Template for a School Accessibility Plan
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Sherwell Valley Primary School Accessibility Plan
2012 - 2015
Introduction The SEN and Disability Act 2001 extended the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) to cover education. Since September 2002, the Governing Body has had three key duties towards disabled pupils, under Part 4 of the DDA: not to treat disabled pupils less favourably for a reason related to their disability; to make reasonable adjustments for disabled pupils, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage; to plan to increase access to education for disabled pupils.
This plan sets out the proposals of the Governing Body of the school to increase access to education for disabled pupils in the three areas required by the planning duties in the DDA: increasing the extent to which disabled pupils can participate in the school curriculum; improving the environment of the school to increase the extent to which disabled pupils can take advantage of education and associated services; improving the delivery to disabled pupils of information which is provided in writing for pupils who are not disabled.
It is a requirement that the school’s accessibility plan is resourced, implemented and reviewed and revised as necessary. Attached is a set of action plans showing how the school will address the priorities identified in the plan.
Date of Plan: April 2012 To be annually reviewed.
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 1 Definition of Disability:
Disability is defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA): ‘A person has a disability if he or she has a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long term adverse effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day to day activities.’
The purpose and direction of the school’s plan: vision and values
At Sherwell Valley Primary School we are committed to giving all of our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils’ varied life experiences and needs. We offer a broad and balanced curriculum and have high expectations for all children. The achievements, attitudes and well-being of all our children matter. Sherwell Valley Primary School promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background.
Our school aims to be an inclusive school. We actively seek to remove the barriers to learning and participation that can hinder or exclude individual pupils, or groups of pupils. This means that equality of opportunity must be a reality for our children: girls and boys; minority ethnic and faith groups; children who need support to learn English as an additional language; children with special educational needs; gifted and talented children; children who are vulnerable;
We acknowledge that there may be times when this is impossible or inappropriate, despite our wishes or best efforts.
Information from pupil data and school audit
We currently have a whole range of children of all backgrounds, needs and abilities.
At 25th April 2012:
a feeding tube diabetes asthma eczema hearing impairment rare syndromes ADHD ASD STARS Allergies Heart problems Eating disorders Hyper-mobility
We collect information from the Early Years settings, so that we are prepared for children when they arrive in school.
We liaise with parents and professionals involved with the children to ensure we provide the right care for their needs. SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 2 Views of those consulted during the development of the plan
All people consulted value the ability of the school to cater for the differing needs of pupils. No issues were raised on a recent survey.
The main priorities in the school’s plan
We take advice on support needed for children with disabilities and work with experts to ensure they have the support necessary to fully include them in the life of the school.
The action plan ensures that: The school draws on the expertise of external agencies to provide specialist advice and support. The SENCO has an overview of the needs of disabled pupils. There are high expectations. There is appropriate deployment and training of learning support staff. Successful practice is shared within the school. The school works with partner schools. Disabled pupils have access to extra-curricular activities.
Action plan is below:
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 3 Accessibility Plan: April 2012 – March 2015
The proposed actions below are in order of priority, though 12 – 16 (italics) are ongoing: Issue Action People/Resources Timescale Success Criteria Monitoring Method: Who? How?
Grass bank adjacent to KS1 Concrete over this bank to prevent Deputy Head Summer Muddy bank gone Summer 2012 1 Quiet Area (approx. 8m²) is slips and accidents – and improve Contractor 2012 – resulting in no very muddy where the children access to KS1 Doors £678 accidents/mess. use this as a shortcut to the KS1 Doors
Improve physical access to the Provide automatic doors to EYFS Social Services Summer School is more L.A. 2 school. Entrance, KS1 entrance and Y6 Occupation 2012 accessible for Headteacher. Entrance Therapist onwards anyone with a Feedback from £5269 per entrance Disability/access physical disability parents & advisers visitors £15,000
Curriculum not fully accessible Provide 12 laptops to enable Headteacher. Summer SEN pupils more Headteacher 3 for SEN pupils personalised learning for SEN pupils ICT Co-ordinator 2012 able to access SENCo SENCo curriculum £5752
KS2 toilets not fully accessible Provide handrails in the toilet cubicles Deputy Headt. Spring 2013 KS2 toilets Deputy Head 4 for pupils with mobility Contractor accessible by SENCo problems. Occupational pupils with mobility Therapist problems. £800
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 4 Some pupils find moving round Provide handrails on ramp near Year Deputy Head Spring 2013 Handrails fitted. Deputy Head 5 school difficult. 3. £692
Currently, CCTV System only Replace the hard drive on the CCTV Deputy Head Summer Improved security Deputy Head 6 records for 14 days, which System with updated model. Contractor 2013 onsite at holiday Caretakers doesn’t cover several of the £3000 time. school holidays.
