Student Handbook Where Success Happens Every Day 2010-2011 School Year

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Student Handbook Where Success Happens Every Day 2010-2011 School Year

Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

Sandra Johnson, Principal

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 1 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


Ida B. Wells Academy, a choice school, provides a learner-centered, nurturing environment where students have an opportunity to acquire the skills necessary to experience daily success. The student-teacher ratio at the Academy is lower than in a traditional classroom; therefore, students receive greater benefits from their educational experience at the Academy.


Ida B. Wells Academy: A place of modern teaching and learning where excellence is not our goal; it’s our standard.


The mission of Ida B. Wells Academy is to offer our students a diverse curriculum designed to prepare them to become effective communicators, critical thinkers, proficient problem solvers, and responsible citizens up to and beyond graduation.

BELIEFS  Student success is the chief priority of the IDA B. WELLS ACADEMY learning community.  All students can and will strive to learn at higher levels.  Students learn in different ways and should be provided with a variety of instructional approaches to support their learning.  Students should be able to demonstrate not only their understanding of essential knowledge and skills, but also should be actively involved in solving problems and producing quality work.  Students should be given opportunity to apply their knowledge in real life situations.  Challenging and high expectations increase student, administrator, teacher, support staff, and parent performance, thereby increasing instances of appropriate student behavior.  Teachers, support staff, administrators, parents, students and the community should share responsibility for advancing the school’s mission.

 Our school should promote learning opportunities for all stakeholders.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 2 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

 The commitment to continuous improvement should be imperative so that students, teachers, support staff and parents become confident, self-directed, and lifelong learners.  Adults should model appropriate and acceptable behavior they expect children to exhibit.  Consistency is the key to effective curriculum implementation in a supportive environment.


Engage in Respectful Actions

Always Be Prepared

Get There On Time

Lead by Positive Example

Envision Success

Strive for Excellence

Eagles are always in the RIGHT place, doing the RIGHT thing, at the RIGHT time!

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 3 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year “AN IDA B. WELLS ACADEMY STUDENT”

I. “Dresses like an IBWA Student”

Students at Ida B. Wells Academy are expected to dress appropriately. Uniforms, per Memphis City Schools Board Policy, consist of khaki (beige), navy blue, or black pants/skirts/ walking shorts and a all white, dark blue, or gold blouse /shirt with a collar and sleeves. Under garments need to be all white. Walking shorts are straight-legged shorts that come to the knee. Skirts must also be knee length. Baggy pants are not allowed or leggings for girls. Pants must be straight-legged or boot-cut. Black, navy/dark blue, brown, or white belts must be worn around the waist. All white or all black shoes are uniform requirement at Ida B. Wells Academy. Solid black, white, khaki, dark blue (uniform colored) jackets that are permitted. (No sandals) Jeans are not permitted.

Boys are not permitted to wear jewelry of any kind. Caps and hats may not be worn inside the building. The Safety Agent or other staff will confiscate any jewelry worn by boys or hats worn in school. The confiscated items will not be returned until the end of the school year. SAGGING PANTS ARE PROHIBITED AT ALL TIMES.


II. “Looks Like an IBWA Student”

1. Students will carry books home daily. These are your tools for learning. 2. Students will complete all classroom and homework assignments. These are your keys to success. 3. Students will be prepared for class with the necessary textbooks, paper, agenda book, writing utensils, and other supplies for each class.

III. “Acts Like an IBWA Student”

1. Students are to be courteous, considerate, and possess a caring attitude. 2. Students are to respect all teachers and staff members. 3. Students are to respect themselves and each other.

IV. “Represents the School at All Times”

1. Students should demonstrate school pride by keeping the school environment clean of trash and graffiti. 2. It is a privilege to ride the bus to and from school. Students are to be respectful to the bus driver and fellow passengers, walk to their seats, talk quietly to their neighbors, remain seated, keep their hands, feet, and objects to themselves at all times. Any student who is reported not exhibiting positive behavior will not be

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 4 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

able to ride the bus. His/her parent/guardian will be responsible for the student’s transportation to and from school.


Interim/progress reports are issued to the students at the mid nine week grading period. Report cards are issued to the students at the end of each nine weeks. Parents are expected to review report cards.


Excellent A 93-100 Good B 85-92 Average C 76-84 Below Average D 70-75 Failure F Below 70 CONDUCT E- Excellent S- Satisfactory N- Needs Improvement U- Unsatisfactory PARENT CONFERENCES Parent/teacher/student/administrator conferences are an integral part of maintaining communication between the home and the school. Teachers are available for conferences during their planning time. Parents may schedule conferences by calling the guidance complex and giving the names of all the teachers they wish to see. A parent my schedule a conference with the principal by calling the main office. Conferences with teachers may not be scheduled during instructional time.

