Slinfold Parish Council s5

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Slinfold Parish Council s5

Slinfold Parish Council PO Box 315, Billingshurst, West Sussex RH14 9XX Tel: 01403 785864 Email:[email protected]

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting

Held on Thursday 27th August 2009 At 7.30pm in the Parish Room

163/09 Attendance and Apologies for Absence

Those present: Councillors R Hillyard (Chairman), C Burke, W Coad, M Dunkerton, N Jefferys, G Stenton-Chandler, A Skeates, E Sorensen and D White. Also present: Parish Clerk M Burroughs.

Apologies – Cllrs. F Jobling and M Hodgson (County).

164/09 Declarations of Interest and Notification of Change to Members’ Interests

Cllrs. Jefferys and Sorensen declared a personal interest in 176/09 the Six Acres Adoption; there were no other declarations of interest or changes notified to Members’ Register of Interests.

165/09 Chairman’s Announcements i. It was agreed that each Councillor would review the contents of the documents box during the Parish Council Meeting; questions or comments will be raised under member comments. ii. Following a request from Billingshurst Parish Council, it was agreed that the Parish Council would write to our MP to raise concern with regard to wheel clamping at Jengers Mead, Billingshurst. iii. Cllrs. Burke, Hillyard and White will be attending the Core Strategy Review Seminar at Southwater on 2nd September. Horsham District Council is presenting the information at the Clerk’s Meeting on 15th September 2009. iv. Cllr. Dunkerton will represent the Parish Council for drinks and a buffet at the caravan site on Saturday 12th September. Cllrs. Jobling and White have received a personal invite. v. Invite from Caravan Site for the Parish Council to attend event on 12th September 2009. vi. It was agreed that SALC should provide a follow-up training session on Thursday 19th November from 7.00pm till 9.00pm

166/09 Update of Register of Interests – Councillors to consider whether their Register of Members Interests requires an update since last completed.

Following the SALC training session on 12th August 2009, the Clerk was asked to make contact with HDC with regard to the potential for requesting a dispensation to discuss matters in connection with Slinfold Golf Club as potentially six of our current ten members may have an interest. Sandra Herbert, HDC, Legal advised that the Clerk should draw Councillors attention to the Code of Conduct, sections 8 to 10 which provide guidance on personal and prejudicial interests. Councillors were provided with a copy of this guidance during the meeting and were encouraged to consider their position based on the information provided for future agenda items. Councillors were also reminded that the decision to declare an interest rests with the Councillor. HDC, Legal advised that if more than 50% of members declare an interest then the Parish Council can apply for a dispensation, which will be considered by the Standards Committee. HDC, Legal will send details of this procedure to the Clerk. The Clerk asked that members consider whether their interests had changed since they last completed a ‘Declaration of Interest’ and request a form for completion from the Clerk should their interests have changed.

167/09 Approval of the Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on 30 th July 2009 as previously circulated.

The draft minutes having been circulated, were taken as read and it was agreed that the minutes be accepted and signed as a true record.

168/09 Matters arising from 167/09, for information only i. The Clerk has responded on-line to the Gatwick Airport Noise Consultation. ii. The handy man has been instructed to carry out the work in the play areas, although Kent County Council is returning to repair the concrete fencing at KGV field. iii. The Clerk has written to WSCC, Highways registering the Parish Council’s dissatisfaction that the Police have not approved the A29 and A281 speed reductions. WSCC has responded to advise that a review of ‘A’ and ‘B’ Roads, as part of a national directive, is currently underway and should be completed by the end of October. The Police will not sanction any Traffic Regulation Orders until such time as this review is complete. WSCC, Highways advise that they will be in contact with the Parish Council later in the year but that any possible speed reductions are now unlikely to take place until 2011. iv. The Clerk has written to the PCC, Secretary with regard to anti-social car parking around the church; a response has not yet been received.

169/09 Matters arising from the Public Session – there were no members of the public present.

170/09 Planning Report

Cllr. Burke presented the Planning Report to the Parish Council.

