Infinity Mileagelands
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無限萬哩遊會員服務中心 INFINITY MILEAGELANDS SERVICE CENTER 33801 桃園市蘆竹區新南路 1 段 376 號 No. 376, Sec. 1, Hsin-Nan Road, Luchu Dist., Taoyuan City, 33801 Taiwan R.O.C. 3. up a se p F W In 2. 1. Eli membershi Pleas a bu priori A nume st st st G T A Diamon membership ca an journe A tickets c th member- a a c ompa- r n ro t n cc he l o and en c " child mus E i i ir/UNI a
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t a enable cc ou 4. Or simply fill out the attached membership application form, and send/ fax it to Infinity MileageLands service center, or handover to your local EVA Air office/ airport staff/ inflight crew. 5. Infinity MileageLands service center will issue digital card to you within 2-4 weeks by e-mail after receiving your application form. Please download your digital card. You can easily show your digital membership card with electronic devices and enjoy benefits. Wherever you go, Infinity MileageLands always travels with you. Reminder
1. Please print clearly. 2. Membership is for individual travelers only. Each individual must complete a separate application for membership. English names is registered in Infinity MileageLands must be exactly the same as reservation and passport. Any name discrepancy will prevent mileage data being credited to your account. 3. To ensure proper credit for mileage, please provide your name (as it appears on your card) and card number to our booking agent when making reservation or present membership card to check-in agent when checking in. 4. Mileage accrual begins with your enrollment in the Infinity MileageLands and can be traced back to the last six months after enrollment. 5.A member who has registered a valid e-mail address in his/her member data will receive Electronic Mileage Statement in the next month, otherwise member will receive Mileage Statement via postal mail every month or in January and July based on the membership status if the Infinity MileageLands accounts have any traveling credits or mileage / electronic certificate changes. Mileage statements will list the total accumulated mileage; electronic certificate balance and mileage redemption record. Please contact the Infinity MileageLands Service Center or visit EVA Air’s website at ww w .e v aai r . c o m if not received your statement. 6. EVA Air is not responsible for any miss mileage credited if documentation fails to reach the Infinity MileageLands Service Center, data is incomplete or applicant’s name is different to reservation. 7. Please refer to the membership handbook for detailed rules. Or visit EVA Air’s website at ww w .e v aai r . c om. 8. The Infinity MileageLands Service Center: Taiwan-TEL: 886-2-25017899 FAX: 886-3-3510022 Privacy & Security Statement The Infinity MileageLands of EVA Air (hereinafter the “Company”) is D. How your information may be used: Applying membership through the EVA Air’s website ww w .evaai r . c o m can earn extra 1,000 bonus committed to protecting members’ privacy and rights while using their The personal information you provide is processed via miles. personal data during transactions, and hereby makes the following computerized instruments, with the required data transmit- statement in accordance with Article 8 of the Personal Information ted internationally to the Company and its contractors, APPLICATION FOR INFINITY MILEAGELANDS MEMBERSHIP Protection Act. agencies or business partners, for the provision of products (1) Purpose and method of collection Please fill out the columns in print, any incomplete data providing may result in non - membership to Infinity MileageLands. and services. The Company shall make every effort to Infinity MileageLands collects personal data for such purposes as ensure that its employees, agents, contractors and partner Gender: Male Female Nationality membership management, transportation management, : service providers observe and adhere to the terms of this consumer/client management, membership services, product Privacy Policy. English Name:(English name must be exactly same as reservation and passport. )
marketing, and statistical surveys and analyses (statutory specific (4) Other important information: First/Given Middle Name: Last/Family Name: purpose items: No. 029, 090, 052, 040 and 157). The personal Member’s personal information may be supplied to the Company’s Name:
information is obtained from information provided by Infinity Family Name in Chinese: Given Name in Chinese: co-branded card issuers, for example: Cathay Unite Bank MileageLands applicants. Taiwan, American Express International (Taiwan) Inc. Passport Number (2) Types of personal information collected : A. Purpose: to inform members of marketing/promotional The personal information collected by the Infinity MileageLands I.D. No.: events and special offerings concerning the co-branded includes the following: (Please ensure fill out I.D. No. if you hold a passport of R.O.C.) cards. C001: Personal identifiers (including, but not limited to: Chinese B. The personal information supplied includes: Chinese/English Date of Birth: Year Month day full name, English full name, business title, home