First Congregational Church of Plainfield s3

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First Congregational Church of Plainfield s3

First Congregational Church of Plainfield For Pastoral Care/Spiritual Needs United Church of Christ Contact a deacon listed below, or the pastor. 860-564-5932 Alternates: Patti Ihloff DECEMBER 4TH, 2016, THE SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT Deacons for December are Chelle and Merry PASTOR STEPHEN FINLAN If you have a special prayer request, please write your request and put it As the prelude begins please take this time in silence to prepare your hearts in the offering plate. PRELUDE - Jean Barrett, pianist INTROIT - The Children’s Choir Chimes Pastor Steve Finlan 732.266.8035 cell CANDLE OF REMEMBRANCE & PRAYER Chelle Wright 860.465.7577 cell We light this candle for those in harm’s way; Darlene Hill 860.428.7406 cell for those serving our country in the military, David Young 860.608.4696 cell for those in the service of the United Nations and George Brew 860.367.5232 cell for those involved in other humanitarian agencies. Jean Lukin 860.377.4488 cell Rebecca Theriaque 860.382.5505 cell ANNOUNCEMENTS Judy Jones Merry Humphrey 860.655.4837 cell Sherry Mason 860.913.4801 cell/860.822.1153 home CHOIR: “We Light the Advent Candles” ATTENTION LIGHTING THE SECOND ADVENT CANDLE by the Young Family: Craig, Danielle, Hayleigh, and Nicki Marie Young Choir chime members wanted – One: Did you know the Christmas story has TWO miracle babies? Rehearsals are Sunday mornings, at 9:15. Zechariah and Elizabeth thought they were too old to have a child, Grades 3-adult. No music experience needed. but the angel Gabriel appeared to Zechariah and promised that they would have a child who “will be great in the sight of God.” After this, Gabriel appeared to Mary and promised her a son, and she was surprised for a different reason. When the pregnant Mary visited her relative Elizabeth, John started kicking in Elizabeth’s GENERAL womb, somehow sensing the presence of the Promised One. - Visitors will find a guest book inside the front doorway on right. The people of John’s day were tired and frustrated under Roman - Child care is provided in our nursery. rule. But John didn’t preach rebellion. He preached repentance - There are activity bags located in the back of the sanctuary; and conversion. He cried out, filled with books, games and puzzles- help yourself. All: “Change your life! God’s Realm is here!” - A Card Request box is available inside the front doorway. Please let (The candle of LOVE is lit) us know if we might send a card to show we care. One: Let us pray. All: We give thanks for fulfilling the hope of the prophet Isaiah Church Cancellation due to weather tune into for the birth of the child who would become the Wonderful Channel 3 WFSB TV or Channel 8 WTNH TV Counselor, the Loving Son, and the Prince of Peace. CALL TO WORSHIP – Deacon Merry -5- One: The Reign of God is drawing near:

SCRIPTURE READINGS All: The prophet calls us to change our lives! Isaiah 9:1–2, 6 (see insert) Deacon Merry One: Prepare the way of the Lord! All: The Lord draws close to all of us! John 6:30–40 (see insert) Pastor Steve One: Jesus brings God ever closer to each one of us. The Message: “The Bread that Gives Life” All: Help us, Jesus, to commune with God!

SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION – Please stand. Invitation and Words of Institution read by Pastor Steve OPENING HYMN – “Gather Us In” # 649, verses 1–3

PRAYER OF INVOCATION – in unison led by Pastor Steve PRAYER OF CONSECRATION in unison led by Pastor: Holy God, God, sanctify us through communion with our risen Savior. We long for your peace, and trust in your promise; Jesus, we hold on to your promise we hear your call to turn toward you, that we will someday sit down with you at banquet to change our lives and welcome you in. in your heavenly kingdom. Meet us here and fill our minds with your wisdom and our hearts with your peace, that our worship together Please stand. may open us to your dream of wholeness for all. In the Name of the One who is coming, we pray. Amen. HYMN: “Break Now the Bread of Life” # 665 THE LORD’S PRAYER – in unison led by Pastor Steve Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. BENEDICTION Pastor Steve Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. BENEDICTION RESPONSE And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. As we go now from this moment, For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen as we leave behind our time together. May we walk with one another, may we help each other on the way. Please be seated As we go now from this moment, as we go into the future together May we treasure one another, may we realize how precious we are. CHILDREN’S SERMON PASTOR STEVE

