SD DOE Common Course Number: 54403 54404
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Course Title: Spanish 3 & 4
SD DOE Common Course Number: 54403 54404
Course Description: This course is open to all students who have successfully completed Spanish 1 and 2. This course emphasizes the spoken language as well as additional grammar concepts and literature. The play “Don Quijote de la Mancha” will be performed at the end of the year.
Teacher Introduction: Peggy Moreno
Teacher Contact Information: [email protected] phone ext. 2141
State Content Standards Alignment: World Language Standards adopted in July 2011
Course Concepts and Standards and Direction: 1. Communication: Communicate in world languages for multiple purposes. 2. Cultures: Gain knowledge and understanding of other peoples and cultures. 3. Home Language and Culture: Use world languages to increase understanding of the home language and culture. 4. Global Interconnections: Use world languages to interact in multilingual communities and to analyze career options in a global marketplace. 5. Perspectives: Use knowledge and perspectives that can be gained only through the target language and culture.
18 Week Outline 1st Grading Period - 2nd Grading Period –
Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered:
Shopping for Clothes Order in a Restaurant
Trying on Clothes and How They Fit How Food Tastes
Ask For and Offer Help in a Store Preparation of Food
Bargain in a Market Standards Delivered/Assessed:
State Preferences All Goals and Indicators are Taught Throughout the Academic Year Standards Delivered/Assessed:
All Goals and Indicators are Taught Throughout the Academic Year
(see attached SD World Language Standards and Indicators) 3rd Grading Period – 4th Grading Period
Concepts Covered: Concepts Covered:
Talk About a Trip Read Condensed Version of “Don Quijote de la Mancha Ask For and Give Information Perform Play “Don Quijote de la Where You Went and What You Did Mancha”
Ask For and Make Recommendations Talk About What You Already Did
Talk About What You Will Do Emphasis on History and Culture of Spain
Standards Delivered/Assessed: Standards Delivered/Assessed:
All Goals and Indicators are Taught All Goals and Indicators are Taught Throughout the Academic Year Throughout the Academic Year
Assessment Types:
May include quizzes, tests, conversations, projects and presentations. There will be a portfolio due at the end of each semester.
Grading Scale and Policy:
Points shall be awarded for homework, cooperative leaning (group work), quizzes, tests, exams, and participation. Letter grades will be used for reporting to parents/guardians for each marking period.
Letter grades and GPA will be based on the Lead Deadwood School District policy. The following grading scale will be used by all departments and all instructors and will determine grade point average (GPA), class rank, and honor graduate status. The LDSD grading scale is as follows:
100 A+ 4.33 4.17-4.33 95-99 A 4.00 3.83-4.16 93-94 A- 3.66 3.50-3.87 91-92 B+ 3.33 3.17-3.49 88-90 B 3.00 2.83-3.16 86-87 B- 2.66 2.50-2.82 84-85 C+ 2.33 2.17-2.49 80-83 C 2.00 1.83-2.16 78-79 C- 1.66 1.50-1.82 76-77 D+ 1.33 1.17-1.49 72-75 D 1.00 0.83-1.16 70-71 D- 0.66 0.50-0.82 69< F 0.00 0.00 Incompletes
All grades reported as incomplete must be removed within two weeks following the end of a grading period unless special permission for an extension is granted by the building administration. An incomplete will be recorded as an “F” if it is not removed within two weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to complete the work and hand it in to the instructor.
Materials: Pencil and notebook are essential for class every day.
Attendance Policy:
MAKE-UP WORK: It is the responsibility of the student to manage his or her make-up work. You must get the assignments, take the make-up tests etc. When possible, this can be done via your school email account. It is suggested you do so before/after school or during SRB immediately returning to school. Do not expect your teachers to automatically inform you and schedule your make-up work. You will be expected to use the course website when applicable and other tools to avoid falling behind. The late-work policy from the student handbook appears below:
High School students who are absent for more than five (5) days of a block class during a school semester will not receive credit for the course work without special extenuating circumstances and the recommendation of exception from the principal. Students may request an appeal to the loss of credit through a committee of five teachers selected by the student and the building principal.
The building Principal is granted the right to make exceptions to this minimum attendance standard in extra-ordinary cases. If a student reaches the absence limit and thus will potentially lose credit, he or she must continue in the course until the end of a semester unless approved by the building administration. Students who are permitted to withdraw with no credit will be assigned to the “CABIN” for the remainder of the semester.
The student is allowed (2) school days for make-up work for each excused absence.
Contact Information: LDHS phone 717-3899, e-mail: [email protected] Planning time – (9:15- 10:00).
This syllabus is a tenative outline of this course and may be changed as deemed necessary by the instructor.