address, full name, gender, I.D. Card number, membership card business address, home number, cell phone numbers, fax Guardian’s Membership No.: number/type, year of birth, telephone number, mobile phone number, email addresses, etc.) (Please ensure you fill out Guardian's Membership No. if the applicant is aged 2-12.) number and home address. C003: Identifiers issued by government agencies (including, but C. Time period: within the period of existence of the contractual not limited to: I.D. Card number, passport number, etc.) relationship between the Company and co-branded card C011: Personal details (including, but not limited to: gender, date Phone/Home Phone: issuers, or the record retention period stipulated by relevant of birth, nationality, country of residence, etc.) Country Code Area Code Phone regulations, or according to the terms and conditions of the C023: Details of the member’s family members (including, but not No. Business Phone: co-branded card issuers. limited to: guardian’s membership number, etc.) Country Code Area Code Phone D. Targets and regions: the co-branded card issuers’ C031: Residence and housing facilities (including, but not limited No. Mobile Phone: Taiwan offices and locations of their contractors for handling to: home address, etc.) Country Code Area Code Phone No. related affairs. C034: Travel and other migration details (including, but not (Please fill out at least one contact number.) E. Methods: the collection, processing, international transmis- Facsimile Number: E-Mail Address: limited to: travel places and traveler information details) sion and use of personal information in accordance with the (Please ensure fill out E-MAIL Address.) C038: Occupation (including, but not limited to: company name, regulations of the Personal Information Protection Act (such Company Name: Business Title: business title, etc.) as digital files, paper documents, phone, or any other method (3) Time period, regions, purposes, targets and methods of using considered fit for dominant technologies at the time of data Mail to: □Home □Business Zip Code: the personal information collection). A. Time period: during the operating period of the Company. (5) Member's rights to his/her personal information: Mailing Address: (Please ensure fill out mailing address. Mailing to a travel agency or a hotel will not be accepted.) Anyone who voluntarily provides the Company with his/her
B. Regions: Member’s data will be used by the Company’s personal information is entitled to the following rights according
worldwide offices for relevant service provision. to the Personal Information Protection Act: Preferred language: □Chinese Version □ English Version C. Purposes and targets: A. Make an enquiry or request reviewing the information. Agree to receive information of EVA Air. (e.g.: Infinity MileageLands E-News) □agree □do not a. Member’s data may be used by the Company, its B. Request a copy of the information. agree Agree to receive promotion information from partners of EVA Air / EVA Air Co-Brand Card. □agree □do contractors, agencies and /or business partners to offer C. Request supplementation or corrections. not agree Agree to receive information from Star Alliance. □agree □do not agree services that include, but are not limited to: general/online E. Request stopping of data collection, handling or utilization. reservations, online shopping, online check-in, text-mes- F. Request deletions. D. saging, online events and membership rewards programs. G. of the personal information, as H. Members could exercise any of the aforementioned rights through stated in Article 3 of the The data will also serve as a basis for statistical the Company’s website or customer service hotlines worldwide; your surveys/analyses that will facilitate the provision of the request will be handled as soon as your identity is verified. services mentioned above. I. If you provide incorrect or incomplete personal information, such b. For the presentation and marketing of products, including the as a nickname, which prevents us from verifying your real services and products of the Company and/or of a third-party contract partner. identity, we might be unable to uphold your privacy rights (i.e., c. For safety, security or legal purposes, such as when the rights with regard to inquiry and request for viewing requested by the airport authorities, government or law Please complete the follow list and attach ticket/boarding pass can be found in your next Mileage Statement. Unclear flight Member’s information such as member number, name, prefer I have read and agree the conditions copies if you information will lead to mileage accumulation failure. Clanguagarrier Ceode, emailFlig anht dN otr.aveFll oinwnform DaatetionClas masy o fbTeicket suppliedFrom to partneTor of Reminder, and the privacy & flew EVA Air/UNI Air international flight and Star Alliance flight of EVA Air or the Star Alliance if you agree to receive information security statement. within the last six months before enrollment. Mileage accumulation from partner of EVA Air or Star Alliance. SIGNATURE OF DATE enforcement/police agencies. Personal Information APPLICANT: Act).
OCT 2016