Supplementary Table 1 – Constructs Plasmid Description Resistance Source

Importin- His6 – Importin- Kanamycin Adam et al. [1]

Ran His6 – Ran Kanamycin Kalab et al. [2]

RanQ69L His6 – RanQ69L Kanamycin Kalab et al. [2]

NTF2 His6 – NTF2 Ampicillin Paschal et al. [3]

ImpYFP His6 – YFP – Importin- Kanamycin This study

ImpmCherry His6 – mCherry – Importin- Kanamycin This study

ImpmEos2 His6 – mEos2 – Importin- Kanamycin This study

Transportin-1 Transportin-1 – His6 Kanamycin Görlich et al. [4] Transportin-1–GFP GST – GFP – Transportin-1 Ampicillin Kose et al. [5]

GFP1 His6 – GFP Kanamycin This study

GFP2 His6 – GFP – GFP Kanamycin This study

GFP3 His6 – GFP – GFP – GFP Kanamycin This study

SnpIBB – 2xGFP His6 – SnpIBB – GFP – GFP Kanamycin This study ImpαIBB – Cerulean His6 – ImpαIBB – Cerulean – Biotin Ampicillin This study

Nup153FG GST – (TEV) – Nup153(874-1475) – His6 Ampicillin Lim et al. [6]

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