Annual School Report Primary 2010

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Annual School Report Primary 2010

2012 Annual School Report

St Joseph’s Primary School, East Maitland

55 King Street EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323 Messages from Key School Bodies

Principal St. Joseph’s Primary School, East Maitland, is situated in the Hunter Valley, NSW. The school has first class facilities serving a wide, diverse cross section of communities, both rural and urban, in both the Morpeth and East Maitland Parishes. The school has a rich heritage, steeped with Catholic tradition and provides an excellent learning environment for students.

The school aims to provide a quality education to the students we were. Facilities include:

 Well appointed air-conditioned classrooms with Interactive whiteboard technology  An excellent library with ample computer facilities  attractive school grounds and playing fields with abundant covered playing areas;  access to a parish hall;  a well supported special education unit leading to improved learning outcomes;  varied sports programs for all students  a strong pastoral care program.

The school community has a warm, welcoming approach to people, and encourages strong links between the school, the home and the parishes. I congratulate the students, staff and parents on their many achievements during 2012.

Peter O’Brien Acting Principal 2012

P & F The St Joseph’s Primary School Parents & Friends Association continues to work with the School in providing its staff and students with modern resources and equipment, in turn creating a better learning environment. 2012 saw the Parents & Friends Association successfully assist the School with various needs and requirements. With funds raised through the family fundraising levy and a very successful Adidas Fun Run, the Parents & Friends Association was able to provide funds for the creation of an Art Gallery situated in the library, Reading programs, new colour house banners, new furniture, a paved walkway to the basketball courts and planned work on improving the grounds in the infants playground. St. Joseph's Parents and Friends Association also aims at bringing together the school community. A new families welcome BBQ, an inaugural Mother's Day Stall and the ever popular Father's Day Breakfast were social highlights during 2012 and this year we brought back the school disco which was a great hit with the students of St Josephs. The Parents & Friends Association strives to work with the School's executive and all members of the School community to raise and spend funds where they have the greatest benefit. It's wonderful to have so many people supporting the school and I thank everyone, especially the Executive, for the 2012 effort.

Melissa Stace P & F President 2012

Student Leaders/SRC The Students of St Joseph elected their 2012 student leaders during Term Four of 2011. Two captains and six prefects were elected by the Stage Two and Three students and the school staff.

A plan of mentoring and support allows these elected students to develop their leadership skills.

These captains and prefects, along with two representatives from each class from Year One to Year Six make up the Student Council. Representatives are elected each term. The Council meet once a week to plan events and discuss student concerns. School captains chair the meetings, a nominated secretary

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 2 takes the minutes and every class representative has an opportunity to present suggestions from their class suggestion box.

The Council’s Environment Committee organised tree planting on World Environment Day and class environment awards. The Fundraising Committee organised fetes and dress-up days and the Sport Committee purchased new sports equipment.

The community activity of ‘Clean up Australia’ was adopted when students, encouraged by the Student Council, spent an afternoon cleaning the school grounds. Religious Dimension and Culture of School Life

Catholic Identity St. Joseph’s school and the parishes of East Maitland and Morpeth are rich in history, from the early days (1885) of Fr Therry and the Sisters of Mercy to the present. Many of the children who attend St. Joseph’s are the grandchildren of a population who cling strongly to tradition.

This link with the past is evident today through the use of the Mercy emblem in the school badge and on buildings, the naming of main buildings after the Mercy founders and the naming of sport houses after religious pioneers.

St. Joseph’s school community and parishes are proud of the students’ learning environment and their achievements academically, spiritually and in the sporting arena. The children themselves display a wonderful cooperative spirit that permeates throughout the school. They have a sound understanding of their rights and responsibilities and have always shown respect toward others. This spirit is supported by staff and parents.

Located in the Chisholm Pastoral Region, the school has increased the awareness of families of their belonging to a wider church community. St Joseph’s Catholic identity is celebrated with liturgies and masses. Liturgy and prayer are an integral part of each classroom and of the whole school.

The School as part of Parish and Diocesan Life The school actively participates in the parishes of East Maitland and Morpeth, especially in regard to the sacramental program. A number of teachers are members of the Parish Sacramental Team supporting both parents and children in the program. There were also a number teachers who facilitate and support the running of Children’s Liturgy at weekend masses. Teachers regularly promoted and attended these liturgies. The school guitar group played the music at all the Sacramental ceremonies and Family Masses. The school also actively promoted the ‘Kids Mass’ held on the first Sunday of each month.

