Highly Efficient and Performant Database

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

Highly Efficient and Performant Database

Version 1.0 June 2016

Prepared by Microsoft Services SQL Server 2016 Highly Efficient and Performant Database

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database Table of Contents

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

1 Overview

Typical SQL Server relational database implementations that need to support mission critical workloads need to implement high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) strategies with demanding high performance and low latency requirements. Additionally, there is an increasing need for real-time insights into the transactional data to support quick business decisions. However, the reporting and dashboarding workloads end up causing performance problems on the OLTP systems. To support both types of workloads, the database implementation extracts data out of the OLTP system and loads it into separate databases that supported operational reporting in real-time on the incoming transactional data. This increases complexity, costs and results in delays in the availability of data in the reporting and dashboards. SQL Server 2016 supports a number of capabilities that enable real-time reporting and dashboarding on a high performance, low latency, HADR OLTP database. With these capabilities hosting service providers can offer a high performance database to their customers. This implementation leverages the following capabilities:  An In-Memory OLTP with AlwaysOn Availability Groups o Synchronous Replica in the primary datacenter for High Availability and Asynchronous Replicas in the secondary datacenter for disaster recovery o Read only load balancing to the read only secondary asynchronous replica databases o Rebalancing of load during failure conditions  Query Datastore for performance tuning and troubleshooting  ColumnStore Index on the asynchronous replicas to support high performance querying for reports and dashboards

1.1 DBA Considerations

For a Highly Efficient and Performant Database scenario, it is important to have an in depth understanding of:  Customer’s HADR strategy

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database  Performance tuning and optimization of queries of the relational structure of the database tables and how the data is being accessed for both the OLTP and the real time report and dashboard workloads

1.2 Highly Efficient and Performant Database Features

Once the access requirements have been finalized, the next step is to work with a Database Administrator to design and implement the final database deployment. The scenario detailed in this document leverages three key features of SQL Server 2016 which are listed below.

1.2.1 Always On Availability Groups

AlwaysOn Availability Groups is an enterprise-level high-availability and disaster recovery solution introduced in SQL Server 2012 to enable you to maximize availability for one or more user databases. AlwaysOn Availability Groups requires that the SQL Server instances reside on Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC) nodes. For more information, see AlwaysOn Availability Groups (SQL Server).

1.2.2 In Memory Column Store Indexes

The columnstore index is the standard for storing and querying large data warehousing fact tables. It uses column-based data storage and query processing to achieve up to 10x query performance gains in your data warehouse over traditional row-oriented storage, and up to 10x data compression over the uncompressed data size. Beginning with SQL Server 2016, columnstore indexes enable operational analytics, the ability to run performant real-time analytics on a transactional workload. For more information, see Columnstore Indexes Guide.

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

2 Example Scenario

Fabrikam Investments provide security portfolio management services for millions of customers in the US.  High performance - low-latency trading application and OLTP is hosted by HSP.  They have a need to develop real-time dashboards and reports harvesting data during the trading day showing: o Most Active Stocks. o Top and Bottom Movers  They have already implemented a HADR solution with both synchronous and asynchronous replicas in their datacenters.  HSP analyzes the workload and implements the reporting and dashboarding needs using the highly efficient and performant database offer.

2.1 Developing the Fabrikam Investments Deployment

The HSP analyzed the workload using the Query Store and determined that the database and tables will need to be reconstructed and the existing data migrated from the existing database.  The new database will be created to include a memory optimized file group and container.  The new database tables will be constructed with non-clustered in memory column store indexes. For more information see: Monitoring Performance By Using the Query Store


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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

1.1 Implementation Steps

2.2.1 Fabrikam Database Table Relations

The following diagram provides the foreign key relations in the Fabrikam Investments database tables.

2.1.1 Creating the Customer Database

USE [master] GO

CREATE DATABASE [FabrikamInvestmentsDb] CONTAINMENT = NONE ON PRIMARY ( NAME = N'FabrikamInvestmentsDb', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\FabrikamInvestmentsDb.mdf' , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 65536KB ) LOG ON

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database ( NAME = N'FabrikamInvestmentsDb_log', FILENAME = N'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\FabrikamInvestmentsDb_log.ldf' , SIZE = 8192KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 65536KB ) GO

-- Create the memory optimized Filegroup and Container ALTER DATABASE FabrikamInvestmentsDb ADD FILEGROUP FabrikamInvestmentsDb_mod CONTAINS MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_DATA GO