PROMOTION GUIDELINES In order to be promoted to the next grade level, students must earn a D (70%) average in all subjects. A focused intervention program (S.T.A.R.) will address each student’s specific area (s) of deficiency. Intervention strategies may include instructional programs/software, tutorial session, extended school day, and/or summer school.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 5 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


Make up work is the responsibility of each student. All work not completed due to unexcused and/or excused absences MUST be made up when the student returns to school.


Students are expected to attend and be on time each day school is in session. School opens at 7:15 a.m. daily. The students are required to enter the building through the cafeteria entrance between the hours of 7:15a.m. and 7:45a m. Students are tardy after 7:45 a.m. All arrivals after 7:45 a.m. must enter the building through the front door. You are required to check in at the Guidance Complex to get a tardy slip. Students will not be admitted to class without an admission slip. Student absences shall be excused with written documentation for the following reasons only:  Personal illness of the student.  Death or serious illness in the immediate family of the student.  Validated court appearances of the student.  Recognized religious holidays/events.  Any approved school sponsored activities sanctioned by the Principal.

After five unexcused absences/tardies, an Unexcused Absent Report/Home Suspension Notices is issued to the student. Repeated unexcused absences (not associated with suspension) will be treated as truancy and processed as outlined in TCA 49-6-3007 and referred to Juvenile Court.

CAFETERIA GUIDELINES Breakfast is served daily between 7:15 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. in the cafeteria. Lunch will be served daily. (See school’s daily schedule) Students, who want free or reduced meals, should return a completed application to the Guidance Complex. The application has to be approved to receive free or reduced meals.

In order to maintain a safe and pleasant atmosphere during the lunch period, these guidelines will be followed:  The teachers will escort their class to the restroom.  The support staff will monitor and escort the students to the cafeteria.  Upon entering the cafeteria, students will go directly to their assigned tables before being directed to the lunch line.  Students may not return to the lunch line after making their initial purchase and going to their seat.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 6 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

 Students will return to their assigned tables and remain seated throughout the lunch period.  Quiet talking is permitted during the lunch period.  Students are to clean the tables and the areas around the tables before leaving the cafeteria.  At the end of the lunch period, students will wait to be dismissed by the cafeteria monitors.  No food or drink is to be taken from the cafeteria.  Students will proceed quietly through the hall obeying all rules.


Students are allowed to go to the restroom after breakfast, before lunch, and after lunch. A student who has a medical problem may need to go to the restroom more frequently. There should be documentation of this on file in the office.


During school wide assemblies, students are expected to demonstrate respectful behavior. Any misbehavior by a student during a special program will result in the student’s removal from the program. The student will be sent to the Learning Enhancement Center. Parents will be contacted for a conference.


Students are not allowed to use any telephone without permission. If it is necessary to contact a parent/guardian, IBWA personnel will make the call. All student phone calls will be made in the Guidance Complex.


Visitors and parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. However, they must report to the main office where they will receive a visitor’s badge upon leaving their car keys or driver’s license.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 7 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year CHECK OUT POLICY

All parents/guardians checking out a student must do so in the Guidance Complex. Students cannot be checked out after 1:30 p.m.


Each student is assigned a locker when a nonrefundable locker fee of $3.00 is paid. Always lock your locker and keep the combination to yourself. Only school assigned lockers are permitted for use. Students MAY NOT share a locker with another student. The combination will be given to the renter and should be maintained in secrecy. Lockers should be kept neat and cleaned out on a weekly basis. Report all locker problems to your homeroom teacher. Ida B. Wells Academy is not responsible for any items stolen from school lockers. Remember that lockers are school property, and you are responsible for any vandalism or damage to them—including graffiti.

All coats, hats, book bags, and purses are to remain in your locker during the school day! Clothes should not be left in the lockers overnight.

The following times and guidelines are approved for locker use:

 Before homeroom- Students should get ALL supplies/materials for their morning classes from their lockers.  Before lunch- Students should get ALL supplies/materials for their afternoon classes from their lockers.  During dismissal- Students should get ALL supplies/materials necessary for homework.  Students are only permitted to go to the lockers during designated times.


