Imagine School Lakewood Ranch CAMPUS
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I M A G I N E S C H O O L L A K E W O O D R A N C H C A M P U S “An Innovative Learning Community Where Every Child is Inspired to Succeed” Stephen Sajewski, School Leader
1 0 5 3 5 P o r t a l C r o s s i n g | B r a d e n t o n , F l o r i d a 3 4 2 1 1 | ( T ) 9 4 1 . 7 5 0 . 0 9 0 0
School Advisory Council Meeting Imagine School at Lakewood Ranch Minutes for March 1st, 2012 Meeting
I.) Meeting Call to Order-Meeting was called to order at 5:33
II.) Welcome
III.) Review of Minutes from January 5th, 2012 meeting –Minutes were reviewed
IV.) New Business
a. Restructuring of SAC of ISLWR-School Leader shared the need for ISLWR to move to a
stronger configuration of the SAC. The School Leader felt that the SAC needs to have appointed
officers with voting members consisting of parents, teachers, staff members, and local business
and community members.
b. General Information on SAC-School Leader-School Leader passed out information to those in
attendance on the general make-up and purpose of the SAC at any school. This information will
be shared again at the September meeting of the 2012-2013 school year.
c. Introduction of Draft Bylaws- School Leader left these documents in the office. Item was
tabled for April meeting. School Leader will bring documents to the next meeting.
d. Election of Officials-For the remainder of the school year, Interim Officials were elected. Mrs.
Fiorella Vega was elected as Interim Chairperson. Mrs. Becerra was elected as the Interim Vice-
Chairperson. In her absence, School Leader, Steve Sajewski suggested that Mrs. Jennifer
Venditti continue her role as secretary for the remainder of this school year.
e. Suggested Timeline-School Leader shared the timeline for new configuration of SAC.
V.) School Leader Report
a. Review of ISLWR SIP/Assessment Update (Academic Achievement)-Steve Sajewski had
reviewed with parents that the school was in the midst of FCAT preparation and the on-going I M A G I N E S C H O O L L A K E W O O D R A N C H C A M P U S “An Innovative Learning Community Where Every Child is Inspired to Succeed” Stephen Sajewski, School Leader
1 0 5 3 5 P o r t a l C r o s s i n g | B r a d e n t o n , F l o r i d a 3 4 2 1 1 | ( T ) 9 4 1 . 7 5 0 . 0 9 0 0 assessments were showing that our reading instruction was on target and we were behind in
mathematics (this was expected).
b. Florida Writes-ISLWR had successfully administered Florida Writes for the 2012 school year.
c. FCAT 2.0 and New School Grading System-The state of Florida will be moving to new cut
scores on the FCAT 2.0. Basically, this means our students will need to score higher this year to
maintain our grade. In addition, the state has devised a new school grading formula in which
ESE students will be counted in our proficiency portions of the grade. Right now, we have
approximately 135 students that are in our ESE program (about 25% of our school population).
Using last year’s score, the School Leader shared that we would be graded as a C for this school
d. Legislative Update-HB903 and SB1852 were debated long and hard in both the Florida House
and Senate respectively. In the end, both bills died and our efforts to secure equitable funding
fell short. However, we do feel that we have set the table for an even stronger push in 2013.
VI.) Parent Concerns or Celebrations-Questions were asked about our Middle School program for
2012-2013 school year. School Leader stated that more information will be forthcoming.
VII.) Next Meeting-Tentatively Scheduled for Thursday, April 5th, 2012 (no school on 6th) or April
12th, 2012-Meeting was eventually moved to Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
VIII.) Adjournment-Meeting was adjourned at 6:35PM. I M A G I N E S C H O O L L A K E W O O D R A N C H C A M P U S “An Innovative Learning Community Where Every Child is Inspired to Succeed” Stephen Sajewski, School Leader
1 0 5 3 5 P o r t a l C r o s s i n g | B r a d e n t o n , F l o r i d a 3 4 2 1 1 | ( T ) 9 4 1 . 7 5 0 . 0 9 0 0 ISLWR School Improvement Goals
Reading 2010-2011 Results 79% of students reading at or above grade level 62% of students making a year’s worth of progress in reading 59% of struggling students making a year’s worth of progress in reading
2011-2012 Goals 83% of students reading at or above grade level 65% of students making a year’s worth of progress in reading 65% of struggling students making a year’s worth of progress in reading
Math 2010-2011 67% of students at or above grade level in math 53% of students making a year’s worth of progress in math 56% of struggling students making a year’s worth of progress in math
2011-2012 Goals 75% of students at or above grade level in math 60% of students making a year’s worth of progress in math 60% of struggling students making a year’s worth of progress in math
Writing 2010-2011 Results 100% of our students scored at Level 3 or higher. 78% of our students scored at Level 4 or higher. 2011-2012 Goals 100% of our students will score at Level 3 or higher. 85% of our students will score at level 4 or higher.
Science 2010-2011 Results 53% of students at or above grade level in Science.
2011-2012 Goals 60% of students at or above grade level in Sciene. I M A G I N E S C H O O L L A K E W O O D R A N C H C A M P U S “An Innovative Learning Community Where Every Child is Inspired to Succeed” Stephen Sajewski, School Leader
1 0 5 3 5 P o r t a l C r o s s i n g | B r a d e n t o n , F l o r i d a 3 4 2 1 1 | ( T ) 9 4 1 . 7 5 0 . 0 9 0 0