Minutes - Friends of Poole Park - 3 March 2008

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Minutes - Friends of Poole Park - 3 March 2008

Friends of Poole Park Minutes of the Meeting

held on Monday 3rd March 2008

The Meeting commenced at 7.20pm and concluded at 9.20pm


B Lister - Chairman / Publicity Officer M Heckford - Treasurer T Smith - Events Coordinator E Lawford - Secretary / Membership Secretary J Marter - Poole Park Ranger, Leisure Services, Borough of Poole D Gully - Assistant Ranger, Leisure Services, Borough of Poole C Freeman - Open Spaces Manager, Leisure Services, Borough of Poole M Chave - Committee Member L Strothard - Democratic Support Officer, Borough of Poole I Andrews - Friends of Poole Park / Society of Poole Men J Austin-Williams - Friends of Poole Park / Orchard Area Residents’ Association K Bearcroft - Friends of Poole Park B Butler - Friends of Poole Park C Chauncy - Friends of Poole Park D Chick - Friends of Poole Park G Cook - Friends of Poole Park B Deans - Friends of Poole Park B Farquhar - Friends of Poole Park P Giles - Friends of Poole Park / Poole Radio Yacht Club J Gillingham - Friends of Poole Park L Lockton - Friends of Poole Park A Lodge - Friends of Poole Park N Lodge - Friends of Poole Park S MacGregor - Friends of Poole Park C Middleton - Friends of Poole Park M Muir - Friends of Poole Park B Plumbridge - Friends of Poole Park R Shefford - Friends of Poole Park L Smith - Friends of Poole Park R St John - Friends of Poole Park T St John - Friends of Poole Park P Steer - Friends of Poole Park / Parkstone Bay Association G Sutton - Friends of Poole Park K Tutton - Friends of Poole Park

- 1 - N Tutton - Friends of Poole Park

1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks

The Chairman welcomed all those present and House Rules were read aloud to the Meeting.

2. Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received from E Allen, D Biggar, C Board, Cllr Bulteel, M Burton, S Burton, M Chadwick, K Hamilton, T Muir, D Parker, J Price and C Watkins.

3. Minutes

RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 3rd December 2007 be confirmed as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

4. Matters arising

4.1 pg. 3 (4.6) M7 (v) – History of Poole Park Book

Should read: ‘These included a history of the Park compiled by Geoffrey Budworth, a synopsis of which was currently being considered by Sutton Publishing’.

4.2 Ian Andrews reported that the publishing house History Press, which had taken over Sutton Press, had accepted Mr Budworth’s synopsis and it was anticipated that the history would be published in Summer 2008.

5. Poole Park Update

Poole Park’s Ranger gave an update on completed and planned works within the Park as follows:

5.1 A new picnic table had been installed by the boating kiosk;

5.2 land drains had been laid at the Mezza Luna restaurant. These were proving to be effective;

5.3 two tree planters had been ordered to screen the restaurant’s refuse bins;

5.4 land around the boathouse would be landscaped and planted with cypress trees and a bed of hydrangeas. Myrna Chave would liaise with the Park Ranger in order to discuss the position of the new hydrangea bed;

5.5 grass adjacent to the footpath to the eco-village was to be reinstated and the area would be re-seeded and planted with bulbs and shrubs;

5.6 A drop kerb would be installed at the War Memorial; - 2 - 5.7 The East Lodge Contractors yard was being reconfigured and enlarged. As part of the works, the garage would be demolished, new containers would be installed and the site would be re-wired.

5.8 Volunteers had cleared the old swimming pool site and the land would now be levelled in preparation for the arrival of the Poole Harbour Canoe Club (Youth Section) site office;

5.9 The sluice gate fence was unsafe and currently taped off from the public. Leisure Services would repair the fencing in the new financial year;

5.10 Leisure Services Officers were meeting with Officers from Transportation Services to discuss the standardisation of car parking throughout the Park and to examine the issue of parking on the grass. Discussions were still at a very early stage and the Open Spaces Manager gave an undertaking that any proposals arising from those discussions would subsequently be brought before the Friends of Poole Park in order for members to give their feedback. Any formal proposals would be brought before the Friends of Poole Park as part of the consultation process.

Doug Chick moved and it was seconded that ‘In the view of the Friends of Poole Park, car parking at the Mezza Luna Restaurant be limited to one hour, that car parking at Gus Gorilla’s be reduced to 2 hours and that parking restrictions in all other areas be reviewed at a later date’

On being put to the vote the Motion relating to car parking in Poole Park was LOST.

