Grant Application Approval Request Procedure (GAARP)

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Grant Application Approval Request Procedure (GAARP)

Grant Application Approval Request Procedure (GAARP)

This form must be completed and submitted for approval at least 7 days prior to the grant submission deadline. Please read the instructions at the end of this document before preparing and submitting for approvals.

Project Title:

Principal Investigator: Email:

Co-Principal Investigator: Email:

LCSC Department:

Funding Agency:

Funding Agency Website:

Grant Application Deadline: Project Dates: Sub- Sub- contract contracti

Award Amount: Indirect Dollars:

Matching Amount (if any): Source of Match:

Project Type: Operating Research Support Student Support/Activity Planning /Develo Materials pment /Supplies Contracted Services Confere nce/Trai Exhibit/Ev ning ent Professional Development Commun Facilities/ ity Equipmen Service t Instructional Activity

Does the project involve any of the following? Hiring Students Patents or Copyrights Bio-/Chemical/Radiation Hazards Hiring Additional Personnel Property Agreements Recombinant DNA Additional Space Confidentiality Agreements Blood Borne Pathogens Remodeling Space Humans as Subjects Safety Concerns Equipment Purchase Animal Research

Please indicate if the project/program requires the following, and provide a simple explanation:

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP Does the project require the purchase or installation of IT related equipment?

Will the project require additional space and/or large equipment or furniture? Does the project require collaboration with other LCSC departments and/or outside organizations? Please list.

Does the project involve tracking of program and/or student outcomes?

Does the project require an institutional obligation beyond the project period? If yes, please explain.

By signing this GAARP, I (the Principal Investigator) certify that I have read the form instructions and that the information provided in the project synopsis and budget is accurate and is what will be submitted to the funding agency upon approval. I understand I cannot submit without appropriate College approvals, and that it is my responsibility to notify my supervisor, College administration, and the Grants Office should any portion of the proposed project change prior to submission. I understand only the Authorized Officials may approve and accept grant funding. I have provided the following:

RFP Attached Abstract Attached Budget Narrative Attached I have reviewed Grant Incentive Options with my supervisor and intend to apply for an incentive. (Optional)

Principal Investigator signature: Date:


Director/Supervisor: Date:

Dean: Date:

Grants & Contracts Director: Date: ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVALS

VP for Finance & Administration: Date:

*Budget Director: Date:

*VP for Student Affairs: Date:

*Provost Date:


*IT Director: Date:

*Financial Aid: Date:

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP *Physical Plant: Date:

*Other: Date:

Project Synopsis Please provide a brief explanation of your project, including the personnel involved, the population served, the duration of the project, and the required resources (classroom space, matching LCSC funds, volunteer support, etc.)

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP Budget Please provide the budget for your project below, or attach a budget narrative to this document when routing for approval. Instructions may be found at the end of this form.

Expense Description Grant Funds Matching Funds Project Total

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP Personnel

Personnel subtotal


Travel subtotal


Supplies subtotal


Equipment subtotal


Other subtotal

Direct Costs total

Participant Support Costs

Indirect Costs

Grand Total

Grant Application Approval Request Procedure (GAARP) Instructions

All proposals and applications for external funding via grants, contracts, subawards, and cooperative agreements must be routed through the Office of Grants & Contracts. No one may submit an

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP application or proposal or sign a funding agreement or contract on behalf of the College other than the Authorized Officials for the College: the President and the Vice President for Finance & Administration.

The Principal Investigator is responsible for completing and routing this form. A copy of the Request for Proposal (RFP) and/or funding agency website address, a brief project synopsis, and budget are required and must be included either via the templates provided in this form or as an attachment.

Approving Supervisors are expected to adequately vet and assess the proposed project and discuss any concerns and questions directly with the Principal Investigator. When reviewing the proposed project, please keep the following factors in mind and use them for assessment:

1. Does the project fit with the mission and strategic plan of the institution?

2. Are the personnel involved experienced enough in the project area?

3. Does this project have the capacity to sustain itself after the grant period has ended?

4. What is the historical relationship between the institution and Funding Agency?

5. Are other departments applying for the same grant, or another grant from the Funding Agency? (Certain funders require focused institutional submission efforts.)

6. Are there sufficient resources to efficiently and effectively administer this project, including project space if needed?

Certain projects will require additional approvals from College officials depending on the project scope, budget, and anticipated outcome. Please ensure all appropriate approvals are secured while routing the GAARP.

Budget Director: projects using College appropriated dollars as match

Provost: projects involving research, award amounts over $10,000, and projects that commit the College for over a year

Vice President for Student Affairs: projects involving student activity, scholarships, and outcomes

IT Director: projects involving IT related purchases and equipment

Physical Plant Director: projects requiring additional space, campus relocation, and furniture and equipment purchases

Financial Aid: projects involving student financial support

Other: projects involving heavy collaboration with an outside department or organization

Updated 06/20/2016 GAARP

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