12 Jay Tillman 14 Taylor Warren

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12 Jay Tillman 14 Taylor Warren

[email protected] or call (704)779-9843 to get information on ordering the book. WESTMINSTER NEWS WELCOME In addition to our prayer team, the elders of the week, Dean Warren and Davis Sample will be available for prayer after the service. BIRTHDAYS BIBLE MEMORY CHALLENGE 12 Jay Tillman 14 Taylor Warren The verses for June 11 are: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, Ashley Phelps 15 Alan Bowen kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there 13 Emma Porter 16 Trevor Kelly is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23) FOR YOUR IMMEDIATE LESLIE, OUT OF THE OFFICE ATTENTION! Leslie is grateful for the blessing and opportunity of her six week study SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL leave/sabbatical. She will be out of the office until Sunday July 23. She will not be Summer Sunday School is here! We encourage all parents of children that are responding to e-mails or phone calls, so please contact the following people for in the Sunday School program and do not teach Sunday School during the questions/concerns. school year to sign-up to teach two Sundays. And we welcome any other Pastoral Care: Pastor Trevor Smith - [email protected] or 704-609-6971 members to sign-up to teach and get to know some of our extraordinary Children's Ministry/VBS: Kim Couch - [email protected] or 980-275-2722 children! Please sign in to Sign-up Genius at the link below and pick a Sunday Youth Ministry: Dave Reule - [email protected] or 704-519-5005 or two! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080f4bafa92da7f85-summer. Other concerns: Elder of the Week, Dean Warren - 704-364-9434

EVENTS TO PUT ON YOUR CALENDAR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS AT WESTMINSTER NOW Sunday June 11 Sunday June 18 VBS SIGN-UPS ARE HERE 8:30 AM Early Communion Service Father’s Day Are you interested in visiting with the Apostle Paul during his house arrest? 9:40 AM Sunday School 8:30 AM Early Communion Service 11:00 AM Worship Service 9:40 AM Sunday School How about stopping by an underground church or meandering in an ancient 12:15 PM 2nd Sunday Lunch 11:00 AM Worship Service Roman market place? If so, sign up for Vacation Bible School as a participant 12:15 PM Prayer Committee Mtg. 12:15 PM Bell Rehearsal (kindergarten through 5th grade) or a volunteer (6th grade through adult)! * 1:00 PM Mara Evangelical Church * 1:00 PM Mara Evangelical Church Monday June 12 Monday June 19 Vacation Bible School will be here at the church July 17-20, from 9-12 noon. 12:00 N HS Burger Tour For online sign-ups go to: ttps://kideventpro.lifeway.com/myChurch/?id=39383. Tuesday June 13 Tuesday June 20 5:00 PM Adult SS Meeting 6:30 PM Middle School-Guys Wednesday June 14 Wednesday June 21 5:00 AM Breakfast of Angels 5:00 AM Breakfast of Angels OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS Thursday June 15 Thursday June 22 12:15 PM Healing Service 12:15 PM Healing Service COMBINED ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL Beard Hall 6:30 PM Deacons Meeting We will be viewing 8-15 min videos from BibleProject.com on a particular topic Friday June 16 Friday June 23 6:00 AM F3 and then have a group discussion on the video. Below are the speakers and 6:00 AM F3 topics for the next two Sundays. Saturday June 17 Saturday June 24 8:00 AM All Church Prayer Mtg. 8:00 AM All Church Prayer Mtg. Date Lead Topic Nursery Helpers – June 11 Nursery Helpers – June 18 June 18 John Allison Law Coordinator: Steve P Coordinator: Anne Day June 25 Bill Ralston The Covenants Crib: Steve & Janie P Crib: Anne Ishee Toddlers: Ann-Miller & Gordon Mattocks Toddlers: Helen Kernodle, Joanna Reule "COFFEE SHOP" FOR YOUNG ADULTS Room 114 2 & 3: Beverly Davenport, Debbie Ketchum 2 & 3: Ed & Ann Henegar Children & Worship will not meet until Fall In an effort to create community among our younger adults we will have a Children & Worship will not meet until Fall Children 4 years and younger can go to the Children 4 years and younger can go to the second class that will begin this Sunday in Room 114. The class is intended for nursery. nursery. recent high school graduates, college or graduate students, and folks in their 20s Officers of the Week – June 11 Officers of the Week – June 18 and 30s. We will use a coffee house informal discussion format and provide Elder Dean Warren 704-364-9434 Elder Palmer McArthur 704-365-4499 coffee and donuts. Each week we will view an 8-10 minute video from "The Elder Davis Sample 704-442-3952 Elder Kevin Kelly 704-376-8146 Bible Project" website on a theme of "Biblical Theology," followed by a group Deacon Gordon Mattocks 704-609-9392 Deacon Will Mann 704-517-0384 Deacon Will Mann 704-517-0384 discussion. Deacon Tim Riggins 980-236-8964

WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY An * means we are the host but not the sponsor of an event. All women are invited to a six-week Bible study that starts June 15th at 7:00PM at the home of Denise Ratchford. We will be studying Priscilla Shirer’s Westminster is praying this year for: Discerning the Voice of God. If you’re interested, please email Denise at 1. a ‘life together’ that encourages and sustains us. 2. worship that inspires us to love God more. 3. people to discover the reality of a personal, saving relationship with Jesus. SEEKING THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT † RESPONSE OF PRAISE: WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH † PLEASE STAND AS YOU ARE ABLE Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me. MUSIC TO GOD’S GLORY: Fugue in C Minor J.S. BACH TRINITY SUNDAY Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me. WELCOME, ANNOUNCEMENTS & SIGNING OF VISITOR CARDS Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me.

