Standards-Based Unit Planner
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Marissa Leonino Wilkinson Elementary School 2002-2004
How can music serve to unite people in a common bond of community for social change?
THEME/TITLE: “We Are the World”
SUBJECT AREAS: Music, Language Arts, Social Studies Marissa Leonino Unit Theme/Title: Standards-Based Unit Planner Music for Social Change/ Outline 1a “We Are the World:
Content Standards: 1) Perform alone and with Grade Level: 3 others, a varied repertoire of music. 2) Subject Area(s): Music, Language Arts, Improvisation, composing arranging— Social Studies students will improvise, compose, and Time: 6 weeks arrange music using specific guidelines. 4) Listen to, analyze, and evaluate music Culminating Performance Task: and musical performances. 5) Make √ Product √ Performance √ Process connections between music, other -Write and perform a song that unites disciplines and daily life. 6) Demonstrate people toward a common goal knowledge of music in relation to history and culture. Criteria: Specifications for students to Performance Standards: successfully complete performance task The students will- -Displays cooperative interaction in song performance Performance -Ideas of social change are represented in -Perform to an audience in musical activities at song school -Writes 4 lines, rhyming lines 2 and 4 -Perform song using appropriate pitch and Composing rhythm; memorize all lyrics and sing -Use simple rhythmic an/or melodic motif to clearly with good diction compose lyrics -Lyrics are neatly written and demonstrate correct spelling and grammar Analysis and Evaluation -Recognize that timbre (tone color) is a distinguishing factor of musical style Assessment Tools: √ Rubric Connections √ Student Evaluations -Investigates mutual relationships and makes _ Portfolio connections to music education from √ Other: Teacher Observation classroom to grade level themes
Cultures Targeted DCPS Learner Outcomes: -Explores the role of music in uniting people √ Informed Decision Makers toward a common goal √ Quality Producers √ Self-Directed Learners Technology Integration: √ Knowledgeable Problem Solvers -Uses videos, audio recordings, etc. to facilitate √ Collaborative Leaders presentations of musical performances √ Community Builders -Uses computer-generated text to relate information Marissa Leonino Unit Theme/Title: Music for Social Change/ Standards-Based Unit Planner “We Are the World: Outline 1b Grade Level: 3 Essential Skills, Concepts, and Information: Subject Area(s): Music, Language Arts, (List for each performance standard targeted) Social Studies
Performance: -Demonstrates musical talent, social skills, and Learning Events: self-discipline while performing (Activities and Strategies)
Composing: Comparing Styles- -Creates with a steady beat/rhythm and or uses -Compare two different styles of songs tones that are in tune with the musical about social change (e.g., reggae and rock) selection -Use a Venn diagram to list likes and differences Analysis and Evaluation: -Characterizes the timbre of music to determine Music and Words- its style -Write lyrics to a given melody to create a song for social change Connections: -Interprets music/lyrics Lyrics Interpretation- -Discuss the background material and lyrics Cultures: for two songs (“Get Up, Stand Up” and -Expresses orally or through visual illustrations “Imagine”) and have the students develop a how music is used to bring people together main idea for each song
Concepts: Sing- -Music as a unifying force -Sing the songs with expression and -Tone color as a determinate of musical style memorize the first verses of each
Vocabulary: Mood and Tone Quality- social change -Perform a song with appropriate mood and style tone quality unity -Discuss the lyrics and determine the main community message timbre lyrics tempo Marissa Leonino
UNIT FOCUS/TITLE: Music for Social Change/”We Are the World” GRADE: 3 SUBJECT: Music LESSON: 1 of 6
CONTENT STANDARD: (4) Analysis and Evaluation—Students will listen to, analyze and evaluate music and musical performances
PERFORMANCE STANDARD: Recognizes that timbre (tone color) is a distinguishing factor of musical styles.
ESSENTIAL SKILLS: Characterizes musical selections in terms of style.
Introduction/Stating the Standard: State the unit focus, the standards, and the essential skills related to this lesson. Say, “Today, we will listen to two styles of music and compare them. We will pay particular attention to tone color as we analyze and graph the results.”
Learning Events/New Information, or Reinforcement of Previous Concepts: -Introduce “timbre” (tone color) and discuss its role in determining the style of a composition. -Discuss/list the characteristics of timbre (instruments, voice, how used). -Play “Imagine” (John Lennon) as students follow the words and sing when they can. -Ask about instruments heard, voices, melody, rhythm, and tempo. -Play “Get Up, Stand Up” (Bob Marley) and complete the same exercises as above. -Working in partners, have students suggest mood and style of the two songs.
Guided Practice, Independent Practice, and Feedback: -Use a comparison chart, and compare melody, rhythm, tempo, voices, and instruments of the two songs. -Play the two songs again as the students listen and fill in as much information as possible for each performance.
Summary, Assessment, and Closing: -When the charts are completed, ask how the two songs are alike and get responses. -Then, ask how the two performances are different and again get responses. -Sing “Get Up, Stand Up” as they prepare to line up. Marissa Leonino
Rubric Unit Theme/Title: Music for Social Change/ Culminating Performance Task: “We Are the World: -Write and perform a song that unites people toward a common goal. Grade Level: 3 Subject Area(s): Music, Language Arts, Social Studies
4 Advanced
-Song lyrics are written for eight lines, rhyming 2/4 and 6/8, displaying correct grammar and spelling. -Ideas of social change are skillfully presented in song by using more details. -Performance displays appropriate pitch and rhythm, with lyrics memorized, singing clearly and with good diction at all times.
3 Proficient
-Song lyrics are written for one verse rhyming 2/4, displaying correct grammar and spelling. -Ideas of social change are presented in song. -Performance displays appropriate pitch and rhythm, with lyrics memorized, singing clearly and with good diction most of the time.
2 Basic
-Song lyrics are written for one verse rhyming 2/4, displaying grammar and spelling with some mistakes. -Ideas of social change are minimally presented in song. -Performance displays appropriate pitch and rhythm, with lyrics memorized, singing clearly some of the time.
1 Below Basic
-Song lyrics for the chorus are incomplete with poor grammar and spelling mistakes. -Ideas of social change are not presented in song. -Performance rarely displays appropriate pitch and rhythm, with lyrics not memorized.