New and amended planning applications: The following applications were received in the month and reviewed by the Planning Advisory Group. HDC has been advised of the Parish Council’s recommendations as follows: HDC Name Date received Address & Post Feedback to HDC Planning Application Nature of application Applicant or by HDC Code of application Committee (Date) number Agent Spinners Hayes Proposed spiral staircase Planning Advisory Committee has Lane Slinfold Mr & Mrs DC/09/1491 19/08/2009 (external) to access rear No Objection 27/08/2009. (U6/6) Horsham West Granville balcony Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH13 0SQ Church House The Replacement of life- Planning Advisory Committee has Street Slinfold Mr & Mrs DC/09/1485 18/08/2009 expired windows to front No Objection 27/08/2009. (U6/6) Horsham West Nadalin elevation of church house Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH13 0RP Replacement of existing Fladgates Stane porch, windows and roof Planning Advisory Committee has Street Slinfold Mr S DC/09/1441 12/08/2009 materials and extension No Objection 24/08/2009. (U5/5) Horsham West Mockford over existing pool room Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH13 0QY and alterations Mill House Billingshurst Road Replacement oil tank and Planning Advisory Committee has Mr & Mrs DC/09/1373 05/08/2009 Broadbridge Heath external boiler (Listed No Objection 20/08/2009. (U6/6) Ingham Clark Horsham West Building Consent) Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH12 3LR Mill House Billingshurst Road Replacement oil tank and Planning Advisory Committee has Mr & Mrs DC/09/1370 05/08/2009 Broadbridge Heath external boiler (Full No Objection 20/08/2009. (U6/6) Ingham Clark Horsham West Planning) Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH12 3LR West Lodge Stane 2-Storey side and rear Planning Advisory Committee has Street Slinfold extensions, single-storey DC/09/1332 31/07/2009 Mr G Brown No Objection 20/08/2009. (U6/6) Horsham West rear extension and new Ratified by PC 27/08/2009 Sussex RH13 0QY rear conservatory Demolition of detached Two Oaks Lyons garage, construction of Planning Advisory Committee has Road Slinfold DC/09/1309 29/07/2009 detached 3-bed house Mr K Feltham OBJECTED 10/08/2009. Ratified Horsham West and associated works PC Meeting 27/08/2009 Sussex RH13 0RY (Outline) Applications permitted, refused and withdrawn: The following applications have been processed by HDC and the results follow: HDC Date Address & Post Feedback to HDC Planning Committee Application received by Nature of application Status Code of application (Date) number HDC Slinfold Church Of Surgery to 5 x Oak (T2, T4, England School Planning Advisory Committee has No T5, T7 and T68), 1 Aesculus Application DC/09/1202 10/07/2009 The Street Slinfold Objection (U6/6) Ratified by PC Hippocastanum (T3), 1 Pinus Permitted Horsham West 30/07/2009 Sylvestris (T18)... Sussex RH13 0RS 27/06/2009. The Parish Council has NO OBJECTION to this application provided 29 Six Acres that HDC has verified that the applicant Slinfold Horsham Application DC/09/0620 09/04/2009 Re-siting of existing fence has title to the land in question and that West Sussex RH13 Permitted HDC carries out a site visit to ensure that 0TH safety and sight lines are considered, as there is a child's play area close by. Wild Harrys Hayes Planning Advisory Committee has No Lane Slinfold Detached car port (Listed Application DC/09/0732 30/04/2009 Objection 12/5/2009. Ratified by PC Horsham West Building Consent) Withdrawn 28/05/2009 Sussex RH13 0SL Wild Harrys Hayes Planning Advisory Committee has No Lane Slinfold Detached car port (Full Application DC/09/0731 30/04/2009 Objection 12/5/2009. Ratified by PC Horsham West Planning Refused 28/05/2009 Sussex RH13 0SL Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Lane Conversion of barn to form a Planning Advisory Committee has No Application DC/09/0464 18/03/2009 Broadbridge Heath 2-storey x 3-bed dwelling Objection (S4/5). 06/04/2009. Ratified by Permitted Horsham West Listed Building Consent) PC 30/4/2009 Sussex RH12 3PJ Smithawe Farm Nowhurst Lane Conversion of barn to form a Planning Advisory Committee has No Application DC/09/0463 18/03/2009 Broadbridge Heath 2-storey x 3-bed dwelling (Full Objection (S4/5). 06/04/2009. Ratified by Permitted Horsham West Planning) PC 30/4/2009 Sussex RH12 3PJ Huntingrove Place Planning Advisory Committee has No Permanent 3-bed dwelling to Park Street Lane Objection (U5/5) but agricultural clause serve the essential needs of Application DC/09/0298 23/02/2009 Slinfold Horsham required, house must be conditional on the established equestrian Permitted West Sussex RH13 business. 16/03/2009. To be ratified by enterprise 0RB PC 26/3/2009 Retrospective application for change of use of barn from agricultural and equestrian to Planning Advisory Committee (U 4/4) Rowarts Five Oaks mixed use comprising OBJECTION - Discussed at the PC Road Slinfold agriculture equestrian, Application DC/08/2524 10-Dec-08 Meeting 18/12. OBJECT on grounds of Horsham West agricultural contracting Permitted Animal Welfare and Drainage as per Sussex RH13 0RL (including kennelling of dogs application DC/08/1735 for agricultural purposes) and kennelling of dogs for private purposes Planning applications pending consideration or decision by HDC: The Parish Council received a report on all previous applications currently pending consideration or a decision by HDC.