Four of our classrooms are Replace these four exit doors (3V, 3S, Deputy Head Summer New doors do not Deputy Head 7 difficult to enter from outside or 1J and 1C) with white coated £6600:00 2013 swell and stick, exit in an emergency as they aluminium doors to match the existing thus making are old, wooden and are prone recommended doors in Phase 2. access and exit to swelling in wet weather. much easier.
Some children in E.Y.F.S. and Provide purpose built Storage Steps Deputy Head Summer All children can Deputy Head 8 Key Stage 1 are unable to that allow children to safely work on £495:99 each = 2013 now safely access reach the Interactive the I.W.B. in their classroom. £4463:91 the I.W.B. Whiteboards in their classrooms as the boards are set at adult height.
In older toilets we are still Replace these with Dyson Airblade Deputy Head Spring 2014 Automated driers Deputy Head 9 using paper towel dispensers. driers in line with recommended driers £699:99 each = in all children’s’ These towels, when wet, can in Phases 1 & 2. £1399:98 toilets throughout be hazardous and cause the school. children to slip.
Availability of written material School makes itself aware of the L.A. On-going If needed the Head Teacher 10 in alternative formats services available through its LA for Head Teacher school can provide Feedback from converting written information into Admin Staff information in parents and alternative formats. SENCo alternative formats staff.
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 5 Incorporation of appropriate * Seek advice from the L.A. sensory Advisory Teacher for Spring/Sum Physical Head Teacher 11 colour schemes when support service on appropriate Visual Impairment mer 2014 accessibility of the Feedback from refurbishing to benefit colour schemes for Music Room, Head Teacher school is pupils. pupils with visual impairments. three Year 3 classrooms and Phase SENCo increased Consider external steps. 2 Corridor Five rooms: £6,000
* Paint edges of steps in all Advisory Teacher for On-going as Physical Head Teacher external areas. Visual Impairment req’d accessibility of the Feedback from Head Teacher. school is pupils. SENCo increased Caretaker
Raise staff awareness of School to seek advice from LA. On-going Teachers and Head Teacher. 12 disabilities issues. experts. Health Authority. LSAs aware of SLT Consider needs of specific pupils, Disability Rights issues. Detailed SENCo. both for school and off-site Commission. information and Class activities. All school staff. support available Teachers. and passed on by LSAs. staff. Other non- teaching staff.
Promote disability equality via Whole staff April 2012 Increased whole SENCo Staff meetings. onwards school awareness All staff. PSHCE lessons. of disability Assemblies. issues. Celebrating difference. Ensure that all school trips & Thorough planning. Visit leaders. On-going School trips & Head Teacher 13 residential visits are accessible Advance visits. Educational Visits residential visits for pupils with learning or EVOLVE Form and Risk Co-Ordinator. are accessible for School Visits physical disabilities. assessments. Head Teacher all pupils. Co-ordinator. . Trip leaders. Feedback from pupils
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 6 Ensure that after-school clubs Ensure access is available for all Leaders of after- Ongoing After-school Head Teacher 14 and care provision facilities are pupils including those with school clubs. clubs and care Feedback from accessible for all pupils. physical or sensory disabilities. Care Bears Leader. provision is parents and Provide adult support if necessary. accessible for all pupils. Make physical adaptations as pupils. required.
Strive to ensure curriculum is Consider alternative All Staff. April 2012 Curriculum is fully Head Teacher 15 fully accessible to pupils with communication systems. Subject leaders. onwards accessible for all SLT. any type of difficulty or Consider the way in which Advisors for sensory pupils. SENCo. disability. information is presented to pupils. impairments. Consider ways in which pupils can Subject advisors. communicate their ideas. School policies make Policies to include: Whole staff. Ongoing Policies include Head Teacher 16 reference to provision for Content Subject leaders. provision for Subject pupils with difficulties & Strategies Advisors. pupils with leaders. disabilities (particularly PE) Resources difficulties or That could be employed when disabilities planning for pupils with difficulties or disabilities.
SEN/Accessibility Plan 2012-15 7