Primary classes prepared for, and participated in the rostered parish Eucharistic celebrations at St Joseph’s church. This was done on a rotational basis.

Teaching of Religion The teaching of Religion is aligned with the diocesan programming policy. The teachers, in their role as Religious Educators, are supported by the Diocesan K-12 Religion Syllabus and the Resource Units which have local and Australian based content. Each class has a daily structured lesson that develops the students’ knowledge and understandings of Catholic Faith. The Religious Education Coordinator is continually updating and purchasing new resources that will assist teachers to develop meaningful class, stage and whole school liturgical celebrations.

Most notably for 2012 were the St Joseph’s Day liturgy and celebrations, ANZAC Liturgy, Holy Week, Mother’s Day Liturgy and the Commencement Mass and the Farewell liturgy for the 2012 Year 6 Students and outgoing families.

Retreats and Faith Development Programs Year Six students were involved in a MAD-(Make A Difference) Day. This day gave students an opportunity to develop their leadership skills and highlight the students’ gifts, which allow them to make a difference to the school.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 3 A Peer Support Program with a focus on values was conducted during Term Two. This involved students from each class coming together in multi-age groupings with a Yr 6 facilitator. The theme in 2012 was ‘Relationships-keeping friends.’

Several opportunities for Staff faith Development were provided during 2012. The ‘Mercy Charism’, and Reflective Prayer were the focus of short staff retreats. A staff reflection day led by Jill Gowdie took place during Term Three.

Values (including Social Justice Initiatives) St Joseph’s School maintains what the parent body and staff cohort agree to be an effective Pastoral Care and Discipline Policy. The Policy, and procedures which flow from it, are founded on the teachings of Jesus: love of God, love of neighbour and love of self.

Each classroom displays the Rights and Responsibilities which the community hold as critical for all members to participate fully. These are displayed along with the Values for Australian Schooling.

The individual rights to respect, love, safety, happiness, justice and a clean and safe environment are balanced by the responsibilities shared by all to maintain these elements within the community.

St. Joseph’s is a very generous school community where both students and staff are keenly aware of the needs of all. The schools’ religious education units help develop an awareness of social justice issues within our world.

School representatives attended the Diocesan Mission Mass and supported the Diocesan team for Catholic Mission including the Dedama Community School Building Project in Zambia. The student council coordinated a number of fundraising events in 2012. Of particular success was the support for the ‘Harry Meyn Foundation’. Harry Meyn was a student of the outgoing Year 6 class who died from a brain tumour when in Year One.

‘Candy Canes for Cambodia’ was another social justice initiative commenced in 2102. The children were encouraged to donate the cost of Christmas candy canes to support the personal contact the school had developed with the Ches Orphanage and the Smiling Hearts Association for Children in Cambodia.

Throughout the year each primary class visited a local nursing home to entertain the residents and to spend valuable time in conversation with senior citizen members of our community.

Each morning members of the St. Vincent de Paul Society operated a breakfast club for the children. The school reciprocated this support by conducting a ‘Vinnies Day’ when a substantial amount of money was raised and passed onto the Society. The school also supported the annual St. Vincent de Paul Christmas appeal with food and presents for the needy. Policies

Enrolment Policy St Joseph’s Primary School East Maitland follows the guidelines provided by the Catholic Schools Office Policy Enrolment (Amended 2008). The Policy has been devised to accommodate, as far as is possible, the needs of families seeking a Catholic education. In situations where enrolments have to be restricted because of limitations on capacity, preference may need to be given to children of Catholic families, as defined in the Policy. Implementation of the Policy is via our local school Enrolment Committee which has discretionary authority in keeping with Diocesan guidelines. Copies of the Policy are available from the school, or from the Catholic Schools Office website (cf end of Report). Parents concerned about school fees should ensure they make contact with the school. Diocesan provisions (including standard discounts for those with a Health Card) exist to help in this area, and the Principal can also exercise discretion where genuine need exists.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 4 Student Welfare An atmosphere of mutual respect, care and understanding is a feature of St. Joseph’s school life and, student welfare is a high priority at the School.

St Joseph’s Pastoral Care worker provides excellent support for students, teachers and families. The students themselves have relished the Pastoral Care worker’s presence.

