Final Study Guide

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Final Study Guide

Final Study Guide CP US History 2nd Semester (Green) You can choose up to 45 of the following to answer for a maximum of 15 points extra credit. Handwrite on another piece of paper, and turn in on the Final Day. 1. What was the Red Scare and how did affect American society? 2. Who was Mitchell Palmer and Sacco and Vanzetti? 3. Give two examples of how labor unions suffered during the 1920s. 4. Who were the three Republican Presidents of the 1920s? 5. What was the Teapot Dome Scandal? 6. How did the automobile change American culture and landscape? 7. What impact did the Advertising industry have on America in the 20s? 8. What were the main differences between rural and urban America in the 20s? 9. What made prohibition a law and why did it fail? 10. What happened in the Scopes trial, and WHY is it important to understanding the cultural clashes of the 1920s? 11. What new opportunities/changes were happening for women in the 1920s? 12. Who were some of the major “heroes” of the roaring twenties? 13. Who were the Lost Generation writers and what were they writing about? 14. What was the Harlem Renaissance? 15. Who was Marcus Garvey? 16. What were the primary causes and effects of the Great Depression? 17. What was the first action FDR took as President? 18. What were the goals of the New Deal? 19. What were the AAA, CCC, WPA, TVA, SSA, SEC, FEC, FDIC and the NRA? 20. What was the Wagner Act? 21. Who was part of the New Deal Coalition? 22. What was the Fair Labor Standards Act? 23. Who were the critics of FDR and what were their plans? 24. Why did the New Deal end in 1938? 25. How did FDR communicate with Americans? 26. Who were the Okies? 27. What novel portrayed the life of farmers moving west during the Depression? 28. What happened to most new democracies in Europe after WWI? 29. Why did Britain and France enter war with Germany? 30. What is blitzkrieg? 31. Who were the Axis powers and who were the Allies? 32. What was the Atlantic Charter? 33. What did the US do the halt Japanese expansion in the pacific? 34. How did FDR violate the Neutrality Acts in dealing with China? 35. What was Cash and Carry? 36. What was Lend Lease? 37. What was executive order 9066 and what was the justification for it? 38. What was the goal of the Office of Price Administration? 39. What was the Manhattan Project? 40. What was/is Selective Service? 41. What happened at D-day? 42. What are the pros and cons of dropping the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? 43. How did the war change the lives of women in the US? 44. When did the war end in Euorpe? 45. What was the US strategy in the Pacific? 46. What was the War Production Board? 47. What was the Office of Civilian Defense? 48. What was the situation in the Soviet Union after the war (politically, economically)? 49. What was the term the “iron curtain” referring to? 50. What happened during the Berlin Blockade and how did it end? 51. What was the GI Bill of Rights? 52. What was the impact of the baby boom on American society? 53. What was the impact of the TV on society in the Fifties? 54. Why did suburbs grow rapidly in the Fifties? 55. What was the Marshall Plan? 56. What was/is NATO? 57. What was the Truman Doctrine and the Policy of Containment? 58. Why did the US enter the Korean War and what was the result? 59. What was the purpose of the House Committee on Un-American Activities? Who was Joseph McCarthy? 60. What are a few examples of spy cases in the US during the cold war? 61. What was the Eastern European response to NATO? 62. Why was Sputnik so alarming for Americans? 63. What was the U2 incident? 64. How did Malcolm X and Martin Luther King differ? 65. What were some of the MAJOR events in the Civil Rights Movement? 66. What were SNCC and the SCLC? 67. Who were the beatniks? 68. What were the major issues surrounding the election of 1960? 69. Why was the Bay of Pigs such a big disaster? 70. When and why was the Berlin Wall built? 71. What happened in the Cuban Missile Crisis? 72. What were the main parts of Johnson’s Great Society? 73. Why is Earl Warren considered one of the most progressive/activist Chief Justice in American History? 74. What court cases established and abolished segregation? 75. Who were the Black Panthers? Who were the leaders and what were their goals? 76. Why did the US enter the war in Vietnam? 77. What happened in the Gulf of Tonkin? 78. Who was doing the fighting in Vietnam? 79. Who were the leaders of each side in Vietnam? 80. What is the domino theory? 81. Who was Robert McNamara? 82. Why did the US “lose” the war? 83. What is the credibility gap? 84. What was the Students for a Democratic Society and the Free Speech Movement? 85. Why is the Tet Offensive considered the turning point in the war? 86. How did Nixon deal with the war in Vietnam? 87. What was Vietnamization? 88. Why did the US bomb Cambodia? 89. What happened at Kent State? 90. What is the social and political legacy of the war in the US? 91. What was/is the War Powers Act?

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