Draft Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council Held at Bishops

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Draft Minutes of an Ordinary Meeting of Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council Held at Bishops


PRESENT: Councillors: C. Gabbitas (Chairman), L. Balzaretti (until 9pm), R. Bullen, M. Greene (from 7.35pm to 9.40pm), C. Herbert, G. Leeke, P. Whitwood, County Cllr. L. Caborn, District Cllr. A. Day (until 9.20pm). 2 members of the public.

1. Apologies for absence Cllr. S. Deely (personal commitment) and Cllr. L. Carter (business commitment).

2. Public Session A resident explained the situation with a planning application, that has already been approved, and asked for advice regarding a letter from the Planning Department. It was agreed that Cllr. Bullen would like into this and respond to the resident. ACTION: Cllr. Bullen to look into this. 7.35pm Cllr. Greene arrives.

3. Declarations of interest Cllr. Greene declared pecuniary interests in items 5(vi) and 5(xii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee. The Chairman declared pecuniary interests in items 5(vi) and 5(xii) as a St. Chad’s Centre Trustee.

4. Acceptance of the minutes of the previous meeting (May) The Clerk had circulated the draft minutes prior to the meeting. Cllr. Bullen proposed that the minutes be approved, seconded and carried unanimously. The Chairman signed the minutes.

5. Financial/Administration (i) Bank balances The following bank balances were reported: Current Account - £95,788.07 Investment Account - £63,366.87 (ii) To review Leamington Hibs rent update Cllr. Leeke said that he felt that the rent was reasonable but he would look into it and liaise with Leamington Hibs. Councillors agreed that this was acceptable for this year as there might be some disruption with the Bloor development. It was agreed that next year a full review would need to be carried out. ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to look into the rent and liaise with Leamington Hibs. (iii) To consider the options for the management of the public open spaces on the Bloor Development update Cllr. Whitwood said that he has a meeting arranged for next week. ACTION: July agenda item. (iv) Bloor Development contribution towards play equipment update The Clerk reported that the lump sum has been received but that the District Council are looking at the annual maintenance sum. (v) To agree to pursue claims for replacement trees damaged by road accidents The Clerk said that a letter has been sent regarding the damage to the tree outside The Old Hall. She will be visiting Leamington Police station shortly in respect of the other tree. ACTION: July agenda item. 8.20pm The Chair was passed to Cllr. Whitwood. (vi) St. Chad’s Centre Trust update Cllr. Greene was asked to provide a quick update. He said that the build was moving forward with the roof being fitted shortly but later than planned. Funds are tight but they are being carefully monitored and kept to budget. Cllr. Leeke asked if the trustees could prepare for the hiring of the hall. Cllr. Greene said that they are already discussing procedures. It was agreed that the trustees would update the meeting in September regarding procedures, opening ceremony and when works will finish and planting bulbs on the green can start. ACTION: September meeting agenda 8.25pm Cllrs. Greene and Gabbitas leave the meeting. The Clerk explained that a wayleave agreement needs to be signed in respect of supplying electricity to the centre. The route of the cable will be along by the hedge and this has been agreed in a previous meeting. Councillors agreed that running a cable by the hedge was sensible and could see no issues. The Trustees have signed a licence agreement stating that the green will be repaired following any damage. Cllr. Leeke proposed that the agreement be signed, seconded and carried unanimously. ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for the wayleave agreement to be processed. The Chairman asked if the agenda could be rearranged to consider item (xii) while Cllrs. Gabbitas and Greene are not in attendance. There were no objections. (xii) Passing of following accounts for payment: RESOLVED: that the following accounts be approved for payment (proposed Cllr. Bullen, seconded Cllr. Balzaretti and carried unanimously). Mrs. C. Hill - Clerk’s gross salary; June Mr. D. Connolly - Play area inspections (June) - £20.00 Mr. A. Gandy - Meadow grass cutting (May) - £240.00 Mr. D. Connolly - grass cutting (April) - £212.00 St. Chad’s Centre Trust - construction of the centre - £4,000 St. Chad’s Centre Trust - construction of the centre - £4,544.46 8.28pm Cllr. Gabbitas and Greene return to the meeting. Cllr. Gabbitas takes the Chair. (vii) NALC annual salary award This is the national salary award of 1%. It was agreed that this should be applied to the Clerk’s salary. (viii) To consider a risk assessment This was circulated prior to the meeting. Councillors approved the assessment. A copy is attached to these minutes. (ix) Internal auditor’s report The Clerk had circulated the report. The recommendations were noted. (x) To consider whether to join a joint standards committee with Warwick District and to consider a nomination to that committee Councillors agreed that this should be adopted. Cllr. Leeke proposed that the Chairman be nominated to the committee, seconded and carried unanimously. ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the District Council. (xi) To review the marquee donations Councillors agreed that a full review should be carried out in October. Cllr. Whitwood said that he believed the donation from residents should be lowered since they own the marquee. This was discussed and Cllr. Greene proposed that the donation should be reduced to £100 if residents are able to erect the marquee themselves, seconded Cllr. Whitwood and carried unanimously. This should also encourage more volunteers to help with bookings. Once the donations have been agreed the marquee should be more widely advertised. ACTION: Note in the magazine regarding the reduced rate of £100 for residents. October agenda item. 6. Warwickshire County Council Matters (i) To receive report Cllr. Caborn reported that the centre which deals with safe guarding children has been formally opened. It is working very well. The County will be starting to look at the budget shortly. Still looking at merging the Fire and Rescue Service with Hereford and Worcester. (ii) Traffic and Road Safety update Cllr. Carter had sent round an update prior to the meeting. Councillors asked if there would be any funding from the Seven Acre Close planning application. Cllr. Day said that he believed there would be and that he would be working with Cllr. Carter to try and ensure that funding is secured. (iii) Bus shelter project to agree new location based on utility search It was agreed that the Chairman and Councillors Balzaretti and Bullen would peg out the location for the shelter. The Chairman said that she is unsure who owns the area where they would like the shelter. It was agreed that once it is pegged out the Chairman would pass a map to the Clerk who would ask the County Council if they own it. ACTION: The Chairman and Cllrs. Balzaretti and Bullen to agree a location for the shelter and peg it out. (iv) Flooding on Mallory Road/Oakley Wood Road update Cllr. Bullen said that a resident is assisting with this. He agreed to keep us updated. ACTION: July agenda item. (v) Kingsley Road verges update It was agreed that the Parish Council should wait until the new entrance is finished at the school before pursuing. (vi) Reducing the speed limit on Harbury Lane from Europa Way to Tachbrook Road to 30mph update ACTION: Cllr. Caborn to follow up on this. (vii) Changes to bus services update Cllr. Leeke said that he has drafted a note for the magazine. He has a consolidated timetable for the buses which he believes should be included in the parish magazine and a copy placed on the website. It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke would liaise with the editor of the magazine. ACTION: Cllr. Leeke to arrange for the information to be inserted in the magazine and on the website.

7. Warwick District Council Matters (i) To receive report Cllr. Day reported that there was a £1.7 million surplus for last year. This is being reinvested. Local Plan has been submitted. Gypsy and traveller site locations are being revisited. Excellent support from officers with regard to leisure and amenities. Section 106 funding from Seven Acre Close and Tollgate House should be sought for the school. It was agreed that Cllr. Deely should liaise with the school. ACTION: Cllr. Deely to liaise with the school regarding funding requirements. (ii) Tachbrook Country Park; update We have responded to their draft. (iii) 73 Mallory Road (Walnut Tree Cottage) update The Clerk reported that enforcement has visited the site and agreed that the owner should tidy it up. A developer is trying to contact the owners. The County Council will be clearing the footways. 9pm Cllr. Balzaretti leaves the meeting (iv) Training/support sessions; 6th June No one was able to attend.

