Mini Style Checklist Template
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Chemical Senses mini style checklist
REFERENCE STYLE: Article: Author CD, Author EF. Year. Article title. Abbrev. J Name. vol(issue):page-range. Book: Author CD, Author EF. Year. Title. Edition. Place of Publication: publisher. Chapter: Author CD, Author EF. Year. Chapter Title. In: Editor CD, editor. Book title. Place of Publication: publisher. page-range. Web sites: Author CD. Year. Title of Homepage [Internet]. Company/Organization. [date updated/date cited]. Available from http://www.website_address
Examples: [Article:] Marshall DA, Moulton DG. 1981. Olfactory sensitivity to alpha-ionone in humans and dogs. Chem Senses. 6:53-61. [Book:] van der Starre H, editor. 1980. Olfaction and Taste VII. Oxford: IRL Press. [Chapter:] Cagan RH, Rhein LD. 1980. Biochemical basis of recognition of taste and olfactory stimuli. In: van der Starre H, editor. Olfaction and Taste VII. Oxford: IRL Press. p. 35-44.
Page spans are given in full (for example, 1942-1949). List up to 10 authors; if more than 10 authors, list first 10 authors followed by ", et al.” IN-TEXT CITATIONS – Harvard (author date) Follow CSE 29.2 Format: Harvard (Surname Year) 1 author: (Smith 2010); 2 authors: (Smith and Jones 2010); more than 2 authors: (Smith et al. 2010); or (Smith, Wesson et al. 2010) if there are 2 different Smith author groups. In-text citations come immediately after title, word, or phrase to which it is relevant. SPELLING US spelling (follow the New Oxford American Dictionary, NUMBERS AND DATES PLEASE NOTE: All numbers are provided as Arabic numerals/digits (including numbers under 10; follow CSE chapter 12). Number spans are given in full (for example, 120-126). Thousand separator is thin space. Dates: example – 5 Jan 2010. QUOTATIONS Use double quotation marks. Single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. KEYWORDS Required; maximum of 6 terms; alphabetical order. ABBREVIATIONS Commonly used abbreviations do not need defining. All other abbreviations are defined at first mention in both the abstract and the text. Units of measure are given in shortened (for example, km, not kilometers) US states should be abbreviated using the postal codes (MA for Massachusetts). HYPHENATION Follow CSE 6.2.1; for example, words with the prefix “non” or “pre” are not hyphenated. PUNCTUATION Oxford/serial comma is allowed. Punctuation is given inside quotation marks. “i.e.” and “e.g.” are not to be used. Use of Latin is not privileged in this style. COLOR FIGURES If a figure is to appear in color online but black and white in print, a single legend (which does not refer to color) must be created that can be used for both black and white and color versions.