Appeals: None

New Enforcement issues: EN/09/0445 – Speculative development proposal of 400 houses. HDC are applying for an Article 4 Direction, which takes away permitted development rights.

Other Matters:

Cllr. Burke advised that Cllr. Hodgson had been in communication with HDC with regard to the Golf Club application (DC/09/1200). Cllr. Hodgson has recommended to HDC that WSCC, rather than HDC, consider and make a decision on this application.

DC/08/2524 – Rowarts Farm – Cllr. Stenton-Chandler expressed concern that HDC had permitted this application despite the Parish Council’s objection. 171/09 Report from County Councillor

Cllr. Hodgson was not present at the meeting but provided an update on the Golf Club application as detailed above (170/09).

172/09 Report from District Councillor(s) - Cllr. Rowlinson was not present at this meeting.

173/09 Finance i. A list of accounts to be paid in the sum of £1,965.65 was distributed to all Councillors present. The list was reviewed and duly agreed. Details of The Clerk and Litter Warden’s salaries are available upon request. Cheque/DD Payee £ Comment

DD Saxon Weald £36.88 Monthly charge for garage rental

200014 MRS M BURROUGHS As per schedule

200015 MRS M BURROUGHS £81.51 As per schedule

200016 MR A BAKER As per schedule

200017 Slinfold Village Hall £93.00 Inv 538 YC £63, PC £30

200018 Mazars £460.00 Audit fee for the year

200019 Mrs R Hillyard £70.15 Refreshments for Training Session

200020 SALC £402.50 Training for 10 Cllrs & Clerk

TOTAL £1,965.95

Nat West Receipt -25,000.00 From Bonus Saver to Current

2353 Slinfold Parish Council 25,000.00 To Co-op to open GI Account

TOTAL 0.00 ii. CILCA Qualification for Clerk – It was RESOLVED to approve costs of up to £533 (total estimated £1,065) for registration, exams, clerks hours and expenses to be shared 50/50 with Broadbridge Heath. The Clerk hopes to complete this qualification by 31 March 2010. iii. Parish Council Literature - Latest Editions - It was RESOLVED to purchase from SLCC five up to date publications for use by the Clerk and Councillors totalling £99.30.

174/09 Highway Matters

i. Slinfold Golf Club – Entrance/Exit A29 – The Clerk advised that she had requested an update from HDC with regard to the works to widen the entrance/exit; HDC had advised on 27th July 2009 that the work should be completed by the end of August 2009. ii. WSCC, Highways has agreed ‘un-bung’ the channel in the grass by the pavement/telephone box outside the Village Shop, which should prevent a puddle from forming in that area. iii. Notices and banners on the Newbridge Roundabout – Horsham District Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (HCDRP) has written to the landowner to ascertain whether permission has been given for the display notices and banners to be posted. HCDRP has noted that this location is a safety hazard, causing a distraction to motorists. The Clerk was requested to contact HDC, Enforcement to establish if there are any planning laws, which would prohibit these banners and signs being displayed. iv. Proposed BAA Aircraft Noise Monitor in Slinfold – the Clerk requested on 14th August that BAA provide more information on the exact location and intended duration of the noise monitor. To date, no response has been received. v. Additional Traffic through the village – Cllr. Skeates advised that he had had three residents from the village commenting upon the increase in traffic in the village. It is believed that the increase in traffic is due to increased membership at the Golf Club. Cllr. Burke advised that a Traffic Survey had been undertaken recently and that the Parish Council may wish to review the results of the survey before deciding upon any action. The Clerk will pursue HDC for a copy of the Traffic Survey Report.

