Sunshine Region Pony Clubs

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Sunshine Region Pony Clubs

Sunshine Region Pony Clubs 2013 Continuation of Annual Spring Meeting Minutes from May19th 2013 June 8, 2013, 9am Winter Springs, FL and VIA Conference Call/Skype

I. Call to Order and Welcome Regional Supervisor, Allison Thomas, called the meeting to order at 9:06am.

II. Roll Call

Kimberly Leonard, Regional Secretary called the roll. Clubs represented were:

Alligator Creek~Mary Kearley

Bay Leaf~Mary Habarth

Cypress Springs~Lily Martin,

Fox Hollow~Deb Cumming

Horseketeers~Trish Morgan, Sean Morgan

Live Oak Hounds~Kim McCray

Ochlockonee River~Alex Weiss

St. Croix~Jane Coles

St John’s River~Dawn McLane

Sea Fox~Donna Matherly

South Creek~Katy Rosen

South Lake~Tracy Olesh

Tuscawilla~Karen Hyde

Wekiva Basin~Sharon Keeran

In addition, the officers present were Regional Supervisor~Allison Thomas, Secretary ~Kimberly Leonard, Treasurer~Jennifer Weidrick, RIC~Deb Brown and HMO~Beverly Griseck representing Trish Ray. There was no representation for the VRS Rallies, VRS National Certifications because positions are vacant. Also in attendance via conference call was Jennifer Sweet, Vice President of Regional Administration of USPC.

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 1 of 7 4/8/2018 III. Welcome

RS, Allison Thomas, welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced our Parliament Professional Vivianna Ortiz who will ensure we follow Roberts Rules of Order for the duration of our meeting.

IV. Approval of Minutes from the 2013, May 19th meeting. Allison called for any changes to the minutes as presented and to make motion to approve the minutes as presented. Trish Morgan made motion to approve minutes and Mary Habarth 2nd the motion. Minutes Approved.

A. Flowing into where we left off at last meeting, USPC requires a peer review be put into place anytime someone leaves the treasurer position. Sharon Keeran and Melissa Peters represent the peer review. A meeting will be held on June 10, 2013 to verify and discuss the results.

B. Allison Thomas read a statement from USPC as follows: A peer review will be completed following a scheduled June 10 physical review to verify the committee’s verbal discussion. There has been and there is no indication that it will be found that any money is missing nor there is any suspicion of wrongdoing.”

V. Treasure Report, Jennifer Weidrick.

A. Balance assets and liability and check detail were forwarded prior to meeting via email. There was no budget or income report presented. This is just a snapshot of activity since Jennifer Weidrick become Acting Treasurer beginning in April.

B. Jennifer Weidrick wanted to address questions/statements presented via by Bama Rogers.

a. Statement 1: To inform everyone that the Vanguard account is set up as investment fund and income be used for educational activities only.

b. Question 1: What’s on the master credit card? Answer: Airfare for Mo Martel for C Camp. C Camp was canceled and Dawn McLane is looking into the best way to handle ticket, i.e., reissue for another date or cancel. Accounting Software/QuickBooks $25.

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 2 of 7 4/8/2018 c. A Best Practices Policy will be put in place for all credit card holders to sign and expected to abide by the rules of the region.

C. Alex Weiss presented a few questions.

a. Q: Do we have Tet/Games Rally financial results? A: Jennifer does not have the details yet but will attempt to collect them and provide information.

b. Q: Who is handling the 2012 Taxes? Answer: A 990 extension has been filed. Taxes being handled by same accountant as 2012. Peer Review will be making a request for taxes from 2011.

c. Q: Does Treasurer need to be approved by council? Answer: All interim officers are appointed by the RS as Officers of the Region until the next Region Meeting in which they are affirmed or not. Treasurer can not sign on Checking Account until Minutes are presented to the bank which can only occur after Affirmation by the Regional Council.

d. Q? Why was $30,000 of funds removed from the Region checking account? A: Jennifer Sweet answered: As a best practice, when a Treasurer leaves office a new account is opened and all available funds are moved to the new account.

D. Trish Morgan asked for all balance sheets. Jennifer Weidrick answered: April and May has check detail and disbursement. Trish Morgan is specifically asking for January, February and March banking. Jennifer Sweet replied all information that she has been able to verify is there. Jennifer Weidrick will send information out after the meeting but it will just be report and she can not support the numbers. These were provided by the previous Treasurer. Sharon Keeran suggested a target date to provide profit and loss statements after peer review meeting on June 10th of June 15th.

E. Allison stated there were accusations of funds not deposited and had all records present at meeting if anyone wanted to see the full documentation including providing access online to the checking accounts.

F. Dawn McLane requested at Fall Meeting to have a break down of each rally and activities.

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 3 of 7 4/8/2018 VI. RIC Report: Deb Brown. Standards and Certifications Clinic for D1 to C2. National Levels will be reviewed at preps and Horse Management Seminar with Trish Ray in Sorrento, Florida, May. Great turn out with about 40 people.

VII. Championships: Lindy Kennedy is Champs Coordinator. 14 members going. Kimberly Leonard asked if a decision has been made about contributions for champs and the members. Will be discussed in New Business.

VIII. Junior Council Report: Trish Morgan.

C Camp canceled due to only 5 attending and Trish is looking for feedback over the weekend. Junior Council will be hosting EBTH Rally again this year in early September.

