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University of Central Missouri

University of Central Missouri Practicum in Counseling (Coun 5900) Course Syllabus Fall, 2008 (August 21—December 11, 2008) Thursday 6:00-8:45 rev 7/2008 INSTRUCTOR: George R. Sesser, Psy.D., LP, LPC, Professor of Counselor Education OFFICE: Lovinger 1337 TELEPHONE: (660) 543-8984 E-MAIL: [email protected] (Please include “COUN 5900” in subject line of all e-mail sent to the instructor) OFFICE HOURS: MWR 3:00-5:00 and by appointment TEXTBOOK: Evans, D. R., Hearn, M.T., Uhlemann, M. R., & Ivey, A. E. (2008) Essential Interviewing (7th ed.) Belmont, CA:Thompson (May substitute an earlier edition or an alternative Ivey text. Check with the instructor.) SUPPLEMENTAL (Elementary only) Landreth, G.L. (2002). Play therapy: The art of the relationship (2nd ed.). Bristol, TEXTBOOK: PA: Taylor & Francis, Inc. (May substitute 1st ed. or text used in Coun 5520.) CATALOG COUN 5900 Practicum in Counseling (3) Supervised practice of counseling in an approved setting appropriate to the DESCRIPTION: student’s program of study. Both individual and group supervision are provided. Prerequisites: COUN 5510, COUN 5610, 5230, 5720, COUN 5810 and Advanced Status. CONCEPTUAL Belief Statement: The Central educator is a competent, caring, reflective practitioner committed to the premise that all can FRAMEWORK: learn. Mission: As a cornerstone of the institution for over 130 years, the University of Central Missouri's Teacher Education Program develops teachers and other school professionals who are well grounded in theory, display competence in content knowledge and instructional strategies, and possess the dispositions to ensure success for all learners. The Teacher Education Program prepares individuals as professional educators for an ever-changing, culturally diverse population. Faculty and candidates provide support and service to schools in meeting their present and future challenges by developing communities that learn through research and scholarly activities. Educator preparation is a campus-wide responsibility, a commitment that reflects the honor and worth of serving a vital profession. COURSE Candidates will obtain supervised practical experience in using the specific knowledge, skills, and dispositions OBJECTIVES: fundamental to creating and maintaining an effective counseling relationship. Throughout the course candidates are provided with materials and insights regarding work with diverse populations that include exceptionality, ethnicity, culture, age, gender, sexual orientation, and intelligence. Candidates will: 1. identify and demonstrate proficiency in the basic attending and influencing skills used by effective counselors regardless of theoretical orientation. (CACREP 5.a,b, & c.) (MoSTEP 2. select and use individual and small group counseling theories and techniques appropriate to the needs of learners. (MoSTEP 3. use consultation strategies to improve communication and promote teamwork among school, community, and family. (CACREP 5.e) (MoSTEP 4. use appropriate referral resources and procedures. (MoSTEP 5. practice in accordance with ethical, legal and professional standards, including local school board policy. (CACREP 5.g.) (MoSTEP; 6. evaluate their practice, seek feedback from others, and use this information to improve performance. (MoSTEP 7. use personal reflection, consultation, and supervision to promote professional growth and development. (MoSTEP 8. use and model techniques of self-care, including consultation, journaling, and group support. (MoSTEP 9. document all counseling practice and other artifacts of professional development in a notebook. 10. actively demonstrate the dispositions of a Professional Counselor.

CACREP Standards for a Supervised Practicum in Counseling (CACREP III.G.) ( Minimum total of 100 clock hours of supervised practicum experiences that include the following: 40 clock hours of direct service with clients including experience in individual counseling and group work. An average of one (1) hour per week of individual and/or triadic supervision by a program faculty member. An average of 1.5 hours per week in group supervision by a program faculty member.


PRACTICUM SITE: It is the candidate’s responsibility to locate a practicum site and site supervisor acceptable to the instructor and appropriate to the candidate’s area of emphasis. It is the candidate’s responsibility to secure a signed counseling practicum agreement prior to the first class meeting. Candidates must bring their practicum agreement and proof of professional liability insurance to the first class meeting. CLASS ATTENDANCE: Candidates are expected to attend all group and individual supervision sessions, and to complete all field work described in the syllabus and other course documents. Candidates with documented disabilities who are seeking accommodations should contact the Office of Accessibility Services, Union 220, (V, TTY) 660-543-4421. ETHICS: Candidates are expected to comply at all times with the current Code of Ethics published by the American Counseling Association (ACA). Candidates are also expected to follow the regulations of the University of Central Missouri. Please review the current UCM Planner/Handbook for regulations concerning academic honesty and the academic appeal procedure. Practicum in Counseling (Coun 5900); Fall, 2008 Page 2

