21 Ana Henriques A Bioenergy-Based Bench-Scale Experiment for Undergraduate Engineering Students Using Fermiol Super HA®

22 David Dixon A Practical Process Control Trainer in the SDSM&T M.A.P.S Laboratory 23 Zenaida Otero Gephardt A Simple Fluid Mechanics Experiment to Integrate Engineering Data Analysis into the Curriculum and Increase Understanding of Complex Fluids

24 Daniel Crunkleton Chemical Engineering Students and Automotive Design Competitions: Tips and Techniques for Student Involvement 25 Lloyd Hile Dead Zones of Porous Catalysts

26 Lloyd Hile Easy Experiments in Reaction Kinetics 27 Karyn Biasca Development of an Interactive Psychrometric Chart Tutorial

28 Paul Blowers Effective Integration of Prerequisite Information into Courses 29 Willie (Skip) Rochefort Engineering Curriculum that bridges the “science- engineering” gap for Middle and High School Teachers

30 Neil Book Evaluation of Computer- Based Assessment Methods for Engineering Courses 31 Stephanie Farrell Funding for Educational Scholarship: Rowan's Experience with the NSF CCLI Program

32 Steve Sternberg Hands-on classroom learning in Material engineering 33 Margot Vigeant Impact of Project Catalyst on the Chemical Engineering Experience at Bucknell University

34 David Hackleman Observations on the Use of Library Information Systems by Chemical Engineering Undergraduates 35 Donald Visco On the Heterogeneity of Graduate Level Thermodynamics Courses Offered in Chemical Engineering Programs in the United States

36 Atanas Serbezov Reading Assignments as a Tool for Improving Students’ Learning 37 Dana Knox Review and Revision of the Doctoral Qualifying Examination in Chemical Engineering

38 Dana Knox Teaching Statistics through Physical Chemistry Laboratory 39 Tylisha Baber Teaching and Mentoring Training Programs at Michigan State University: A Doctoral Student's Perspective

40 Joseph Holles Theory and Methods of Research (or How to Be a Graduate Student) 41 Paul Dunbar Undergraduate Web- Based Process Control Experiments Using a Recombinant Microorganism as an On- line Biosensor

42 Joseph Seymour Using MRI in an Introductory Chemical and Biological Engineering Course 43 Paul Golter Combining Modern Learning Pedagogies in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer

44 Randy Lewis Chem-E-Car Competition: Applying engineering analysis 45 Randy Lewis Implementing bio-related experiments in the unit operations laboratory for students pursuing bio- related options in chemical engineering

46 Sally Szydlo A comprehensive evaluation of the effect of on-line problem solving tutorials on student learning 47 James Duffy Adaptation of Rowan University's Freshman Clinic by Chemical and Biological Engineering at Montana State University

48 Julie Sharp Using the Soloman-Felder Index of Learning Styles to Teach Teamwork 49 Charles Nippert Lab Experiments to Introduce Novel Methods of Process Control