Earth Sci Outline

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Earth Sci Outline


Name: ______Period: ______

In this class we will focus on becoming more keen observers of nature and natural phenomenon. We will experience activities from earth science, life science, and physical science. Students will focus on data collection and the art of careful scientific investigation. One of the major highlights of 8th grade science is the Stream Project. In this project students conduct a survey of the stream behind the Library and a study of watersheds and stream ecology in general. Other topics covered this year are an introduction to physics, chemistry, evolution, and geology. We will concentrate on developing skills that will help you in high school such as note taking, organizing and keeping a notebook, developing vocabulary, reading, writing, math, and scientific inquiry. A state test in science happens in May. To prepare for this test students need to focus on vocabulary and reading and interpreting charts and graphs.

CLASSROOM RULES  Be Respectful  Be Responsible  Be Safe

GRADING Points can be earned for class assignments, projects, activities and experiments, quizzes and tests, and homework. Grades will be earned according to the number of points you receive. A= 90-100%, B= 80-89%, C= 70-79%, D= 60-69% Student grades are posted on HAC and a student or parent can ask for an update at any time.

MAKE UP and LATE WORK Students are responsible for catching up on work missed if you are absent. Always talk to the teacher or classmate to see what you missed. Unexcused late work will be penalized roughly one letter grade per class late. Unexcused work which is extremely late will receive a maximum grade of 50%.

PROJECTS The big projects in this course are: The Stream, The Momentum Lab Video, Mystery Liquids, and Velocidoggie. If time permits we will experiment with solar cars.

MATERIALS Students should be prepared by bringing a pencil or pen and their science notebook everyday. Notebooks may be a part or section of a larger binder. Colored pencils are another useful material because I really like to see colorful art work in science projects. Students need to care for classroom materials such as books and equipment and are responsible for any damages caused. SAFETY  Know the location of safety equipment  Protect eyes, hair, and skin  Understand and follow directions  Do only approved experiments  Clean up any spills or mess, put materials away, wash hands  Do not eat, drink, or apply makeup in the lab  Behave in a safe and responsible manner at all times

FIELD WORK The small stream behind the library makes an excellent field study area. We will visit the stream on numerous occasions throughout the year to observe it, sample its water, and study its habitat. We will also go on trips to Columbia Hills State Park and Laurence Lake this year. If you are lucky, we will visit the sewage treatment plant to learn the biology of water purification.

Please list any special concerns such as medical conditions, allergies, or other information you want me to know. ______

I ______, agree to abide by these rules, safety guidelines and classroom expectations.

______(student signature) (parent signature) (date)

Tell me the 2 topics in science you are most interested in learning about this year (even if they don’t appear to be on this syllabus).

Tell me about a frustration you have had with the subject of science in the past, or list the 2 topics in science you are least interested in.

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