ASSIGNMENTS: 1. Videotape Equipment: Prior to the first class meeting, candidates will gain a degree of familiarity with equipment that will allow them to produce videotapes of sufficient quality to complete assignment number two. Candidates may checkout a camcorder, tripod, and wireless microphone from the instructor. 2. Tapes: Prepare videotapes of at least 20 sessions and maintain a log for each counselee. Each of the 20 videotapes must be either reviewed in group supervision (class), by a peer, site supervisor, or the instructor. Gather written critiques of the sessions from your reviewer(s). More than 20 tapes may be needed to obtain tapes appropriate for evaluation. 3. Interview Summary: Prepare a written report of each counseling session in standard format (see handout). 4. Individual Supervision: Beginning on August 28th, each candidate will select one recent tape for individual evaluation by the instructor. This recent tape (no more than 8 days old) will have the same documentation as the other tapes. Additionally, the candidate will transcribe the first 15, middle 15 and last 15 counselor responses/leads. Each of these transcribed counselor responses will begin with the date/time locator (recorded on the tape) and end with the correct classification according to the Ivey, Corey, or Landreth models as appropriate (see handout). Each candidate’s best seven transcribed tapes will be used for grade evaluation. Candidates must submit at least one transcribed tape every two weeks and no more than one transcribed tape each week for instructor evaluation or individual, face-to-face supervision. It is very important to get instructor feedback/supervision for a tape/transcript before submitting another tape/transcript. 5. Tape Review/Critique: Each candidate will review a minimum of 10 tapes from at least 5 different class members and prepare a written critique of the interview identifying both the specific positive and troubling aspects of the session. Please never provide nonspecific, judgmental feedback in tape critiques (e.g., Good Job!). Each candidate will maintain both a log of reviews, and a copy of critiques provided to other class members. 6. Journal: Maintain a weekly journal (typed) with three sections to fully document specifics of your practicum experience. Reflect your thoughts, emotional reactions, learnings, questions, goals, etc. relative to experiences 1) at the practicum site, 2) in class/group supervision, and 3) in individual supervision. These journal entries (minimum of 14) will be given to the instructor at the beginning of each class meeting for feedback. 7. Notebook: Prepare a notebook with all of the completed items listed above. The notebook must be a professional work product organized according to the format provided by the instructor.

CLASS PARTICIPATION: Each candidate is expected to demonstrate Professional Counselor Dispositions* while fully participating in class discussion, tape reviews, and other activities. Class will consist of a combination of group supervision, individual supervision (minimum of seven hours), group activities, and sharing information from outside readings. Candidates are expected to demonstrate Professional Counselor Dispositions* while accepting constructive feedback from candidates, site supervisors and the instructor. Strict confidentiality of discussions in class is required.

EVALUATION: Evaluation will consist of assessment of each candidate’s counseling skills (as demonstrated in tapes), Professional Dispositions,* and written assignments. Candidates will be asked to provide a self-evaluation, site evaluation, site supervisor evaluation and an anonymous evaluation of the instructor and the course.

SCHEDULE: Class Dates Project And Tape Due Dates Aug: 21, 28 First tape due on Aug. 28th prepared for instructor evaluation/supervision. Sept: 4, 11, 18, 25 Candidates may submit no more than one tape per week for instructor evaluation. Oct: 2, (9), 16, 23, 30 Midterm Notebook Review Oct 16th; At least 10 tapes must be documented. Nov: 6, 13, 20, (27) Dec 4th is the last day for individual supervision or tape submission for evaluation. Dec: 4, 11 Notebook is due no later than 6:00 PM on Monday, December 15, 2008. *No group supervision (class) or individual supervision on Nov 27th (Fall Break) or on Oct 9th (DESE/Counselor Educators Meeting) Grading System (See self-evaluation assignment forms for specific criteria) A…..Candidate performed at a superior graduate level as indicated by performance-based evaluation. B…..Candidate performed at the level expected of typical graduate candidates in a counselor education program. C…..Candidate performed below the level expected of graduate candidates in a counselor education program. D…..Candidate performed well below the level expected of graduate candidates in a counselor education program. F…..Candidate failed to meet criteria for a D or breached an ethical standard or failed to demonstrate a Professional Disposition* *Note that the grade will be partly determined by the evaluation of the candidate’s Professional Dispositions. Unconditional Positive Regard: Communicates nonjudgmental warmth and acceptance of others without regard to ethnic group, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, and/or disability. Compassion and empathy: Communicates concern for and accurate understanding of the thoughts and feelings of others. Personal Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development: Communicates eagerness for consultation with peers and supervision from instructors and makes appropriate changes in dispositions and behavior resulting in accurate self-evaluation and complete acceptance of personal responsibility for professional growth and development. Integrity: Demonstrates compliance with the current Code of Ethics of the American Counseling Association (ACA, 2005). Modeling: Seen by others as a model of functional human behavior and adaptive coping processes. University of Central Missouri Coun 5900 Practicum Self-Evaluation Assignment--A Rev 7/2008 Grade evaluation is criterion referenced. Please self-monitor this process throughout the semester.

Candidates choosing to earn an “A” for the Practicum Course must be able to check all of the following:

I completed all of the minimum course requirements identified on the course syllabus and handouts. In at least one area I have documented that I exceeded minimum course requirements. This area is identified as______.

I documented a minimum of 20 videotapes of counseling sessions and submitted a minimum of 7 for evaluation by the instructor. My average evaluation score is at least 90%.

