Integrated Science Syllabus
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Integrated Science Syllabus
Course description: This course will introduce you to techniques and methods employed in both chemistry and physics. You will make connections between these chemistry and physics concepts and the real world. Hands-on labs and activities will reinforce these processes.
Length: 36 weeks Instructor: Misty Decker Room: 110
Content: All Kentucky High School Physical Science Core Content (
Units of Study: Science and Measurement Atoms and Elements Properties of Matter Chemical Bonding Chemical Reactions Nuclear Reactions Energy Motion Electricity/Magnetism Sound/Waves
Materials: A notebook (for this class only!), 4 two pocket folders with prongs (one for each nine weeks), pencil/pen, index cards and a great attitude.
Textbooks: I have a classroom set of textbooks. These textbooks will be used regularly; however, they will stay in the classroom. Therefore, a textbook will not be issued to you to bring back and forth to class. If you need a textbook to finish an assignment, study for a test, etc, you make check one out from me.
Methods: Instruction will consist of lecture, discussion, demonstrations, labs, and scientific reading and writing.
Expectations: All school policies will be enforced in this classroom (Conduct, Dress Code, etc.). In addition to school policies, the following classroom guidelines will be followed.
1. Come to class on time PREPARED to work.
2. Enter and exit the classroom in an orderly and proper manner. (Do not gather at the door before or after class.)
3. Follow the Golden Rule!
4. Labs will be done in this class. All safety rules must be followed. You must act in a mature, responsible manner to be allowed to participate.
5. Clean up your area before you leave the classroom. 6. Three restroom passes per nine weeks will be given to each student. No exceptions unless there is a medical reason.
7. Cell phones can be used only for educational purposes and with teacher permission.
Assignments: 1. Complete all assignments in a timely matter. Late work will be accepted but points will be deducted. It must be completed before we go over it in class and prior to test day.
2. If you are absent, be sure to ask for any make-up work the day you come back. It is your responsibility!
3. No sharing of work unless you are instructed to work together. All parties involved will receive a zero.
4. All students must maintain a notebook or iPad with notes and a folder of handed back work and/or assignments.
5. Students who have multiple missing assignments will receive academic ISAP.
Grading: Your grade will be based on cumulative points each semester. A comprehensive midterm and final exam will be given. Every test, quiz, lab, and assignment will be given a point value.
Grades are updated in the computer regularly so you can keep up with your average and missing assignments.
Contact Info: 5th period planning 11:35-12:25 Phone: 274-3366 email: [email protected]
Remind 101: I will be using an app called Remind 101 to send text messages to my students and parents who have texting capabilities. This program allows the students to receive reminders about tests, assignments, etc. I am unable to see the contact number of the student, just a name in which he/she wants to be recognized. This app allows reminder texts to be sent out but the student/parent cannot respond to the text. Standard text messaging costs apply!
Parents may sign up for these reminders also. Please use the information below to sign up. Choose the correct class period and text the appropriate info. Please identify yourself as “Bob’s Parent” or “Susie’s Parent” so I can identify you.
1st Period – text @ intsci1stp to (502) 653-8050 2nd Period – text @intsci2nd to (502) 653-8050 3rd Period – text @intsci3rd to (502) 653-8050 4th Period – text @icp4th to (502) 653-8050 7th Period – text @ intsci7th to (502) 653-8050 Dear Student and Parent or Guardian:
I have outlined the expectations for integrated science class and the student. I am excited about the class and having your son/daughter for the school year. I will treat all students with respect and fairness and expect the same in return. If at any time I have concerns, I will contact you. I hope you will do the same.
Mrs. Misty Decker
Please sign the portion below and return this page to Mrs. Decker by Thursday 8/7 for full credit.
I have read and understand the requirements and objectives for this course.
______Student printed name Student signature and date
______Parent signature and date Parent email and phone #