All students should report lost and found items to the Guidance Complex. Check the Guidance Complex periodically if you have lost something.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 8 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year Arrival Procedures

We are asking all parents to drop off their child (ren) at the cafeteria entrance. The students are to stand or sit in the terrace area or back porch area. The door will open at 7:15am. The students are required to walk through the metal detector everyday. The students will go directly to the serving line for breakfast. After the bell rings, the cafeteria monitors will escort the students to the homeroom classes. The staff will monitor students at the lockers. Dismissal Procedures

The bus and daycare van riders will be dismissed at 2:40pm. and exit the building through the back door entrance. The students who ride with parents/guardians and all walkers will be dismissed at 2:45pm. will exit the building from the back entrance. Those students who walk and wait on personal transportation will wait at the front entrance steps. All students are expected to abide by uniform policy and procedures before and after school while they are on the school’s premises. The students are expected to abide by Ida B. Wells Academy rules and procedures before and after school as long as the student is on the premises. This includes remaining in school uniform and keeping school uniform shirts/blouses tucked in pants. The students should speak in a soft voice and profanity is prohibited at all times.

Bus Riders’ Rules & Procedures DISMISSAL TIME: 2:40PM (BUS RIDERS ONLY) MATA bus riders will be dismissed at 2:40pm. They will exit out the back/side door on Wick Street. All other students will leave at 2:45pm. All bus riders are required to stand at the bus stop waiting area. Horse playing, checking, wrestling, profanity, etc. is prohibited at the bus stop waiting area and on the bus.

Walkers & Students (Parents transport) Procedures Dismissal time: 2:45pm . Parents are required to drop off and pick up their child (ren) on the same side of the street as the school. All walkers must cross the street at the designated cross guard area (corner of Lauderdale & Walker). All walkers will be dismissed after the bell rings. All students who are being provided transportation by parents need to remain on the front porch area until their ride arrives. No students will be allowed to cross the street (without a parent/guardian escort) to enter a vehicle. All students being picked up must enter the vehicle from the sidewalk closest to the building.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 9 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


Good discipline within the school is necessary to ensure a proper learning environment. It is the responsibility of the Board of Education, the administrator, faculty, and staff to take measures necessary to provide the proper atmosphere for the instruction of pupils. Fostering good citizenship is one of the major functions of education.

One of the most important lessons education should teach is DISCIPLINE. While it does not appear as a subject, it underlies the whole educational structure. It is the training that develops SELF-CONTROL, CHARACTER, ORDERLINESS, and EFFICIENCY. It is the key to good conduct and proper consideration to other people. With an understanding of the purpose of discipline in the school, you may form a correct attitude toward it, while doing your part to make your school an effective place of learning.


Textbooks are a part of school property. Students, parents, or guardians will be required to pay for textbooks that are lost or damaged. The following sanctions shall be imposed by the Principal against a pupil who fails or refuses to pay for lost textbooks:

1. Additional textbooks will not be issued until restitution is made; 2. All reports, certificates of progress, or diplomas shall/may be withheld from the pupil; or 3. A suspension may be issued in extreme circumstances or when students are involved in transferring between schools.

The schedule below will be followed when determining the amount to be charged for a lost textbook: ANY NEW BOOK------100% OF REPLACEMENT PRICE


The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 10 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

VANDALISM AND PROPERT DAMAGE Students who destroy or vandalize school property will be required to pay for all damages. If students willfully destroy school property, suspension will follow. If you should happen to damage something by accident, you should report it to a teacher or to the office.


The possession or use of illegal drugs is a serious violation of municipal, state, and federal law. Students are required to obey these laws, both on and off campus. Students possessing, selling, using, or suspected of using drugs prohibited by law on school premises will be suspended, and the appropriate law enforcement official will be notified.


Any student who is approached in a manner of being extorted should immediately report such act to your parent, teacher, counselor, or administrator. The person or persons found guilty will be subject to immediate arrest.


1. Since it is a violation of the city ordinance to shoot fireworks, students are not to bring fireworks or incendiary objects of any kind on campus. Suspension will be immediate. 2. Students are not to bring merchandise onto the campus for the purpose of selling, unless it is an authorized school activity. 3. Students are not to loiter in the halls or go to other floors at any time. TRESPASSING

It violates board policy for any student to go onto the campus of another school during the school day. To do so subjects the guilty party to suspension, which will be issued if a student, is found guilty of trespassing?

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 11 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


In cases where students become involved in fights, all parties involved will be asked to leave school grounds upon notification of parents. After an investigation has been conducted, a suspension will be issued, and recommendations will be made to the Pupil Services Division. The Safety Agent, Guidance Complex staff, Administration, and faculty stand ready to assist any student in his/her conflict resolution.


Smoking is not permitted by middle school students in the building or on school grounds.


