HPA/PEDC 1233 Principles of Strength and Conditioning

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HPA/PEDC 1233 Principles of Strength and Conditioning

HPA/PEDC 1233 Principles of Strength and Conditioning Fall 2014

Instructor: Anne Hays, PhD Office: Suite 104- Office 110 Office Hours: By appointment Phone: 412-648-9181 E-mail: [email protected] Course Hours: MW 3:00-3:55pm

Course Description This course will discuss the scientific principles of physical conditioning through resistance and cardiovascular training. The application of physiological principles to the development of specific conditioning and training methods will be analyzed. There will be an emphasis on anatomy, metabolic energy systems, and specific physical adaptations to exercise. Tests will be used to evaluate the students understanding of the material. Students will also be required to use knowledge provided in lecture to develop a group project.

Course Rationale This course will help prepare students for the Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) exam offered by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA).

Required Text Essentials of Strength and Conditioning: Third Edition. Thomas R. Baechle and Roger W. Earle. Human Kinetics, 2008.

Optional Text Strength Training Anatomy: Second Edition. Frederic Delavier. Human Kinetics, 2006.

Course Objectives At the completion of the course, the student should have an understanding and working knowledge in: 1. Exercises to train major muscle groups 2. Anaerobic and Aerobic energy metabolism and how to train both systems 3. Skeletal muscle fiber types 4. Physical adaptations to exercise 5. General training principles (progressive overload, specificity, overtraining etc.) 6. Developing seasonal training regimens (i.e. periodization) Grading Points Quiz 1 15 Midterm Exam 50 Final Exam 50 Lab Practical Exam 50 Homework 10 Group Project 25 Total 200 Points

Grading Scale 90-100% = A; 89-80% = B; 79-70% = C; 69-60% = D; 59% and below = F

Examinations will consist of multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer and/or essay.

Attendance Policy Students are allowed 2 absences and this INCLUDES any excused absence (medical, religious, athletic reasons)! **Every class that is missed after the first two will constitute in a deduction of 5 points from the final grade. Students, who are more than 5 minutes late, will be considered absent. If a student misses a class, it is the student’s responsibility, not the instructor’s, to obtain the material that was discussed in class. If a student misses an examination or quiz, the student must provide written proof that the absence was due to a medical or family emergency or a religious holiday. You are expected to arrive to lab prepared to exercise. Failure to come appropriately dressed (athletic clothing, sneakers) will result in a 5-point deduction from your total points.

Cell Phone Policy Cell phones are disruptive and if brought to class should be turned off. There will be no tolerance for texting, ringing or any other form of cell phone interruption to class.

Special Needs:

If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services (DRS), 140 William Pitt Union (412) 648-7890, [email protected], (412) 228-5347 for P3 ALS users, as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. TENTATIVE LECTURE SCHEDULE


8/25 Introduction to course – Start lecture 1 Ch. 2

8/27 Lecture 1 – Energy Metabolism Ch. 2


9/3 Lecture 1 – Energy Metabolism Ch. 2

9/8-9/10 Quiz Lecture 1 Lecture: Warm Up and Stretching Ch. 13 LAB – Flexibility

9/15-9/17 Lecture: Plyometric Training Ch. 16 LAB – Plyometrics Homework Ch 14 assigned

9/22-9/24 Lecture: Resistance Training and Spotting Ch. 14 LAB – Exercise Execution 1

9/29-10/1 Lecture: Resistance Training Ch. 15 LAB – Exercise Execution 2

10/6-10/8 Lecture: Adaptations to Anaerobic Training Ch. 5 LAB – Exercise Execution 3


10/14 MIDTERM EXAM (Chapters 13,16,14,15,5)

10/15 LAB: Exercise Execution 4

10/20 Lecture: Adaptations to Aerobic Training Ch. 6 Aerobic Endurance Exercise Training Ch. 18

10/22 Circuits Assignment/ Group work Homework: Chapter 17 notes

10/27-10/29 Lecture: Speed, Agility and Ch. 17 Speed-Endurance Development LAB – Speed/Agility 11/3 Catch up Circuit group work

11/5 Circuit practice

Weeks of 11/11-11/26 – Circuits DUE!!

11/10-11/12 Lecture: Principles of Test Selection/ Ch 11-12 Administration, Scoring and Interpretation LAB – Test Administration, Scoring, Interpretation

11/17 Lecture: Periodization Ch. 19

11/19 FINAL WRITTEN EXAM (CH 6, 18, 17,11,12,19)



12/1 Open Lab – Strength

12/3 Open Lab – Testing

12/8 Final Practical Exam – times assigned

*This outline is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor*

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