Assumption of the Virgin Mary s8

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Assumption of the Virgin Mary s8


ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN MARY UKRAINIAN ORTHODOX CHURCH ECUMENICAL PATRIARCHATE OF CONSTANTINOPLE AND NEW ROME 1301 Newport Avenue Northampton, Pennsylvania 18067 V. Rev. Bazyl Zawierucha, Rector Dc. Mychail Sawarynski

Telephones: Church Office… (610) 262-2882 Church Fax/Kitchen/Hall… (610) 262-0552 Fr. Bazyl’s Residence… (610) 882-2488 Dc. Mychail’s Residence… (610) 262-3876 Websites: E-mail: Parish… [email protected] Fr. Bazyl…[email protected] Dc. Mychail… [email protected] Webmaster, John Hnatow… [email protected] ======21 (8th) September, 2014

15th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST, before the Exaltation. Tone 6 THE NATIVITY OF OUR MOST HOLY LADY THE BIRTH –GIVER OF GOD AND EVER-VIRGIN MARY. Sunday before the Exaltation: Gal. 6, 11-18 Jn. 3, 13-17 Of the day: 2 Cor. 4, 6-15 Mt. 22, 35-46 To the Birth-Giver of God: Phil. 2, 5-11 Lk. 10, 38-42; 11, 27-28 2 PROPERS FOR THE DIVINE LITURGY:

Tropar of the Resurrection, Tone 6 The angelic powers were at Your tomb. The guards became as dead men. Mary stood by Your grave seeking Your Most Pure Body. You captured Hades, not being tempted by it. You came to the Virgin, granting Life, Lord, risen from the dead, glory to You.

Tropar of the Feast, Tone 4 Your Nativity, Virgin Birth-Giver of God, has proclaimed joy to the universe. The Sun of Righteousness, Christ our God, has shone forth from you. By annulling the curse, He gave a blessing. By destroying Death, He has granted us Life Eternal.

Glory…Kondak of the New Year, Tone 2 Christ our King, Who dwells on high, bless the beginning of this New Year. For You are the One Who set the seasons and the years. You are the One Who made both night and day. Protect our civil authorities, our state and our people. Merciful Lord, keep them in peace.

Glory… Kondak of the Resurrection, Tone 6 When Christ God, the Giver of Life, with His Life-giving Hand raised all the dead from the valleys of misery, He bestowed Resurrection on the human race. He is the Saviour, the Resurrection, the Life and the God of all.

Now and ever… Kondak of the Feast, Tone 4 By your birth, Most Pure Virgin, Joachim and Anna were freed from childlessness. And Adam and Eve from the corruption of death. We, Your people celebrate this, delivered from the guilt of sin, as we chant to you “A barren woman gives birth to the Birth-Giver of God the Mother of our life”.

Prokimen of the Resurrection, Tone 6 Save Your people, O Lord, and bless Your inheritance. Verse: O Lord, to You will I call. O my God, be not silent unto me.

Prokimen of the Cross, Tone 6 Lord, save Your people and bless Your inheritance.

Prokimen of the Feast, Tone 3 My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour. 3 Alleluia Verses, Tone 1 I have exalted the Holy One chosen out of My People. For My Hand shall defend Him and My Arm will strengthen Him.

Alleluia Verse, Tone 8 Hear, daughter, see and incline your ear.

Instead of “It is right in truth” Magnify, my soul, the Virgin Mary, the glorious Nativity of the Mother of God. Irmos Tone 8: Virginity is alien to motherhood and childbearing is foreign to virgins. Yet, in you Birth-Giver of God, both are found. Therefore, all the nations of the earth unceasingly magnify you.

Communion Hymns: Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise Him in the highest. Alleluia (3X). I will take the cup of salvation and call upon the Name of the Lord. Alleluia (3X). ======


Sunday, 21 (8th) September 15th Sunday after Pentecost, before the Exaltation. Tone 6 The Nativity of our Most Holy Lady the Birth-Giver of God and Ever-Virgin Mary. 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

16th Week After Pentecost. Monday, 22 (9th) September Afterfeast of the Nativity. Holy and Righteous Ancestors of God Joachim and Anna. Martyr Severian of Sebaste (320). Uncovering of the relics (1896) of St. Theodosius, archbishop of Chernihiv (1696). Gal. 4, 28 – 5, 10 Mk. 6, 54 – 7, 8 4 Tuesday, 23 (10th) September Afterfeast of the Nativity. Martyrs Menodora, Metrodora, and Nymphadora at Nicomedia (305). Ven. Paul the Obedient of the Kyiv Caves (XIV cent.). Gal. 5, 11-21 Mk. 7, 5-16

Wednesday, 24 (11th) September Fast Day Afterfeast of the nativity. Ven. Theodora of Alexandria (490). Gal. 6, 2-10 Mk. 7, 14-24

Thursday, 25 (12th) September Leave-taking of the Nativity. Hieromartyr Autonomous, bishop in Italy (313). Eph. 1, 1-9 Mk. 7, 24-30

Friday, 26 (13th) September Fast Day: Forefeast of the Exaltation of the Cross. Wine & Oil Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection (Holy Sepulchre) at Jerusalem (335). Eph. 1, 7-17 Mk. 8, 1-10 5:00 p.m. Festal Vespers

Saturday, 27 (13th) September Fast Day: THE UNIVERSAL EXALTATION OF THE PRECIOUS Wine & Oil AND LIFE-GIVING CROSS OF THE LORD. Repose of St. John Chrysostom (407). 1 Cor. 1, 18-24 Jn. 19, 6-11, 13-20, 25-28, 30-35 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy 5:00 p.m. Great Vespers