State law prohibits the presence of alcoholic beverages on school campuses; therefore, evidence of drinking or possession of any form of alcoholic beverages on the school campus or at school-sponsored activities will not be condoned and will result in strong disciplinary action.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 12 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability or sex (including sexual harassment, pregnancy, or parenting status) in its programs and activities. No student shall be denied equal access to or participation in, any school sponsored class, activity, or honors program on the basis of the aforementioned. Inquiries about non-discrimination should be directed to the school principal. Other questions may be directed to the Director of Pupil Services (Room 204, 2597 Avery Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38112).


Possession of weapons (real or look-alike), alcohol, and/or other drugs, electronic devices (e.g., pagers, beepers, cameras/ digital cameras, MP3 players, and cellular telephones) or other drug paraphernalia are strictly prohibited. Possession of such prohibited items or substances on a school campus or at any school-sponsored activity shall result in an immediate suspension and police involvement.

(Note TCA 39-17-1309; TCA 49-6-4201: the School Security Act of 1981; TCA XVII, the Gun-Free School Zone Act of the Federal Crime Control Act of 1990)

Students are required to use clear back packs.

The school will not reimburse any individual for any property stolen from our campus.


All students are required to wear a school ID badge every day. The badge is to be worn where it is visible at all times. If a student misplaces or damages the ID badge, the parent will be held responsible to pay a $5.00 replacement fee. All extra curricular activities, daily attendance, and discipline violations will be monitored through the students ID badges.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 13 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


1. Let your child know that homework is important and valuable. 2. Set a regular time each day to do homework, but allow some time to unwind after school before getting started. 3. Be sure your child has all essentials, such as paper, books, assignment book, and pencils. 4. Provide folders for your child’s papers and a calendar and or assignment book. 5. Have a quiet, clean well-lit place to study. 6. Discourage any distractions—including TV—during study time. 7. Answer your child’s questions and provide study aids; such as quizzes and flash cards, but keep homework your child’s responsibility to complete. 8. Spot-check homework when it’s completed. 9. Read all comments the teacher has made on returned assignments. 10. If a homework problem arises, contact the teacher for clarification.


1. Remind your child to start studying several days before a test. 2. Encourage your child to read through notes and homework and write down the most important points to help remember them. 3. Make flash cards for vocabulary or spelling words, and then help your child review them. Quiz your child on key points. 4. Let your child go over possible questions and answer them out loud. 5. Prepare your child to read each question carefully and to follow directions. 6. Tell your child to do all the easy questions first, and then go back over the ones he/she are unsure about. 7. Remind your child to re-check all work. 8. Teach your child simple tips to keep calm. These can include taking deep breaths and counting to ten. 9. Encourage your child to have a positive attitude and think positive thoughts to calm down, like “I know this stuff.” 10. If stress is a problem, tell your child to talk about it with you, a teacher, or the counselor.

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 14 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

IBWA Blue Ribbon Discipline Plan REFERRAL PROCEDURES



The following intervention procedures are used for students who continuously exhibit disruptive behavior. The IBWA Progressive Discipline Plan is as follows:

 Each team has worked together to create a Progressive Discipline Plan that compliments and includes all aspects of the IBWA School Wide Discipline Plan. All steps must be implemented and documented in each individual case.  A student will be referred to the Office of Student Accountability only after all steps have been exhausted in the Team Progressive Discipline Plan. He/she must have a written Referral Form to accompany him/her at the time of the referral.  Once a teacher/staff member has exhausted all in-class interventions and steps, the student should be referred to the Office of Student Accountability. All referrals must be Level 2 or above to be rendered a referral offense (please refer to your copy of the district’s Student Code of Conduct). No student is permitted to report to the Office of Student Accountability without adult supervision. Please communicate with the proper support staff members for assistance. No student should be referred to the Main Office for any reason.  The referral must explain in detail the offense, indicate its level, and be signed by the teacher or staff member. The student will write his/her statement once he/she enters the Office of Student Accountability. No class time will be interrupted to render statements.  The teacher must also mark the infraction in his/her Infraction Notebook for documentation purposes (can be used during parent conferences, suspension conferences, and to determine ISS assignments).  The Office of Student Accountability Coordinator will then review the infraction and referral form with the student and ask the student to respond by writing his/ her statement. The Coordinator will make a recommendation for discipline and complete the process. A final decision (ISS, Detention, OSS, and Parent Conference) will be written on the referral and a copy placed in the referring staff member’s mailbox. The consequence will be enforced (except in Zero Tolerance offences) the next school day (parent must be notified).