-2- -3- Please stand. CHOIR ANTHEM: “Angels We Have Heard on High” DOXOLOGY Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Please stand Praise Him all creatures here below. PRAYER OF CONFESSION – Pastor Steve Praise Him above ye heavenly host. One: Oh God, you call us to turn our lives around, and work with Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. patience and diligence to prepare the way for your coming but we sometimes get discouraged and give up too soon. PRAYER OF DEDICATION- in unison led by Deacon Merry All: Lord, Have mercy. With these gifts, dear God, accept the praise and thanksgiving of One: Oh God, we hesitate to form the community our hearts, which rejoice in your goodness and love. that really reflects your way. Let our gifts point to your presence in the world, and further your All: Christ, have mercy. dream for the world through Jesus, Emmanuel, God-with-us. Amen. One: Help us to be full of joyful confidence you have for us. All: Lord, have mercy. HYMN: “We Meet as Friends at Table” #704 One: Forgive us, O God, and lead us in the ways of patience and joy. Silent confession..... Please be seated ASSURANCE OF GOD’S LOVE - Pastor Steve Hear the good news: Jesus, the model of pure love, is present PRAYER REQUESTS – Pastor Steve with us in the painstaking work of God forgiving our weakness, rebuilding our relationships, and restoring our joy. PREPARING OUR HEARTS FOR PRAYER All: We are loved. Amen. Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart , O God, may I be like you. GLORIA PATRI You are the Potter, I am the clay; Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. mold me and make me, this is what I pray. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. world without end. Amen. Amen. Change my heart, O God, may I be like you.

Please be seated. INVITATION TO SHARE –DEACON MERRY HUMPHREY THE CONGREGATION AT PRAYER The Ruler of Peace is coming, the prophet Isaiah says, and we await the Gift of God together. Our gifts today help us to strengthen one another and to offer hope to Lead me Lord; lead me in Thy righteousness. our community. Let us present our gifts and offerings. Make Thy way plain before my face. For it is Thou Lord, Thou Lord only, OFFERTORY that makest me dwell in safety.

-4- Calendar of Events Dec. 4, 2016 Our Church Family in Need of Prayer Mon., 12/05 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm The Baton Family Mon., 12/05 Trustees meeting, 7 pm The Hill Family Tue., 12/06 1 Corinthians Bible study, 6 pm The Shippee Family Tue., 12/06 Choir Practice 7:15 pm The Foular Family The Ducharme Family Wed., 12/07 Practice for Christmas pageant, 6 pm Alan Williams (Joan Bessette’s brother) Thur., 12/08 Women’s Prayer Group, 10 am Pat Palonen, Ellie Desjardin’s daughter diagnosed with breast cance Thur., 12/08 “Faith” Bible study, 6 pm Joey Backofen Eddie LaPerle Thur., 12/08 Open Hearts rehearsal, 7:15 pm Pat Michalski (continuing to battle cancer) Fri., 12/09 Paint Night - Winter Scene, 6:30 pm The Milliron Family (facing struggles, relatives of Elton & Leslee Sun., 12/11 Christmas Pageant Bunnell) Mon., 12/19 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Diane, Kelly and Alex Gaudreau (Sherry Mason’s family) Terry Tatro (being treated for cancer) Sat., 12/24 Christmas Eve Service, 8 pm (no service on Helen Coombs (resident of Davis’ Place) Sunday, Christmas Day) Bob Vickers (recovering from surgery) Kenny and Sarah Phaiah (Amy’s friends with health problems) Norma Sharkey (cancer and treatment) Fund raising Events Linda Lukin (Jean’s daughter recovering from cancer treatment ) th December 9 Paint Night Winter Scene 6:30 pm Bobby Stewart (Bruce &Phyllis’ son continuing chemotherapy) Rebecca Theriaque (continued healing) Order your Gift Cards today for Christmas. They will be delivered Gregory Cruz (deployed overseas – prayers for his mom, Kristin) Dec. 11th and you can pay for your cards on Dec. 11th. Jocelyn Espeleta (8 yr.old surviving cancer, friends of Carol Credit) Gerald Bergsten (Rebecca’s grandmother) Cody O’Bryon Rudy Schmied, The LaFlamme Family, Stephen Snellgrove (as he continues to undergo rehabilitation) Amy Vaughan’s mother Suzanne recovering from Hip replacement surgery

