Cell Energy Zap-It! Review Game Questions Respiration Questions Answers 1 What is the purpose of Cellular Respiration? To convert energy from glucose (food) into ATP. 2 Why must all organisms make ATP? ATP is usable energy for the cell—without it, cells cannot do work. 3 What makes up ATP’s molecular structure? A sugar (ribose), adenine and 3 phosphates 4 What is the difference between aerobic and Aerobic reactions require oxygen, and anaerobic reactions? anaerobic reactions do not. 5 What are the 3 processes that make up Glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Electron aerobic respiration? Transport Chain 6 What products are made in glycolysis? 4 ATP (2 net), 2 NADH, 2 pyruvic acid molecules 7 What provides the activation energy for 2 ATP glycolysis to begin? 8 Where do glycolysis, Krebs cycle and Cytoplasm, matrix (of mitochondrion) and Electron transport chain occur? inner membrane (of mitochondrion) 9 What must pyruvic acid become before it can It must become Acetyl CoA enter the Krebs cycle?

10 What are the products of one pyruvic acid 4 NADH, 3 CO2, 1 ATP, 1 FADH2 after the Krebs cycle? 11 Why must the Krebs cycle occur twice for Glucose makes two pyruvic acid molecules. each glucose? Both go through the Krebs cycle. 12 Explain how ATP Synthase is powered to H+ ions that built up in the inter membrane make ATP? space flow through ATP synthase causing it to spin. 13 Describe the roles of molecules like NADH, They are electron carriers that transport high FADH2 and NADPH. energy electrons to other parts of the cell for cellular work. 14 What is the importance of oxygen in aerobic It allows the Krebs cycle and ETC to occur. respiration? Oxygen accepts the electron at the end of the ETC to make water. Without it, electrons have nowhere to go! 15 Explain where the ATP is made in aerobic Aerobic: Glycolysis=2, Krebs=2, ETC=34 respiration. Where is it made in anaerobic (from the conversion of NADH and FADH2) respiration? In anaerobic respiration ATP is only generated from glycolysis (2). 16 In spite of the lower ATP amounts, why do Quicker process, good for generating small some organisms still utilize anaerobic amounts of ATP for bursts of energy, no respiration for their ATP production? oxygen needed, no mitochondrion needed. 17 What are the chemical products of lactic acid LA=2 ATP, lactic acid; Alc=2 ATP, ethanol, fermentation and alcoholic fermentation? CO2 18 What organisms conduct alcoholic Yeast, certain bacteria; bread, wine, beer, fermentation? What foods (2) can be root beer, produced? 19 What organisms conduct lactic acid Animal muscle cells, certain bacteria; yogurt, fermentation? What foods (2) can be cheese, sauerkraut, kimchi produced? 20 What are the similarities (3) between aerobic Extract energy from glucose, make ATP, and anaerobic respiration? begin with glycolysis, occurs in cells, … Photosynthesis Questions Answers 1 What is the purpose of photosynthesis? To convert solar energy from the sun into chemical energy (glucose). 2 What are the differences (2) between Auto-make own food, use solar energy autotrophs and heterotrophs? directly (do photosynthesis) and cellular respiration; Hetero-must eat others to obtain food, can only do cellular respiration 3 What is a pigment? A molecule that absorbs light energy, and reflects other wavelengths of light 4 Explain why chlorophyll appears green. It is a chemical that reflects green light. 5 Name 3 tissues that are found inside a leaf. Epidermis, vein, mesophyll 6 What is the function of the guard cells in During dry conditions, the guard cells can homeostasis? close the stomata reducing water loss from the leaves. 7 What is the function of the vein, waxy cuticle Vein=to carry food and water, waxy cuticle=to and mesophyll? protect from UV and water loss, mesophyll=to produce sugar (conduct photosynthesis) 8 What are the two processes that make up Light reactions in thylakoids (grana), Calvin photosynthesis? Where do they occur? cycle in stroma 9 What reactant and product from the Water and oxygen photosynthesis equation are found in the light reactions? 10 What is the role of chlorophyll in the light To absorb light energy and provide electrons reactions? to make ATP and NADPH 11 Where in a chloroplast can chlorophyll be On the thylakoid membranes in photosystems found? 12 What reactant and product from the Carbon dioxide and glucose photosynthesis equation are found in the Calvin cycle? 13 The Calvin cycle used to be called the “Dark The Calvin cycle could not occur in the dark; reactions.” Explain why this is a misnomer. it needs products from the light reactions (ATP and NADPH) 14 Some people believe that speaking to their When you speak, you exhale carbon dioxide. houseplants will help them grow faster. Plants need plenty of carbon dioxide in order Explain why this may be true. to conduct photosynthesis.

15 Explain the relationship between aerobic Photosynthesis makes O2 and glucose which respiration and photosynthesis. are used in aerobic respiration. Respiration then makes CO2 and water which are used in Photosynthesis. 16 Identify 3 similarities between mitochondria Double membrane, have own DNA, convert and chloroplasts. energy, make ATP, found inside cells 17 Describe Margulis’ theory of endosymbiosis. Chloroplasts and mitochondria were once separate prokaryotes. Larger cells consumed them, but instead of becoming digested, they benefited their survival and evolved to depend on each other. 18 What is the purpose of water in the light Water is split into electrons, oxygen and reactions? hydrogen ions. The electrons replace those lost by chlorophyll. 19 How does ATP Synthase make ATP? H+ ions flow through ATP Synthase, causing it to spin like a turbine and generate energy. This energy is used to attach ADP + P