ALTER DATABASE FabrikamInvestmentsDb ADD FILE (name='FabrikamInvestments_mod1', filename='C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\FabrikamInvestmentsDb_mod1') TO FILEGROUP FabrikamInvestmentsDb_mod GO


2.2.2 Adding the Fabrikam Investment Database to the Availability Group

2.2.1 Make a full backup of the FabrikamInvestmentsDb database

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.2 Click the OK button

2.2.3 Click the OK button

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.4 Add the database to the appropriate availability group

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.5 Click the next button

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.6 Select the FabrikamInvestmentsDb Database

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.7 Select Full Synchronization

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.8 Connect to all the SQL Servers

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.9 Connect using Windows Authentication

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.10 Click the Next button

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.11 Click the Next button

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.12 Click the Finish button

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.13 Wait for the Availability Group updates to complete

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.14 Verify all processing was successful

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.2.3 Configure the Read Only Routing for the Availability Group

The following statements will configure the load balancing as follows:  Primary replica will be DATA1-SQL1  Round robin the read only workload across DATA2-SQL1 and DATA2-SQL2  If Site2-DC is down then send the read only workload to DATA1-SQL2  If DATA1-SQL2 becomes the new primary replica, then send the read only workload to DATA1-SQL1  If a failover occurs to Site2-DC and DATA2-SQL1 becomes the new primary replica then the read only workload should be sent to DATA1-SQL1 and DATA1-SQL2  If Site1-DC is down then send the read only workload to DATA2-SQL2  If DATA2-SQL2 becomes the new primary replica then send the read only workload to DATA2-SQL1

2.3.1 Create the Failover Load Balanced Routing Tables

USE master GO





-- Set DATA2-SQL1 to allow read only connections ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP [TestAG] MODIFY REPLICA ON N'DATA2-SQL1'

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database WITH (SECONDARY_ROLE (ALLOW_CONNECTIONS = READ_ONLY));




-- Setup the routing --






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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

2.2.5 Creating the Sample Investment Tables

USE [FabrikamInvestmentsDb] GO

------The Order Type table contains the types of orders as an integer (Buy and Sell). ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[OrderType] ( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [Name] [varchar](10) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA);

------The Risk Type table contains risk type of an account (LOW, MEDIUM or HIGH). ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[RiskType] ( [ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [Name] [varchar](10) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA);

------The Account Manager table contains information relating to an account manager. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[AccountManager] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [FirstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [RiskSpecialty] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_AccountManager_RiskType FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES RiskType (ID) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); GO

------The Customer Account table contains information relating to a customer. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerAccount] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [FirstName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [LastName] [varchar](20) NOT NULL, [Email] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [Address] [varchar](50) NOT NULL, [City] [varchar](20) NOT NULL,

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database [State] [varchar](2) NOT NULL, [Zip] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [Phone] [varchar](20) NOT NULL ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); GO

------The Managed Account contains information related to a managed account. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ManagedAccount] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [Name] [varchar](10), [RiskLevel] [int] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_ManagedAccount_RiskType FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES RiskType (ID), [CashAvailable] [money] DEFAULT('0.00') ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); GO

------The Managed Account Open Orders table contains all open orders and the status -- (Completed). ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ManagedAccountOpenOrders] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [ManagedAccountID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_ManagedAccountOpenOrders_ManagedAccount FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ManagedAccount (ID), [OrderType] [int] NOT NULL, [CompanySymbol] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [Shares] [int] NOT NULL, [Price] [money] NOT NULL, [Completed] [bit] DEFAULT(0) NOT NULL, [CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT(getdate()) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA);

------The Managed Account Completed Transactions contain information from the external -- exchange relating to all orders that have been completed on the exchange. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [OpenOrderID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions_ManagedAccountOpenOrders FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ManagedAccountOpenOrders (ID), [CompanySymbol] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [Shares] [int] NOT NULL, [Price] [money] NOT NULL, [CreatedDate] [datetime] NOT NULL DEFAULT(getdate()) ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); Page 24 Highly Efficient and Performant Database Version Error! Unknown document property name. last modified on 5 Jun. 16

Highly Efficient and Performant Database

------The Customer Account Managed Account contains a relation between the customer account -- and the managed accounts. A customer may have multiple managed accounts. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerAccountManagedAccount] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [CustomerAccountID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerAccountManagedAccount_CustomerAccount FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES CustomerAccount (ID), [ManagedAccountID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerAccountManagedAccount_ManagedAccount FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ManagedAccount (ID), [AccountManagerID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_CustomerAccountManagedAccount_AccountManager FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES AccountManager (ID), ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); GO