My interview summary reports demonstrate my ability to fully document client sessions and conceptualize client issues. I carefully avoid typographical and grammatical errors that would make my reports look unprofessional. When the instructor identified errors in my interview reports, I made corrections and included corrected copies in my notebook.

I submitted a notebook that is an example of my superior organizational skills. It is a complete documentation of my practicum. (For example, my journal fully documents the details of my experiences and specific learnings in individual supervision, group supervision, and other experiences at the practicum site)

My notebook is not only well organized, but is also very neat and demonstrates a creative and artistic flair. I used peer feedback to improve my notebook.

I value professional ethics, including my promise to protect the confidentiality of my clients. Neither the instructor nor my peers can identify my clients or their family by reviewing my tapes or my notebook. (There is a minimum one letter grade penalty for any ethical violation or violation of UCM policy.)

I demonstrated each of the dispositions of a Professional Counselor, as defined in the course syllabus. I was not tardy for class or supervision. I actively contributed to class discussions and used the support and feedback from my peers and instructor for my professional growth. I maintained a positive attitude.

Reflective Statement One of the goals of this course is that candidates will demonstrate the dispositions of a Professional Counselor. Please demonstrate that you have developed Personal Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development by writing a reflective statement summarizing and reflecting on what you have learned during this practicum experience. Also, please define and describe your very specific professional development goals (what you still need to work on) during your internship experience.

______Candidate Signature Date Signed University of Central Missouri Coun 5900 Practicum Self-Evaluation Assignment--B Rev 7/2008 Grade evaluation is criterion referenced. Please self-monitor this process throughout the semester.

Candidates choosing to earn a “B” for the Practicum Course must be able to check all of the following:

I completed all of the minimum course requirements identified on the course syllabus and handouts.

I documented a minimum of 20 videotapes of counseling sessions and submitted a minimum of 7 for evaluation by the instructor. My average evaluation score is at least 80%.

My interview summary reports demonstrate my ability to fully document client sessions and conceptualize client issues. I avoid most typographical and grammatical errors that would make my reports look unprofessional.

I submitted a notebook that is an example of my good organizational skills. It is a reasonably complete documentation of my practicum. (For example, my journal documents the details of my experiences and specific learnings in individual supervision, group supervision, and other experiences at the practicum site)

My notebook is not only well organized, but is also neat and demonstrates a creative and artistic flair. I used peer feedback to improve my notebook.

I value professional ethics, including my promise to protect the confidentiality of my clients. Neither the instructor nor my peers can identify my clients or their family by reviewing my tapes or my notebook. (There is a minimum one letter grade penalty for any ethical violation or violation of UCM policy.)

I demonstrated each of the dispositions of a Professional Counselor, as defined in the course syllabus. I was not tardy for class or supervision. I actively contributed to class discussions and used the support and feedback from my peers and instructor for my professional growth. I maintained a positive attitude.

Reflective Statement One of the goals of this course is that candidates will demonstrate the dispositions of a Professional Counselor. Please demonstrate that you have developed Personal Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development by writing a reflective statement summarizing and reflecting on what you have learned during this practicum experience. Also, please define and describe your very specific professional development goals (what you still need to work on) during your internship experience.

______Candidate Signature Date Signed University of Central Missouri Coun 5900 Practicum Self-Evaluation Assignment--C Rev 7/2008 Grade evaluation is criterion referenced. Please self-monitor this process throughout the semester.

Candidates choosing to earn a “C” for the Practicum Course must be able to check all of the following:

I completed all of the minimum course requirements identified on the course syllabus and handouts.

I documented a minimum of 20 videotapes of counseling sessions and submitted a minimum of 7 for evaluation by the instructor. My average evaluation score is at least 70%.

My interview summary reports demonstrate my ability to document client sessions and conceptualize client issues. I avoid most typographical and grammatical errors that would make my reports look unprofessional.

I submitted a notebook that is an example of my good organizational skills. It is a reasonably complete documentation of my practicum. (For example, my journal documents the details of my experiences and specific learnings in individual supervision, group supervision, and other experiences at the practicum site)

My notebook is well organized, reasonably neat, and demonstrates a creative and artistic flair. I used peer feedback to improve my notebook.

I value professional ethics, including my promise to protect the confidentiality of my clients. Neither the instructor nor my peers can identify my clients or their family by reviewing my tapes or my notebook. (There is a minimum one letter grade penalty for any ethical violation or violation of UCM policy.)

I demonstrated each of the dispositions of a Professional Counselor, as defined in the course syllabus. I was not tardy for class or supervision. I actively contributed to class discussions and used the support and feedback from my peers and instructor for my professional growth. I maintained a positive attitude.

Reflective Statement One of the goals of this course is that candidates will demonstrate the dispositions of a Professional Counselor. Please demonstrate that you have developed Personal Responsibility for Professional Growth and Development by writing a reflective statement summarizing and reflecting on what you have learned during this practicum experience. Also, please define and describe your very specific professional development goals (what you still need to work on) during your internship experience.

______Candidate Signature Date Signed

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