UPES PTSA Meeting Minutes May 9, 2013

6:30 pm PTSA Meeting brought to order in the LMC.

Welcome: (Vice President Christina Whipple)

 Next year officers will be Kelly Heine and Mary Weissflach as co-Vice Presidents, Mary Beth Koch as Secretary and Maureen Gregoire as Treasurer.

 Jackie updated that state assessments are done except for fourth grade science.

 Walk across America is going well.

Secretary Report:

 Meeting minutes from March 2013 were reviewed. Motion to pass minutes made by Christina Whipple. Seconded by Jennifer Reagan. All in favor: all. Opposed: None. Abstained: None. Motion/minutes passed.

Treasurers Report: (Kelly Heine)

 After expected expenditures, expect a $10,000 balance to carry to next year.

 Reminded that PTSA cannot pay sales tax; please obtain and use a sales tax exemption form.


 Teacher Appreciation – Carey Gibbons reported that a breakfast was provided as were gift bags and trays of baked goods. All were well received. Karie Held will assist Carey next year.

 Kindergarten Screening – Carey Gibbons reported that there are enough books for each child to receive one. A PTSA table with books and a PTSA handout will be at screening.

 Book Fair – Karie Held reported that all moneys that needed to be spent from the book fair were used for the librarian to receive 20-30 books and a globe, as well as books for kindergarten screening. Balance will be used for one smart board. Patrick Wirth inquired if the technology fund could supplement the shortfall.

 Picture Day – Lifetouch offers Photo Booth twice during the year included in package. It will be used for Level 5 banquet and Winter Carnival. Patrick Wirth will decide by next week if ipads or laptops will be obtained with the Lifetouch incentive.

 Level 5 – Banquet on June 13th. Cave of the winds is June 14th. Moving up Day is June 19th.

 Fundraising – Mary Weissflach reported the Entertainment Books have filed for bankruptcy. They are looking at alternatives with a company in Cheektowaga. Other ideas are FritoLay sales (Kristin Biniewski to follow up) and an annual Scripps Gift Card sales (Jen Reagan to follow up).  Reflections – Next years theme will be “Believe, Dream, Inspire”. Chairperson will be Sarah Khuu.

 Winter Carnival – Roxanne Terry reported that carnival games are free if Santa Secret Shop is done. Will possibly do during school hours around time of carnival.

 Box Tops - $1503 was earned from the drive, in addition to $1600 prior, so $3100 for the year to add to the technology fund.

Other Matters:

Marie Hennessey and Patrick Wirth addressed the PTSA regarding the “Giddy Up Club” as a way to increase school morale. See handout. Ideas were discussed. Kelly offered $350 from PARP line and $200 from Core team for current use so fifth graders could possibly leave their mark on the school this year, as well as $500 from Beautification budget line for next year.

Jennifer Reagan posed the question if we as a PTA are doing enough to change along with the education requirements and asked if there is anymore we can be doing to help the teachers. Discussion followed.

Upcoming Dates:

Sept 3, 2013 – First day of school Sept 5 – Welcome back social Sept 12 – Open House (possible second night?) October 2, 2:40 – UPES PTSA Meeting October 18 – Book Fair Set up October 21 – 24 Book Fair Nov 13, 6:30 – UPES PTSA Meeting December 7 – Winter Carnival Jan. 15, 2014, 6:30 - UPES PTSA Meeting March 12, 6:30 - UPES PTSA Meeting May 14, 6:30, - UPES PTSA Meeting (Note possible conflict with a proposed band concert)

Next meeting October 2, 2013 at 2:40 in the Pleasant Ave Cafeteria. Children are welcome to attend to work quietly.

Respectfully Submitted,