JUNE 11, 2017 PRELUDE: He's Got the Whole World in His Hands Arr: Tammy Waldrop † PASSING OF THE PEACE



LEADER: Sing to the Lord a new song, OFFERTORY: Antipon III MARCEL DUPRE ALL: His praise from the ends of the earth. † THE DOXOLOGY (# 625) OLD HUNDREDTH LEADER: You who go down to the sea, and all that is in it, ALL: You islands, and all who live in them. LEADER: Let the desert and its towns raise their voices, Praise God from whom all blessings flow; ALL: Let the people shout from the mountaintops. Praise Him all creatures here below; LEADER: Let them, and let us, give glory to the Lord and proclaim his Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; praise in all the earth. Let us worship God! Let us pray. Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

† HYMN OF PRAISE: # 258 We Are Gathered for Thy Blessing TABERNACLE † PRAYER OF DEDICATION


LEADER: Let us pray. LEADER: This is the Word of the Lord ALL: Gracious God, Father, Son and Spirit; we come to you this ALL: Thanks be to God! morning as a people who know that we are sinners. The THE WORD PREACHED: The Rev. Trevor H.G. details of our sins are known to you already and pain us to Smith recall. And yet, because we have learned and benefitted from Fruit That Sweetens Our Life Together! the truth that confessed sin loses all its power to fill us with guilt and shame, we come now to confess our sins to you. † SONGS OF RESPONSE: Prince of Peace Hear us as in the silence of these next few moments we How Great is our God unburden our hearts before you. If you have sensed God’s Spirit moving in your heart and you desire more [As the Spirit has called us to God’s throne of grace, this place of peace, of his guidance and fullness, or if you desire healing prayer for yourself or use the next few moments of silent prayer to confess your sins to God.] another, please come to the front of the sanctuary; our prayer ministry team A COMMUNITY OF SINNERS ‘LIFTING HIGH THE CROSS’ TO is waiting to pray with and for you. MAKE DISCIPLES OF JESUS LEADER: Thank you for hearing these our confessions. ALL: Thank you for hearing us and forgiving us as in Jesus' name † BENEDICTION we pray. Amen. POSTLUDE: Prelude in C Major KITTEL REV. TREVOR SMITH, PASTOR [email protected] 704-609-6971 (CELL) ASSURANCE OF GOD’S FORGIVENESS REV. LESLIE DIBBLE, PASTOR [email protected] 704-608-0542 (CELL) KIM COUCH , CHILDREN [email protected] 980-275-2722 (CELL) LEADER: Friends, hear the good news of the Gospel! Christ loved us DAVID REULE, ASSOCIATE [email protected] 704-519-5005 (CELL) and gave up his life for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. In Jesus Christ you have been forgiven. ALL: Thanks be to God! 101 Colville Road ______Charlotte, North Carolina 28207 LEADER: And because we are completely forgiven we can pray with joy 704.376.0751 the prayer Jesus taught us saying … www.westminstercharlotte.org Our Father, Who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our A COVENANT ORDER OF EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIANS daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And Welcome to Westminster lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for Thine is We are glad you are here worshipping with us. We like to send out a short the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. AMEN. letter of welcome to our visitors, so if you are comfortable doing so, take a moment to sign the Friendship Folio that will be passed during the welcome this morning. Take Five We know that not everyone who visits is ready to fill out their name and address so feel free to wait until such time as you are ready – get to know us for a few weeks then decide! We think that finding a church home is so important that visiting four or five weeks in a row is a great idea. Hear both our pastors preach, maybe visit a Sunday school class, get a feel for the people, the ministers, and the building – then decide. So, our invitation to you is to ‘take five’!

Sermon Notes: Fruit That Sweetens Our Life Together Galatians 5.14-21






A NEW MEMBER OF OUR CONGREGATION We welcome with love Lucinda Hope Mapes born Friday, June to Tania and Zach Mapes, and sisters Georgie and Annabel. Lucinda Hope weighed 8.5 oz. and is 21 inches long. Mother and baby are doing well. We give thanks to God for this gift of new life

The flowers on the communion table are given to the glory of God and in thanksgiving for the marriage of Hannah Isabelle Dibble and Reid White Palmer last evening. We give thanks to God for their new life together!

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