Ottawa Senators Foundation focuses on equipment for AGH

The Ottawa Senators Foundation and the Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor (AGH/FVM) make quite a team. Sens Foundation President Danielle Robinson and Foundation members recently donated $5,000 to assist with the purchase of a defibrillator and a vital signs monitor for the Almonte General Hospital’s new Emergency Department. The generous donation for equipment brings the Senators’ four-year partnership with the AGH/FVM Foundation to a gift totalling $18,000. “Support from Danielle and the Sens Foundation has been a big boost for the purchase of essential medical equipment for the ER for our Hospital,” said AGH/FVM Foundation Executive Director Gerry Huddleston. “We appreciate that they are so supportive and community minded.” The Ottawa Senators and the Sens Foundation have a major impact in Eastern Ontario and the Foundation’s gifts do make a difference! For more information on how you can make a difference with a gift contact Gerry Huddleston at 613-256-2514 ext. 2297 or send an e-mail to ghuddleston@agh-


The Ottawa Senators Foundation recently donated $5,000 to the assist with the purchase of equipment for the Almonte General Hospital Emergency Department. Almonte General Hospital/Fairview Manor Foundation Board member Margaret Brunton, left, accepted the cheque from Sens Foundation President Danielle Robinson.