------The Managed Account Positions contains all stock positions held in a managed account. ------CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ManagedAccountPositions] ( [ID] [bigint] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED HASH WITH (BUCKET_COUNT=1000000), [ManagedAccountID] [bigint] NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_ManagedAccountPositions_ManagedAccount FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES ManagedAccount (ID), [CompanySymbol] [varchar](10) NOT NULL, [Shares] [int] NOT NULL, [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ) WITH (MEMORY_OPTIMIZED = ON, DURABILITY = SCHEMA_AND_DATA); GO


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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

2.2.7 Populating the Investment Tables with sample data

The embedded file below contains all table data insert statements used for this scenario while debugging the new database deployment.

2.2.8 Example Insert Statements from embedded SQL script

2.8.1 Populate the Order Type Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[OrderType] ([Name]) VALUES ('BUY'), ('SELL') GO

2.8.2 Populate the Risk Type Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[RiskType] ([Name]) VALUES ('LOW'), ('MEDIUM'), ('HIGH') GO

2.8.3 Populate the Account Manager Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[AccountManager] ([FirstName],[LastName],[RiskSpecialty]) VALUES ('John', 'Doe', 1), ('Steve', 'Smith', 2), ('Jane', 'Doe', 3) GO

2.8.4 Populate the Customer Account Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[CustomerAccount] ([FirstName],[LastName],[Email],[Address],[City],[State],[Zip],[Phone]) VALUES

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database ('Peter', 'James', '[email protected]', '111 Newport Way', 'Nowhere', 'NV', '99999', '555-555-5555'), ('David', 'Smith', '[email protected]', '101 Bellevue Way', 'Bellevue', 'WA', '99999', '444-444-4444'), ('Daniel', 'Peterson', '[email protected]', '2751 North 1250 East', 'Denver', 'CO', '99999', '333-333-3333') GO

2.8.5 Populate the Managed Account Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ManagedAccount] ([Name],[RiskLevel],[CashAvailable]) VALUES ('401K', 3, '1050000.00'), ('Personal', 2, '1100000.00'), ('IRA', 1, '2030000.00') GO

2.8.6 Populate the Cuatomer Account Managed Account Relation Table

INSERT INTO [dbo].[CustomerAccountManagedAccount] ([CustomerAccountID],[ManagedAccountID],[AccountManagerID]) VALUES (1,1,3), (2,2,2), (3,3,1) GO

2.8.7 Populate the Managed Account Positions Table (example)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ManagedAccountPositions] ([ManagedAccountID],[CompanySymbol],[Shares],[Date]) VALUES (1,'AAA',1000,getdate()), (1,'AAB',1000,getdate()), (1,'AAC',1000,getdate())

2.8.8 Populate the Managed Account Open Orders Table (example)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ManagedAccountOpenOrders] ([ManagedAccountID],[OrderType],[CompanySymbol],[Shares],[Price]) VALUES (3,2,'BBF',100,1005.3), (3,2,'AAH',100,230.4), (3,2,'AAK',100,195.9)

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 2.8.9 Populate the ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions Table (example)

INSERT INTO [dbo].[ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions] ([OpenOrderID],[CompanySymbol],[Shares],[Price],[CreatedDate]) VALUES (742,'AAH',100,'309.4',getdate()), (743,'AAH',100,'301.7',getdate()), (744,'BBJ',100,'339.4',getdate())

2.3 Testing the new Fabrikam Investments Database

2.3.1 Execute the Read Only Queries against the Listener (load balanced)

3.1.1 Setup a connection to the listener

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 3.1.2 Add MultiSubnetFailover=true;ApplicationIntent=readonly; to the connection string and connect Additional Connection Parameters (Copy/Paste) MultiSubnetFailover=true;ApplicationIntent=readonly;


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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

4 Execute the Reporting Queries

1.1.1 Query for all Customer Account Information

USE [FabrikamInvestmentsDb] GO

-- Select all information relating to a Customer Account SELECT DISTINCT 'Customer Account Information', ma.Name, ca.*, rt1.Name AS RiskLevel, am.FirstName, am.LastName, rt2.Name AS RiskSpecialty, map.CompanySymbol, map.Shares FROM CustomerAccount ca JOIN CustomerAccountManagedAccount cama ON cama.CustomerAccountID = ca.ID JOIN ManagedAccount ma ON ma.ID = cama.ManagedAccountID JOIN RiskType rt1 ON rt1.ID = ma.RiskLevel JOIN AccountManager am ON am.ID = cama.AccountManagerID JOIN RiskType rt2 ON rt2.ID = am.RiskSpecialty JOIN ManagedAccountPositions map ON map.ManagedAccountID = ma.ID JOIN ManagedAccountOpenOrders cmaoo ON cmaoo.ManagedAccountID = ma.ID ORDER BY ca.ID GO

