. The promotion of the sustainable mobility modes is foreseen in the Transport policy resolution, but it’s not in the implementation phase jet. From detailed insight in the policy we can note that Slovenian policy is still quite oriented in development of road infrastructure, road and other traffic safety, inter modal goods transport. A shift to sustainable mobility and management is needed. Very important is implementation of mobility projects, but here is very important to get to the stakeholders and prepare and implement some concrete measures to do the shift on the MM.
The actions within EPOMM Reload should in particular support efforts and actions do so far, but should further foster development of sustainable mobility in our country. Of great importance will be transfer and exchange of new practice. Learning models that worked in the countries, where EPOMM actions had impact, will help also Slovenia to derive from that and develop the actions according to national conditions. In this way we expect that public sector with the national Government will become more active and encouraged to do concrete actions in this field or establish favourable conditions for such actions and initiatives.
Page 12 of 15 5 Knowledge infrastructure of MM
5.1 List networks, organisation and associations active in MM *
Regionalni center za okolje za srednjo in vzhodno Evropo – Slovenija (Regional Environmental centre for Central and Eastern Europe- Slovenia) FOCUS – Društvo za sonaraven razvoj (FOCUS – Sustainable development association) Urbanistični inštitut RS (Urban planning Institute of the RS) Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, Center za raziskave mobilnosti (University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Center for Mobility research) Slovenska kolesarska mreža (Slovenian cycle network)
5.2 Key MM experts and policymakers *
Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor (Ministry of environment and spatial planning) Ministrstvo za promet (Ministry of transport) Direkcija RS za ceste (Slovene Road Agency) Direkcija RS za vodenje investicij v javno železniško infrastrukturo (Slovene agency for the Management of Public Railway Infrastructure Investment) Urbanistični inštitut RS (Urban planning Institute of the RS) Univerza v Mariboru, Fakulteta za gradbeništvo, Center za raziskave mobilnosti (University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Center for Mobility research)
5.3 Key websites (Ministry of environment and spatial planning) (Ministry of transport) (Slovene Road Agency) (Operational Programme Environmental and Transport Infrastructure development 2007–2013) (Operational Programme for strenghtening regional development potentials for period 2007-2013) (Urban planning Institute of the RS) (ADD HOME, University of Maribor) Regulation about spatial order of Slovenia Act of strategy about spatial development of Slovenia (Resolution of Transport policy of RS)
Page 13 of 15 5.4 Key documents
Operativni program razvoja okoljske in prometne infrastructure (Operational Programme Environmental and Transport Infrastructure development 2007–2013) Zakon o prevozih v cestnem prometu, Ur. l. RS, 59/01 (Road transport Act, OG RS, 59/01) Zakon o varnosti cestnega prometa, Ur. l. RS, 30/98, itd. (Road traffic safety act OG RS, 30/98) Zakon o varstvu okolja Ur. l. RS 41/04 (Environmental Protection Act OG I.RS 41/04) Uredba o prostorskem redu Slovenije, Ur.l. RS št.122, 12.11.2004, stran 14701 (Regulation about spatial order of Slovenia OG I.RS N.122, 12.11.2004, page 14701) Odlok o strategiji prostorskega razvoja v Sloveniji Ur.l, RS št.76 15.07.2004, poglavje 1.1.2 (Act of strategy about spatial development of Slovenia OG I.RS N.76, 15.07.2004, chapter 1.1.2) Pravilnik o minimalnih in drugih pogojih za parkirna mesta za motorna in priklopna vozila ter mesta za njihovo vzdrževanje, Ur. l. RS, 63/02 (Regulation of minimum and other conditions regarding parking spaces and trailers and maintenance of it, OG I. RS, 63/02) Pravilnik o licencah za opravljanje prevozov v cestnem prometu, Ur. l. RS, 30/02 (Rules of licence for transfers in the road transport, OG RS I. 30/02) Resolucija prometne politike RS , Ur. l. RS, 58/06, 06.06.2006 (Resolution of Transport policy of RS OG RS I. 58/006, 06.06.2006
Page 14 of 15 6 Next steps for the Mobility Management Monitors
6.1 Suggestions on the use of MMMs for further dissemination *
Regarding to the previous experience on the sustainable mobility it is very important the cooperation with local stakeholders and key actors on different fields; holding meetings with them to gain different points of view and find common points of interest; establishing info point(s) for interested stakeholders, holding workshops, participating and active involvement in events, where fair scope of interested groups can be targeted, publication, promotion. This way shift on MM can be done and some new measures could be integrated and implemented.
This is step to the general public and this way we could do something on changing mobility habits, needs and wishes of general public. Some measures, rules, acts regarding MM have to be obligatory and then key stakeholders would be obligated to consider that obligation by preparation of mobility projects, plans,… For further dissemination of MM it is necessary to assure the political, managementand regulative support as well as availability of financial sources. Some activities are currently taking place in Slovenia in the transport field, specially road and railway infrastructure. But it is important also to change people’s behaviour, to present them other options of sustainable mobility. The main goal is to stimulate citizens that they decrease number of individual car trips and substitute them with sustainable modes of transport, like walking, cycling and use of public transport. To the politicians and other key stakeholders should be presented also the possibilities of new working places in mobility field (mobility centres) - example of best practices. Very good example of best practice is also the mobility centres, with all information’s about sustainable mobility modes. More effort should be made towards pupils, because they are more open for new ideas. More attention is needed for soft measures in Slovenia, because some little progress have been already done as for hard measures.
6.2 Improvement of this template for next years *
This template is very good.
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