Full Business / Company Name

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Full Business / Company Name



Full Business / Company Name Are subsidiary company names to be included as members? If so please list them. Are other trading names used by the business / company for credit hire/credit repair? If so please provide them. Address (for billing and communications).

Post Code: Membership Category Full / Associate – please select Chief Executive: Name Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address: Main CHO contact name for receiving information, invoices, consultation: (If not Chief Executive) Job Title: Direct Telephone Number: Mobile Number: Fax Number: E-mail Address:

Any other company staff to be on the circulation list for The CHO email circulars and access to the members only section of the CHO’s website and to the members only Linkedin Group – The CHO User Group: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Name: Email: Your website address:

1 Description of company activities:

Questions for CHOs only Date business / company established Names of all company directors

Credit hire turnover in last calendar or financial year Approximate number of credit hires credit hires /credit repairs in last calendar year: credit repairs Number of employees: Has the company, any director or Yes/No principal had an authorisation If ‘yes’ full details must be provided. withdrawn by the FSA or MoJ or any regulatory action taken against them? Do you undertake first notification of loss on insurance claims? Do you provide an insurance policy within or separate to your rental agreement that your client can claim on if you pursue them for payment? Do you provide any other insurance Yes / No – details if applicable policies – please state what?

Do you handle personal injury claims? Yes / No Are you registered as a Claims Yes / No Management Company with the MoJ? If yes please provide registration / authorisation number:

If not please provide explanation as to why you think you are not required to be:

2 Are you authorised by the FCA? Yes / No Yes / No If yes please provide authorisation number:

If not please provide explanation as to why you think you are not required to be:

Are you a GTA member? Yes / No

3 By applying for membership of the CHO you agree to abide by the terms of its code of conduct and give the Executive Committee of the CHO authorisation to determine compliance with the Code without complaint or remedy.

The CHO Limited (the “CHO”) Code of Conduct (the “Code”)

Members must:

1. Abide by the Code. 2. Conduct their businesses in accordance with applicable laws and regulations to which they are subject. 3. Act with integrity and behave in a way that maintains public confidence in the services CHOs provide. 4. Run their businesses effectively and in accordance with proper governance and sound financial and risk management principals. 5. Where relevant, take appropriate steps to protect any client money they may handle (eg customer insurance excesses). 6. Acknowledge that CHOs, and their referral partners, may be the target of fraud and take appropriate steps to satisfy themselves that each claim is genuine. 7. Take appropriate steps to ensure that customers understand the nature of the services they provide and respond to customer queries in a timely and appropriate manner. 8. Treat all customers fairly. 9. Ensure that the hire vehicles provided to customers are insured, safe, roadworthy and have been adequately maintained. 10. Submit claims to insurers only after consideration that: 1. The claim is genuine 2. The circumstances of the accident justified the hire of a replacement vehicle 3. The customer needed a replacement vehicle 4. The type of vehicle provided or claimed for is reasonable given the circumstances and the law 5. The length of hire is reasonable given the circumstances and the law 6. The amount claimed is reasonable given the circumstances and the law 11. Ensure their employees are adequately trained and that a specific person or group of people is responsible for keeping policies, procedures and documentation compliant with good practice, the law or any other regulation to which their business is subject. 12. Keep customers informed as to the progress of the settlement of claims and provide appropriate support to customers (including, where relevant, facilitating access to legal advice) if claims are disputed.

4 The CHO Limited Website

There is a members only section of the website and you agree to complete the additional information questions on your exclusive membership page once membership is approved and subscriptions are paid. This membership page will not be shared with other members but the information requested is important so that the trade body can present a full picture of the size of the credit hire market, the importance of the employment market it represents and the investment and taxes paid by the industry. Your member only page will also contain the email addresses of those people you require membership emails to be sent to – and keeping the page updated is your responsibility.


Credit hire companies and insurers alike are concerned by the existence of fraudulent claims. Indeed credit hire companies themselves can be targeted by fraudulent claimants and / or referrers of business. The CHO Limited wants members that abide by the highest legal and ethical standards and by its Code of Conduct. By applying for membership you agree that The CHO Limited may put the details contained on this application form through the Netfoil counter-fraud database, the results of which will only be made available to the CHO Executive Committee.



Date: ______

Information in application forms is kept strictly Private and Confidential Please return the completed application, by post AND BY EMAIL to:

Martin Andrews Director General The CHO Limited Hazy Hill Farm 248 Old Birmingham Road Marlbrook Worcs

5 B60 1NU [email protected]


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