1.1.2 Query for Open Orders by Company

-- Query Open Orders by Company Symbol SELECT DISTINCT 'Open Orders by Company', CompanySymbol, OrderType, Count(*) AS Count FROM ManagedAccountOpenOrders WHERE Completed = 0 GROUP BY CompanySymbol, OrderType ORDER BY CompanySymbol ASC GO

1.1.3 Query for Customer’s Stock Positions

-- Query Customer Positions SELECT DISTINCT 'Customer Positions', ma.Name, ca.*, am.FirstName, am.LastName, map.CompanySymbol, map.Shares FROM CustomerAccount ca JOIN CustomerAccountManagedAccount cama ON cama.CustomerAccountID = ca.ID JOIN ManagedAccount ma ON ma.ID = cama.ManagedAccountID JOIN RiskType rt1 ON rt1.ID = ma.RiskLevel JOIN AccountManager am ON am.ID = cama.AccountManagerID JOIN RiskType rt2 ON rt2.ID = am.RiskSpecialty JOIN ManagedAccountPositions map ON map.ManagedAccountID = ma.ID ORDER BY ca.ID GO

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

1.1.4 Query for Customer’s Open Orders

-- Query Customer Open Orders SELECT DISTINCT 'Customer Open Orders', ma.Name, ca.*, am.FirstName, am.LastName, ot.Name, maoo.CompanySymbol, maoo.Shares FROM CustomerAccount ca JOIN CustomerAccountManagedAccount cama ON cama.CustomerAccountID = ca.ID JOIN ManagedAccount ma ON ma.ID = cama.ManagedAccountID JOIN RiskType rt1 ON rt1.ID = ma.RiskLevel JOIN AccountManager am ON am.ID = cama.AccountManagerID JOIN RiskType rt2 ON rt2.ID = am.RiskSpecialty JOIN ManagedAccountOpenOrders maoo ON maoo.ManagedAccountID = ma.ID AND maoo.Completed = 0 JOIN OrderType ot ON ot.ID = maoo.OrderType ORDER BY ca.ID GO

1.1.5 Query for Customer’s Completed Orders

-- Query Customer Completed Orders SELECT DISTINCT 'Customer Completed Orders', ma.Name, ca.*, am.FirstName, am.LastName, ot.Name, maoo.CompanySymbol, maoo.Shares FROM CustomerAccount ca JOIN CustomerAccountManagedAccount cama ON cama.CustomerAccountID = ca.ID JOIN ManagedAccount ma ON ma.ID = cama.ManagedAccountID JOIN RiskType rt1 ON rt1.ID = ma.RiskLevel JOIN AccountManager am ON am.ID = cama.AccountManagerID JOIN RiskType rt2 ON rt2.ID = am.RiskSpecialty JOIN ManagedAccountOpenOrders maoo ON maoo.ManagedAccountID = ma.ID AND maoo.Completed = 1 JOIN OrderType ot ON ot.ID = maoo.OrderType ORDER BY ca.ID GO

1.1.6 Query for the Most Active Stocks (Fabrikam Transactions)

-- Query for the Most Active stocks SELECT TOP 3 'Most Active Stocks', [CompanySymbol], SUM(Shares) AS 'Shares Traded' FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] WHERE [Completed] = 1 GROUP BY [CompanySymbol] ORDER BY SUM(Shares) DESC GO

1.1.7 Query for the Top and Bottom Movers

-- Top/Bottom Movers

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database -- Create a temp table with the first and last transactions for each company SELECT * INTO #TempTable FROM ( SELECT maoo1.ID, maoo1.[CompanySymbol], maoo1.[Price] FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] maoo1 JOIN ( SELECT [CompanySymbol], MAX(ID) AS ID FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] WHERE [Completed] = 1 AND OrderType = 2 GROUP BY [CompanySymbol] ) maoo2 ON ( maoo1.ID = maoo2.ID ) UNION SELECT maoo1.ID, maoo1.[CompanySymbol], maoo1.[Price] FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] maoo1 JOIN ( SELECT [CompanySymbol], MIN(ID) AS ID FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] WHERE [Completed] = 1 AND OrderType = 2 GROUP BY [CompanySymbol] ) maoo2 ON ( maoo1.ID = maoo2.ID ) ) AS Temp;