For our military and their loved ones. For all victims of natural disaster . For all those in crisis around our world. For all who are struggling with faith in Christ that they may know real and enduring love. Calendar of Events Dec. 4, 2016 Our Church Family in Need of Prayer Mon., 12/05 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm The Baton Family Mon., 12/05 Trustees meeting, 7 pm The Hill Family Tue., 12/06 1 Corinthians Bible study, 6 pm The Shippee Family Tue., 12/06 Choir Practice 7:15 pm The Foular Family The Ducharme Family Wed., 12/07 Practice for Christmas pageant, 6 pm Alan Williams (Joan Bessette’s brother) Thur., 12/08 Women’s Prayer Group, 10 am Pat Palonen, Ellie Desjardin’s daughter diagnosed with breast cance Thur., 12/08 “Faith” Bible study, 6 pm Joey Backofen Eddie LaPerle Thur., 12/08 Open Hearts rehearsal, 7:15 pm Pat Michalski (continuing to battle cancer) Fri., 12/09 Paint Night - Winter Scene, 6:30 pm The Milliron Family (facing struggles, relatives of Elton & Leslee Sun., 12/11 Christmas Pageant Bunnell) Mon., 12/19 Daisy Scouts meeting, 6 pm Diane, Kelly and Alex Gaudreau (Sherry Mason’s family) Terry Tatro (being treated for cancer) Sat., 12/24 Christmas Eve Service, 8 pm (no service on Helen Coombs (resident of Davis’ Place) Sunday, Christmas Day) Bob Vickers (recovering from surgery) Kenny and Sarah Phaiah (Amy’s friends with health problems) Norma Sharkey (cancer and treatment) Fund raising Events th Linda Lukin (Jean’s daughter recovering from cancer treatment ) December 9 Paint Night Winter Scene 6:30 pm Bobby Stewart (Bruce &Phyllis’ son continuing chemotherapy) Rebecca Theriaque (continued healing) Order your Gift Cards today for Christmas. They will be delivered Gregory Cruz (deployed overseas – prayers for his mom, Kristin) Dec. 11th and you can pay for your cards on Dec. 11th. Jocelyn Espeleta (8 yr.old surviving cancer, friends of Carol Credit) Gerald Bergsten (Rebecca’s grandmother) Cody O’Bryon Rudy Schmied, The LaFlamme Family, Stephen Snellgrove (as he continues to undergo rehabilitation) Amy Vaughan’s mother Suzanne recovering from Hip replacement surgery

For our military and their loved ones. For all victims of natural disaster . For all those in crisis around our world. For all who are struggling with faith in Christ that they may know real and enduring love. John 6:30–40

Isaiah 9:1–2, 6 30 They said to him, “What sign are you going to give us then, so

In the former time he brought into contempt the land of that we may see it and believe you? What work are you performing? 31Our ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, but in the latter time he written, ‘He gave them bread from heaven to eat.’ ” 32Then Jesus will make glorious the way of the sea, the land beyond the said to them, “Very truly, I tell you, it was not Moses who gave you Jordan, Galilee of the nations. the bread from heaven, but it is my Father who gives you the true bread from heaven. 33For the bread of God is that which comes down 2 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great from heaven and gives life to the world.” 34They said to him, “Sir, light; give us this bread always.” those who lived in a land of deep darkness—on them light 35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to has shined. me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty. 36But I said to you that you have seen me and yet do not 6 For a child has been born for us, a son given to us; believe. 37Everything that the Father gives me will come to me, and authority rests upon his shoulders; and he is named anyone who comes to me I will never drive away; 38for I have come

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, down from heaven, not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me. 39And this is the will of him who sent me, that I should lose Prince of Peace. nothing of all that he has given me, but raise it up on the last day. 40This is indeed the will of my Father, that all who see the Son and believe in him may have eternal life; and I will raise them up on the last day.”

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