The most popular student welfare programs offered were:

 Kindergarten and Year Six Buddy program;  A Peer Support Program with a focus on ‘Relationships-keeping friends.’ conducted during Term Two;  Student Council-based on a Civics and Citizenship model, the school leaders and representatives from each class meet weekly to assist in decision making in the areas of environment, fund-raising and sport;  Year Six camp - offering opportunity for personal challenges, group work, leadership skills as well as outdoor fitness activities;  Pastoral Care Worker – open door policy, supporting all students, families and staff;  Seasons for Growth Program – an outline of the program was presented to parents, prior to completion of the program by a number of students;  The Dolphin-It program which supports the school strong approach to Anti-Bullying.  Year Six to Year Seven Transition Program.

All children were encouraged to participate in school activities. The school supported all programs to ensure no child is excluded due to socio-economic or physical constraints.

St Joseph’s Student Welfare Policy has been maintained during 2012. No changes have been made to this policy during 2012. The Policy is available from the school office.

Discipline St Joseph’s school continues to work toward its goal of developing self-discipline and responsible behaviour in each child. The school policy reflects and draws on the principles of the CSO Pastoral Care Policy.

Recognition of student achievement, through weekly class awards, courtesy awards, announcements at school assemblies and in the school newsletter all encourage good citizenship. The school also acknowledges birthdays of all students and staff at the morning assembly.

St Joseph’s Pastoral Care and Discipline Policy records clear descriptors of behaviour, response and repair. A critical component is the Responsible Thinking Room where time and space is provided for teachers to mentor children. Restorative Justice principles are employed. Communication with parents remains critical.

The policy provides clear guidelines for teachers and students and supports them and parents toward positive outcomes.

On enrolment, all new families receive a copy of The Pastoral Care and Discipline Policy. Key elements of the policy are discussed at Orientation. Evaluation of the policy is completed annually, by the Policy Development Team, and to ensure parents are kept up to date, any changes to the policy are reported via the school newsletter.

During 2012 elements of the behaviour, response and repair procedure when dealing with cyber behaviour were reviewed. Other elements of the policy remain the same.

A copy is available from the school office.

Complaints and Grievances

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 5 The school has in place a Complaints and Grievances Policy. The Grievance Policy clearly outlines procedures available to students, parents and teachers who require support in the process of a complaint. Each family received a copy of the policy.

There were no changes to this policy during 2012. Additional copies are available from the office.

The Catholic Schools Office’s Complaints Management Policy (2006) is to be utilised for any complaints or grievances which cannot be managed at the school level.

Issues relating to Child Protection Legislation are referred to Zimmerman Services Child Protection Unit. Student Achievements

Academic Achievements St Joseph’s participated in the University of New South Wales Computer Skills, Mathematics, Writing, English, Spelling and Science Competitions, with students gaining High Distinctions, Distinctions and Credits in their results. Senior students participated in the Newcastle Permanent Primary Mathematics Competition and were awarded High Distinctions, Distinctions and Credits. A number of participants gained a Merit Award or higher. A team of students from Year 6 entered the Regional Science and Engineering Challenge. The school also entered the Newcastle Herald Writing competition.

A number of students participated in the All Saints Region Gifted and Enrichment days, working across diverse sections of the curriculum. The Special Education Unit continued special extension group work in both English and Mathematics with a strong emphasis on reading. A review of the NAPLAN results indicates satisfactory progression from Years 3 to 5 in both English and Mathematics.

The school also continued the ELIM writing project which was commenced in conjunction with Auckland University and the University of Newcastle. The collection of data and the calculation of effect size has resulted in noticeable improvements in writing skills.

Performance in National Testing

NAPLAN Program 2012 - Year 3 Percentage in Skill Band Grammar & Reading Spelling Punctuation Writing Numeracy Band 6 and St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 30.4% 21.1% 31.6% 15.8% 15.8% Above National Performance 25.5% 21.5% 27.5% 14.7% 12.4% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 19.6% 22.8% 21.1% 56.1% 22.8% Band 5 National Performance 21.5% 22.3% 22.2% 31.9% 21.0% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 26.8% 35.1% 28.1% 21.1% 28.1% Band 4 National Performance 21.5% 23.9% 21.1% 30.1% 27.5% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 17.9% 14.0% 12.3% 7.0% 22.8% Band 3 National Performance 15.7% 17.4% 14.1% 13.5% 21.7% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 5.4% 5.3% 3.5% 0.0% 7.0% Band 2 National Performance 9.4% 8.9% 8.0% 5.0% 11.3% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 0.0% 1.8% 3.5% 0.0% 3.5% Band 1 National Performance 4.4% 4.0% 5.1% 2.7% 4.2%

