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From Malka Sansani - Director of Education & Youth Join us for the Purim Carnival – Don’t Miss the Noise! Sunday, March 20 10:00 – 12:30pm
The Almond Tree is Growing – Tu Bishvat was here! A Tu Bishvat Seder, fruit tasting, an introduction to the seven species Israel is blessed with, writing personal prayers to Israel, creating stories and a variety of art projects are only samples of the many experiences we offered to our school children when we celebrated the birthday of trees in Israel. Many thanks to Janice Purnell for leading a morning of assorted and fun art projects for grades K – 7. Thanks also to room parents for communicating with parents and providing all kinds of fruits teachers needed in order to deliver their Tu-Bishvat lessons.
In light of the December 2010 fire in the Carmel Mountains near Haifa, Israel, which burned about five million trees – and until mid February 2011, our school will donate the tzdakah children bring to the Jewish National Fund to help replant the bare, black mountains. Please join us in this effort.
Bnai Mitzvah Prep with Cantor Brian For the first in the life of CBH school, 7th graders who completed our Hebrew program while in 6th grade and have not yet started their Bar and Bat Mitzvah tutoring, have a chance to meet once a week and refresh their reading and chanting skills. This new group will meet with Cantor Brian once a week for six consecutive weeks and bond around dinner, prayers and hevrutah learning.
The 5th & 6th Grade Shabbaton Participants Asked: “When will we have another Shabbaton?” Six teens, six madrichim (counselors), Amy and Sydney Zide (Shabbaton Directors), spent December 3-4 on our campus living and enjoying a very successful Shabbaton event. They played NinJews searching for Hanukkah candles that were hidden by the Greeks, and used Knowledge, Courage and Team Work to succeed in their task. They “traveled” to Jerusalem and placed noted in the ‘wailing wall’. They also visited Tel Aviv and made sand art from the Mediterranean shore line. On Shabbat, teens walked through a Nature Service, learned about Joseph the dreamer and made dream catchers. The Shabbaton ended with Havdalah service and a closing circle.
2011 Shabbaton for 3rd & 4th graders: A shul-in experience On Friday & Saturday, March 11-12, we will offer a Shabbaton program to 3rd and 4th graders. Students will celebrate Shabbat through interactive prayer services, a variety of fun and engaging programming, delicious meals. If you have any questions, please email Amy Zide at [email protected].
“Moses and the Freedom Fanatics”, the story of the Exodus by Hal Hopson, is the 7th musical our children will be playing together with children of a different faith. This year we will be working with the children and parents of St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Janie’s (musical director) new “home”. There are many roles (singing and otherwise) for children in grades 1-6. Performance dates are May 15th at St. Martin’s and May 22nd at CBH. Rehearsals will start in February. Interested? Please contact [email protected].
Keshet Our teens went to see the Sacramento Kings vs. Washington Wizards on December 8th, the last night of Hanukkah. In addition to cheering on the Kings together, they also enjoyed lighting Hanukkah candles on the court and a short Q&A with Omri Caspi, the Kings’ Israeli forward.
Keshet students are participating in two elective courses this new semester: The Israeli Parliament & Current Events, a new addition, and Judaism in Hollywood, continued from last semester.
Dates to Remember Friday, Feb 4: 3rd grade participates in 7:30 pm Family Service, with a potluck at 6:30 pm Sunday, Feb 13: 3rd grade family program Sunday, Feb 20: NO school, President’s Day Sunday, March 20: Purim Carnival
From Brandon Hassid - DRTY president I would first like to wish everyone a happy new year on behalf of Davis Reform Temple Youth (a.k.a. DRTY). My name is Brandon Hassid, and I am the DRTY President this year. For those of you who aren't familiar with DRTY, DRTY is the youth group for high school students at congregation Bet Haverim. We hold events ranging from kick backs and bonding activities to community service projects and exciting field trips. Recently, in December, we held the annual Freshmen Kidnap event, to welcome the freshmen into DRTY, and on January 8th we hosted J-Night (a costume party with the theme of the letter "J"), which was a great success. Coming up on February 5th we will be holding our first ever Murder Mystery party, where guests spend the evening acting in characters (and in costumes) to try to solve a mystery. February 12th will be "Improv Night", and in March we will hold our 3rd annual Shul-in (a sleepover at synagogue) event.
This year's DRTY Board is a very enthusiastic group and we look forward to many exciting events this year. Da Vinci High School junior Max Brumer is in his second year on board and is this year's Treasurer. Leah Julian is also a Da Vinci HS junior returning for her second year on board and she is the Membership Vice President and the Religious and Cultural Vice President. Juniors Ben Tennenbaum and Rebecca Rubin are in their first year on the DRTY board and are the Communications Vice President and the Social Action Vice President respectively. I, Brandon Hassid, am in my third year as a member of the DRTY Board and I am this year's president. UC Davis junior Roxy Donnay is DRTY’s Youth Advisor. We look forward to a great year.
For any questions about DRTY or events please feel free to email us at [email protected] or add us on Facebook ("Davis Reformtempleyouth").