8. Amenities Matters (i) To receive report Cllr. Whitwood reported that the cycleway and new paths need maintenance. A small flail mower would be ideal for this work. New they cost about £2,000, second hand between £600 and £700. The Clerk confirmed that there is funding available in the budget. Cllr. Greene proposed a maximum cost of £700 for a flail mower, seconded Cllr. Leeke and carried unanimously. It was agreed that Cllr. Whitwood would try and find a flail mower. ACTION: Cllr. Whitwood to look for and purchase a flail mower for a maximum cost of £700. Cllr. Leeke reported that the District Council should be sorting the vegetation on Church Lees. (ii) New benches - project update The Chairman said that she has looked at Barfords benches which would be suitable. (iii) Sports, Leisure and Well-being projects update The Chairman reported that the visit to Barfords was very good. Their play area is excellent. (iv) Outdoor gym - project update The Chairman said that she is trying to secure more quotes. (v) Meadow storage - project update Cllr. Whitwood said that we could use empty garages. Cllrs. Whitwood and Day to look into this. ACTION: Cllrs. Whitwood and Day to liaise with the District Council to see if there are any empty garages we could use. (vi) Paul’s working parties - update Next working party a week on Saturday. The cycleway needs attention and the dead tree on Overberry Orchard needs removing. ACTION: Cllrs. Whitwood and Leeke to liaise regarding the footpaths. (vii) Play area inspection request The Clerk was asked to arrange this. ACTION: The Clerk to arrange. (viii) Damage to equipment on the Meadow update Cllr. Leeke said that he is arranging for the wood to be purchased. (ix) Church Hill; lifting of tarmac Cllr. Deely has reported this.

9. Police/Community Matters (i) To note report from Police No report received. Cllr. Leeke said that he would like the Parish Council to consider drafting a letter to the new Chief Commissioner regarding support. ACTION: July agenda item. (ii) To consider request for landing a helicopter on the Meadow The Clerk reported that our insurance company has requested a risk assessment be carried out. Councillors agreed that this request should be passed to the resident who is asking for this. ACTION: The Clerk to liaise with the resident who is requesting this. (iii) Safer Neighbourhood Team Staffing Structure This had been circulated prior to the meeting. It was agreed that it should be displayed on the website. ACTION: The Clerk to arrange for this to be displayed on the website. (iv) To consider requests for use of the Meadow on 25th June and 16th July The Clerk confirmed that a licence agreement has been received for the 25th June. Councillors agreed these requests. Cllr. Greene said that we need to consider a small fee for this service once the Meadow is finished. ACTION: November agenda item. 9.20pm Cllr. Day leaves the meeting.

10. Planning Matters (i) Neighbourhood Plan to appoint an examiner It was agreed that the District Council should be asked to appoint Mr. McGurk. ACTION: The Clerk to request this. (ii) Deed of Easement update The Chairman and Cllr. Leeke said that they would be meeting with our solicitor shortly. (iii) Deed of Variation update The Club is in the process of appointing a solicitor. (iv) AC Lloyd meeting update plus consider their suggestions for street names It was agreed that the names suggested by the school should be adopted; Queen Elizabeth Way (main spine road), Kensington Place, Buckingham Avenue and Sandringham Road. The Clerk to confirm to the District Council. ACTION: The Clerk to confirm the names to the District Council. (v) Bloor meeting update; verge restoration Oakley Wood Road It was agreed that Cllr. Leeke would attend the meeting that Cllr. Whitwood has arranged for next Wednesday to discuss. (vi) Planning Committee Meeting feedback Seven Acre Close was approved. (vii) Planning application no. 16/0892 - 1 Bishops Close Councillors agreed to raise no comments or objections subject to the 45 degree rule. ACTION: The Clerk to respond to the Planning Department. 9.40pm Cllr. Greene leaves the meeting.

11. To consider approving the Annual Governance Statement The questions were read out and councillors responded. It was agreed that the statement could be approved. It was signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

12. To consider approving the 2015/16 accounts and statement of accounts Councillors agreed that the accounts and statement of accounts could be approved. They were signed by the Chairman and Clerk.

13. Date of next meeting 21st July 2016 at 7.30pm. The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.45pm.

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