IX. 2012 Gala Report: Jennifer Weidrick reported we raised $11,000.

X. 2013 Gala Report: Kimberly Leonard suggested Gala be held every other year due to the time involved with preparing. Since no objections were made, the Gala will be held in December of 2014.

A. Mary Habarth asked how the funds are going too spent. We will discuss during new business.

B. Dawn McLane was disappointed by the number of volunteers. Also, Dawn would like a clearer policy on whether members can or can not buy tickets for the next Gala. Agreed policy will be put in place for next Gala.

XI. Bunny Hendricks asked to have the floor. She clarified the Region’s Cross Country Clinic held in April only cost the amount for the insurance. Of the participation fee, 50% was paid to the Florida Horse Park and 50% to Bunny Hendricks.

XII. Lilly Martin asked to have the floor and was acknowledged. She felt that the organizing of rallies is in disarray because of focusing on the numbers in the red and trying to make the location changes at the last minutes. She would like this to not be allowed or at a minimum no more than 10 days before the event. She and Leslie lost volunteers because of schedule changes as well.

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 4 of 7 4/8/2018 XIII. Mary Kearley asked for the floor and was acknowledged. She asked if Jennifer Sweet would agree that the RS does not allow anything in the Region to happen without her consent? Jennifer Sweet replied not necessary. Things could happen if she is not told about them. Mary Kearley stated she was elected HMO in 2013 and DC of ACPC. She was informed in February of National Testing on November 9th, which is the same date as Annie Kearley’s only brothers wedding. She stated she was told attempt was made to change the date by Allison Thomas but it could not be changed. Mary Kearley stated there is a lot of work and preparation that goes into it and Annie Kearley was not accommodated by our region. Jennifer Sweet replied: When planning her own Region’s National Testing, she had to look at the majority and the minority can choose where they go for testing. She encourages the region to look at what works for the majority. Mary Kearley understood this and stated it is water under the damn. She wants to ensure the Region accommodates the members that work so hard for their ratings. Allison Thomas suggested any conflicts with dates should be done in writing.

Dawn McLane asked for the floor and was acknowledged. She stated she did try to move the date but based on location of facilities and the weather she was unable to do so but did try.

Parliament Professional stated that the meeting needs to move forward.

XIV. Lilly Martin asked for the floor and made a motion to allocate budget for smaller rallies, Deb Brown seconded the motion. Sharon Keeran stated conflict with motion is it needs to allow fixed cost to be specific.

A. Sean Morgan opened up the discussion of Mega Rallies or individual rallies. He felt there are many advantages and some feel our region is being rallied to death and this draws on the same volunteers. Dawn McLane stated she would like more information on Mega Rallies.

B. Trish Morgan made a motion to post pone discussion on rallies until budgets are in place for fall meeting. No objections motion passed.

XV. New Business:

A. Affirmation of Appointed Interim positions for 2013 of Sunshine Region Pony Clubs by our RS Allison Thomas: Appointed Treasurer: Jennifer Weidrick: Approved. Appointed RIC: Deb Brown: Approved, Appointed HMO: Trish Ray: Approved.

B. Allison Thomas stated USPC is revisiting our policy and getting them inline with USPC policies and by laws.

C. Karen Hyde of Tuscawilla has been appointed Insurance Coordinator. This is an appointment not an elected position.

D. Nicki Sanders has been officially appointed as a Regional Advisor for the region.

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 5 of 7 4/8/2018 E. Bunny Hendricks will be assisting the Region with the National Rating in the fall.

F. Allison Thomas presented the Nomination Committee of Katy Rosen, Coleen Fugay, Deb Cummings, Simone and Marcia Hodik. Discussion followed. No objections by Regional Council. Nominating Committee confirmed.

G. Calendar

i. EBTH Rally September 14, 2013~Junior Council

ii. Andre Leatherman All Phases clinic hosted by Andre Leatherman at Longwood. August 17-18, 2013. $25 stall if needed and $100 to stay overnight for lodging.

iii. Dressage Rally, Clarcona, October 5, 2013.

iv. Nothing in December 2013.

v. January 2014 try for Education Equine Day.

vi. April 2014, Fox Hollow will host Show Jumping Rally.

vii. Possibility of Mega Rally.

a. Jennifer Sweet suggested putting a Mega Rally Committee together. Sean Morgan will be the chair. Committee members are Kimberly Leonard, Dawn McLane, Tracy Olesh, Alex Weiss, Bunny Hendricks, and Sharon Keeran.

b. Trish Morgan made a motion to set Eventing Rally date then work Mega Rallies around it. We need to investigate the date. Mary Habarth 2nd. Motion passed.

viii. Dawn McLane made a motion that the calendar be set thru June 30, 2014 at the Fall Meeting. Allison Thomas 2nd. Motion passed.

ix. Live Oak Hounds Pony Club would like to host Quiz Rally 2014.

a. Dawn McLane asked for consideration to be made for rallies and activities being made on holidays that are required to attend. Jennifer Sweet stated you can not require anyone to do anything.

If no more business, meeting is adjourned.



SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 6 of 7 4/8/2018 Kimberly Leonard, 2013 Regional Secretary Sunshine Region Pony Clubs

SRPC Spring Meeting Minutes 2013 Page 7 of 7 4/8/2018

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