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 6 NAPLAN Program 2012 - Year 5 Percentage in Skill Band Grammar & Reading Spelling Punctuation Writing Numeracy Band 8 and St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 14.8% 9.3% 16.7% 5.6% 11.1% Above National Performance 12.0% 11.5% 12.8% 5.3% 9.5% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 16.7% 22.2% 13.0% 5.6% 22.2% Band 7 National Performance 19.3% 19.9% 17.8% 14.0% 17.2% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 33.3% 20.4% 20.4% 22.2% 31.5% Band 6 National Performance 26.7% 27.2% 25.3% 30.2% 27.5% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 20.4% 22.2% 31.5% 51.9% 16.7% Band 5 National Performance 22.3% 22.5% 22.2% 30.0% 25.6% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 7.4% 16.7% 5.6% 13.0% 14.8% Band 4 National Performance 11.4% 11.7% 12.4% 12.6% 13.4% St Joseph's Primary School East Maitland 7.4% 9.3% 13.0% 1.9% 3.7% Band 3 National Performance 6.4% 5.2% 7.4% 5.9% 4.8%

Analysis of the 2012 NAPLAN data indicates the Year Three cohort maintaining a steady trend above state and diocesan levels in the areas of Reading and Grammar and Numeracy. Spelling data does not mirror the improvement trends of state and diocese.

The Year Five cohort reflect the trend data of both state and diocese in each of the aspects of NAPLAN assessment.

Cultural Achievements One hundred and forty students (sixty two acts) entered the annual student Talent Quest organised and conducted by the Student Council. Representatives from all grades were successful in progressing to the finale`. A performance by a staff ensemble` during the final, was thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Audience support and participation are clear indicators of the value this event offers to the school community.

St Joseph’s School Band continued to draw members from the primary grades. Band recital each Monday morning, followed by individual and group lessons was attended with enthusiasm. Sections of the orchestra again led the school in the National Anthem on a number of occasions during the year at the school assembly. The band presented its collection of pieces to family members in a concert format each term. The band also entertained the parents at the formal prize giving in December.

All students were provided the opportunity to experience and enjoy a staged children’s opera during Term Two. The Oz Opera Company performed an adaptation of Hansel and Gretel in the parish hall.

The school choir competed admirably in the Abermain Eisteddfod, and achieved a third place in its category.

The Year Six students were again involved in the Diocesan Debating competition once again performing admirably amid serious competition.

Representatives fro St Josephs participated in the Regional Public Speaking competition early in Term Four. This followed ‘qualification’ rounds at the end of Term Three.

An enthusiastic group of children from the primary grades met each week for guitar lessons. The guitarists, and instrumentalists from the school band, formed quite an ‘ensemble` when providing musical support for school liturgies and parish celebrations.

Stage Two and Stage Three drew their year to a close with the annual social dance evening. The time spent learning the Barn Dance, Pride of Erin and other social dances culminated in two successful and enjoyable evenings.

Sporting Achievements The sporting achievements of 2012 are built upon the development of gross motor, movement and ball skills introduced and reinforced during weekly sport and P.E lessons.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 7 St. Joseph’s has continued its fine tradition with a number of sporting achievements in 2012. Highlights include:

 A successful swimming carnival for primary children conducted in February.  All grades from K-6 participated in the schools athletics carnival held in Term 2.  Individual students gaining selection in Tennis, Cricket, Basketball, Swimming, Netball, Touch Football, Rugby Union, Rugby League, Athletics, Football and Cross Country with excellent results at Regional, Diocesan, Inter-Diocesan and State Level;  High participation and successful results in Regional Netball and Soccer Gala Days.  Notable success in local Rugby League, Soccer and Cricket inter school competitions, including winning the final of the Reg Kelly Cricket Competition.  Participation in ‘After School Hours’ (ASA) sporting activities for both Infant and Primary students exposed students to a variety of sports including fitness, lawn bowls, bicycle education and archery.  Paid sports opportunities were provided in the areas of Gymnastics, Sports Skills, Golf and Water Safety (Swim & Survive).

Other Highlights for 2012 Community involvement and parent participation during 2012 has been significant.  the farewelling of the outgoing principal at the end of Term Two  Organising and conducting the second Adidas Fun Run, which again raised an impressive total and attracted wonderful community involvement.  Conducting a disco evening for K-6 students  Preparing for and conducting a ‘Father’s Day Breakfast’ attended by members of the school and parish community. Staff

Staff Qualifications Qualifications and Experience Number of Staff

I. Teachers with teaching qualifications from a higher education institution within Australia or as recognised by National Office of Overseas Skills Recognition 22 (NOOSR).

