Pembroke School Board

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Pembroke School Board


PRESENT: Tom Serafin, Janna Culberson, Patricia Nardone-Boucher, Dan Driscoll, Michael Reardon, Deb Bulkley, Peter Aubrey, Mona Sandberg, Patty Sherman, Jonathan Burnham, Sandy Valine, Tammy Boucher, Cynthia Proulx,

1. Call to Order – Chair Tom Serafin called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM in the PA Library.

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) – May 22, 2012, December 6, 2011 A motion to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2012 meeting as amended was made by Ms. Boucher, seconded by Ms. Nardone-Boucher. There was clarification in the board’s support of the concept of the Musical/Drama camp. FOUR IN FAVOR, ONE ABSTENTION THE MOTION CARRIED

Ms. Sherman asked for a clarification in the minutes of December 6, 2011 meeting. Ms. Boucher made a motion and Ms. Nardone-Boucher seconded for the minutes on page 3 to read “2% increase to all staff not included in the bargaining unit” ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED.

3. Immediate Business A. Citizens’ Comments None at this time C. Agenda Review There is a gift to be discussed D. Consent Agenda (1 item)  Child Rearing Leave request A motion to approve the child rearing leave for a TRS teacher was made by Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Ms. Nardone-Boucher. ALL IN FAVOR, MOTION CARRIED E. Gifts and Donations A motion to accept the donation of circus tickets, at the discretion of the principal, was made by Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Ms. Culberson. Ms. Sherman stated that the circus tickets were for the Village School. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED F. Board Reports 1. PA Student Senate Report – None at this time 2. SAU Board/SAU Executive Board Reports – None at this time 3. Budget Committee Report – None at this time 4. PACE Report – PACE graduation is scheduled for Friday, June 15. Ms. Culberson will attend. Due to scheduling conflicts, Ms. Sherman will not be able to attend.

1 5. Safe Routes to School Report – Ms. Sandberg stated that no one from the community attended the meeting. $250,000 grant money is available, however due to lack of attendance and participation, the meetings will resume in the fall. It was suggested that the time of the meetings be discussed. The 3:00 meetings might work better for the state official who attends the meetings.

G. PACE Wrap-Up – Due to a conflict, Ms. Allen was not able to attend tonight. Meeting will be rescheduled.

4. Continuing Business A. 2011-12 Budget Update Mr. Aubrey reviewed current projections. $313,000 net surplus is anticipated. Administrators have reviewed budget lines and have requisitioned some purchases to be made at this time. B. Policy Review  Voting Policy (1st Reading) – Ms. Sherman This is not a required policy. The Facilities Use Policy would cover Election Day procedures. A motion to delete the policy was made by Ms. Boucher, seconded by Mr. Driscoll. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED.

5. Informational Items 2012-13 Meeting Schedule Goal setting meeting is scheduled for June 21, 2012. Summer meeting schedule may be subject to change due to district needs.

Ms. Sherman thanked the administrators for their hard work. Ms. Proulx thanked the Board for their support and she will miss everyone. Mr. Serafin thanked her for her work and wished her good luck in her new position.

Mr. Serafin reported the end of the year activities were fantastic and well attended.

6. Citizens’ Comments None at this time

7. Non-Public Session (NH RSA 91-A:3, II., a, c) Personnel and Student Matter At 6:53 PM a motion to enter Non Public Session according to RSA 91-A:3,II,a and c to discuss Personnel and Student Matters was made by Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Ms. Boucher. On a roll call vote, the board voted: Ms. Boucher-YES; Ms. Culberson-YES; Mr. Driscoll-YES; Ms. Nardone-Boucher- YES; Mr. Serafin-YES.

Present in the Non Public Session were Mr. Serafin, Ms. Boucher, Ms. Nardone-Boucher, Mr. Driscoll, Ms. Culberson, Mr. Reardon, Mr. Burnham and Ms. Sherman.

Ms. Sherman and Mr. Reardon updated the Board on a student discipline matter.

2 Mr. Burnham discussed a personnel matter with the Board.

At 7:42 a motion was made by Mr. Driscoll, seconded by Ms. Nardone-Boucher to come out of Non- Public session. On a roll call vote, the board voted: Ms. Boucher-YES; Ms. Culberson- YES; Mr. Driscoll-YES; Ms. Nardone-Boucher- YES; Mr. Serafin-YES.

A motion was made by Ms. Boucher, seconded by Mr. Driscoll to elect two (2) Assistant Principal candidates at Pembroke Academy. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED

8. Teacher Nominations/Resignations Ms. Sherman presented a teacher resignation to the board. A motion to accept the resignation was made by Mr. Driscoll, and seconded by Ms. Culberson. ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED.

9. Adjournment

At 7:44 P.M. a motion was made by Ms. Boucher, seconded by Ms. Culberson to adjourn ALL IN FAVOR, THE MOTION CARRIED.

Next Scheduled Meeting: June 21, 2012 ~ 8:00 A.M. ~ Goal Setting ~ SAU Office


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