5.11 Leisure Services had used its own funds to purchase new roses for the Rose Garden and there was no charge to the Friends of Poole Park;

5.12 The Park Ranger had not pursued options to install a bird feeder as the cost of the equipment was likely to be prohibitive;

5.13 The Park Ranger was thanked for arranging for a litter bin to be installed in the Rose Garden;

5.14 The Park Ranger was looking into reinstating land to the rear of the model railway engine shed.

(i) Poole Harbour Canoe Club Site

5.15 A Planning Application to erect a site office for Poole Harbour Canoe Club (Youth Section) at the old swimming pool site would shortly be submitted to the Local Authority. The site office, which would be provided and paid for by the Club, would be fenced and gated and operated under a licence from Property Services. No open storage would be allowed on site. It was expected that the visual impact of the site office would be kept to a minimum and that it would be painted dark green in an attempt to blend with the environment. A plan of the dimensions of the site was available from the Treasurer.

- 3 - Ian Andrews underlined the importance of the site being compatible with the rest of the park and called on members to object to the application if they considered the site to be incompatible with the overall park environment.

5.16 Plans for the remainder of the site included tidying, re-seeding and planting shrubs along the wildlife corridor adjacent to the railway line.

(ii) Consultancy – Cycle Track and Pavilion

5.17 Clare Freeman reported that the Local Authority’s Landscape Architect, Paul Hillman, would shortly be meeting with representatives from local cycle clubs and the cricket club in order to discuss proposals for a cycle track and pavilion. Early indications suggested that there was support for reinstating a cycle track in the Park.

Once the views of key stakeholders had been gathered, the Landscape Architect would prepare a Project Brief which would be put out to tender for a detailed feasibility study. The Friends of Poole Park would be invited to make comments on the proposal as soon as the Project Brief had been prepared.

It was unlikely that the Project would be completed in time for the 2008 cricket season.

(iii) Green Flag Award Status

5.18 The Open Spaces Manager gave an update on Poole Park’s application for Green Flag status and circulated a one page synopsis covering the Award, Poole Park’s Application and the Park’s Management Plan (attached).

5.19 The Management Plan for Poole Park had been put together by Leisure Services staff in conjunction with the Friends of Poole Park, with original text from the Outline Management Plan as agreed by the Friends in 2003 used as its basis. This had been submitted to the Civic Trust as part of the application for Green Flag Award status.

5.20 The Plan would be made available on the Borough of Poole website within the fortnight and a public summary would also be produced.

5.21 The Plan would be put out for public consultation with park user feedback in the summer with the aim of adopting the Poole Park Management Plan as a Supplementary Planning Document which would provide a holistic framework to guide the future of the Park.

5.22 On behalf of the Friends of Poole Park Ian Andrews thanked Committee Members and Leisure Services Officers for their hard work in producing the Plan.

5.23 Clare Freeman reported that two judges would be allocated to assess the Park in March. A field assessment would take place in April / May and results were expected in June / July 2008.

(iv) Kiosk

5.24 On behalf of the Meeting, the Chairman expressed his sincere thanks to Elaine Lawford and Bill Deans for their hard work in setting up the new Friends of Poole

- 4 - Park kiosk. The kiosk was a ‘great facility’ which was a credit to both the Park and the Friends.

5.25 18 volunteers had expressed an interest in helping out at the kiosk and all were thanked for giving up their time to support the Friends.

5.26 the Local Authority’s Tourism Services would be supplying the Friends with updated tourist information leaflets in March.

5.27 Further display boards were being erected in the Park and the Chairman hoped to negotiate an additional site at Poole Radio Yacht Club.

(v) Canada Geese

5.28 The Chairman thanked Peter Steer for investigating options for controlling Canada Geese in the Park.

5.29 Peter Steer had contacted Dorset Wildfowlers to request their assistance in controlling the number of geese however local shooting area restrictions meant there was little practical assistance the group could give;

5.30 Peter Steer underlined the need to eradicate goose mess in the Park for health and safety reasons and urged the Open Spaces Manager to contact Pro Fauna, a local wildlife controlling company, to discuss options for controlling geese in the Park.

6. Events Report

6.1 The Events Coordinator informed the meeting that he was taking a ‘year off’ from arranging the Annual Poole Park Fest. In the interim the Chairman, together with the Secretary, were looking into options for staging a smaller-scale ‘water-based’ event in August 2008. In addition, the Chairman reported that he had met with an external Event Organiser in order to discuss the possibility of a professional company project managing specific areas of the Fest for 2008. Whilst details were still to be discussed, a full report would be made to the Committee if this option were to be pursued.