II. Teachers with qualifications from a higher education institution within Australia or as recognised by NOOSR but lacking formal teaching qualifications -

III. (a) Teachers not having qualifications as described in I or II above but having (a) (b) relevant successful teaching experience or appropriate knowledge relevant to - - the teaching context III. (b) Of these which are New Scheme Teachers.

Professional Learning Undertaken Evaluating school SEVDEV feedback to inform the school strategic plan; Development of school strategic plan 2013-2015; Review of 2012 Annual Plan; Development of 2013 annual plan; CPR and Emergency Care course provided for all staff by the Surf Lifesaving Association; SAS training for clerical staff ; Curriculum planning with Catherine Murray; Anaphylaxis training with paramedic Kylie Tull; ICLT, Scootle, MN Works, Web2; Google apps with Cheryl Fahey; nominated staff attendance at LT Forum day exploring learning technologies; analysis of NAPLAN data with Catherine Murray. Hearts and Hands Spirituality day with Jill Gowdie. ‘Pathways to Comprehension’ staff development days.

Teacher Attendance The average teacher attendance rate for this school is 95%.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 8 Teacher Retention The teacher retention rate from 2011 to 2012 was 100%.

Maternity leave teacher returned to displace the 2011 full time temporary replacement Enrolments

Actual Enrolments 2012 Scholastic Year Number of Students Attendance Rate % Kinder 60 95.73 Year One 58 94.72 Year Two 60 94.91 Year Three 58 95.22 Year Four 60 95.57 Year Five 56 95.18 Year Six 60 94.96 TOTAL 412 95%

Student Attendance The average student attendance rate for students at this school during 2012 was 95%. School Priorities

Achievement of School Priorities The focus for 2012 continued to be drawn from recommendations from the school’s SEVDEV report. Curriculum planning and presentation continued to be refined. Jolly Phonics’ has been resourced to allow extension to include Kindergarten, Year One and Year Two. A focus professionally across the school was the continued analysis of writing using the NAPLAN rubric, and the conversion of this rubric into student language allowing the children to self-analyse. This was supported by professional learning conversations and detailed analysis of results across the school identifying common elements for further exploration. Professional dialogue between teachers proved invaluable. The effective teaching of comprehension strategies became, and remained, a staff focus for Term Three and Four. A strategic plan for the school was developed during February and reviewed in December for 2013 – 2015.

Facilities The school continues to reap the benefits of the Building the Education Revolution (BER). The works included a new basketball, netball, volleyball court, infants passive play area, primary toilet blocks, enclosed Library annex, and refurbishment of entire Admin building. The library annex has been lined to create a communal display area/gallery. These works have ensured that the school has excellent facilities for teaching and learning.

Community Satisfaction Participation by the school community in the events and activities hosted by the school indicate that there is a high level of community satisfaction with the school. Record numbers of parents and grandparents attended welcome and farewell functions, Father’s Day and Mother’s Day events, Feast Day celebrations and cultural and prize giving events. The willingness of students to represent the school at sporting and community events remains strong. The promotion of the school in the local media allows the school to publicly celebrate its successes. This positive community support for the school has resulted in the school having extensive waiting lists for enrolment in all classes.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 9 Financial Information

The following graphs represent the income and expenditure for St Joseph’s Primary School, East Maitland for the school year ending 31 January 2013 as aggregated from the annual returns to the Australian Government’s Department of Education, Science and Training.

ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT 2012 10 Concluding Statement

In preparing this report, various staff members have analysed school information, school practices and student learning outcomes. Input, by the Parents & Friends Association also took place.

The school community is extremely proud of the achievements during 2012. The hard work of the students, the dedication of staff and the continued commitment and support of the parents and the Parents & Friends Association have resulted in a wonderful learning environment for students.

This report is a genuine account of the school’s achievements. Report Access and Publication

This report is available to members of the school and wider communities. Copies will be supplied to the Catholic Schools Office, The Board of Studies, The Parents and Friends Association, the Parish Priest and to all parents.

Copies of this school’s Annual School Report are available to the general public. Persons wishing to access a copy of the report should contact:

Mr Anthony Weir Principal St Joseph’s Primary School 55 King Street EAST MAITLAND NSW 2323 (02) 4933-5536

For further information relating to the Diocesan Policy please refer to:


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