-- Query the temp table for the Biggest Gainers SELECT TOP 5 t1.CompanySymbol, t2.Price - t1.Price AS 'Gain' FROM #TempTable t1 JOIN #TempTable t2 ON t2.Price > t1.Price AND t1.CompanySymbol = t2.CompanySymbol AND t2.ID > t1.ID ORDER BY t2.Price - t1.Price DESC

-- Query the temp table for the Biggest Losers SELECT TOP 5 t1.CompanySymbol, t2.Price - t1.Price AS 'Loss' FROM #TempTable t1 JOIN #TempTable t2 ON t2.Price < t1.Price AND t1.CompanySymbol = t2.CompanySymbol AND t2.ID > t1.ID ORDER BY t2.Price - t1.Price ASC



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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

1.1 Execute the Process Open Orders Script against the Primary SQL Server

1.2.1 Connect to the Primary SQL Server

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database 1.2.2 Clear the Additional Connection Parameters and click Connect

1.2.3 Execute the Process Open Orders SQL script

USE [FabrikamInvestmentsDb] GO

------NOTE: This script assumes all orders transact 100 shares of stock. ------DECLARE @ID [bigint] DECLARE @OpenOrderID [bigint] DECLARE @Shares [int] DECLARE @Price [money] DECLARE @ManagedAccountID [bigint] DECLARE @OrderType [int] DECLARE @CashAvailable [money]

-- Display the current number of pending transactions Page 34 Highly Efficient and Performant Database Version Error! Unknown document property name. last modified on 5 Jun. 16

Highly Efficient and Performant Database SELECT 'Before Processing Completed Transactions', count(*) FROM [ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions]

DECLARE CompletedOrderCursor CURSOR FOR SELECT [ID],[OpenOrderID],[Shares],[Price] FROM [ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions]

OPEN CompletedOrderCursor

WHILE (1=1) BEGIN FETCH NEXT FROM CompletedOrderCursor INTO @ID, @OpenOrderID, @Shares, @Price


-- Start the Settlement Transaction BEGIN TRAN StockSettlement -- Update the open orders to completed UPDATE [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] WITH (Snapshot) SET [Completed] = 1 WHERE [ID] = @OpenOrderID

-- Get the Open Order Transaction Information SELECT @ManagedAccountID = maoo.[ID], @OrderType = maoo.[OrderType], @CashAvailable = ma.[CashAvailable] FROM [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] maoo JOIN [ManagedAccount] ma ON ma.ID = maoo.[ManagedAccountID] WHERE maoo.[ID] = @OpenOrderID

-- Buy Order IF @OrderType = 1 BEGIN UPDATE [ManagedAccount] SET [CashAvailable] = [CashAvailable] - (@Price * CAST(@Shares AS DECIMAL)) WHERE [ID] = @ManagedAccountID END ELSE -- Sell Order BEGIN UPDATE [ManagedAccount] SET [CashAvailable] = [CashAvailable] + (@Price * CAST(@Shares AS DECIMAL)) WHERE [ID] = @ManagedAccountID END

-- Complete the Open Order Transaction UPDATE [ManagedAccountOpenOrders] SET [Completed] = 1 WHERE [ID] = @OpenOrderID

-- Delete the transaction from the ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions table DELETE FROM [ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions] WHERE ID = @ID Page 35 Highly Efficient and Performant Database Version Error! Unknown document property name. last modified on 5 Jun. 16

Highly Efficient and Performant Database -- Commit the Settlement Transaction COMMIT TRAN StockSettlement END

-- Clean up CLOSE CompletedOrderCursor DEALLOCATE CompletedOrderCursor

-- Make sure all the transactions were processed (should be 0) SELECT 'After Processing Completed Transactions', count(*) FROM [ManagedAccountCompletedTransactions] GO

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Highly Efficient and Performant Database

5 References

5.1 Enhanced Always On

Enhanced Always On Availability Groups in SQL Server 2016 SQL Server 2016 AlwaysOn (Video)

5.2 In Memory Column Store Indexes

CREATE COLUMNSTORE INDEX (Transact-SQL) Columnstore Indexes Guide SQL Server 2016 ColumnStore Technology (Video)

5.3 Query Store

Query Store in SQL Server 2016 Monitoring Performance By Using the Query Store

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