Hadleigh United Reformed Church
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Welcome to HADLEIGH UNITED REFORMED CHURCH Great Meeting Challenging the community to respond to God’s love as shown and taught by Jesus Christ.
NOTICES 9 OCTOBER 2016 ‘PRAYING THE STREETS’: This week please pray 10:30am Morning Worship with Communion for the people in Highlands Road. Led by Revd Bryn Rickards NEWSLETTERS: If you haven’t taken your ‘Noisy Foreigners!’ named copy of the October edition please do Psalm 66:1-12 & Luke 17:11-19 today (or take and pass on to those who you 6:30pm Evening Worship at the Baptist Church know will not be at church to pick them up). If ‘Building a House that Jesus Loves’ #3 you have been a distributor previously and need Led by Pastor Greg Frost with Talk from Pastor Chris Todd clarification, speak to Ann Swallow. If you do not regularly receive one, please feel free to take an TUE 11 OCT unnamed copy. 10:15am Pause for Prayer, Church LIGHT PARTY & CAFE CHURCH: Our church, 10–11:30am Come in for Coffee, CR with the Baptists and St Mary’s, is organising a 2:30pm Guild – Devotional with Wendy Atkins, CR Light Party on Sat 29 Oct 5-7pm for the town’s school children (reception – Yr 6). This will be WEDS 12 OCT followed by a Cafe Church service on Sun 30 Oct. 2:30pm Any Questions Discussion Group, 9 Queen Please be praying for these outreach initiatives St and consider whether there’s someone you 7:30pm Area Partnership Seminar, Needham Mkt could invite.
THU 13 OCT PRACTICAL HELP FOR LIGHT PARTY: If you 9:30am Property Committee, CR could help with moving chairs before and/or 11- 3pm Synergy Café, AC after the Light Party on Sat 29 or help at the event, please speak to Lilly Rickards. And if you FRI 14 OCT have fairy lights that could be borrowed or 9:30am The Ark (baby and toddler group), Baptist empty 500ml plastic water bottles, please tell Church Lilly. 7:30pm ACC Digital Cinema: Florence Foster Jenkins, AC ‘BIG SING’ GOSPEL CONCERT: The 2015 BBC Gospel Choir of the Year Finalists are coming to SAT 15 OCT Hadleigh for a charity concert on Sat 15 Oct 2-4pm Scrabble, CR 6pm (in our church) – raising money for 3pm Big Sing Gospel Workshop Hadleigh Dementia Alliance and Suffolk Air 6pm Big Sing Charity Gospel Concert (details Ambulance. Tickets £8 (children free). There is across), Church also a gospel workshop from 3pm (£10 incl. concert). Tickets available from Avis, Idler and NEXT SUNDAY Thriftshop. 10:30am Morning Service led by Revd Bryn Rickards PARENTING TEENAGERS: Care for the Family Wrestling with God will be in Colchester running an evening on Genesis 32:22-31 & Luke 18:1-8 parenting teenagers on 20 Oct 7:30pm – with excellent speakers. Speak to Bryn or Lilly for more information.
AREA PARTNERSHIP TRAINING: The URC’s Central Suffolk Area Partnership invites anyone to join an evening of fellowship and training with Revd Peter Ball on the theme "Working Together" – Weds 12 Oct, 7:30pm, Christ Church, Needham Mkt. Speak to Bryn if you want to go.
During the morning service the young people usually continue their worship in Junior Church. All activities are covered by our Child Protection Policy. Contacts for child safety concerns: Phil Wells (827878) and Karen Harman (824765) For info about children & youth contact: [email protected]
Please do stay for refreshments in the Ansell Centre after the morning service.
MINISTER Revd Bryn Rickards | 23 Ann Beaumont Way | 01473 829197 | [email protected] SECRETARY Mr Nigel Crisp | 85 Angel Street | 01473 822208 TREASURER Mr Ronnie Howson | 4 Ash Grove, Capel St Mary | 01473 310169