ENG H192 Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 8

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ENG H192 Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 8

ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 1 Engineering H192 Engineering Fundamentals & Laboratory II (4 Credits)

Classrooms: HI 206 or HI 346 Hands-on Laboratory: HI 208

Instructors: Paul Clingan [email protected]; HI 223 292-8565, 431-1167 (h) Joanne DeGroat [email protected]; DL 656 292-2439 John Demel [email protected]; HI 244E 292-2427, 901-2996 (h) Rick Freuler [email protected]; HI 244H 688-0499, 436-2202 (h) Mike Miller [email protected]; HI 305 292-2080, 854-0675 (h)

Lab TAs: James Copus [email protected]; HI 209 688-0436 Aaron Lambert [email protected]; HI 209 688-0436 Ted Pavlic [email protected]; HI 209 688-0436 Jeff Radigan [email protected]; HI 209 688-0436 Rajat Taneja [email protected]; HI 209 688-0436

UTAs: Matt Bielozer [email protected]; Peggy Blake [email protected]; David Bradway [email protected]; Shelley [email protected]; Lori Engelhardt [email protected]; David Hawn [email protected]; Mike P Johnson [email protected]; Matt Kreager [email protected]; Katie Moffitt [email protected]; Craig Morin [email protected]; Jen Nappier [email protected]; John Neyer [email protected]; Ted Pavlic [email protected]; Jeff Radigan [email protected]; Matt Reeder [email protected]; Joe F Ryan [email protected]; Zak Schank [email protected]; Eric Schmidt [email protected]; Kristen Six [email protected]; Sean Smith [email protected]; Liza Toher [email protected]; Dan Trares [email protected]; Tim Yoder [email protected];

Introduction and Course Organization:

Engineering H192 is your second course in engineering problem solving and includes Engineering Problem Solving, Computer Programming, and Engineering Laboratory. This course is the second in a three-course sequence of Engineering Fundamentals and Laboratory and is coordinated with either Math 162G or Math 152A and with Physics 132E/G/J courses.

This course meets four times each week for a 108-minute class period Monday through Thursday. For most of the class periods, the class will meet in the scheduled classroom (either HI 206 or HI 346) for a 108-minute session which will have a lecture component followed by a daily exercise or programming/computer lab component. During these scheduled computer lab times, the students are expected to work on the daily assignments related to the lecture topic or on their current Engineering Laboratory project. Students may need some additional unscheduled computer lab time (available in HI 324) to complete their assignments. For one class period in seven out of the ten weeks, the class will go to lab (in HI 208) for a scheduled hands-on laboratory exercise on either Wednesday or Thursday. There will be no hands-on laboratory exercise in the first, eighth, or tenth week of the quarter. ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 2

Course Objectives:

Engineering H192 provides the engineering student with a fundamental understanding of problem solving, engineering graphics and communication, computer programming, and laboratory experimentation. Engineering H192 presents concepts of computer programming in an engineering problem solving environment. The emphasis is on problem solving techniques and writing engineering reports. Algorithms are developed for repetitive operations, decision making, and evaluation of alternative courses of action. Various techniques are presented for problem decomposition into manageable modules. Included in ENG H192 are a number of “hands-on” team-oriented engineering laboratory experiments with an introduction to data acquisition and data analysis. A team design project is also included.

Programming constructs for implementation of repetitive operations and decision making/branching are developed and presented in a generic as well as programming-language-specific format. Computation/numerical programming is emphasized. Programming concepts are presented in a language-independent manner and implemented in C/ C++. An introduction to MATLAB will also be presented, and there will be some exposure to LabView.

Upon completing this course the students will have developed effective techniques for analyzing engineering problems, developing algorithms for their solution, and writing an engineering report on their solution. They will have received a solid grounding in computer programming with C/ C+ + and an introduction to MATLAB, and they will have seen examples of alternative languages. They will have programmed and used two major types of computer systems in the College of Engineering: personal computers and Unix-based workstations.

Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to:

1. Understand problem solving methods and procedures in order to solve elementary engineering problems.

2. Develop computer algorithms; construct logic diagrams; prepare, run, and report on computer programs to solve assigned problems using the REGION ONE Computer Laboratory UNIX Workstation computing systems, C/ C++, and MATLAB.

3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of: (1) Terminal or workstation operation; (2) UNIX Command Language; (3) vi and/or other UNIX editor; (4) C/C++ programming language; (5) Interactive programming techniques; (6) Program testing and debugging; (7) Graphic and alphanumeric screen output; (8) An interactive environment for numerical computation, data analysis, and graphics – MATLAB; (9) Data validation techniques; (10) Laboratory procedures and data acquisition fundamentals; (11) Proper documentation and reporting methods. ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 3 4. Set up computer systems to monitor and interact with the physical world, including experiments with data acquisition, real time data analysis, and programmed logic control.

Assignments and Grading: Daily assignments will be due at the beginning of the lecture periods. Seven hands-on laboratory problems will be submitted with either formal or memo-style reports. Examinations will include six scheduled 10-minute quizzes, several unannounced hands-on lab quizzes, two 108-minute midterms, and one two-hour final exam. A small design project will be completed during the tenth week. The course letter grade will be based on the sum of the products of average grade received and percent assigned for each of the following areas:

Component of Course Grade Percent Daily Assignments (26) 26.0% Engineering Hands-on Lab Reports (7) 17.5% Midterm Examinations (2) 22.0% Quizzes (6) 12.0% Journal Entries (10) 3.0% Design Project w/ Documentation (1) 5.5% Final Exam (1) 14.0% Each student enrolled in the course will receive a letter grade after completion of all parts of the assigned work in a manner that is satisfactory to the course instructor. A minimum grade of 50% is required in every component to receive a passing grade in the course.

Daily Assignments, Engineering Laboratory Problems, and Journals:

Daily assignments are to be submitted by including a copy of the computer program source code and computer-produced output stapled together with the assignment handout sheet. Due dates are indicated for all daily assignments. A penalty will be assessed for late work. If a daily assignment is turned in late, but within one class period of the time due, its grade may be reduced by 30%. Assignments submitted after one class period past the time due may be given 0 points; however, they will be graded for accuracy. It is suggested that you keep your graded assignments in a 3-ring binder for future reference. A formal report or a memorandum report is to be submitted for each of the Engineering Laboratory problems. Due dates are indicated on the schedule. Late reports will be penalized. All lab reports from the hands-on labs must be submitted whether they are late or not.

Journal entries must be submitted electronically to http://feh.eng.ohio-state.edu/journals.html or as otherwise instructed by no later than 11:59 PM each Sunday. In certain special situations, the deadline may be extended (3-day weekends, network or server failure, etc.). Late journal entries will not be accepted.

The solution to an assignment or a laboratory problem must represent each student's own work except for work done by students assigned to teams. It is considered unlikely that students working independently will arrive at identical solutions, that is, exactly the same computer programs and results. A UNIX system account is established for each student enrolled in Engineering H192. ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 4 Students are expected to follow all the rules of the computer labs at all times. Each student must use his or her account only. The sharing of files and account information, such as a password, is strictly prohibited. Note also that smoking is prohibited inside any of the buildings on campus and that no food or drink are allowed in the classrooms or labs.

Course Materials: (All required, except as noted)

 ENG H192 Winter 2003 Course Packet Materials (available at COPEZ) consisting of: "Class Notes" "Lecture Notes" "Daily Assignments"  Required Text – C How to Program, by Deitel & Deitel, 3rd Edition  Required Text – MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications, by Amos Gilat  Access-required Text – The New Way Things Work, by Macauly, 1998 Edition (or 1988)  Reference Text – Tools and Tactics for Design Teams, by Dominick, et al.  Reference Text – A Guide to Writing as an Engineer, by Beer  3.5 inch floppy disks (at least 2) or a 100MB Zip disk  Engineering Problem Paper

Some Useful On-line Resources

The Fundamentals of Engineering for Honors (FEH) Program website:


How Things Work references:

http://www.howstuffworks.com http://howthingswork.virginia.edu

C/C++ Programming resources by others:

http://oscinfo.osc.edu/training/C/html http://www.howstuffworks.com/c.htm http://devcentral.iftech.com/articles/C++/default.php http://www.eskimo.com/~scs/cclass/notes/top.html

On-line Guides and Tutorials for MATLAB by others:


On-line help for working with Excel and Word (and other MS Office applications) by others:


The MIT Handy Board:

http://handyboard.com ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 5


01-06 Class organization. Course introduction. (L01) Syllabus

01-07 E1 Introduction to engineering problem solving CN Sec. 1, 2, 3, techniques and algorithms. Problem identification, DD Chap. 1 requirements for solution, developing and executing plans for solving problems, reporting results. (L02) 01-08 E2 Structured approach to engineering problem solving: DD Sec. 3.1-3.10, E1 organizing tasks, top-down design techniques, logic CN Sec. 9 diagrams, purpose and types of logic diagrams, flow charts, action diagrams, pseudo code. (L03) 01-09 E3 The UNIX computing environment. Workstations, CN Sec. 4, 5, 7, 8 E2 UNIX, X windows, networked environment, data & program files, login, vi editor. C program structure. Executable, assignment statements. (L04) 01-13 E4 Data types in C/C++. int, long, float, double, char. DD Sec. 2.5, 2.6, E3 Math operators. Math library: math.h header file. 3.11, 3.12 Increment, decrement operators. Shortcuts. (L05)

01-14 E5 QUIZ #1. Writing algorithms in computer DD Chap. 9 E4 language. Input and output functions in C: scanf, printf, getc, putc, getchar, putchar. stdio.h and stdlib.h header files. (L06) 01-15 E6 Data files in C. Opening, closing: fopen, fclose. DD Sec. 11.1- E5 or Reading, writing: fscanf, fprintf. (L07) 11.5 01-16 01-16 Lab 1 Engineering Laboratory – Data Acquisition Write-up on FEH or Principles. website, TWTW 01-15 310-315, 320-321 01-20 No Classes – Martin Luther King Holiday.

01-21 E7 QUIZ #2. Logical and relational operators. Control DD Sec. 3.4-3.6, E6 statements – branching: if, if-else, if-else if-else. 4.10-4.11 (L08)

01-22 E8 Control statements – branching: switch-case. The DD Sec. 4.7, 4.9 E7 or break statement. (L09) 01-23 01-23 Lab 2 Engineering Laboratory – Digital Circuits. Write-up on FEH Lab 1 or website, TWTW 01-22 340-341

Key to abbreviations: CN = Class Notes; DD = Deitel & Deitel; MAT = MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications; TWTW = The New Way Things Work ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 6


01-27 E9 Control structures – Repetition: indefinite iteration, DD Sec. 3.7-3.9, E8 while, do-while loops; definite iteration, for loops. Chap. 4 (L10)

01-28 E10 QUIZ # 3. Arrays – Assigning values to array DD Chap. 6 E9 elements, character strings, processing array data. (L11) 01-29 E11 User-written function sub-programs. Function DD Sec. 5.1-5.12 E10 or prototypes, the return statement, returning one 01-30 value. (L12) Scope of variables. (L13)

01-30 Lab 3 Engineering Laboratory – Product Dissection and Write-up on FEH Lab 2 or Analysis. website, TWTW 01-29 14-15, 36-39, 274-275, 280-281 02-03 MIDTERM EXAM #1.

02-04 E12 Pointers. Functions returning more than one value, DD Chap. 7 E11 referencing and de-referencing variables. (L14)

02-05 E13 Pointers. Use of pointers in array processing. Using DD Sec. 7.8, 7.10 E12 or a C program to analyze experimental data. (L15) 02-06 02-06 Lab 4 Engineering Laboratory – Analog Electronics: A DC Write-up on FEH Lab 3 or Power Supply. website, TWTW 02-05 106-119, 160-163 02-10 E15 Characters and strings. ctype.h, stdlib.h, stdio.h, DD Chap. 8 E13 and string.h library functions. (L16)