6.2 Bill Butler underlined the importance of teamwork in staging an event the size of Poole Park Fest.

6.3 On behalf of the Friends of Poole Park, The Event Co-ordinator thanked Elaine Lawford for her hard work in coordinating events for the Friends, including arranging the annual Christmas meal at Mezza Luna Restaurant and a coffee morning at the Kiosk.

7. Publicity Report

7.1 The Publicity Officer reported that a third information leaflet was being produced for distribution to local schools. This was a colour leaflet documenting trees in the Park and incorporating a Membership Form. The Borough of Poole had agreed to pay half the printing and artwork costs;

- 5 - 7.2 The Daily Echo had recently published an article on the mosquito device in the Park.

7.3 The Chairman reported that the website had not yet been updated as the Committee was still waiting to receive the updated events list from the Local Authority. The Open Spaces Manager undertook to email the list to the Chairman as soon as possible.

8. Traffic Issues

8.1 In the absence of Cllr Adams, the Chairman gave an update on traffic issues within the park as follows:

8.2 Dorset Police had now agreed to conduct speed camera trials in the Park and would also deploy a mobile CCTV ‘Striker’ camera in the Park which would transmit images to the Civic Centre Control Room.

8.3 The police would conduct speed trials on the causeway between 4.30pm and 6.30pm.

9. Projects

(i) Information Kiosk, Duck Houses, Water Fountain

9.1 The Information Kiosk was now complete; an Information Manual for volunteers would be available shortly;

9.2 Five duck houses had been installed at the freshwater lake;

9.3 Bill Deans had researched options for a floating water fountain in the Salt water lake and had met with an engineer to discuss the Project. The cost of the fountain was estimated at £36,000, a figure far higher than the Friends had budgeted for. As a result, the Committee was investigating the possibility of securing sponsorship to fund the balance, either through the Local Authority or from private companies.

9.4 The Open Spaces Manager reported that the Local Authority was in the process of agreeing a prioritization scheme for projects which could be considered for Planning Obligations Funding. It was essential that a clear rationale for spending could be demonstrated for each of the projects submitted for consideration.

(ii) Fitness Trail

9.5 As part of the consultation process, a report on the proposed Fitness Trail had been made to the Hamworthy East and West and Poole Town Area Committee meeting held on 30 January 2008. Ward Councillors had also been consulted on the scheme and had made specific requests relating to the location of proposed equipment, which they asked should be unobtrusive and not be located in the vicinity of the war memorial. The Local Authority’s Conservation Planning Officers had also been consulted.

9.6 The Open Spaces Manager reported that the Sports and Recreation Development Team was launching the ‘3 x 30’ Fitness initiative at Upton Country Park on 5 April - 6 - 2008. The event would be attended by four sports equipment providers and members of the Friends of Poole Park were encouraged to attend in order to see, and try out, the proposed fitness equipment for themselves.

9.7 It was reported that Anthony Rogers, the Local Authority’s Recreation Manager, had submitted a funding bid to cover the cost of fitness equipment at both Poole Park and Upton Country Park. It was possible that monies could be secured through the Local Strategic Partnership.

9.8 The Open Spaces Manager gave an update on projects currently being submitted for consideration for Planning Obligations funding; these included the Cycle track and pavilion (£15,000 allocated for a feasibility study), fitness trail (application for £30,000 funding) and improvements to disabled access in the Park.

10. Membership Report

(i) Kiosk Volunteers

10.1 This Item had been covered under Agenda Item 5(iv) – Kiosk.

11. Treasurer’s Report

11.1 The Treasurer’s latest report (attached) was circulated to the Meeting for information.

11.2 Doug Chick queried the £100.20 expenditure at the Annual Dinner. In response, the Chairman explained that the expenditure covered the cost of drinks as a ‘thank you’ to Members, especially those who had volunteered to help at the ‘Fest. Doug Chick and two other members registered their objections, stating that membership fees were paid to the Friends of Poole Park to help improve the Park and not to cover the cost of drinks at the Annual Dinner.

11.3 Myrna Chave defended the Committee’s decision to pay for drinks at the Annual Dinner, and asked how some members could begrudge buying a drink for members who worked extremely hard for the Friends of Poole Park? Volunteers did a very good job in the Park and Mrs Chave proposed a vote of thanks to all those members and local authority staff who had worked so hard for the benefit of Poole Park.

11.4 Members expressed their support for the vote of thanks by a majority show of hands.

12. Any Other Business

12.1 There were no items to consider.

13. Date of Next Meeting

AGREED that the next Meeting of the Friends of Poole Park would take place on Monday 2 June at 7.00pm in the Conference Room, Civic Centre.

CHAIRMAN - 7 - Registered Charity 1101748

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