Thomas Jefferson: “The Declaration of Independence”

1. Why are the colonists publishing to the world their reasons for separating from Britain?

2. According to the Declaration, all men are created ______.

3. The Declaration holds that people have three inalienable rights. What are those rights?

4. According to the Declaration, why are governments formed?

5. According to the Declaration, what should happen to a government that fails to perform its function?

6. List two phrases that make the British king and Parliament appear guilty of great injustices.

7. According to the Declaration, who has behaved like a tyrant?

8. List two phrases that make the American colonists appear justified in their revolution against and separation from Britain.

9. The Declaration lists in detail the colonists’ complaints. List three you consider to be the worst actions of England. Defend your responses.

10. After the listing of complaints, the Declaration emphasizes that the colonists have tried using peaceful means to gain just treatment from the king. Why?

11. What do the Representatives pledge to each other?

12. John Adams was first approached by the Continental Congress to write the Declaration of Independence. Adams declined and recommended Thomas Jefferson because Jefferson was the better writer. Describe at least two ways in which the Declaration displays the hallmarks of good writing.

13. Find an example of parallelism.