02-11 E16 QUIZ #4. Preprocessor directives, macros, user DD Sec. 13.1- E15 libraries, user header files. (L17) 13.5, 13.7

02-12 E14 Introduction to MATLAB. Syntax, operators, useful MAT Sec. 1.1- E16 or commands, vectors and matrices, simple plotting. 1.8, 2.1-2.9, 3.1- 02-13 (L18) 3.2, 5.1, 5.4

02-13 Lab 5 Engineering Laboratory – Stress and Strain. Write-up on FEH Lab 4 or website 02-12

Key to abbreviations: CN = Class Notes; DD = Deitel & Deitel; MAT = MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications; TWTW = The New Way Things Work ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 7


02-17 E22 MATLAB script M-files. Simple keyboard input MAT Sec. 4.1-4.7 E14 and screen output. (L19)

02-18 E23 MATLAB function M-files. Use of MATLAB for MAT Sec. 6.1- E22 data analysis. (L20) File transfer techniques. 6.10 (L20A)

02-19 E24 MATLAB logical and relational operators, MAT Sec. 7.1- E23 or MATLAB selection and repetition structures. (L21) 7.7, 3.5-3.6 02-20 02-20 Lab 6 Engineering Laboratory – Aerodynamics and Write-up on FEH Lab 5 or Propulsion. website 02-19 02-24 E25 More MATLAB plotting. Element-by-element MAT Sec. 5.1- E24 operations. Solving simultaneous equations with 5.10, 3.3-3.4 MATLAB. (L22)

02-25 E17 QUIZ #5. Data structures: struct, union. Defining, DD Chap. 10 E25 initializing, accessing, using data structures. Enumerated data types: enum. (L23)

02-26 E18 C++ enhancements to C. (L24) DD Chap. 15 E17, Lab 6 02-27 E19, C++ classes and data abstraction. (L25) DD Chap. 16 E18, Hand Programming the Handy Board. (L26) Lab 6 Out 1 03-03 MIDTERM EXAM #2.

03-04 E20 C++ stream input/output. Screen and file I/O, DD Sec. 21.1- E19 iostream.h and fstream.h header files. (L27) 21.5

03-05 E21 C++ stream input/output. Stream manipulators, DD Sec. 21.6- E20 or format states, error states. User defined types. 21.8 03-06 (L27)

03-06 Lab 7 Engineering Laboratory – The Stoplight. (Computer Write-up on FEH Hand or control of a physical device.) website Out 1 03-05

Key to abbreviations: CN = Class Notes; DD = Deitel & Deitel; MAT = MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications; TWTW = The New Way Things Work ENG H192 – Wi 2003 Syllabus and Daily Schedule Page 8


03-10 Hand QUIZ #6. C++ inheritance and overloading. (L28) Handout 2 E21 Out 2 Software Design Project (SDP). Introduction & preliminary design. (L29)

03-11 Software Design Project. Documentation and code. Handout 2 (L30)

03-12 Software Design Project. Test and debug. Lab 7

03-13 Summary and review for final exam. Course SDP evaluation and assessment. (LFX)

Key to abbreviations: CN = Class Notes; DD = Deitel & Deitel; MAT = MATLAB – An Introduction with Applications; TWTW = The New Way Things Work

Final Exam will be: For 07:30 am Section – Tuesday, March 18, 07:30 am to 09:18 am. ( in your regular For 09:30 am Section – Tuesday, March 18, 09:30 am to 11:18 am. classroom ) For 11:30 am Section – Tuesday, March 18, 11:30 am to 01:18 pm. For 01:30 pm Section – Tuesday, March 18, 01:30 pm to 03:18 pm. For 03:30 pm Section – Tuesday, March 18, 03:30 pm to 05:18 pm.

Accrediting Board for Engineering and Technology - Program Criteria

Engineering programs must demonstrate that their graduates have: Introduced in this course:

(a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering Yes (b) and ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Yes (c) an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs Yes (d) ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams Yes (e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems Yes (f) an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Yes (g) an ability to communicate effectively Yes (h) the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in No a global and societal context (i) a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning No (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues No (k) an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary Yes for engineering practice

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