Sunday, 28(14th) September 16th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 7 8:30 a.m. Third & Sixth Hours Holy Mystery of Repentance 9:00 a.m. Divine Liturgy

======5 NECROLOGY: 21 Sep… Paul Kuzyk (’44), Anna Bochonok (’79), Fr. Lev Kushnir (’53), Fr. Michael Olhovy (’83). 22 Sep… Metro Bach (’75) 23 Sep… Fr. Ananij Mirotenko (’71), Fr. Michael Kraeczuk (’72) 24 Sep… Fr. Mykola Rybachuk (’66), Fr. Ihor Zbotaniw (’88) 25 Sep… John Heko (’13) 26 Sep… Marie Sobchak (’59) 27 Sep… Andrew Micio (’50), William Turick (’82), Fr. Timothy Macar (’60), Fr. Nicholas Fedorovich (’91)


BIRTHDAYS: 21 Sep… Paul Sawarynski 22 Sep… Joseph Nazar 23 Sep… Allison Pypiuk, Martha Dowling 24 Sep… BrAndan Gionopoulos 25 Sep… John Burk 27 Sep… Meredith Misko

ANNIVERSARIES OF MATRIMONY: 22 Sep… Frederic & Stephanie Burk 25 Sep… Bohdan & Elena Khromenko


WE PRAY FOR THE HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF: Catherine Kochenash, Micah Brickler, Fr. Theodore Mikovich, Joan Molnar, Janet Woyewoda, Michael Smallen, Thea Scioscia, Vladimir & Emma Krasnopera, Pauline Bollent, James Osmun, Walter & Tessie Kuchinos, Stanley Teply, Brendan Phillips, Jessie Hnatow, Jessica Meashock, Patricia Jones, Kathy Pristash, Mary Drenchko, Pani Anna Hankavych, Fr. John Harvey, Helena Szymonifka, John Kelleher, Wasyl’ Hewko. 6 SUNDAY SCHOOL SCHEDULE: 2015 Group I Mrs. Mary Ost Tel: (610) 739-5919 Alexandra Ost, John Sawarynski, Tatiana Seremula Sundays after Divine Liturgy. First class, Sunday, 7 September, 2014

Group II Mrs. Linda Winters Tel: (610) 837-3076 Justin Ost, Sabrina Ost, Andrew Sawarynski, Isabelle Sawarynski, Andriy Semenovych, Tatiana Seremula, Adrianna Truss Sundays: Sept. 21 (11:00a.m.), Sept. 28 (9:00 a.m.), Oct. 5 (11:00 a.m.), Oct. 12 (9:00 a.m.), Nov. 9 (9:00 a.m.), Nov. 23 (9:00 a.m.), Dec. 7 (11:00 a.m.), Dec. 14 (9:00 a.m.), Dec. 28 (9:00 a.m.).

Group III Ms. Bettyann Woyewoda Tel: (610) 252-8680 John Kerick, J.P. Keslosky, Jasmine Pavlinsky, Nicholas Truss, Anthony Sawarynski, Anastasia Seremula Sundays 8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. First class, Sunday, 21 September, 2014.

ADULT EDUCATION following Divine Liturgy, will follow Divine Liturgy.

PYROHY FACTORY WILL BEGIN SOON. We continue to encourage participation, if possible; peeling of potatoes on Tuesdays, mashing of potatoes on Wednesdays, and production of pyrohy on Thursdays. Dates: 9 October, 23 October, 6 November, 20 November, 4 December, 18 December.

PARISH SISTERHOOD OUTING: 9 December, 2014. A trip to American Music Theatre for the Christmas show JOY TO THE WORLD. A sign-up sheet may be found in the hall. Please contact Mrs. Linda Vitushinsky for information.

SR UOL MEMBERS! Individual member dues are to be paid by September 30th. Please see Janet Woyewoda or Linda Winters. Thank you. 7 SR UOL – COVER DISH SUPPER AND “KICKOFF MEETING” for 2014 – 2015 –Sunday, 21 September at 6:00 p.m. We will begin the new year and preparation for the 68th UOL Convention. All UOL members and anyone interested in joining is invited to attend. Please see the sign-up sheet in the church hall. For questions, please contact Linda Winters.

PARISH PICNIC – SEPT. 28 AT NOON TO DUSK – Wayne Gruber Memorial Park, Howertown Rd. All parishioners and their families are invited to attend. The SR UOL chapter will supply the hamburgers, hot dogs and drinks. We will have music and games for ALL ages. Plan on attending and bring your favourite picnic dish! Please sign-up at coffee hour. All questions to be directed to Linda Winters.

PARISH SISTERHOOD MEETING: Wednesday, 15 October at 7:00 p.m.

BUCKS-FOR-A-BAG : Please continue your support for the purchase of potatoes for the pyrohonya.

GIANT SUPERMARKET COUPONS: Martha Dowling has coupons for sale at $25.00, $50.00, $100.00. 5% of the profits will go to the church.

NORTHAMPTON FOODBANK DONATIONS: there continues to be a dire need for foodstuffs to assist our neighbors. As you know, our parish’ remit from the food bank is to contribute baby-food, but any other non-perishables will be accepted gladly. There is a cupboard for the collection of donations in the church hall.

OCMC AGAPE DONATIONS: $22.00. Many thanks.

PROSPHORA COLLECTION in support of orphans in Ukraine: $15.00. 8

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