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Porterville College s1

Porterville College College Learning Council Minutes October 25, 2006

Present: Steve Schultz, Lori Barker, Kathy Bennett, Donna Berry, David Bezayiff, Michael Carley, Jim Carson, Rosa Carlson, Chris Craig, Jeff Gervasi, Ron Glahn, Virginia Gurrola, Michelle Hart, Janet Hawkins, Bill Henry, Catherine Hodges, Mary Jo Jordan, Val Lombardi, Susan Regier, Maria Roman, Miles Vega, Gary Wallace, Carol Wilkins, Joel Wiens, Diane Allen, Vira Lozano, Jim Entz, Jim Riggs, Nelle Moffett, Kindred Murillo, Rosemary Viotto, Kathie Gifford

I. Meeting called to order at 3:10 p.m. by Val Lombardi

II. Minutes Approved- 10/04/06 & 10/06/06 by consensus

III. Agenda Approved- Change: Added President’s Report Added: New Business: Associate Teacher: Janet Hawkins IV. Reports a. President’s Report-Rosa Carlson: Rosa reported there is ongoing discussion regarding the 361 report and the New Allocation Model. There will be no Chancellors meeting due to preparation for Accreditation visit. b. Academic Senate-Bill Henry: The Senate is working on the Academic calendar for 2007- 2008; it will be similar to calendar we now have as far as starting dates, etc. They have decided against a winter intercession at this time. The next meeting is on November 1, 2006. The Senate will continue discussion and hopefully approve the calendar. They are forming a standing committee consisting of different members to take care of calendar issues. c. CSEA- Michelle Hart: CSEA is in negations for the ongoing issue of classified reduction in time. CSEA nominations will be received in November and December for new officers and Classified Employee of the year. The annual Classified dinner is December 8, 2006 at the Eagles Lodge. Thursday the CSEA is having a meeting to discuss the Business services reorganization. d. Curriculum Committee-Susan Regier brought Sarah Phinney’s written report and disbursed it to CLC. e. CCA-David Bezayiff: It was reported CCA has passed new by-laws District wide. CCA is waiting to hear if Adjunct Faculty will be added to the CCA. f. IT-Jim Carson: No report. g. Grant Oversight Subcommittee Report –Val Lombardi: Val reported the nursing division received verbal confirmation they were awarded an Economic and Workforce grant; they are waiting for written notice before processing the grant paperwork for Board approval. Discussion is ongoing with local High Schools to set up Articulation agreements and we are in the process of getting bids for equipment. The grant committee is working on a Baccalaureate Partnership Program Planning Grant to partner with four (4) year institutions. Porterville College is looking toward developing a partnership with Fresno State or Bakersfield. The bill was authored by Bill Maze; Mr. Maze suggested we go with Bakersfield CSUB because COS has a MOU with Fresno State. The committee has met one (1) time and will be soliciting ideas for grants from the faculty and staff. Porterville College College Learning Council October 25, 2006 Page 2

f. Budget Report-Donna Berry: Donna reported Banner budget has been reconciled with the adopted budget. It was asked that Budget Managers be sure to audit budgets monthly for appropriate expenses in appropriate accounts. Additional training will be offered to budget managers. Cal Cards will now be going through the banner process for approval through queues. The Chancellor cautioned everyone to be aware of the 50% law. h. ASPC-None i. Title V-Mike Carley: Kathy Bennett is responsible for two (2) components of the Title V grant; the Vocational Program Industrial Technology Program and the District Education offerings. Kathy will be leaving Porterville College the end of the year and they are working on ways to cover her duties. j. Title V/COS-Michelle Hart: Michelle said they are working on offering more faculty training. k. Facility Planning- Gary Wallace: Gary reported the committee met October 12th and reviewed new projects and deadlines. The Child Development Center is due to move on November 2nd if approval is received from State Licensing. Alarm, phone, and computer lines are being worked on. The Science Math building is due for reconstruction to begin Summer 2007. The Measure G monies for refurbishing are waiting for the expenditure process to be approved at the district before being distributed for scheduled maintenance. l. Accreditation- Steve Schultz: Steve reported the Accreditation Team is on our campus. There will be an exit interview on Thursday, October 26, at 12:30 in the Theater. There have been a lot of people working very hard on the Accreditation document and visit. The work doesn’t stop after the exit interview; we will begin right away on the next Accreditation visit. m. Program Review- Mike Carley: Mike reported at the last meeting we accepted most of the program reviews in the Spring 2006 with just a few remaining to be completed. Per Mike’s email earlier this week to the CLC body, today we need to accept an additional five (5) program reviews; Admissions & Records, Childcare, Business Office, Cal Works, and the Transfer Center. It was recommended by consensus to accept the reviews. The only reviews remaining to be accepted are Graphics and Student Government.

V. Old Business a. Budget and Enrollment Management Committee (BEMC) update-Donna Berry: Donna reported this committee is meeting the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesday of every month. The committee is working on how to use program reviews in budget development. There is a need for the college’s 3-5 strategic plan; the BEMC would like to take the lead to create 3- 5 year strategic plan for the college. They will identify long term and short criteria for personnel, equipment, infrastructure, and student needs. They will use guidelines and data received from using the Education Plan, BRTF, Fifty Percent (50%) Law, Program Reviews, and productivity reports to form the plan. After discussion it was approved by consensus to recommend to the President that the BEMC take the lead in the plan development.

VI. New Business a. Department Assistant III – Val Lombardi: Val reported a need for a change in the Health Careers program review. Health careers had two one-half (½) time Department Assistants. It was proposed the Health Careers program needs one (1) full time Department Assistant. Discussion followed regarding funding, effects on retirement, and bumping issues. Porterville College College Learning Council October 25, 2006 Page 3

b. Administrative Secretary, Foundation – Virginia Gurrola: Virginia is requesting a move from of a part time flexible administrative secretary to full time status. The Administrative secretary will provide secretarial support as the interim director leaves. The Foundation Board is fully behind the position change. Funding will come from the Foundation. Foundation is not part of the program reviews. After much discussion the CLC approved by consensus to recommend moving this request forward to President. c. Department Assistant Student Services –Miles Vega: Miles said due to the recent resignation of a part time Department Assistant in Student Services there is a need for at least a half time receptionist replacement, and they would prefer a full time receptionist. Currently there is no one is there to make appointments, assist students, or seat students so as not to interrupt counselors when working with other students (some in crisis). The new position would be funded by GU001. Discussion will continue. d. Associate Teacher: Janet Hawkins: Janet presented as an informational item. Child Development Center has requested a new Associate Teacher; 180-day contract. Rosa said still investigating funding sources and types of grants that would cover the funding. Janet said if positions accepted into PERS the position would become an assigned position. This item was tabled until Karen Ball can come and make a presentation. Janet will put together a recap of ranking of classified and requests for new employees and bring it to the next CLC meeting.

The CLC meeting regularly scheduled for November 3, 2006 will be canceled due to the close proximity of this meeting. It was approved by consensus to have the next CLC meeting on November 17, 2006.

Jim Carson thanked the CLC for all their help with the Senior Day; he has had only positive feedback. Rosa Carlson added that she has been approached by community members who have stated what a great event it was.

VII. Future Agenda Items:

VIII. Meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m.

Minutes submitted by Kathie Gifford

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