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 15 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

 The student’s parent(s) will be contacted by the Coordinator (no students will call home) and told of the offense and asked to expect to see written documentation from the student on the same day. If there is no answer, the Coordinator will leave a message.

 The student will be given an admit and paperwork: (ie. Suspension or Parent Conference Form) and escorted back to class by the Office of Student Accountability Coordinator so he/she will not miss any more class time.  The Coordinator will document the referral by entering it into SMS daily, by keeping a copy in the student’s file, and by providing the referring teacher/staff member with a copy of the referral indicating the consequences.




Level 1 Offenses (classroom only) include the following:  No supplies  No Homework  Checking  Uniform Violation  Out of Seat w/o permission  Disregarding classroom procedures  Unwanted contact w/other student  Off-task/Classroom  Talking without permission  Chewing gum/candy  Leaving materials in other classes  Walking out of line

If a student violates any of the Level 1 offenses, the teacher/staff will conduct the following steps before issuing the student a discipline referral: 1st Step: REDIRECT (verbally) 2nd Step: WARN #1 (verbally) 3rd Step: WARN #2 (verbally) 4th Step: DISCIPLINE REFERRAL & PARENT CONFERENCE (in writing). A parent conference will be issued by the Student Accountability Coordinator or the Professional School Counselor. The parent will be required to schedule and attend a parent conference within

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 16 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year


OFFICE REFERRALS All the following offenses, requires the student be escorted directly to the Student Accountability Office with one completed discipline referral form. (All Level 2 & above offenses) If a student violates level 2 and above offenses one time, they will receive a discipline referral.

Level 2 Offenses include the following:  2nd Offense of uniform violation  2nd Offense of cell phone violation  Leaving class/campus w/out permission  Disrespect, Insubordination  Defiance of school personnel’s authority  Gambling  Profanity at student  Possession/use of matches, lighter or fireworks  Theft (under $500)  False Accusations against a student  False fire/alarm (not accidentally)  Possession/use of tobacco product  Shoving a student (no injury)

Level 3 Offenses include the following:  Trespassing or loitering  Fighting LT 1 (minor injury)  Disruptive behavior throwing (food fight/chair)

Level 4 Offenses include the following: . Arson . Theft (over $500) . Possession of drug paraphernalia . Under the influence of unauthorized substance at school (no possession or use at school) . Possession/use of alcohol . Assault/battery against a student (result in minor injury)

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 17 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year

. Threats/intimidation against a student (non-serious) . Profanity at school personnel . Bullying . Extortion . Felony per Juvenile Court . Indecent exposure . Gang related activities (mandatory referral gang counseling) . Sexual harassment

Level 5 Offenses (11 or more days; Expulsion) o Fighting (serious injury, weapon use) o Aggravated assault (resulting in serious injury) o Sexual battery o Serious threat against student o Threat/assault (against school personnel) o False accusations against school personnel o Gang related activities o Possession/Sale of Drugs o Weapons use o Weapons possession o Fire bomb threat o Extortion

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 18 Ida B. Wells Academy Title I School Student Handbook “Where Success Happens Every Day” 2010-2011 School Year The Eagle’s Nest Incentive Program

Student behavior is a high priority at Ida B. Wells Academy. It is necessary to ensure a proper learning environment. The goal of all stakeholders is to curve negative behavior by rewarding/highlighting the positive.

GUIDELINES:  At the completion of regular attendance at school (scheduled first day of school/week) all students will receive recognition and credit.  Students will keep their “Earned Eagle Checks” in their agenda books.  Teachers will keep an accurate account of discipline referrals in their notebooks, and file discipline referral forms weekly.  Earned Eagle Checks will be rewarded to students weekly.  A specific deduction in the amount of earned credit will be deducted for each discipline referral.  Discipline referrals will be used by all teachers to document inappropriate and unacceptable student behavior. (Level 2 and above offenses ONLY)  Students can earn a total of nine hundred eagle credits or more in a nine week period.  The admission to each incentive program activity is $750 on an earned eagle check. Exception to Guidelines  Students who have been involved with a fighting/suspension incident in the current quarter will not be allowed to participate in the current quarter activities.  Students who accumulate 2 or more unexcused absences per quarter will not be able to participate in the schoolwide incentive program.  Students who accumulate three (3) or more tardies per quarter will not be allowed to participate in the school wide incentive program.

 Students can earn UNIFORM FREE PASSES for obtaining perfect attendance for 10 consecutive days. (every other week)

The Memphis City Schools does not discriminate in its programs or employment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, handicap/disability, sex, or age. 19

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