175/09 Clerk’s Announcements & Correspondence Received

Clerks Announcements  Allotments – Councillors were provided with an update with regard to the provision of allotments. Four possible allotment plots have been identified on the outskirts of the village where those seeking a plot could liaise with the landowner with a view to obtaining a plot of land to cultivate fruit and vegetables. Those who have registered an interest have been advised of this development, but of the nine interested parties who have contacted the Parish Council, only one has replied and that was to withdraw their request. It was agreed that at this point, as there appears to be no immediate interest, that the Clerk takes no further action.  Action in rural Sussex (AirS) – AGM – this takes place at Ardingly on 6th November and Councillors are invited to attend. The conference theme is ‘Heart of the Village; towards a secure future for rural community buildings’. Members did not wish to attend and Cllr. Dunkerton advised that the Village Hall Management Committee would have received their own invite as they work closely with AirS.  Annual Accounts – Mazars - Our external auditor has returned the annual accounts at 31 March 2009; the Clerk distributed a copy to each of the members present. Mazars has confirmed that in their opinion the information contained in the annual return is in accordance with the Audit Commissions requirements and that no matters have come to their attention to give cause for concern. Cllr. Sorensen asked who appoints the External Auditor. The Clerk advised that this is predetermined by The Audit Commission and that the Parish Council has no say in this matter; the Clerk will confirm who makes the appointment and upon what basis.  The Horsham Community Partnership Team has established a service in conjunction with West Sussex NHS, PCT and the County Council to provide advice and support for people over 60. This organisation has asked whether the Parish Council would like them to attend a meeting to explain their services further the Parish Council declined this offer at this time. Cllr. White has taken one of their leaflets, which explains their services and will, in conjunction with an AirS workshop is he to attend at the Village Hall, advise if he considers that the Parish Council should pursue this option further.

Correspondence Received: The following correspondence was made available for Councillors to review:  NHS West Sussex – Have your say.  Letter to Sports Association.  West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service Consultation  HDC – West of Bewbush adoption.  HDC – The Legislative Reform Order 2009.  Message from Police District Commander.  HACVS – Local Crime & Community Sentencing - 22 Sept 2009.  AirS – Good Health on your doorstep workshops.  AirS – 2008/9 Review - Action Plan for 2009/10.  AirS – Newsletter July 2009.  Local Council Update August 2009.  Citizens Advice Bureau – AGM 7th September 2009.  Police Neighbourhood Meeting 24th June 2009.  West Sussex Mediation Service AGM 21st September 2009. 176/09 Six Acres Adoption

Further to a letter received from HDC dated 17th August 2009 and a report from Cllr. White as to the condition and risk in adopting the balancing pond, as circulated in advance of the meeting, a discussion took place with regard to the Six Acres adoption. The following options were considered:  Option 1 – consider Cllr. White’s view on the balancing pond and proceed with the transfer to include the balancing pond;  Option 2 – obtain a second opinion on the balancing pond and consider the option of adoption upon receipt;  Option 3 – resolve the issue of the balancing pond before proceeding any further.

Members initially favoured Option 2 as it was thought advisable to obtain a second opinion to confirm the findings of Cllr. White’s site visit and to protect the Parish Council’s interest, however, in light of the fact that the Chairman has already signed the transfer to adopt the land, which originally included the balancing pond, and that Taylor are now in the process of signing the same and settling the balance due which is believed to be in the region of £137k, it was RESOLVED (6 in favour, 2 abstained) to adopt the land including the balancing pond provided that the Parish Council explore insuring the ‘pond’ and obtain a second opinion as to any likely future problems in consultation with our insurers, Southern Water and as appropriate the Environment Agency so that they may manage this accordingly.

It was also RESOLVED that the Parish Council would instruct contractors for grounds maintenance to maintain the area on an emergency basis when the transfer is complete until such time as an on-going contract for maintenance can be negotiated. The Clerk was also instructed to bank the incoming funds to the Parish Council’s Deposit account.

Cllr. Jefferys agreed to explore, as the Chairman has signed the transfer, whether in fact this transaction must now be completed.

Cllr. White and the Clerk will make contact with the necessary authorities and our insurers with regard to any issues that may arise with regard to the ‘balancing pond’.

177/09 Reports from Representatives on Outside Bodies

 Cllr. Stenton-Chandler attended the Neighbourhood Policing Panel Meeting on 25th August 2009. The following matters were raised: o The disappearance of swan and geese from the Golf Club; o A dog attack on a calf; o Speeding and traffic issues including ‘near misses’ at the Golf Club and that Rudgwick Parish Council are applying for a ‘radar gun’; o Youth Issues – no reported problems in the village.

178/09 Members’ Questions and Comments

There were no questions or comments requiring attention.

179/09 Items for the Parish Magazine  Future Meetings  SID results  Cllr. Burke will provide a precise of the Core Strategy Seminar on 2nd September 2009.

180/09 Next Meeting(s)

Thursday 24th September 2009 – Parish Council Meeting (Parish Room) 7.30pm

Meeting closed at 10.15pm.

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